Thursday, October 10, 2024

NWA Powerrr 10/8/2024

NWA Powerrr 10/8/2024

Last week's show is here:

Liberty Bell Brawl - Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage and Damage) vs The Immortals (JR Kratos and Odinson)

This is a pole match and you have to ring a bell on the pole to win it. BFT is with Aron Stevens as usual.  Kratos does a suicide dive as BFT enters. Odin then cannonballs off the apron onto BFT. Odin's head is banged off the rails and Carnage gets chopped on the rails. Odin is sent into the rails.

Kratos grabs a ladder, Aron Stevens stops him and Kratos takes a superkick. Kratos is thrown into the side of a bridged ladder. Odin takes headbutts from both opponents in the ring. Odin is double hiptossed into the ladder in the corner.

Odin and Carnage trade on the apron. Odin ddt's him on the apron. Kratos and Damage trade shots. Kratos hits a flying forearm in the corner and germans Damage. Damage germans Kratos. Kratos jumping knees him then headbutts him. Kratos takes a dropkick from Carnage. Kratos forearms Carnage down.

Kratos climbs a ladder and gets stopped. Damage powerbombs him down. Odin russian legsweeps Carnage off the ladder. Kratos dropkicks a chair into Damage. Aron Stevens gets in, takes the chair from Kratos then nails Damage with it on accident. Aron takes a huge pounce into the ladder. Kratos powerslams Carnage then falcon arrows Damage. Kratos then climbs the ladder. He rings the bell but breaks it before he can ring it 3 times as needed. They give him the win anyway. Billy Corgan says they may need to review it and throw the match out.

Thoughts: It was a great match. It was just total carnage with everyone taking big bumps. Aron took a nasty pounce into the ladder. Kratos' suicide dive to start things was nuts and we saw Kratos get powerbombed which you don't see much of. The finish was kind of botched due to the bell breaking but it's not anything serious. 

May Valentine interviews James Mitchell. He says Kenzie lived a lie for one year about being undefeatable and says the truth has floated to the surface. He says he hopes Kenzie flew her parents in from their homestead as he will watch them watch Page get destroyed.

NWA National Title - Mims vs Bryan Idol vs Burchill vs Carson Drake

Drake offers handshakes and is wearing pink flannel gear. Drake gets his by all 3 opponents and is dropped. Mims takes a double team then Drake is double suplexed. Paul fireman's carries Idol. Mims hits Idol from behind and corner lariats him. Mims hits corner spears then spinebusters Idol. Paul is sent into the rails outside.

Mims knees Idol in the gut. Idol hits shots on Drake and double underhook suplexes him. Idol slingblades Mims. Paul double underhook ddt's Idol and pins him. Bryan Idol is eliminated. We go to break and return. Drake trips Paul as he runs the ropes then stomps on him.

Paul knocks Drake over several time and kicks him hard in the leg. Mims belly to belly suplexes Paul for 2. Paul hits shots on Mims. Mims misses a splash and Paul euros him. Paul superplexes Mims. Blk Jeez gets on the apron and talks to Drake. He tells him to go after Paul. Paul is held and gets punched by Mims. Mims pins Paul.

Mims and Paul are the last two in this. Jeez talks to Drake again on the apron and gives him a card of some sort. Drake shakes hands with him and offers Mims a handshake. Mims does. Drake pretends his leg is injured and Mims pins him.

Thoughts: Maybe from kayfabe perspective it's believable that Jeez bought off Drake to take a fall but that's not real entertaining to watch. The match wasn't much due to the format and the ending was atrocious. Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should. This was a random match and I didn't even know the National Title was a thing. I have no idea why they need this belt on top of the TV Title, The World title, the Junior Heavyweight Title and The Mid-America Title but that's the NWA for you.

Kenzie Page is interviewed and asked if fear plays a role in her match tonight. She says she fears nothing and needs no one but her sister. She says she has the greatest love their ever was with her title.

I won't be covering the Kenzie Page match. Thankfully she won.

Overall thoughts: I saw 2 of the 3 matches. Both were random. The opener was a great ladder match with the bell falling down during the finish, leaving the result in some doubt. The other match was your usual multi-man match but had an awful finish with Carson Drake being paid off to lose. I want The NWA to succeed, but the promotion absolutely sucks right now. I wouldn't recommend this.

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