Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Marigold 10/14/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 5

Marigold 10/14/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 5

The last show is here:

Minami Yuuki vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

KM wristlocks her and Yuuki reverses it. KM reverses that and they trade front facelocks. Yuuki side headlock takeovers her and KM headscissors her. They then stand off. Yuuki hits forearms and a boot on the ropes then she slams her for 2.

Yuuki kimura's her and KM ropebreaks. They trade chest forearms. KM slides through her legs and takes her down with a roll-up. KM armbars her. KM hits a dropkick then Yuuki dropkicks her back. KM hits stomps then a chest forearm flurry. KM dropkicks her in the corner.

KM slams Yuuki for 2 then crabs her. Yuuki ropebreaks. Yuuki russian legsweeps her for 2 then rolls her up for 2. Yuuki dropkicks her then KM rolls her up for 2. KM does another roll-up. Yuuki tries to backslide her but KM rolls through it and pins her.

Thoughts: It was Yuuki's best effort yet. It wasn't great or anything but there were no botches and both looked okay coming out of this one. This went about as well a match between these two was going to go.

Nao Ishikawa vs. Kizuna Tanaka

They lock up and trade basic holds. Nao side headlocks her then snapmars her. Nao pulls both of her arms back then dropkicks her on the ropes. Nao hair throws her then cartwheels out of a hair throw. Nao shoulders her over. Kiz armbars Nao and Nao ropebreaks. Kiz hits a nice dropkick then puts Nao in a triangle.

Nao slams Kiz then crabs her. Nao switches to the half crab. Nao flying neckbreakers Kiz then double underhook suplexes her for 2. They trade chest forearms and Kiz does aflying lariat for 2. Kiz hits a top rope dropkick then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Nao rolls up Kiz with a bridge for 2. Nao drops her over the shoulder then sitout powerbombs her for 2. Kiz hits re:dream on Nao for 2 then Nao slams Kiz for 2.

Kiz spin kicks Nao then running knees her for 2. Kiz fisherman suplexes Nao and pins her.

Kiz beating Nao was a big surprise. Nao had another good showing here and they had a decent match especially considering where they are at as talents. I'd like to see this one again down the line and I think it could be really good at Korauken.

Nao throws an ice pack at Kiz after.

Misa Matsui & Rea Seto vs. Myla Grace & Natsumi Showzuki

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Misa and Nat go at it. They trade wristlocks for a while. Misa headlock takeovers her and crossbodies her. Rea gets in and hits dropkicks on Nat. Rea fujiwara armbars her. Rea puts her in cattle mutilation and Myla breaks it up.

Nat and Rea trade chest forearms. Nat hits a chest forearm flurry on Rea then slams her. Nat springboard double knee drops Rea then single leg crabs her. Nat slams Rea then does a very high crab. Myla chases Misa around the ring and inside of it. Misa breaks the submission up and is thrown out.

Myla hits forearms on Rea then spin kicks Rea. Myla dropkicks Rea through the ropes then suplexes her for 2. Rea corner dropkicks Myla then facebusters her. Rea slams Myla then dropkicks her. Rea then tries a bridge pin for 2. Misa top rope double crossbodies her opponents. Misa flying headscissors Myla then flying knees her in the corner.

Myla superkicks Misa then backdrops her. Myla forearms Misa then sitout slams her for 2. Misa dropkicks Myla then Myla lariats her. Myla bridge pins Misa for 2. Misa flying knees Myla then fisherman suplexes her for 2.

Myla crucifixes Misa for 2 then Mia backslides her into la magistral and a bridge to win.

Rea hit some good dropkicks here. It was a fast paced one and was just average. There was nothing memorable about it but no one embarrassed themselves.

Utami Hayashishita & Victoria Yuzuki vs. Mai Sakurai & MIRAI

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Mirai and Yuz start us off. They side headlock each other. Yuz armdrags her twice then basement dropkicks her. Mirai takes a flapjack and another basement dropkick for 2. Mirai running back elbows Yuz then hits machine gun chops. Yuz takes facekicks from Mai then Mai grounded sleepers her.

Mai rolls Yuz into a paradise lock. Mirai steps on Yuz and boots her out of it. Mai basement dropkicks Yuz. Mirai boots Yuz in the corner then slams her. Mirai forearms Yuz down. Yuz flying headscissors her then basement dropkicks her.

Utami gets in. Utami rams Mai into Mirai in the corner then running back elbows both. Utami then hits a double basement dropkick. Utami samoan drops Mirai for 2. Mirai dropkicks Utami.

Mai facekicks Utami through the ropes then basement dropkicks her. Mai pump kicks Utami. Utami boots Mai out of the corner then slips of a 2nd rope dropkick. Yuz comes in and dropkicks Mai. Yuz basement dropkicks her.

Mai facekicks Yuz then Yuz is held for a bulldog. Yuz takes a double basement dropkick. Mai and Yuz trade forearms. Yuz dropkicks her on the ropes and takes a facekick. Yuz then dropkicks her on the ropes then dropkicks her through the ropes.

Yuz hits a lightning spiral on Mai then northern lights suplexes her. Mai leg slices her. Mai facekicks Yuz for 2. Utami basement dropkicks Mai then Yuz does roll-ups on Mai. Mai crucifix bombs Yuz then step up enzugiri's her. Yuz superkicks her. Mai backrops Yuz.

Mirai and Utami get in and go at it. Mirai basement dropkicks her. Mayu is caught on the buckles then Utami side slams her. Utami sliding lriats her for 2. We get a tower of doom spot with Yuz taking a hard superplex down. Utami double backdrops her opponents.

Utami and Mirai trade lariats and Mirai goes down. Utami lariats her for 2. Utami germans Mirai and the time limit expires.

Thoughts: It was long and not that interesting. It became clear at the halfway point that it was going to a draw and that's what it ended up doing. The crowd didn't really help this one either.

Mirai and Yuzui talk on the mic after. Mirai puts her title in Yuz's face. Kizuna Tanaka comes down. Mirai puts the title in her face and Kizuna slaps her. Mirai then boots her off the apron.

Chika Goto, Kouki Amarei & Miku Aono vs. Bozilla, CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

Chi side headlocks Chika. Chi thows her over with a claw and gets on Boz's back, then they double falling splash Chika. Chi facewash kicks Chika through the ropes. All the girls fight outside and Chika gets thrown into the seats. Chi chairs Chika.

Miku and Kouki get thrown into each other outside. Chi gets on Chika's back inside and pulls her hair. Chi then slams her. Chika throws Chi over then her and Kouki hit stereo kicks.

Kouki facekicks Chi for 2. Kouki slams Chi then Chi blocks her falling splash. Kouki facekicks Chi through the ropes then Chi rolling spears her. Boz sentons Kouki for 2. Boz suplexes Kouki for 2.

Kouki facekicks Boz multiple times. Boz lariats Kouki over. Kouk is put in a side headlock and kind of cartwheels to get out of it. Miku gets in and hits kicks to Boz's back. Miku PK's Boz.

Boz lariats Miku for 2. Miku tries to powerbomb Boz in the corner but Boz just sits on her. Boz hits corner spears on Miku. Nagisa comes in and suplexes Miku for 2.  Nagisa hits forearms. Nagisa boots her over.

Miku ties up Nagisa's legs. Miku is on the buckles and Boz throws her off. Miku then takes a triple boot for 2. Nagisa flying kicks Miku. Miku sliding lariats her for 2. Miku headkicks Nagisa.

Chika comes in and corner lariats Nagisa then facekicks her. Chika is tripped on the outside then takes a basement dropkick from Nagisa. Nagisa takes a double boot. Boz comes in and hits a double lariat then Nagisa gets a 2 count on Chika. Nagia sleepers Chika.

Nagia takes kicks from Miku and Chika then Chika slams her for 2. Miku pulls Boz over the top. Nagisa cobra clutch suplexes Miku then Chika ripcord facekicks Nagisa. Nagisa facekicks Chika for 2. Nagisa hits a stiff single leg dropkick on Chika. She pins her after the ref botches the count.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special. Chika went down pretty easy and it just didn't have the synergy it should have. We didn't get a great finishing stretch here and this was not exactly a star-studded tag.

Nagisa and Miku get in each other's faces on the mic after. Nagisa then closes the show on the mic.

Overall thoughts: Marigold had three shows in three days. They were going to take it easy just to survive and they definitely took it easier on this one. The line-up was weak and big names like Nanae and Sareee were missing here. They didn't have a great turn out for this one and the crowd wasn't that loud here. I wouldn't recommend it.

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