Tuesday, October 15, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 10/14/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 10/14/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/10/wwe-monday-night-raw-1072024.html

We see various wrestlers arrive.

Rhea Ripley heads to the ring. She says this thing with Liv doesn't end until she gets her women's title back. She tells Liv and Raquel to come to the ring. Tiffany Stratton comes out instead. Tiff says she's here and has a message from Nia Jax. She says to stay out of her business or Rhea will have a big problem. Rhea says she doesn't have time for this. She says she gets her hands on Liv or Raquel or can welcome her to Raw the Rhea Ripley way. They shove each other. Raquel and Liv then jump both of them from behind. Raquel boots Rhea down then Liv hits Tiff with the MITB briefcase. Liv then poses and laughs with Raquel.

We get a video for the women's tag title match.

Rhea Ripley talks to Adam Pearce in the back. She says she wants Liv and Raquel tonight. Adam says she got it but she can't do it by herself. She says it'll be a tag match and she needs to find a partner. Rhea says she doesn't need a partner. Tiffany Stratton walks in and says Nick Aldis would never do something like this to her like adam did. Adam asks if Rhea would team with her. Rhea says "fine". Tiff asks what that means and Adam tells her to figure it out.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill (c) vs Damage Ctrl (Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane)

Lash and Jakara are watching in the seats. Iyo cartwheels off the ropes and backflips. She dropkicks Jade then Jade shoulders her over. Iyo is double hiptossed into a double powerbomb. BB is tripped and takes an axe kick. BB takes a double basement dropkick.

Iyo top rope crossbodies Jade outside. We go to break and return. Iyo crossfaces BB and BB tries a pin out of it. Iyo hits shotei's then rolls her into a double stomp. Iyo flips out of a back body drop and takes a spear. Jade comes in and takes a backfist from Sane. Sane hits chops. Sane is on her back and sleepers her.

Jade throws her over. Sane boots her out of the corner. Jade catches her on a crossbody and swinging backbreakers her. Jade powerbombs Sane for 2. Jade tries to slam BB on Sane but Sane moves. Iyo hit a springboard dropkick on BB. Sane is popped up into an elbow drop on BB.

Iyo misses a top rope moonsault. Sane is swung into the rails outside. Jade and BB argue with Lash and Jakara. Iyo asai moonsaults both. Iyo then argues with them and gets forearmed by Lash. BB hits a KOD on Iyo and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here with a dirty finish. They hid Jade's weaknesses well and Damage Ctrl flew around some. I thought they were turning Damage Ctrl face but they were definitely not the faces here. It seems like they are setting up a Damage Ctrl vs Jakara and Lash match.

Finn Balor is with JD McDonaugh asks Adam Pearce when his rematch with Damien Priest is. Adam says this has nothing to do with that. He says he's concerned about the tag titles and says he's setting up a tag tournament for a title shot. JD says he doesn't care and Adam says he should. Liv, Dom and Carlito come in and ask when Finn's match with Damian is. Finn walks off and there is no rematch. Liv then introduces Raquel to them. Carlito looks love struck.

We see American Made riding around in an army truck. Chad talks about greatness and Brutus says a photo of them should be there when you look it up. Ivy says everyone has an opportunity to get their teeth kicked in by the greatest athletes in the world. Chad says this country needs a hero and says they will be that hero for them. He says to sit back and watch and says they will show the world what it means to be American Made.

Thoughts: This was a different segment. I don't know if it was a parody, but it came off as one. It didn't work as it should have.

Bron Breakker does a video. He said Jey Uso lucked out when he beat him and says he won the biggest lottery of his life. He said he congratulated him with respect and said Jey threw it back in his face. He says Jey never said he respected him. He says they aren't the same. Bron says he's doing things on his own and doesn't need his family's name while Jey does. He says Jey's been sucking off his family's legacy for 14 years and said if Jey wants to do it on his own, he'll take an @ss kicking on his own. He says he's coming back for his IC Title. He says Jey's family can't save Jey from him.

We see Adam Pearce and Bronson Reed talk from last Saturday. Reed just wants to talk business. Adam says he gives him and the rest of the roster the leeway to handle things they want. He says Reed put the WWE Universe at risk vs Braun. Reed says he apologizes and asks when the match vs Seth will be made. Adam says he won't think of that until they are on the same page. Reed says he did all of that to get to the main event. He says to make the match and says he just wants the spotlight in the 1v1 match with Seth. Adam says Reed is a man of his word now and said he will talk to Seth. Reed says Adam is a smarter businessman than he looks.

#1 Contenders to the Tag Titles Tournament First Round - Alpha Academy (Akira Tozawa and Otis) vs The War Raiders

Wow, we haven't seen The Raiders in a while.  Ivar boots Otis and rolls over his back. He cartwheels and Otis lariats him. Akira corner spears Ivar. Ivar slams Akira then Erik slams Ivar on top of him. Akira takes knees from both opponents then takes a running forearm. Otis lariats Ivar over. Otis goes for the caterpillar and takes a spinning high kick.

Akira top rope dropkicks Ivar. Akira takes a double team pop-up powerslam. Erick knees Akira in the head. Akira is thrown into a mid-air splash from Ivar and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a quick one and a bit rushed. The Raiders thankfully won here in their return and it's always good seeing them. Their new finisher is really cool. I wish we could have gotten more of this.

Adam Pearce talks to Seth Rollins in the back. Seth asks if the match between him and Reed is set. Adam said Seth hasn't been healthy for any his matches this year and he's worried about it. Seth says injuries are part of the game and say when you are at the top of the jungle like him, upstarts come and try to make a name. Seth says there's a reason he runs this place and says Reed and Adam forgot. Seth says he needs this fight.

Cody Rhodes comes out to talk. He talks about the history of wrestling here in St. Louis. He says we heard, "We Want Cody" for the first time here. He asks what we want to talk about then Gunther comes out.

Gunther says there's not much negative to say about Cody. He says the company is in a boom period built on Cody's back. He says he respects Cody but says Cody just loves to be everybody's darling. Gunther says everyone's friend is nobody's true friend. He says he expects the best version of Cody at Crown Jewel.

Cody says Gunther breaks when it gets uncomfortable. Cody says Gunther has never been in the ring with him. Gunther says he's spoken like a true secondary champ. Cody says Gunther has become a frightening beast. He says he beat the most dominating champ in company history and said he has already slayed a frightening beast. Cody offers a handshake. Gunther accepts it and say "good luck to me, the champ".

It wasn't that strong of a segment and that's no real surprise. These guys are not the strongest mic guys in the company.

We see Kofi and Woods talk last week. Kofi said Jey Uso would be one of the first ones to help if he was getting beaten up. Woods also says he remember Kofi telling him he's the QB but Woods says that hasn't been happening lately.

We get a Dragon Lee video. He says he has become stronger and better than before with every setback. 

Kofi Kingston vs Bron Breakker

Kofi dropkicks him and hits punches in the corner. Bron shoulders him over. Kofi is sent into the corner chest first then back first. Kofi springboard dropkicks him out of the corner and Bron running bodyblocks him out.

We go to break and return. Bron chinlocks him. Bron misses a corner spear and hits the post. Kofi dropkicks him then springboard crossbodies him. Kofi boom legdrops him. Kofi hits a ranhei for 2. Kofi is caught on a double axe handle and takes a belly to belly suplex. Bron hits a running spear and wins.

Thoughts: It was shorter match but what we got was fine. Bron hit his hard running moves on Kofi and won as expected. 

Bron grabs Kofi after and Woods saves Kofi. Bron then nails Woods and Jey Uso comes out. Woods superkicks Bron then spears him. 

Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley talk in the back. Rhea says she doesn't want him out there tonight. She says it's Tiffy's time to stand on the apron and look pretty.  Rhea says it's time Priest gets his title. Priest says as long as Rhea has beef with Judgment Day, he does too. Priest says it's time to be champ again. 

Jey Uso walks into a room and Jimmy Uso is there. He asks him if he has a second and Jey walks away.

The Miz vs R-Truth

Miz isn't wearing wrist tape today. Truth offers a handshake. Miz takes it and Truth wants to pose with him. The Wyatt's interrupt the feed for a second. The Final Testament come out. Truth rolls up Miz from behind and wins.

Thoughts: Well, that wasn't much of a match or real sporty of Truth.

Truth hugs him and the ref after. He then fist bumps Kross as he leaves. Kross says to get him. AOP throw Truth in the ring and Miz hits a skull crushing finale and makes mean faces.

Jimmy Uso goes looking for Jey Uso. He finds him. Hey stares at him and Jimmy says to hear him out. Jey says, "I said no, and get out my face, man".

Rhea Ripley and Tiffany Stratton vs Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez

Liv slaps Rhea then takes a headbutt. Rhea drops her down on her head and chest then basement dropkicks her. Rhea and Raq stare down. Tiff and Raq go at it. Tiff cartwheels and flips over her. Tiff bridges out of a shot.

Raq goes out, Rhea goes after her then Tiff and rhea argue. Liv is thrown powerbomb style on Rhea and Tiff.  We go to break and return. Liv suplexes Tiff and shining wizards her. Tiff takes a corner splash from Raq then Raq does a weird looking suplex for 2.

Raq pounds on Tiff. Raq stretches Tiff over her knee. Rhea bangs Liv's head off her knee then lariats her when she gets in. Liv is caught on a springboard and dropped down. Rhea running knees her then hits riptide for 2. Raq is thrown out and Rhea goes after her. Tiff misses a prettiest moonsault ever. Nia Jax then attacks Rhea on the floor causing the DQ. Nia then sends Raq into the post as well.

Rhea headbutts Nia then is clipped when she goes to slam her by Liv. Liv kicks Rhea around and pounds on her. Nia headbutts Liv and samoan drops her. Nia then legdrops her. Nia then hits a banzai drop on her.

Nia tells Tiff to go cash in on Liv. Tiff talks to the ref and Dom pulls Liv out.

The match wasn't that special. Liv and Rhea should have been focused on more and they should have been a bit rougher with each other. They did accomplish a lot though like teasing the cash-in and getting Nia involved.

Overall thoughts: It was just an average show. It was paced better than last week's show was but half the roster is missing from the show and the matches don't gt enough time to be anything special. There was nothing must see on this one and I didn't think anything was great.

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