Tuesday, October 8, 2024

TNA Xplosion 10/4/2024

TNA Xplosion 10/4/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/10/tna-xplosion-9272024.html

I believe they have a new remix of their theme here.

Steve Maclin vs Judas Icarus

They lock up and headlock each other. Steve backdrops him and Judas holds on. Steve back elbows him out. Judas is caught on a crossbody. He steps on Steve's foot as he chops him. Steve knees him in the gut.

Steve hits a lariat flurry to the back of Judas' neck in the corner. Judas is in tree of woe and avoids the spear. Travis Williams grabs on Steve's leg outside then Judas dropkicks Steve through the ropes.

Judas flying euros him then diving euros him off the ropes for 2. Judas hits shots. Steve chops back and hits a hard forearm. Judas rebound germans him for 2. Judas does a grounded cobra twist as Steve bleeds from the mouth.

Steve back elbows him and hits lariats. Steve uranage backbreakers him. Steve hits corner lariats then flips him with one. Steve hits a death valley driver for 2. Travis distracts Steve. Judas rolls Steve up and hits slaps.

Judas is in tree of woe. Travis is knocked off the apron when he tries to interefere. Steve hits his crosshairs spear then hits his nasty head dropping double underhook ddt to win. Gia screams as Judas lands.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with them stiffing each other and keeping it moving. It got a bunch of time and even Gia popped for the finish. Steve got his mouth busted open here likely from the dropkick through the ropes.

Around The Ring with Gia Miller

John Skyler is the guest this week. He's wearing a Bull Nakano shirt. John says it's called "Around the Ring" but there's no ring here. Gia asks about his dog. He says he saw a dog in a lobby at a hotel. He was told the dog was abandoned and asked if he could take the dog with him to the wrestling show. He said they told him the owner likely wasn't coming back and he took him home. They talk about his dog eaiting a toy and having to go to the ER.

Hammerstone vs. Conan Lycan

Jake Something is on commentary here for Hammer.

They say CL is a former Division I football player. they lock up. CL side headlocks him. They shoulder battle. Hammer back elbows him on the ropes and boots him. CL rolls over Hammer's back then CL shoulders him over.

CL plants on the top rope and misses a moonsault. Hammer hits a sick kick then spinebusters him. Hammer double foot chokes him in the corner and poses. Hammer clubs him as he lays on the apron then pump kicks him in the head.

Hammer abuses him on the ropes. Hammer talks trash and tells him to come on. CL hits shots to the gut. Hammer absorbs a forearm and blocks his arm. Hammer exploders him then misses a corner spear.

They trade forearms. Hammer spinning punches him. Hammer hits a pump kick then germans him. Hammer takes a back body drop. CL misses a top rope 450. CL lifts Hammer on his shoulders and does a spinning torture rack bomb for 2. Hammer escapes a move and pump kicks him. Hammer then hits the nightmare pendulum and wins.

Thoughts: It could have been done a bit better but Hammer gave Conan a bunch of offense here and they got him over with the crowd. It was nice to see a heavyweight match and Conan should definitely be brought back to see what else he got. I liked this over.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there were only two new matches and a new interview segment. Both matches were decent though and I liked this one.

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