Sunday, October 13, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 10/13/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 10/13/2024

Last week's show is here:

Hombre Bala Jr., Futuro and Max Star vs Rey Samuray, Pegasso and Stigma

1st Fall - Bala and Stig start us off. Everyone is wearing white here which is going to make this miserable to call. Stig side headlock takeovers him and Bala headsicssors him. Bala legsweeps him and gets legswept. They then stand stand off and shake hands. Peg and Fut go at it.

Peg throws him over twice then armdrags him into an armlock. Fut armdrags him and is swept. They trade armdrags and headflip up together before staring down. Max and Rey get in. Rey throws him down. Max trips him.  Max tope con hilos him.

Stig and Bala get in. Stig crossbodies him off the buckles then hits a top rope splash. Peg canadian destroyers Fut and both pick up wins to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Fut does cartwheels. Fut springboard tornillo armdrags Stig. Peg head drags Fut over then flying headscissors him. Bala armdrags Peg then pump kicks him.  Rey flips over Bala's back then springboard headscissors Bala. Fut springboard back armdrags Rey then bodyscissors him over.

Peg and Stig take armdrags. Fut's team then hits triple stereo topes. Fut is popped up into a dropkick on Stig. Bala flying headbutts Stig in the corner and pins him. Bala's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Fut northern lights suplexes Rey then running knees him. Fut springboard splashes him for 2. Fut is popped up and bangs his head off the buckles. Stig top rope splashes Fut for 2. Max rolls into a canadian destroyer on Stig. Peg hiptosses Max over then does a tequila sunrise. Bala breaks it up and sentons Max in the head on it. Bala cradle shocks Peg for 2. Rey throws Bala down then asai moonsaults him for 2.

Fut is sat on the top rope. We get a tower of doom spot with Fut getting superplexed. Bala's team tries triple pins and gets nearfalls. Peg and Rey hit stereo headscissors then stereo plancha's outside. Fut plancha's out and Bala does a kneeling springboard rolling senton outside.

Fut is popped up and hurricanrana's Stig but Stig rolls it into a pin attempt. Fut superkicks him. Stig backrolls him into a bridge. The ref says both wrestlers had pins though and this is declared a draw.

Thoughts: That's a rare finish. I don't think I've ever seen a trios match draw before in lucha. This is probably leading to a rematch. This was all fast paced high flying as you would expect and was entertaining.  Bala's kneeling and rolling springboard to the outside was cool and they gave Futuro some room to shine here. There were no real heels in this one.

Mexican National Light Heavyweight Title Match - Esfinge (c) vs. Valiente

Esf = Esfinge

Val pushes him over and crucifixes him. Esf rolls him into a single leg surfboard style move. Val then camel clutches him. Esf rolls forward and they ropebreak when they have each other in submissions at the same time.

Val ties his legs up. Esf headstands into a headscissors on Val. Esf kicks him from the apron then is pulled down face first on it. Val chops him up and boots him. Esf's leg is yanked over the middle and bottom rope. Esf flying headscissors him out then topes him. Esf then hits another tope.

Esf ties up Val's legs but Val boots him off. Esf misses a springboard swanton and Val hits a hard tope. Val lag magistrals him for 2. Val takes a monkey flip then a 2nd rope. Val hangs over the apron and is kicked.

Esf springboard splashes him for 2. Esf is armdragged off the ropes for 2. They chop each other. Val misses an asai moonsault. Esf springboard splashes him for 2. Esf running powerslams him and picks up the win.

: It wasn't boring but it wasn't a good match logically. They spent a good portion of this doing legwork that went nowhere then they just had a normal match after. I thought they should have been more aggressive with each other too considering they were in a mask vs mask match together.

Atlantis Jr., Neon and Mascara Dorada vs Stuka Jr, Gran Guerrero and Ultimo Guerrero

MD = Mascara Dorada, UG = Ultimo Guerrero

1st Fall - Atlantis and Gran go at it. Atlantis kimura's him and is flipped over by the arm. Gran armbars him then Atlantis camel clutches him. Gran ties his legs up.  Atlantis crucifixes him and they stand off. Atlantis single leg crabs him.

Gran flips him then takes an armdrag. Atlantis shoulders him over and they stand off. Neon and UG go at it. UG elbows him over then Neon fly headscissors him. Neon's mask is pulled on then Stuka lariats him. Neon takes a back body drop and Stuka rips at his mask more.

Neon is popped up into a kick to the gut. Stuka chops Neon down. MD and Atlantis are bridged on the ropes on top of each other and Gran is popped up into a butt drop on them. MD takes a 2nd rope double gorilla press slam. Stuka top rope splashes MD. MD and Atlantis are put on top of the each other then take a double surfboard together. They submit and Stuka submits Neon with a gori special at the same time.

2nd Fall - Neon is triple stomped in the corner and Stuka throws him out. Atlantis is grouped up on by the heels then takes a flipping neckbreaker. Atlantis then takes a magic killer. Gran baseball slides MD off the apron.

Neon takes a kick to the leg then Stuka rips Neon's mask. Neon is bridged on the ropes and takes a pop-up butt drop. Neon is triple teamed with Stuka hitting a bunch of boots to the face. Neon flying headscissors UG then dropkicks Stuka out. Neon topes Stuka.

MD 450's UG off the top and gets the pin then Atlantis picks up the pin on Gran at the same time. Atlantis' team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Stuka's arguing with fans in the crowd. Stuka makes Neon chase him. UG and Atlantis go at it. Atlantis gets nailed from behind by Gran. Atlantis flying kicks Gran then headscissors UG. Atlantis monkey flips Stuka. Stuka chops down Neon.

Stuka goes out and Neon goes with him. MD tags in. He flips over Stuka's back then tilt-a-whirl's off UG to headscissots Stuka. MD flips off the ropes and armdrags UG. MD flips off of Gran's chest then hits a sattelite headscissors on him.

Neon and Stuka go at it. Stuka slides out again. UG takes a flying headscissors from Neon. Neon double srpingboard headscissors Gran out. Neon walks up the ropes and flips into an armdrag on Stuka. Neon tope con hilos Stuka outside.

UG and Gran are sent into each other. MD is popped up and hits a double dropkick on UG and Gran. MD and Atlantis do topes outside. Neon springboard crossbodies Stuka. Stuka pulls off Neon's mask for the intentional DQ. Neon's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a stupid match. Stuka avoided Neon all match long, sliding out any time they were in the ring together. He then ripped his mask off near the end and got his team DQ'd. It was a total waste of time that felt like a real ripoff.

Stuka talks to Neon on the mic after and wants a one on one match. Neon replies and I think says he'll do it next week. Stuka then whips him with a belt.

Overall thoughts: The opener was the best thing on here. The semi-main wasn't that good logically with poor selling. The main was a total joke that builds to a Stuka vs Neon match that hopefully actually happens. I wouldn't recommend this one and felt like I wasted my time with it.

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