Saturday, October 12, 2024

WWE Main Event 9/25/2024

WWE Main Event 9/25/2024

Last week's show is here:

Note - This is the first episode of Main Event on Peacock that hadn't aired on Hulu or Ion if you want to go back that far. This aired three weeks after it was taped on Saturday 10/12/24, sometime after 8am. I do know that this airs in Spain and Ukraine possibly on time.

Karrion Kross vs Akira Tozawa

Akira rushes him and hits forearms and slaps. Akira double booots him out of the corner and hits a 2nd rope dropkick. Akira dropkicks him out and is caught on a tope. Kross then rams him into the post back first.

Kross stomps him in the ring and chokes him on the ropes. Scarlett, who is with Kross, chokes Akira on the ropes. Kross backbreakers Akira and death valley drivers him.

Akira superkicks him then bodyscissors him. Akira shining wizards him and hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Akira rips his shirt and Kross is behind him. Akira puts the shirt back on and Kross puts him on the top rope. Akira sunset flips him off the buckles. Kross puts him on his shoulder and swings him into a ddt. Kross picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a short one with an obvious outcome. The crowd was really into Akira here. They did what they could with it but it didn't have a lot of time.

Zoey Stark vs Lyra Valkyria

Lyra has Vega and Natalya with her. Zoey has PFC with her.

Zoey drives her into the corner and hits corner spears. Lyra armdrags and armlocks her. Lyra shoulders her over then side headlocks her. Lyra takes a backbreaker while having the side headlock on.

Lyra goes up and over in the corner and does a nice pin attempt. Lyra rolls her up for 2 then crossbodies her. Zoey superkicks her while she's on the apron and Lyra goes down to the floor.

We go to break and return. Zoey kicks her in the back and stomps on her. Zoey chops her in the corner. Lyra hits forearms. Zoey throws her back.

Zoey chinlcoks her then Lyra rolls her off. Lyra double boots her out of the corner and hits shotei's. Lyra crossbodies her. Lyra hits kicks then hurricanrana's her. Lyra step up enzugiri's her and sends her out. Lyra dropkicks Zoey through the ropes.

Shayna distracts Lyra on the apron then Lyra is thrown down by Zoey. Zoey springboard dropkicks her for 2. They trade pin attempts. Sonya gets on the apron as Lyra has the edge. Zoey boots her then Vega and Natalya distract Zoey. Lyra hits a cradle shock on Zoey and wins.

Thoughts: It was average for the most part and had a lot of shenanigans at the end. I liked the faces not being idiots and cheating for Lyra when Zoey's buddies were cheating for her. It got a lot of time. Lyra winning wasn't a total surprise but it doesn't really matter.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual amidst recaps from 3 weeks ago. Both matches were about average and nothing you really need to see. I wouldn't recommend this.

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