Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Marigold 10/7/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 2

Marigold 10/7/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 2

Minami Yuuki & Myla Grace vs. Komomo Minami & Rea Seto

KM = Komomo Minami

Myla and Rea lock up. Myla rolls out of a wristlock and takes her down. Myla does another wristlock then Rea does it to her. Myla side headlocks her then hammerlocks her. Myla armdrags her then crucifixes her. They then both pose at each other.

Rea pulls on her arm around the ropes. Myla spin kicks  and basement dropkicks Rea for 2. Rea corner dropkicks her. KM corner dropkicks Myla and ddt's her. KM hits another dropkick.

Myla euros her in the corner then dropkicks her through the ropes. KM hits forearms then takes a hard backdrop. Yuuki dropkicks KM and throws her down by the arm. KM and Yuuki trade chest forearms. Yuuki swinging hammerlock guillotines her.

Yuuki hits a double dropkick then dropkicks from both opponents. KM rolls over Yuuki's back with a ddt. Rea stomps on Yuuki. Rea corner dropkicks Yuuki then facebusters her. Rea dropkicks her for 2. 

Rea crabs Yuuki then dropkicks her on the ropes. Rea snapmares her then bodyscissors her. Rea grabs the leg as well then poses. Yuuki rolls up Rea for 2. Yuuki rolls her up for 2. Yuuki dropkicks her then russian legsweeps her for 2. Yuuki backdrops her for 2.

Rea swats away a dropkick from Yuuki and slams her for 2. Rea crabs Yuuki and taps her out.

Thoughts: It didn't need to go 10+ minutes. It was a lot better though than expected. Yuuki did a bunch of stuff she doesn't normally do and did okay with it for a change. It was a rookies match otherwise but I it was better than it should have been considering who was involved. 

Misa Matsui vs. CHIAKI

Misa goes after Chi as she enters and sends her into the post. Misa hits forearms then crossbodies her off the apron. Chi powerslams her on the floor and foot chokes her. Chi does facewash kicks on the ropes.

Chi claws her in the corner. Chi backbreakers Misa. Chi crabs her then slams her. Misa flying headscissors her then crossbodies her against the ropes. Chi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her. Chi cartwheel double knee drops Misa.

Misa does a bridging ddt for 2. Chi grabs a chair outside and chairs Misa. Chi spears her then sitout torture rack drops her for 2. Misa cradles her for 2 then flying knees her. Misa hits a to prope dropkick for 2. Misa code reds her and wins.

Misa seemed like someone who had some potential when Marigold started and this was her best performance yet. The two matched up well and they really clicked together. They kept it moving and showed some fire here. It was as good as I had hoped it would be.

They trade forearms after.

Naho Yamada comes out after and asks Misa to face her in her debut match in Marigold. Misa asks if she's ready to go anytime and Misa challenges her for October 24th. Naho gets super hyped up about this. 

Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs. Kizuna Tanaka & Utami Hayashishita

NT = Nanae Takahashi

NT and Kiz start us off. Kiz slaps her on the test of strength and hits a forearm flurry. Kiz dropkicks her multiple times and gets nowhere. Kiz bodyscsissors her then NT single leg crabs her. Kiz ropebreaks. Kiz takes a double shoulder then a double elbow drop for 2.

Nao slams her then cartwheel splashes her for 2. Utami dropkicks Nao and Kiz armbars Nao. Utami slams Nao. Nao cartwheels then lariats Kiz. NT takes a double basement dropkick. Nao and NT hit corner attacks then chops.

Kiz boots NT out of the corner and rolling armbars her. Kiz top rope dropkicks her for 2. NT and Utami lariat battle. NT slaps her then rebound germans her. Utami lariats her then NT hits a stiff lariat on her. Nao gets on NT's back and they splash Utami for 2. 

Nao hits shoulders on Utami then Utami shoulders her over. Nao shoulders her over and Utami takes a lariat + backdrop combo. Nao sitout spinebusters her. Utami samoan drops Nao and sliding lariats her. Nao powerslams her for 2. 

Utami germans Nao. Utami flapjacks her then Kiz flying knees Nao. Utami muso's Nao for 2. Nao cartwheel headsicssors Utami then rolls her up into a bridge for 2. Utami hits a double lariat then hits an air raid crash for 2 on Nao. Utami hits a big forearm on her then short arm lariats. Nao grabs her leg and Utami running lariats her. Utami germans Nao and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good tag here. These four matched up well together and Nao and Utami played their roles well. It was stiff and had a lot of fighting spirit.

Nanae talks to Nao on the mic after. She says she's not responding to the support of fans. She says everyone is improving going forward and not her. She says they can win and says Nao needs to show passion. Nao says she knows her weaknesses better than anyone. She says she got good responses from the fans but wasn't able to produce. Nanae tells her to go back to the drawing board and start again. Nao says she understands and says she wants a singles match at the next Korauken show. She calls her Nanae instead of Nanae-san.

Marigold Superfly Title Match - Natsumi Showzuki (c) vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki, Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz doesn't shake hands to start and they try pin attempts. Nat sweeps her on the apron and they fight outside. They armdrag each other inside then stare down.  They grab each other by the hair and back off.

Yuz dropkicks her off the apron. Yuz then torinillo dives her off the ropes outside. Yuz stomps her outside. We go back in and Yuz slingshot double stomps her. Yuz flying headscissors her and basement dropkicks her. Yuz is kicked as she goes to springboard. 

Nat top rope meteora's her outside. Nat then meteora's her on the floor. Yuz gets in and takes a meteora on the ropes for 2. Nat fisherman suplexes her for 2. Yuz northern lights suplexes her off the buckles. Yuz hits forearms on her knees. Nat hits mounted forearms and a stiff knee to the head.

Nat chest kicks her down. Yuz sleepers her on the mat and Nat ropebreaks. Yuz dropkicks her against the ropes. Yuz does a nice hip throw then rolls her into a bomb for 2. Yuz hits a release backdrop. Nat does a rolling sto then rolls her into a pin attempt for 2. Nat tries another for 2 then Yuz rolls her up for 2. Nat high kicks her and the 15 minute time limit runs out.

Thoughts: They got a lot out of the 15 minutes. They have a good fight here with them stiffing each other and making it feel like there was something on the line in this one. It was a srious match here with them going for the win and I enjoyed this.

Nat gets on the mic after. She says she's not happy about this going to a draw. Yuz says Nat didn't beat her. Nat says she didn't lose and says Yuz is the one who said it would be 15 minutes. Nat says she's a good opponent and she's happy to defend her title for the first time.

A masked wrestler comes out. She says her name is Hummingbird and challenges Nat for the title at the next Korauken show. Nat asks who this is and asks if she's old enough to challenge for it. She agrees to face her.

Miku Aono & Sareee vs. Bozilla & Nagisa Nozaki

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Boz shoulders over Sare to start then lariats her on the ropes. Boz bodyblocks her then backdrops her. Sare bridges out of the pin and hits dropkicks. Sare foot chokes her then dropkicks her through the ropes. Boz corner splashes Sare and Sare sunset flips her.

Boz pushes her off. Miku and NN go at it. Miku hits chest kicks and NN facekicks her. Miku headscissors her then dropkicks her over. NN shotgun dropkicks her then running facekicks her. NN sleepers her and facekicks her on the ropes. NN does her reverse pendulum kick.

Boz is pushed into NN and Sare top rope crossbodies Boz. Miku corner dropkicks NN and kicks her in the back. Miku PK's her for 2. Sare top rope dropkicks NN. NN facekicks her then and takes hard forearms. Sare drops her with a forearm then is dropped with a facekick.

Sare fisherman suplexes NN off the buckles. Boz helps out NN and NN superplexes Sare. Boz sentons Sare for 2. They trade forearms and Sare goes down. Sare hits hard chest forearms and puts her in an octopus. Boz double lariats her opponents then cradle shocks Sare for 2. 

Boz is pulled off the buckles then Sare double stomps her. Sare top rope double footstomps her for 2. Sare hits a headbutt on Boz then Boz chokeslams her for 2. Sare germans Boz. NN suplexes Miku. Miku kicks her in the back.

Miku and NN trade kicks. Miku hits leg kicks and fisherman suplexes her for 2. NN takes a kneebreaker on Miku's knee and NN ropebreaks on a submission. NN hits kicks and a sleeper. Sare breaks it up then dropkicks NN. Miku sliding lariats NN for 2. Boz throws Sare at Miku. Boz takes a double low dropkick then NN does a double basement dropkick.

NN ripcord facekicks Miku then basement dropkicks her for 2. Boz launches NN into a dropkick on Miku at 15 minutes. Miku lariats NN then ripcord lariats her for 2. NN cobra clutch suplexes Miku then sick kicks her for the win.

Nagisa picking up the win here was not expected. It was a good tag. It wasn't great but it was hard hitting and the Sareee/Bozilla sections were really good. it relly made me want to see that match. It could have went a bit longer and the finish could have been a little better. Sareee hit some super stiff chest forearms here.

Nagisa gets on the mic after. She holds up the title and says she gets to challenge for it since she beat her.

Bozilla gets on the mic. She says she doesn't care about Miku or the white belt. She says she wants the red belt that Sareee has and challenges her for the title. Sareee asks Rossy ogawa what he thinks. She says she's disappointed in losing to Bozilla and says, "I will beat you". Boz then shoves her over. Sare goes after her and gets pushed down again. They grapple and Nagisa tries to stop them. Nagisa talks on the mic then Boz and Sare fight over the title. Nagisa says both titles will change hands in those matches.

Marigold Twin Star Title Match - Mai Sakurai & MIRAI (c) vs. Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei

Mirai and Mai are wearing matching gear. Chika and Kouki attack at the bell then hit stereo slams. They shoulder their opponents over then take stereo dropkicks. Chika and Kouki are thrown out. Chika gets sent hard into the seats. Kouki and Chika's heads are banged off the signs. 

Chika is sent hard into the post and Mai pulls on Chika's hair. Mirai works on Kouki on the mat and rolls her up for 1. Kouki is thrown by the hair. Mai facekicks Kouki then boots her in the head. Kouki has boots put in her face on the ropes. Kouki's head is banged off the buckles then Mai basement dropkicks her. Mai sleepers Kouki on the mat.

Kouki powerslams Mai. Chika shoulders Mai over then slams her. Chika hip attacks her in the corner. Chika takes a oduble basement dropkick for 2. Mai facekicks her on the ropes and step up enzugiri's her. Chika atomic drops her then Mai backdrops her. Chika hits a lariat for 2. 

Mai flying knees her then wrist-clutch fisherman suplexes her for 2. Mirai gets in and shoulders Chika over. Kouki dropkicks Mirai in the side of the head. Chika and Kouki try to do stereo giant swings. Kouki falls on her first attempt but does pull it off.

Chika does a grounded cobra twist on Mirai and Mirai ropebreaks. Kouki cutters Mirai for 2. Kouki then does a bad double armlock with a bridge and Mai breaks it up. Mai basement dropkicks Kouki. Mirai does a corkscrew elbow drop off the ropes. Mirai hits a stiff backdrop on Kouki for 2.

Kouki facekicks Mirai and Mirai asks for more. They trade chops for facekicks. Mai hits a top rope double dropkick. Kouki and Chika hit shoulderblocks then facekick Mirai around together. Mirai chops back. Mirai takes a double facekick. Mirai takes a double gorilla press drop. Kouki pump kicks Mirai for 2.

Kouki backdrops Mirai for 2. Mai superplexes Kouki then Kouki takes a flying kick + lariat combo. Mirai spinning cradle shocks Kouki for 2. Chika slams Mirai and Kouki gets a 2 count on a bridge pin on Mirai. Kouki takes a double STO. Kouki facekicks Mirai for 2. Mirai lariats Kouki then hits another big lariat. Mirai then sits on her and pins her.

Thoughts: It wasn't great but it was an okay main event. Kouki and Chika did enough to hold up their end of the bargain here. It could and would have been better with another team over Kouki and Chika but they are trying to make them a thing.

Mirai gets on the mic after. Mirai ask if they are feeling bad. Mirai tells them it's up to how they take this loss. Mirai says they won't run away and will always be here. Chika says she will train hard and challenge again.

Mai gets on the mic. She says they were successful today . She asks if there are other challengers then Yuzuki and Kizuna Tanaka come out. Yuz congratulates them and says they want to challenge. Kizuna says they want the tag belts. Mai says they will accept anytime. Mirai asks Yuz if she won the title she challenged for and Yuz says she didn't. Mirai says she will face her in Morioka but says she decides the date and place for the tag title match. Mirai says she will give them a title match when she thinks they are ready. Yuz says they are the next champions.

Mai says more wrestlers are training and will debut but says the future is theirs to shine. Mai and Mirai then close the show.

Overall thoughts: I liked every match here so it was a good show from Marigold. Yuzuki vs Showzuki was the best thing on here and the semi-main was close. The girls didn't embarass themselves in the opener and Kouki/Chika hid most of their weaknesses well in the main. I don't know if there was anything must see here but nothing was bad and I liked the show.

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