Wednesday, October 16, 2024

AEW Dynamite 10/16/2024

AEW Dynamite 10/16/2024

Last week's show is here:

Jon Moxley says someone has to be responsible when things get out of control and he'll be the one. We see him and his crew get in a truck after the PPV. Mox says wrestling gave him everything in the world and he wants that for everyone. He says he hates what AEW has become. He says people are dancing and partying and egos are out of control. He says everyone in AEW works for him now.

Adam Cole comes out to talk. He says he loves Undisputed Kingdom but has to do this on his own. He says he's happy to be back in the ring. He says MJF is the worst person he has ever met. He says you have to fight evil with evil.

He says MJF will say he betrayed him for no reason. He says the MJF you are seeing now is the real MJF, the one who he says behind closed doors. He says everything about MJF is fake. He says MJF is scared little boy and a phony who can't be trusted.

He says the path MJF is on is one of failure and loneliness. He says he hates everything about MJF and tells him to come out and fight. MJF's music hits but he doesn't come out and is instead talking via a video with a WrestleDream graphic.

MJF says he learned a lot. He says there's no trust in this business and a lot of people waiting for him to trip. He says Cole stabbed him in the back and he will never trust again. MJF says the actions he does aren't his fault but Cole's fault. MJF says Cole will never get him in the ring and says Cole can thank him later.

Cole says MJF an run but can't hide and will give him the beating of a lifetime.

Thoughts: They tried here but there's no fixing this angle. There's way too many logic loopholes.

We see a Chris Jericho interview from WrestleDream. He say he feels vindicated and says this is his week. He says Mark Briscoe cheated this week as he suspected. Jericho says he wants his rematch and says he will become a 2x ROH champ just like Jay Briscoe.

Mark Briscoe is then interviewed. He says Jericho says dumb stuff. He said he can forgive it but not Jericho bringing up his brother. He says Jericho will get a rematch as he wants his hands on him. He says they will have a ladder war. FTR comes in and says let the @ss whooping commence as FTR will take on Big Bill and Bryan Keith.

FTR vs The Learning Tree (Big Bill and Bryan Keith)

Dax shoulders BK over then BK lariats him. BK and Dax trade chops. Dax suplexes him and legdrops him. Cash slingshot shoulderblocks BK. Bill chops up Cash. Cash dropkicks him then hits a flying lariat. Bill black hole slams Cash.

We go to PiP break and return. Cash backdrops BK. Dax is tagged in and hits shots on BK. Dax hits punches on both opponents then totally misses two of them on Bill. Bill short arm lariats Dax. Cash top rope crossbodies Bill. Bill powerbombs Dax.

Bill goes into the post outside and Cash tornado ddt's him on the floor. BK runs into a shatter machine and is pinned.

It was a shorter on here. It was fine but not as good as it could have been due to its length. I would like to see a longer version of this.

LFI are shown watching this in the back on TV. The Outrunners come out and shake hands with FTR. 

Renee interviews The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn. Billy says they are going to the gym and leaves. MVP and Shelton Benjamin walk in. MVP offers them his card. Bowens says they don't need anything from him.

We see Mercedes Mone, Kamille and Queen Aminata talk at Wrestledream. Mone is looking for her set-up and Queen tells her not to be rude. Mone says she doesn't have time for her nor does she know who she is.

Mercedes Mone vs Queen Aminata

Kamille trips Queen then Mone throws Queen back. Mone does a springboard into an armbar but Queen catches her arm and rubs her butt in her face. Queen rolls her up and catches her on a crossbody. Queen then fallaway slams her. Kamille pulls Mone out. Queen headbutts Kamille. Queen is then tripped into the steps. Mone meteora's her against the steps.

We go to break and return. Queen trips her and rolls her up. Mone forearms her and Queen hits an air raid crash. Queen backslides her and hits a fisherman's swinging neckbreaker. Queen rolls her around the ring.

Queen suplexes her. Mone 2nd rope meteora's her then hits a backcracker. Mone crossfaces her and submits her.

Thoughts: It was one of those AEW reverse squashes where the winner gets nothing in. This did nothing to help Mone as essentially a jobber beat her up for most of the match.

Private Party and The Young Bucks talk in the back. PP congratulates them and says they always beat them. The Bucks say they made a mistake when they called them a midcard act. They say this was their last chance at the tag titles and says they won't get a shot again.

Stokeley Hathaway walks in. He says he has never gotten another opportunity and says they shouldn't either. Stoke says they have been a long time and asks what they have to show for it. Stoke says they should quit teaming the next time they lose a tag title shot and says Zay is a singles star. Zay says if that's what it takes...

Thoughts: This your usual Bucks promo with them acting snarky and burying PP.

The Elite do a promo. Jack Perry says today is Kenny Omega's birthday and they show a cake that says "Happy Birthday Kenny on it". They then dump intestines I guess as Jack talked about how Kenny's intestines were blowing up. Jack tells Kenny to get well soon or die as he doesn't care.

The Elite (The Young Bucks and Kazuchika Okada) vs The Conglomeration (Kyle O'Reilly, Orange Cassidy and Rocky Romero)

Kyle and Okada trade forearms. Okada facekicks him. KYle knees a Buck in the gut and knee drops him then OC does a senton. A Buck takes a double basement dropkick. Rocky flying headscissors Okada then Kyle knees a buck off the apron. OC hits a tope outside. Rocky then hurricanrana's Matt from the steps.

We go to PiP break and return. OC does a double a clothesline with a Buck on the other Buck. Okada blocks OC's sunset flip. Kyle hits a strike combo on Okada then beats up on The Bucks. Kyle is hanging off Okada with a submission and takes a top rope elbow drop.

Kyle takes a triple team in the corner. Okada over the back neckbreakers Kyle on the knee. Rocky comes in and hits a bunch of clotheslines. Okada reverses a shiranui with a tombstone.

Kyle takes a double back elbow from The Bucks. OC gets in and hits a double hurricanrana. OC stunners Okada. Okada takes a high/low then Kyle is superkicked. Rocky hits a shiranui then a ddt. OC ddt's a Buck. Wheeler Yuta comes out of nowhere and flying knees OC to cause a DQ.

Thoughts: The match was fine up until the DQ finish. They didn't have enough time to fool around, no sell and do insane spots. 

Pac and CC then come out to help. Pac chokes Kyle with a briefcase. OC takes a 4v1. Top Flight come down to help out. AA tries a handspring and Mox hits him hard with a forearm. The Dark Order then comes down even though they've been heels for the most part and join the fight.

The Dark Order get beaten up as well. Alex is hanged with a belt around the post. Mox gets on the mic and says if you are involved with AEW, you are under attack. Alex has the steps rammed into his gut. Mox says this is the cost of doing business. Daniel Garcia then Private Party come out to help the faces.

The Elite are shown walking around in the back. They are asked how they let that happen. Daniel Garcia and Private Party then go up to them. DG says they let this place go up in flames. Jack gets in his face and DG tells them to go away. DG says he has Private Party's back if they have his.

Lio Rush vs Shelton Benjamin

This is Shelton's AEW debut. Shelton pushes Lio back. Shelton throws him in the corner then shoulders him over. Lio ducks a clothesline and enzugiri's him. Lio handspring kicks him off the apron. Shelton maybe then jumps off the apron and kicks him as he tries to dive out.

Lio is sent outside hard. We go to PiP break and return. Shelton forearms Lio down. Shelton misses a corner splash. Lio seated springboard stunners Shelton. Lio tries to headsicsosrs him but is caught. Shelton goes out and gets tope'd twice. Lio cutters Shelton as he comes back in.

Lio misses a move off the buckles and taking a spinning heel kick. Lio rolls Shelton into a spin kick to the head. Lio spinning ddt's Shelton for 2. Lio is up top. Shelton jumps up top and hiptosses him down. Shelton hits a big release german. Shelton hits another big release german and hits a hard superkick.

Shelton does a bad pop-up drop on Lio then does an exploder slam and wins.

Thoughts: Shelton had some good and bad points here. He was messy on two of his spots but also beat the crap out of Rush here with some stiff spots. I thought it should have been shorter.

MVP puts his card in Lio's pants after. MVP says Lio opened his mouth up and says Shelton closed it. MVP says Swerve needs to reconsider his position as this is his future. He says they finish the conversation they started with Swerve vs "The Standard of Excellence" Shelton Benjamin.

We see Darby Allin at a skate park and says he's selling a signed photo of him and Tony Hawk for charity.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana are interviewed. Swerve says he thought what Shelton did was impressive. He says it's smart to come after the big dog and says he'll take him on anywhere, anyway, anyhow and he'll be there. He tells him not to fail because he won't. 

Tony Schiavone brings out Don Callis, Brian Cage and Lance Archer. Don says he made one of the greatest trades in sports a few weeks ago when he got Lance Archer. He says when he got a taste of the tag titles, he realized he needed them. He says who better to take the tag titles than Archer and Cage? He then brings out Kyle Fletcher (in a new jacket and sunglasses) and Takeshita.

Takeshita talks in Japanese and says he will defend his title all over the world. He tells any wrestler who wants the belt to come take it. Kyle Fletcher gets on the mic. He says all he has heard is, "Why Kyle why?". He says the problem is everyone wants to talk about Will Ospreay when The Family is having its biggest night in history. Kyle says it's too bad if everyone wants to know why he did what he did. Don says his family has never been stronger than today.

Mariah May is interviewed. She's complaining about various things and tells Christopher Daniels to bring her someone to fight. She says AEW is where the best are afraid of The Glamour. Anna Jay comes out. Daniels tries to stop her and Anna ends up hitting her when May moves. Nigel gets a big laugh out of this.

Ricochet is interviewed. He is asked if he was too focused on Ospreay in the match. He says he doesn't remember getting hit so hard from someone like Takeshita. He said Takeshita beat Will and not him. Ric says he hasn't been pinned yet in AEW. He says he came her to become champ and says Takeshita screwed him out of it twice. Ric says to come to Collision if you want to see what he can do and he says he will show why he is out of this world.

We go to the back and Top Flight, Mox's crew and The Dark Order fight. Mox's crew clears them all off and leaves in the back of a truck. Silver chases them. Uno says The Dark Order have been here since day one and says they will give you a fight if you want it. Dante Martin says the BCC will have to go through teams like them. Andretti says they are coming to snatch the belt off their waists on Collision. 

Christian Cage vs Jay White

CC stalls to start. CC hits a chop and Jay euros him down hard. Jay hits more punches and throws CC into the buckles chest first. Jay indian deathlocks him. CC's crew and Jay's crew get into it outside then Jucie and Colten get ejected. Colten then nails Nick Wayne from behind and Nick is dragged to the back. Mother Wayne then follows.

We go to PiP break and return. Jay hits punches then is knocked down with one. CC chokes Jay with his knee. CC snapmares him and cranks the head. Jay is sent out. CC is sent into the rails and flips over them. They trade punches. Jay back body drops him.  Jay hits more punches. Jay puts CC's shirt over his face and chops him.

Jay ddt's him for 2. CC reverse ddt's him on the apron. CC ddt's him. Kip Sabian tries to get involved. CC is sent into the buckles. Adam Page comes out. CC's neck is catapulted into the ropes. CC's head is banged off the buckles then Jay's neck is pulled down over the top rope. Jay uranage's him for 2. CC hits a killswitch for 2.

Jay flatliners CC then backdrops him. Jay underhook suplexes him into the buckles. CC hits a top rope headbutt for 2. Kip Sabian gets involved again and Page buckshot lariats Jay. CC rolls on top of Jay and wins.

Thoughts: Some big return for Jay here as she's already losing. It got off to a slow start and had tons of shenanigans. It wasn't as good as it should have been. The match also went about 8 minutes after the show ended. I think they botched the spot where Page came down as the announcers pretended not to really know who it was and it seemed like the camera's weren't supposed to catch it.

Overall thoughts: It was a busy show with a lot happening and I thought it as average overall. They are definitely trying to get more storylines as The Elite, Swerve, MVP, Mox's crew and Cole are now all involved in longer term stories. The wrestling wasn't anything too special with interference, DQ's and Mone barely getting the win over Queen Aminata. Jay White vs Christian got better towards the end but wasn't quite as good as it could have been. The show also had an 8 minute overrun.

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