Friday, October 11, 2024

WWE Smackdown 10/11/2024

WWE Smackdown 10/11/2024

Last week's show is here:

We are in Greenville, South Carolina.

Jimmy Uso comes out. He says he was put on the shelf for 6 months by Solo Sikoa. He said Solo jumped him from behind and said he's gonna kick his @ss tonight, big bro vs lil bro.

Roman Reigns comes out and takes forever to do so. Roman says to join him and acknowledge "Big Jim". Roamn says he's not an older brother like him or a wise man. He says he's a tribal chief and he takes what's his. He said they had all the gold and all the titles. He said Jimmy asked him about buying a new house and Roman told him to buy them all. Roman said he doesn't like where they are and says he doesn't like being out of control.

Roman said he said he was the greatest of all time and meant it. Roman says he wants us to know that the goats are here and that we are the ones. Jimmy says they aren't though. The crowd chants, "yes, you are". Jimmy says he sees a chief with no tribe or necklace.

Jimmy says he came back because Roman needed him. Jimmy says they need help. He says he knows one person they can get help from. Roman says, "No Yeet". Jimmy says Roman will forever be his tribal chief but he is the only one in the family that still acknowledges him. Jimmy walks away and the segment ends.

WWE United States Title - LA Knight (c) vs Carmelo Hayes

LA hits punches to start. Melo rolls over his back then is lariated. Melo is lariated over the top. Melo argues with Andrade, who appears at ringside and LA dropkicks him through the ropes.

We go to PiP break and return. Melo takes a backdrop. LA hits punches and atomic drops him. LA lariats him then does a pop-up powerslam. LA elbow drops him for 2. LA stomps on him in the corner.

Melo superkicks him. LA back body drops him and they trade pin attempts. LA jumping neckbreakers him then double jump elbow drops him for 2. Melo handstands out of a BFT and scissors kicks LA. Melo then lifts him into  a cutter for 2.

Melo backslides him for 2 then LA hits a BFT and wins.

It was just average. It didn't' get enough time and there weren't too many highlights out of the handstand BFT counter. Andrade didn't get involved here.

Jimmy Uso and Cody Rhodes talk backstage. Cody thanks him for helping him. Jimmy says it's a favor but don't expect more. Cody says Solo isn't the same guy he used to be. Jimmy says it's family business and says Cody is handling business on his own by being champ.

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson talk. Lash says they handled their business in NXT and have a chance to get gold. They say they will show what they are about.

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson come out for their match. Kevin Owens interrupts. He says he was told not to come here tonight. Agents try to stop him. He says he was going to explain why he turned on Cody. His mic then got cut off. KO takes Graves' headset and said Cody turned on him. Cody goes after him but agents break it up. Randy Orton comes out to stop Cody.

Orton gets in the ring and pushes KO back and holds him. KO back elbows him then Orton drops him. Owens looks shocked and backs off.

Thoughts: Orton acted unusual here being the guy to stop the fight. Them not showing the footage of KO attacking Cody hurt this segment.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill (c) vs Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson

Trick Williams is watching in the crowd. We see an inset from a few minutes prior with Jade, Bianca, Chelsea Green and Piper Niven talking. Green complains about not getting title shots. Jade says Green stinks. Bianca says the closest they will get to the tag titles is if they sit out there and watch them. Green and Piper are at ringside.

Jade's team is attacked and Jade is thrown into the post shoulder first. JJ does a flying move on Bianca then Lash throws Bianca down like a reverse Attitude Adjustment. JJ gets on Lash's shoulders and is flipped into a senton Bianca's back.

Bianca is held in the air for a cutter from JJ. Lash forearms Jade out. Lash pump kicks Green over the commentary table outside. Jade gets tagged in and pump kicks JJ inside. JJ is lifted for a ddt then takes a wheelbarrow german. Jade then pins JJ.

It was a real short one here with the heels getting in most of the offense until begin beaten. Jade and Bianca won as expected.

Orton, Cody and Aldis talk in the back. Orton tells him to calm down. Aldis says he needs him focused for Crown Jewel and needs him to beat Gunther. Orton says we all need to cool down and says he can fix this. Aldis says who'd have thought Orton would be the voice of reason?

Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton talk in the ring. Nia says Bayley was a worthy contender but was put on her back like everyone else. She calls Liv Morgan a little girl and says she wants to face her Crown Jewel. She says she will annihilate Liv Morgan. She then headlocks Tiff and says when she beats Liv, that's when Tiff cashes in on Liv Morgan.

Naomi comes out. She says Nia only has the title as Tiff helped her. Naomi says Tiff isn't a good side kick as she pinned her last week. Nia says it took two people to beat her last week and asks if she's going to get a partner to fight her right now. Naomi says she doesn't need a partner to beat her. Naomi says she can beat her right now. Nia tells Nick Aldis to send a ref out and make it official.

Liv Morgan, Dominik Mysterio and Raquel Rodriguez then come out. Liv says she's upset and said they came here to make an example of Nia. Liv says they go to ringside and watch her lose with everyone else. She says it will be just like when she loses to her at Crown Jewel. Nia then shoves over Naomi.

Nia Jax vs Naomi

This started during the break and is non-title. Naomi goes up and over her twice. Naomi stands on her back and stomps it. Naomi slides out of a lariat and Nia blocks a sunset flip. Naomi upkicks her. Nia corner splashes her then bodyblocks her for 2.

Nia pulls Naomi's arms back. Naomi is sent into the buckles shoulder first. Nia hip attacks her against the post for 2. Naomi takes a headbutt. Naomi flips out of a snapmare and headscissors drivers Nia's head into the mat. Naomi split drops on her on the apron.

Nia asks for time out on the outside and Naomi baseball slides her against the post. Naomi takes a samoan drop on the floor. We go to break and return. 

Nia slams Naomi and misses a senton. Naomi kicks her from the ropes then superkicks her. Naomi bulldogs her into the 2nd buckle. Naomi top rope crossbodies Nia for 2. Naomi springboard kicks her then slingshot tornillo plancha's her outside.

Tiff attacks Naomi outside. Raquel stops her then Naomi high kicks Tiff. Naomi is pulled down from the top. Raquel distracts the ref. Liv hits Nia with a briefcase then Naomi powerbombs Nia and wins.

It was a decent match here with everyone doing what they should be doing and them getting this Tiff/Nia vs Raquel/Liv storyline started.

Rhea Ripley then comes out and beats up Raquel. From behind, they look identical. Rhea goes after Liv. Liv i is in the ring. Nia grabs Liv. Rhea boots Nia then pounds on Liv. Dom distracts Rhea and Liv slides out.

Carmelo Hayes runs into Nick Aldis in the back. He says Andrade screwed him out of the title match tonight. Nick says Andrade and Melo are tied at 3 wins a piece and we need a Game 7. He says the winner might get a US Title shot and tells Melo not to miss.

Legado del Fantasma go up to Nick. Santos says Melo and Andrade have a permanent spot in the title line-up. Aldis says Santos lost his title shot and he's waiting for him to bounce back. Santos says what about Elektra and Los Garza. Nick says Los Garza fight a special team he hand selected next week. He says they have proven themselves if they can beat them. Nick says Santos might regret it.

Solo Sikoa says Jimmy Uso won't get a match tonight. He says Jimmy might be big brother, but he's his tribal chief and says Jimmy will acknowledge him.

I think we get a video for The Motor City Machine Guns that says they are coming next week.

They show various signs in the crowd.

The Street Profits and DIY argue to Nick Aldis in the back. Nick says the match last week was their shot and says a new team is coming in next week. The argument continues. Nick calls for security as Kevin Owens is beating up Randy Orton outside. Nick says they need help and medics.

Solo Sikoa vs Jimmy Uso

Solo tells Jimmy that he will acknowledge him. Jimmy teases doing it then hits him. Jimmy euros him out of the corner and chops him. Solo throws him into the corner and eats a knee. Solo back elbows him.

Solo is pulled over the top and Jimmy topes him. Jimmy comes off the top and takes a shot from Solo. Solo tells him he's not little anymore and chokes him on the ropes. Jacob Fatu nails Jimmy from the outside.

Solo headbutts Jimmy then Solo's head is banged off the buckles. Solo lariats him on the apron. Jimmy goes to slingshot in and is hit. Fatu then attacks Jimmy outside. 

\We go to PiP break and return. Solo corner hip attacks Jimmy. Jimmy slaps Solo and hits punches. Jimmy bangs Solo's head off the mat then Solo spinning heel kicks him. Solo rakes Jimmy's face on the ropes and Fatu nails Jimmy from the outside.

Jimmy ddt's Solo. Solo uranages him for 2. Solo running hip attacks Jimmy in the corner. Jimmy superkicks Solo. Jimmy hits more kicks then spinning enzugiri's him. Jimmy top rope crossbodies Solo for 2. Fatu and Loa get nailed while on the apron.

Jimmy samoan drops Solo for 2. Jimmy goes up top and is crotched by Fatu. Solo samoan spikes Jimmy and wins.

Why didn't Roman help out Jimmy here? This was mostly all interference and wasn't anything too special.

Roman Reigns finally comes out after Jimmy gets cheated out of a match. Roman beats up Bloodline. Roman and Solo trade. Fatu hits Roman from behind. Fatu corner hip attacks him. Jimmy takes a Fatu superkick. Fatu double jump moonsaults Jimmy. Roman is held for a samoan spike. Jimmy tells Roman they need help after.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't anything special. I thought they did a poor job with the KO/Cody angle as they didn't actually show it for some odd reason. The Bloodline stuff was nothing new and Nia/Naomi was maybe the match of the night. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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