Tuesday, October 15, 2024

WWE NXT 10/15/2024

WWE NXT 10/15/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/10/wwe-nxt-1082024.html

We are back at the Performance Center and it has new black and grey colors.

Booker T and Vic Joseph hype the show up next to the Halloween Havoc wheel.

Tony D is in the ring with a table, wine and his title. He toasts Oba Femi. He says he's a machine that broke him. He said he used Oba's pride against him. He said he baited Oba into thinking he broke The Don. He said he seized the moment and beat him. Tony says he knows it isn't over and toasts him.

Oba Femi comes out. Oba says Tony got him and congratulates him. He said it happened once but won't happen again. He says he will get the N-A Title back at Halloween Havoc and will be the ruler of NXT again. He says the family won't be able to help him. Oba then spins the Halloween Havoc wheel and it lands on a tables, ladders and scares match.

Oro Mensah is interviewed. He is facing King in a Gentlemen's Duel tonight which has weird rules. Oro says King is annoyed he beat him at his own game. Lexis King comes in. He said he didn't cheat in his last match but Oro did. He says tonight will be a fair match. Oro says he's not buying this.

Stephanie Vaquer vs Wren Sinclair

Wren hammerlocks SV. SV wristlocks her back. Wren trips her and side headlocks her. SV tries a bridge pin. SV ties Wren's legs up and stands while doing it. Wren does  cattle mutilation and armbars her.

SV rolls her up and sppin kicks her. SV legdrops her then bangs her head off the mat with a headscissors. Myles Borne makes some wild faces at this. Wren hits chops and pushes SV's head into the mat. Wren double underhook suplexes her. SV dragon screws her.

SV corner meteora's her then package neckbreakers her over the knee.

Thoughts: I didn't think it was that great of a debut and I can't say I saw anything that made Steph look any better than a midcarder. I was never impressed with her in CMLL and didn't expect to be here.

Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade jump SV after. Giulia comes and makes the save. Giulia hits a double dropkick then the heels take stereo pump kicks out. SV then says something about them at Halloween Havoc.

Trick Williams and Kelani Jordan talk. Trick says his title run is going better than the last one and asks who is next for Kelani. She says it could be anyone and says she will let Ava pick who she faces next. We then see Fatal Influence watching from behind. Jacy says they will pay Ava a visit.

Ashantee Adonis hits on Karmen Petrovic and Brinley Reece in the back. He gives them a flower. Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen interrupt. Shawn says the ladies deserve to be treated with some respect. Brooks has a goofy new look and tear the rose up. Adonis gets in Brooks' face. Mr. Stone comes in, says we aren't doing this here and says to go to Ava's office. Karmen then picks up the flowers.

Gentlemen's Duel - Lexis King vs Oro Mensah

This has a bunch of convoluted rules that I don't want to get into.

King waistlocks him and takes a side headlock takeover. King headscissors him. They do the sequence against with the wrestlers switching roles. Oro upkicks King. King rolls Oro up and they stand off.

Oro step up enzugiri's him then they trade armdrags. Oro monkey flips him. King 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Oro is on the 2nd rope. King tries to push him over the top forgetting the rules and then stops it from happening.They crossbody each other in mid-air.

We go to break and return. King hits a top rope swanton for 2. Oro trips him and hits chops. Oro flying headscissors King then Oro does a uranage. King does a ki krusher for 2.  

We see Lola Vice warming up in the back. Oro and King trade chops and euros. Oro koppo kicks King. King goes up top and Oro walks up the ropes and backflip kicks him. Oro springboard rider kicks him for 2. King superkicks him then Oro hits a big lariat. Oro misses a spinning heel kick in the corner. Oro armdrags him into a cradle. King gets a 2 count on him. Oro curcifixes him for 2. King then bridge pins him.

They shake hands after.

: They got a decent bit of time for this but it wasn't anything special as expected. I have no idea where they going with King pretending to be a clean wrestler.

Cedric Alexander and Je'Von Evans talk in the back. Fraxiom interrupt and told Evans he had a good performance against Orton. Ced says Fraxiom should apologize for costing them a tag match a few weeks ago. Wes Lee comes in and says Evans isn't ready for the NXT Title picture. He tells him to stay out of his way. Evans says Wes has been salty since he lost his friends. Wes says he never won any titles and Evans says he will never be like him. Wes says he doesn't have the potential to be like him.

We see same Damage Ctrl/Jade and Bianca/Lash and Jakara video from Raw.

We see a Nikkita Lyons highlight video and  Lyons says the comeback is greater than the setback. She says she's about to be untamed and is ready to take over.

Nascar driver Cole Custer will be on NT next week.

Nikkita Lyons vs Lola Vice

They miss strikes to start. Lyons throws her off the waistlock then Lola superkicks her and dances. Lola sie headlocks her then Lyons shoulders her over and dances. Lola kicks Lyons in the gut and Lyons slams her.

Lyons hits corner spears and drops her from her shoulder. Lyons misses a corner charge. Lola gets on her back with a sleeper. Lyons side slams her out of it. Lola takes Lyons down and they each hit mounted formearms. Lyons hits shots to the gut. Lola spin kicks her and Lola hits a kick combo.

Lola corner hip attacks her then axe kicks her on the back. Jaida Parker gets on the apron and Lola spin kicks her. Lyons superkicks Lola out then Jaida running hip attacks Lola. Lyons hits a vader bomb and beats Lola.

Thoughts: Lyons looked like she put a lot of weight on here and was not moving that well. She has a new finisher too with the split drop seeming like it's gone. They kept this one moving but it had a dirty finish and wasn't great.

Ava talks to Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia in the back. She congratulates SV on the win and likes the Cora/Perez vs Vaquer/Giulia match. Fatal Influence comes in. They say they want an N-A Title. Ava says two of Fatal Influence can take on Vaquer and Giulia if they want an N-A Title shot.

Ridge Holland vs Riley Osborne

Riley nails Ridge as he walks down then tope con hilos him. Riley hits forearms then leg lariats him. Riley dropkicks him then corner lariats him. Riley is thrown off the bulldog.

Riley 2nd rope corkscrew moonsaults him then hits a running ssp. Riley gets caught and takes a side slam. Ridge knees Riley as he hangs over the apron. Riley is put on the commentary table and he diving tornado ddt's Ridge off of it.

They fight on the buckles. Ridge does a 2nd rope head and arm suplex on Riley. Ridge powerbombs Riley then lifts him in mid air for a ddt. Ridge then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one but it was fine. Ridge ran over Riley here and Riley got some flying in before being put down.

Ridge beats up Riley more after and throws him out. Thea Hail screams at Ridge. Ridge goes to ddt him on the commentary table then Andre Chase returns and makes the save. Chase lariats Ridge over the top and Thea hugs him. Refs then come to break it up.

Byron Saxton interviews Tatum Paxley. Tatum says she never forgets. She says Wendy stabbed her in the back but she didn't forget. OTM interrupt. Jaida says she's on point in this division and says Lola will learn. Tatum says Jaida interrupted her playtime. Jaida calls her a freak and says she doesn't play at all. We then see Wendy in the background.

Ashantee "Thee" Adonis vs Brooks Jensen

BJ is backed up in the corner. Adonis hits punches. AA boots him then BJ no sells his lariat. AA flying lariats him. BJ stun guns him then hits mounted punches.  BJ elbows him in the head. AA rakes the eyes and hits shots in the corner. BJ facelocks him. BJ is pulled over the top and AA dropkicks him throug hthe ropes. BJ is tripped into the ropes then dropkicked.

Karmen Petrovic comes out and gets Shawn Spears to back off. She pours rose petals on the apron. AA is distracted and AA hits mounted punches on BJ. AA goes up top, gets distracted by Spears, gets crotched then gets ddt'd by BJ. BJ then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was the match nobody really wanted and it wasn't much. It was short and seemed to be heel vs heel and the only notable thing was Karmen coming out. I really hope they aren't doing some romance angle between Karmen and Adonis.

We get a video for the new Australian girl who is debuting. She's on top of a big building with an NXT logo then punches the logo with fire fists and breaks it.

Lexis King talks to the NQCC in the back. He thanks Dempsey and said he got a huge win. He says he might be ready for the rounds match and Dempsey says he's not. King walks past The D'Angelo Family and puts them over. Stacks calls him a freak and they discuss the tables, ladders and scares match. Luca says nobody threatens the family and says he wants Oba Femi next week.

#1 Contender's Match - Wes Lee vs Ethan Page vs Je'Von Evans

Evans superkicks Wes down. Evans bounces off the ropes and rolls up Page. Wes tries a pin on Evans. Page stops an Evans sunset flip then goes over to avoid a shot from Wes. Wes up kicks Evans from the mat.

Evans uses the ropes to do a seated springboard hurricanrana on Page. He then dropkicks Page. Wes dropkicks Evans. Page fallaway slams Evans into Wes then facekicks Evans over.

Page backbreakers Evans. Evans hits a sloppy shiranui on Page then Wes kneeling springboard swantons Evans. Wes pounds on Evans. Wes and Evans trade. Page cheers them on and Wes and Evans swing the other's feet into Page. Evans superman punches Wes.

Wes dropkicks Page through the ropes. Page overhead suplexes Wes onto the commentary table then sits on the table. Evans then dives onto Page, knocking him off the table.

We go to break and return. Evans misses a corner splash.  Evans and Wes trade then they double clothesline each other. Page slams Evans onto Wes. Page then drops Wes onto Evans. Wes is sent into the post shoulder first then Page hits mounted punches.

Page yanks Evans into a slam for 2. Wes hits punches on Page while he's on his knees. Wes superkicks Evans then tornado ddt's him off of Page. Wes running ssp's Page for 2. They all trade shots then we get a triple high kick spot with everyone going down. Page is up top, Evans jumps up and spanish flies him. Evans corkscrew kicks Wes off the ropes for 2.

Page high kicks Evans. Evans tries to hurricanrana out of it but botches it. Evans hits a top rope cody cutter on Wes for 2. Evans is caught on the buckles. Evans flips out of a tower of doom spot and superkicks Page out. Evans hits a double jump tornillo on Wes then Page rolls up Evans and wins.

Thoughts: They did okay with the three way here though it wasn't great. It was better than expected. Page winning sucks though. Page vs Trick wasn't good the first two times. Why would the third time be any better? Who does this help and why?

Page calls out Trick Williams and says let's spin the wheel. Trick comes out and the wheel lands on a Devil's Playground match. Trick says he's not scared and holds up the belt. Page nails Trick with a light. Page then holds the title up and says Trick will see the devil inside of him.

Overall thoughts: The show was just average. Mostly everything on here except the main was short and not that great. The main was fine but also not a classic. It had Ethan Page winning though and I can't really understand why they want to run Page vs Trick again when their first two matches weren't that good. Nikkita Lyons returned here and Vaquer made her NXT debut and neither looked that great. I can't say I'm sold yet on the matches at Halloween Havoc. I wouldn't recommend this.

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