Thursday, October 10, 2024

CMLL 10/4/2024

CMLL 10/4/2024

Angelito, Kaligua, Pequeño Magía vs Mercurio, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Violencia

Olim and Magia go at it. Olim trips him and takes him down by the wrist. Magia flips him the narmdrags him. Olim armbars him. Magia back rolls him then headscissors him. Kal and Vio go at it. Kal rolls, bridges and headflips out of a wristlock then armdrags him. Kal armdrags him. Vio armdrags him.

Vio double chops Kal. Kal walks up the ropes from the ramp and hurricanrana's him. Merc and Angel go at it.  Merc stomps his fingers. Angel flips over his back and handsrpings. Angel gets sent out then is triple stomped outside. Kal takes a double gorilla press slam then a basement dropkick.

Vio takes a double suplex then Angel rolls Magia onto him for 2. Magia runs into a kick from Merc. Angel is popped up and does a hurricanrana. The other heels then take sunset flips. Olim spears the post when Magia moves. Maiga and Angel then do stereo tope con hilos over the ropes. Kal springboard tornillos Merc then Merc superkicks him.

Merc is crotched up top. We get a tower of doom spot with Merc getting superplexed then taking a top rope splash after. Kal asai moonsaults Merco outside. Olim hangs from the top and takes a springboard legdrop. Angel pins Olim and Magia pints Vio off an angel's wings.

Olim gets stretchered out after.

Thoughts: It could have been better. The first half of this wasn't that exciting and even Merc didn't get to show off as much as usual. 

Lightning Match - Magia Blanca vs Virus

Virus grabs a kimura early then rolls out of a wristlock. Virus pulls his arms back and rolls him into a pin attempt. MB grabs the leg then Virus grabs the leg. MB front facelocks him and Virus armbars him. Virus shoves him over and does a surfboard variation. MB bow and arrows him then crucifixes him.

MB flying headscissors him then armdrags him off a hiptoss into the ropes. MB dropkicks him out then topes him. MB springboard dropkicks him for 2. MB dropkicks him in the knee then basement dropkicks him in the head for 2. Virus pulls down MB then slingshot splashes him.

Virus springboard back elbows him for 2. Virus powerslams him and cruxifixes him. MB stf's him. Virus boots him out of the corner and MB hits a razor's edge. The ref then botches the win, expecting Virus to kick out when he never does.

It was average and had a botched finish. The ref expected a kickout but Virus didn't kick out. And even though he didn't count 3, he gave MB the win.

Tessa Blanchard, Lluvia and Kira vs Sanely, Persephone and Hera

Lluvia = L

1st Fall - Tess and Hera go at it. Hera armdrags her then Tess armdrags her. Tess side headlock takeovers her  and ties up both arms in a pin attempt. Hera throws her down then ankle locks her. Tess armdrags her while laying on her shoulders.

Pers and Kira fight. Kira lands on her head on a backflip then headscissors Pers out. Sane and L go at it and Sane taunts Tess. Sane lariats L then they trade corner attacks. L pulls on Sane's hair then sunset flips her, making her get superkicked by her partners. Tess hits cutters on Hera and Pers. Kira hurricanrana's and 619's Pers. Kira top rope 450's Pers and pins her.

Kira does a bad spinebuster on Hera. L dropkicks Hera on the ropes then Hera takes a cutter from Tess. L pins Hera and wins the fall. 

2nd Fall - Tess goes up and over Hera then bangs her head off the buckles. Tess slingshot splashes her then hits a triple slingshot splash on all 3 opponents. Tess dropkicks Hera on the ropes. L gets double teamed and has her head banged off the buckles. Sane puts the tarantula on L then L is double superkicked while in it. Pers pounds on Kira. Kira is laid on the top rope and dropkicked.

Tess takes a double gorilla press slam then is held in the air for a 2nd rope Sane double knee. L takes a botched piledriver and is pinned then Kira is pinned with an alabama slam. 

3rd Fall - L gets triple stomped on. Pers corner lariats Kira then basement dropkicks her. Tess's team is beat up on by the heels. Sane's team then takes running corner attacks and basement dropkicks in the corners. Kira cutters Hera out of a headscissors. Pers suplexes Kira.

L iconoclasms Pers for 2. Sane stands on L's neck in the corner and low crossbodies her in the corner. Tess airplane spinas Sane then samoan drops her for 2. hera asai moonsaults Tess. It seems like she has the pin but she just gives it up. We get a 6 person suplex spot with Tess's team getting suplexed.

L flying headscissors Pers out. L top rope plancha's Pers outside. Kira corkscrew topes L. Hera runs up the buckles and planchas 2 girls. Pers tope con hilos outside. Sane rolls up Tess for 2. Sane does a double leglock on tess and wins via submission. Sanely's team wins the fall and match.

It had a lot of sloppy moments here and the finish was random. I liked the dive train at the end at least but not much else. Kira did not have a good night.

Toni Storm does a video. She says she's coming to Mexico because she needs the cash. She says she needs to make a delivery in Acapulco after a failed book deal. She says the luchadoras may be big stars but the sun shines out of her @ss and she intends to blind them with it. She says Toni Storm is coming and so will you.

La Catalina does a promo.

Bárbaro Cavernario, Hechicero and Templario vs Magnus, Rugido, and Volador Jr.

1st Fall - Rug and Temp start us off. Rug side headlocks him and northern lights suplexes him. Temp rolls out of a wristlock then takes an armdrag. They then stand off. Barb takes a boot out of the corner from Mag and does the worm. Barb takes a 619. Rug flying headscissors Temp  then sits on his shoulders and armdrags him. Vol flying headscissors Hech out then topes him.

Temp runs the ramp and flying space triger drops two opponents while Barb springboard splashes him. Barb and Temp pick up the win.

2nd Fall - KeMalito is thrown in but escapes before he gets hit. Rug is laying on the rails and Hech elbow drops him off the apon. Vol is popped up into a kick to the gut then KeMalito and Zacarias the parrot fight outside. Zac 619's Ke in the ring. Rug takes running corner attacks.

Barb dropkicks Rug in the nuts. Mag takes a double spinebuster and gets his legs pulled on. Temp top rope dropkicks Mag in the crotch. Vol is flipped up into a double kick.  Vol does a handspring double back elbow then flying headscissors Hech out. Vol then slingshots out with a diving headscissors on Hech.

Temp walks up the ropes and does a double dropkick. Temp then flying space tiger drops outside. Barb walks up the ropes and springboard plancha's outside. Vol top rope crossbodies Hech then superkicks him. Hech pretends Vol took his mask off and throws the mask at Vol. The ref buys it and Vol's team is disqualified. Hech's team wins the fall and match in 2 straight falls.

It was short with a screwy finish and wasn't anything that great.

Volador accuses Hech of stealing the win after. He says Hech needs to fight him now 1v1. Hech asks who should make the rules and says he should. Hech and Vol then go at it. Hech trips him and runs out to the ramp in a funny heel move.

CMLL Universal de Amazonas Semifinal Cibernetico - Zeuxis vs Princesa Sugehit vs La Catalina vs Amapola vs Náutica vs India Sioux vs Maligna vs Olympia vs Dark Silueta vs Metálica

Naut is in the gold and black. Mal is in the red with the horns. Metal is in all black. Dark is in the black with the red hair. Zeuxis (who will be called Z here is in white and gold).

Seeding Battle Royale - Everyone gangs up on Cat to start. Z and Suge are both sent out when Suge body scissors Z over the top. Naut is thrown out next. Ama is on the ropes outside and gets knocked out to the floor by Mal. Olim stands on the top rope and is pushed out. The teams are now set.

Naut trips Mal then Mal pulls on her hair. Mal armbars her then armdrags her. They legsweep each other, get in each others faces and tag out. Suge and Metal go at it. Metal headflips out of a wristlock and armdrags her. Suge snapmares and armdrags her. Z and Olym get in. Olym armdrags her over the back then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her twice.

Z dropkicks Olym and Z is dropkicked out. Olym then tope con hilos her through the ropes and gets stomped on by the other team.  India and Dark go at it. Dark 2nd rope diving headscissors her then springboard diving armdrags her.

They legsweep each other and stand off. Ama and Cat go at it. Cat basement dropkicks her then is pulled down by the hair. Ama sentons her. Ama is tripped into the buckles then takes a hip attack in the corner. Ama spears the post when Cat moves and goes out.

Naut and Mal fight. Mal lariats her then basement dropkicks her. Naut diving headscissors her. Mal boots NautNat uses the ropes and Mal to armdrag Metal. Olym springboard double crossbodies Metal and Mal. Olym and Naut hit stereo headscissors. Olym and Naut then do stereo plancha's outside. Everyone then starts fighting.

Suge kicks Dark then armdrags her. Suge seated springboard armdrags her then Dark basement dropkicks her. Suge pulls on Dark's hair then 2nd rope hairdrags her. India armdrags Ama then springboard armdrags her. India misses a dropkick and is booted. Ama dropkicks her against the ropes. Mal top rope crossbodies Ama then Ama spears her. Mal cutters her.

Mal top rope dropkicks Ama for 2. Ama does a bad double chokeslam on Mal then taps her out with a double leg lock. Maligna is eliminated. Naut and Cat fight. Naut rolls over her back with an armdrag. Cat corner lariats her then Naut dropkicks her.

Z and Metal fight. Metal does a double armdrag off a hiptoss into the ropes. Metal headscissors someone out then flying headscissors Olym. Metal runs the ramp and hits a double crossbody. India spinning heel kicks Naut.

Naut corner dropkicks her for 2. Naut and India slap each other. India la rosa drivers her and pins her. Nautica is eliminated. Metal dropkicks Olym. Olym is slammed down off the casadora for 2. Olym corner lariats  Metal. Olym plants off the buckles and armdrags Metal.

India asai moonsaults outside. Suge and India go at it. India sunset flips her and gets kicked in the head. Suge gets double teamed. Suge does a headscissors + armdrag off the buckles. Suge then gets double stomped on. India and Suge blow a spot. Ama backdrops Metal. 

Metal corner cannonballs olym. Dark fisherman suplexes Ama and pins her and Olym doi fives Metal at the same time. Amapola and Metal are eliminated. Olym shoulders over Dark and is beaten up by Cat. Olym flips out of a hiptoss then gets a 2 count on Cat. Olym handstand pendulum bronco busters Cat in the corner.

Cat electric chair drops Olym then taps her out with over the back rack. Olympia is eliminated. India gets a 2 count on Z. Z tries a pin on her. India la rosa drivers Z for 2. Z package piledrivers India and pins her. India Sioux is eliminated.

We are down to 4 girls now - Dark, Z, Suge and Cat. Z takes a doube boot to the face. Dark half-camel clutches Suge. Suge pulls Dark down by the hair and Z basement dropkicks Dark for 2. Cat takes a ddt from Suge. 

Cat is back rolled into the buckles then Z meteora's her in the corner. Dark top rope crossbodies Z then spinning heel kicks her. Dark is held for a codebreaker. Suge ties up Dark's legs and sits on her neck for the submission. Dark Silueta is eliminated.

Z surfboards Cat and we almost get a double pin off of it as Suge tries to pin Cat. Suge kicks Cat in the head and the ref refuses to count a double pin on Cat. Suge kicks Z on accident. Cat pushes them into each other. Suge PK's and sentons Cat for 2. Suge then armbars Cat.

Cat slams Suge then top rope splashes her. Cat pins Suge and Princesa Sugeheit is eliminated. Z stomps on Cat and meteora's her. Z and Cat trade corner attacks. Cat flying knees her. Cat forearm flurries Z then hip attacks her on the ropes. Cat pedigrees Z for 2. Z double underhooks Cat into a codebreaker. Z misses a top rope moonsault then Cat electric chair drops her. Z kind of top rope spanish flies Catalina and Zeuxis wins the match.

Thoughts: It wasn't great and was definitely like two steps down from any of the men's cibernetico. I think they did okay though overall and somehow had less botches than the women's tag earlier in the show. India Sioux looked great here as she really moved well and Olympia had a lot of highlights.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here. The main wasn't great but it was okay for women's standards. The other women's match was a mess and this was just not CMLL at its best.

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