Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Marigold 10/12/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 3

Marigold 10/12/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 3

Myla Grace vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

Myla has new gear with tassles. They lock up and trade wristlocks. MYla trips her and side headlocks her. Myla hits kicks and bridges out of a pin. KM dropkicks her then corner back elbows her. Myla facewash kicks her then hits a twisting suplex for 2. KM rolls her up for 2 then armbars her.

Myla crossfaces her and KM ropebreaks. They trade chest forearms. Myla spin kicks her then backdrops her for 2. KM flatliners her off the ropes then dropkicks her several times. Myla superkicks her then sit out slams her.

Myla goes up top and nearly slips on a cancun tornado for the win.

It wasn't anything special as expected. Myla's trying but really limited athletically and KM is a rookie.

Miku Aono vs Rea Sato

They lock up. Rea wristlocks her and Miku reverses it. They trade waistlocks and Miku armdrags her into an armlock. Rea armlocks her and Miku ropebreaks.

Rea dropkicks her and Miku kips up. Miku dropkicks her then bodyscissors her. Miku pulls back on Rea's arms and stretches her. Miku hair throws her. Rea is layed on the 2nd rope and Miku kicks her in the ribs. Rea croner dropkicks her.

Miku corner dropkicks Rea for 2. Miku snapmares her and hits kicks to the back. Rea ducks a PK and rolls her up for 2. Rea basement dropkicks her then corner dropkicks her. Rea facebusters her then low dropkicks her for 2.

Miku slams her and they trade chest forearms. Rea backslides her for 2 then does cattle mutilation. They mess up a dropkick spot then the next spot after. Miku slams her and hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Rea backslides Miku the cradles her for 2.

Rea keylocks her and Miku ropebreaks. Miku lariats her over and tries a cuty special. Miku sliding lariats Rea for 2. Miku buzzsaw kicks Rea and wins.

It started off okay and went downhill in the middle with two botches and never recovered. The first half of this was mostly all dropkicks.

CHIAKI vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Chi ducks lock-ups and side headlocks her. Chi shoulders her over and stomps her back. Chi camel clutches her the n spears her back on the ropes. Chi hair throws her and does facewash kicks. Yuz dropkicks her and flying headscissors her. Yuz then hits a basement dropkick. Chi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her then cartwheel double knee drops her.

Chi eye rakes her then Yuz hip throws her. Yuz hits a lightning spiral and a northern lights suplex for 2. Chi rolling spears her. Chi puts her in a torture rack and sitout torture rack bombs her. Yuz cradles her then rolls her up for 2. Yuz superkicks her and Chi powerslams her for 2.

Yuz superkicks her then hits an abdominal stretch bomb for the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one. They kept it moving and they had an okay match together. Yuz winning was maybe a small upset

Utami Hayashishita vs. Nao Ishikawa

They shoulder battle to start and Utami knocks her over.  Utami slams her for 2. Utami basement dropkicks her in the back. Utami camel clutches her. Utami shoulders her over then Nao shoulders her over.

Nao flying neckbreakers her then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Utami tries to side slam her but Nao rolls on her and turns it into a press. Utami germans Nao then Nao no sells it and germans her back. Nao backdrops her then sitout pedigrees her for 2.

Nao takes a stun gun then a samoan drop. Utami running lariats her for 2. Utami forearms her over and stomps her head. Nao slaps her then Utami hits an air raid crash for 2. Utami lariats Nao over then germans her for the win.

Thoughts: It was one of the better Nao matches I've seen. She went to toe with Utami and didn't look out of place at all. She hit her stuff clean and it really couldn't have gone much better than it did. It wasn't great but there was nothing wrong with it.

They fight more after and Nao takes a boot to the head.

Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei vs. Kizuna Tanaka & Nanae Takahashi

NT = Nanae Takahashi, Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka

Kiz hits a hard dropkick on Chika to start. Chika shoulders her over for 2 and Kiz bridges out. Kiz flying knees her then crossbodies her for 2. Chika throws Kiz over and bangs her head off the buckles. Kouki slams then falling splashes Kiz. Kouki then crabs her.

They trade chest forearms and Kouki shoulders her over. Chika forearms her down then hip attacks her on the ropes. Kiz takes an atomic drop into a facekick then a double boot.

Chika is sent into Kouki then Kiz pulls Chika down. NT shoulders Chika over and works her leg. NT misses a splash. Chika hits a chest forearm flurry. NT hits a double bulldog on Chika and Kouki. NT figure fours Chika. Kouki tries to break it then gets put in a facelock while NT has the figure four on.\

Chika slams NT. NT takes corner attacks with Kouki hitting a flying facekick. Kouki hits another facekick for 2. Kouki hits chest forearms then NT rebound germans Kouki. NT lariats Kouki for 2.

Kouki takes corner attacks. Kiz rolling armbars Kouki. Kiz top rope dropkicks Kouki for 2. Kouki and Chika hit stereo facekicks. Kiz rolling armbars Kouki. Kiz fisherman suplexes Kouki for 2. Kouki spinebusters Kiz for 2. Kouki facekicks Kiz over for 2.

Kouki 180 splashes Kiz off the top and wins.

Thoughts: It was one of the better efforts by Kouki and Chika so far. Chika really seems like she's starting to get what she should be doing and is growing a lot. They didn't overdo it with Kouki and Kiz did fine showing spirit here which helped this out. I had no problems with this one.

Kouki and Kiz talk on the mic after and seem to set up something. Nanae and Chika end up getting fired up and a match seems to be set up for Korauken.

Misa Matsui & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Mai Sakurai & MIRAI

We're 5 matches in and we haven't had a draw yet. Could it be?

Nat boots Mirai and Mirai takes corner attacks from both opponents. Nat kicks Mirai in the gut then armbars her. Nat hits chest forearms on Mirai then dropkicks her on the ropes. Nat half crabs Mirai.

Misa bodyscissors Mirai then bow and arrows her. Mirai dropkicks Misa. Mai gets in and facekicks Misa. Mai then hits a double dropkick. Misa's eyes are raked on the ropes then she takes a double dropkick. Mirai and Misa snapmare each other.

Mirai shoulders Misa over. Mirai then shoulders Misa over. Mirai slams Misa for 2. Mirai hair throws Misa then Mai facekicks Misa several times. Mai and Misa trade. Misa 2nd rope crossbodies her then basement dropkicks her. Nat PK's Mai then Mai suplexes her. Mirai basement dropkicks Mai. Mirai slams Nat down then vader bomb corkscrew elbow drops her. Nat rolls up Mirai for 2 then Mirai slams her for 2. Mirai pulls on Nat's chin.

Mirai works Nat's back in the corner and Nat dropkicks her in the corner. Nat corner meteora's her then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Mirai shoulders Nat over then Nat does an octopus on her. Nat armbars her.

Mirai takes attacks against the bottom rope. Mirai then takes a bridging ddt for 2. Mirai samoan drops Misa and Misa curcifixes her for 2. Mirai half-nelson suplexes Misa for 2.

Misa takes a stunner and running back elbow. Mai top rope dropkicks Misa. Mai legslices Misa for 2. Misa rolls Mai into double stomps for 2. Mirai slams Misa. Mai suplexes Misa for 2. Mai gordbusters Misa. Misa hits a top rope plancha onto both opponents outside.

Mai takes a double flying knee then Misa falon arrows Mai for 2. Mirai makes Nat ddt Misa then Misa takes a lariat + flying knee combo. Mirai cradle shocks Misa then Mai top rope elbow drops Misa for 2. Mai and Mirai backdrop their opponents. Nat and Misa take an STO together and Mai taps out Misa with an STF.

It went long. The crowd wasn't that into it and it wasn't that great of a match. I didn't really buy that Misa and Nat were going to win and it could have used some more exciting moments. It wasn't awful but just average.

Mai and Misa talk on the mic after. Mirai and Mai close the show

Overall thoughts: Chika and Nao having the best matches on the show wasn't something I expected but that happened. It was a house show and there was nothing great here. The first two matches weren't that good. I'd put this one at average overall.

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