Friday, October 11, 2024

TNA Impact 10/10/2024

TNA Impact 10/10/2024

Note - Last week's show was a clip show due to Hurricane Helene. The show from 2 weeks ago is here:

We are in Nashville, Tennessee.

Wendy Choo, Rosemary and Tasha Steelz vs Jordynne Grace, Sol Ruca and Masha Slamovich

JG hits shots on Choo to start. JG side slam flips her and kips up. JG vader bombs her for 2. Wendy hits corner spears on JG. Sol tags in wand does a springboard double clothesline. Sol rolls Rose up and slips on the ropes. Sol facebusters her then surfs on her back. Sol superkicks Rose then Tasha pulls Sol by the hair from outside. Sol is thrown out and Tasha twerks in her face.

Rose pounds on Sol then sliding d's her on the ropes. Rose then does a hanging headscissors on the ropes. Tasha hits a sliced bread on Sol for 2. Tasha camel clutches her. Sol is rammed into the corner then Choo twists Sol's neck with her feet. 

Sol is stopped from making the tag and Sol does a double neckbreaker out of a double suplex. Sol back elbows Rose then hits a sol snatcher. Masha superkicks Tasha then step up knees her in the corner. Masha running facekicks her then spinning heel kicks her. Tasha goes for a springboard bulldog but is thrown off then Masha sitout powerbombs her for 2.

Masha northern lights bombs Choo and Tasha eye pokes Masha. JG gets in  and hits a juggernaut driver on Tasha to win.

The finish seemed rush here. It was just an average match for the most part and was nothing too special. Sol had a new look here with a lot less clothing and long straight hair.

Josh Alexander and Sinner and Saint are interviewed. Josh yells at Gia for not being impartial. He says Maclin and Eric Young wouldn't have been attacked if they didn't get into his business. Josh says they want to be relevant again. Josh asks what Young has done lately. He says they are the past and he's worried about the future. Josh said he took Young's advice and found new blood. He said he found the two best young wrestlers in Canada and says they have a lot of potential. Josh says his groups name is The Northern Armory. He says to get ready for a master class in embarrassing a TNA legend tonight.

Nic Nemeth comes out to talk. He says he loves being the TNA world champ. He brings up Joe Hendy and Joe comes out. Joe talks and says he's the #1 contender to the TNA Title. He says he faced Kazarian and now faces a champ like Nic. He says Nic is one of the best wrestlers ever.

Nic says Shawn Michaels believes in Joe Hendry and appreciates the respect. Joe says a lot of legends believe in him but there's more that believe in Nic. Joe asks how JBL will affect the match at Bound for Glory (I almost forgot JBL was with Nic). Nic says not to worry about him, but worry about the man who has stolen the show every time he has been on it. Nic says he doesn't plan on losing the TNA Title anytime soon.

First Class comes out. AJ says they are the main event of Bound For Glory because they are nothing but money, money, money. AJ insults the crowd, calling them country bumpkins. AJ said he made Joe Hendry and said he was a C+ player on the pre-show before he came around.

The crowd chants "We Believe" and AJ says they also believe BBQ sauce is toothpaste. AJ says the crowd only believed in Joe when he sang songs about AJ. Joe sings songs mocking AJ. AJ says the main event will always be First Class no matter what show it is.

Nic says he'd love to fave them if there was only someone who could be his partner. Joe then signals that he'd team with him. Santino Marella comes out. He tells them to take it easy but says he likes the ruckus they are starting. Santino says he's making a match between the four tonight in the main event.

George Iceman and Ash By Elegance are doing a makeover on Heather Reckless and critiquing her clothing hard. They say they will take her to see Dr. Finkelstein and start a "botox" chant. George says she will be elegant and they say, "to the jet".

Eric Young vs Josh Alexander

They lock up and roll to the ropes. Josh hits chops and EY fires back with punches. Josh corner spears him and EY hits a dropkick. Josh hits punches. EY gets kicked as he bends over the middle rope and takes a crossbody to the back off the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Josh stomps the hand. EY hits punches in the corner then northern lights suplexes him. Josh running facekicks him for 2.

Josh side headlocks EY. EY stunners/jaw breakers Josh and hits punches. Josh lariats him and spinning forearms him. EY powerslams him. Josh hits germans then does a high angle death valley driver for 2. EY goes up top. Sinner and Saint distract the ref and crotch him up top.

Josh goes up top and is punched down. EY top rope elbow drops him for 2. Josh germans EY. Judas Icarus comes in and gets hit. Travis Williams then flying knees EY while the ref isn't looking. Josh then got the pin.

Thoughts: It was just average with a dirty finish. The finish was to put over the new group as a threat and I guess it worked.

EY hits shots on Josh after then gets triple teamed. EY takes a knee while in the air for a pedigree then is dropped. Josh then stands on EY's back and poses. 

We go to the back and Steve Maclin is down. Security calls for help. In the ring, EY is held down and Josh top rope kneedrops a chair wrapped around EY's leg.

Jordynne Grace is in the back and looking for someone. Gia asks what's up. JG says she is looking for Masha. JG opens a door and runs into some cult shrine of various wrestlers with X's all over their photos, which is Masha's killwall.

Mike Santana comes out to talk. Mike says he wants Moose here and is sick of delivering messages to a camera. He says they handle business face to face where he's from. He says he knew he wasn't coming out the same when he stormed The System's locker room. He says he wanted to show that when you think you are safe, he is coming at you from every angle. He says he will turn your world upside down

Mike says Moose created a new purpose when he screwed him out of the title shot and said his new purpose is making The System's life a living hell. He tells Moose to come out and prove he's the man he says he is.

Moose comes out alone and not with The System's music. Moose said he bought the best security you can buy after the nonsense Mike pulled 2 weeks ago. Security comes out and he says he doesn't have to worry about that again. He says Mike is nothing but a dumb@ss.

Mike says he sounds ridiculous. Mike says Moose is just proving he's nothing more than a "baby boy b!tch". Mike says he can smell the fear and says he has every right to fear him because he was him. He said he had to create something from nothing like Moose but he still walks the same blocks he put work on. He says he paid the price to get where he is today while Moose forgot who he was and where he comes from. He tells him to step in the ring and prove he's the face of the franchise.

Moose said he did forget where he came from and became a 3x champ by himself. He says he could beat him up right now but says when you are going at throwing something, you never do it for free. He says he's a prize fighter and wants a big cut of the box office if he gives him the fight he wants. Moose says he's the face of the franchise and says Mike is a poor Puerto Rican kid from the projects. Mike teases going after him then gets beaten up by The System.

ABC come out to help Mike and a big brawl breaks out. Security holds the faces down for shots. The Hardy Boys then come out and fight off security. Moose and The System leave. 

Santino Marella then comes out, which I was expecting. Santino says this is crazy and says they are like animals. Santino books Moose vs Mike Santana for Bound For Glory. He says the match between ABC and The Hardy Boys might have some implications for Bound For Glory says says the match will happen right now.

ABC vs The Hardy Boys

Bey side headlocks Matt. Bey takes him over. Matt side headlocks him. Matt shoulders him over. Bey dropkicks him. Ace side headlocks Jeff when they both get in. Jeff reverses it. Ace trips him and kicks him in the back of the head. Ace rolls him up for 2 and armdrags him. Ace armlocks him.

Jeff snapmares Ace then does snapmares from the side. Jeff does a double pendulum boot in the corner. Jeff jumps off of Matt's back to splash Ace. Matt lariats Ace. Ace takes a double team gordbuster for 2. Ace boots Jeff away. Bey hits shots on Jeff.

Bey flying lariats Jeff then corner euros him. Bey enzugiri's him in the corner and hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Matt takes a double japanese armdrag and a double basement dropkick. Bey and Matt run into each other and both go down.

Jeff gets in and hits shots on Ace. He atomic drops him and basement dropkicks him. Jeff then drops an elbow on him. Jeff russian legsweeps him and legdrops Ace's legs.  Bey takes a twist of fate into a neckbreaker. The System (Myers and Edwards) come out and interfere, causing a no contest.

Matt and Ace get hit with title belts. Santino Marella then comes out again. He says The System thinks they are getting out of facing these two teams but is now facing them in a three way. Santino says it'll be a Full Metal Mayhem match.

The match wasn't that great. It's not like they botched anything but it just didn't really have a lot of heat or momentum behind it. I was surprised it didn't go longer than it did.

#1 Contender to the X-Division Title - Laredo Kid vs Jason Hotch vs Leon Slater


Mike Bailey is on commentary. Hotch and Skyler come out. Hotch says he will walk through two ham sandwiches tonight and will beat Mike Bailey next week and become the champ. John Skyler interrupts and Hotch says "they" will become the X-Division champ.

Hotch and Leon get rolled up early. We get some pin attempts and a triple dropkick and triple headflip spot. Kid top rope moonsaults Hotch then drops him chest and face first.

Kid goes up top and walks off the post to hit a flip dive on both opponents outside. Kid top rope splashes Leon for 2. Hotch does a double M. Bison stomp. Hotch step up enzugiri's Kid. Leon rewind kicks Hotch. Leon handspring back elbows Hotch. Leon hits a swanton 450 off the top on Hotch and wins.

Thoughts: It was shorter match here. They got some dives in and it was a decent fast paced affair. Leon winning was an upset in my book. The match was pretty random.

Jordynne Grace comes out. She tells Masha Slamovich to come out. Masha comes out. Grace says she went to Masha's locker room and said her killwall was back up. She said she thought they were past that. Masha said they put on some great matches but new she had to keep them close. Masha said Grace knew she spoke English and kept it to herself as it had to be about her. Masha says Grace will understand what it's like to live in her shadow. Masha then gives her an envelope with her picture x'd out in red marker.

Thoughts: This whole thing is a new development as Masha and Tasha were feuding and it seems like that is now off.

First Class (AJ Francis and KC Navarro) vs Joe Hendry and Nic Nemeth

KC nails Joe as he talks on the mic in the ring. Nic comes out to save Joe and beats up on First Class. KC is lariated over the top then AJ is double lariated over the top.

We go to PiP break and return. Nic hits shots on AJ's gut then headbutts him. AJ sentons him. Nic hits punches on AJ. Nic ddt's AJ. Joe and KC go at it. Joe fallaway slams him. Nic superkicks AJ then Joe hits an attitude adjustment on AJ for 2. Joe hits a terrible looking danger zone (Nic Nemeth's move) on AJ. Nic superkicks AJ twice. KC top rope dropkicks Nic.

KC hits his 305 version of the 619. Nic superkicks KC. Nic then does Joe's standing ovation on KC. Nic then hits a fameasser on KC.

It was short and not much of a main. The result was never really in doubt here and we didn't get anything of note outside of Joe and Nic doing each others moves.

Overall thoughts: Last week's show got cancelled and it's probably a miracle this one happened period. So, I won't be too critical of this. There was nothing really must see here and they had a lot to cram in here as they are only 2 weeks away from the PPV and had to set up some additional matches for the card. I wouldn't recommend this and I think TNA would even admit that this was not the best they could have done.

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