Thursday, October 10, 2024

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 10/9/2024 Lunacy Episode 7

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 10/9/2024 Lunacy Episode 7

Last week's show is here:

Joe Galli interviews Officer Colt Cabana. Colt says he's been wrestling here for a long time and says his only goal has been to arrest as many juggalos as possible. He says the Michigan liquor conduct code has been aware of what 2 Tuff Tony has been doing and says it has amounted to a lot of fines. Colt says it's not about the money, he's here to serve the law. He says Tony will be served tonight.

Johnny Kashmere and The Backseat Boys do a promo. Johnny says he's the original Backseat Boy and says there's more blood flowing through his veins. The Boys say Kongo Kong and The Redwood Giants are lacking heart. they say they have enough heart to take them on any day of the week. They say get ready because "Backseat's back, alright". 

Handicap Match - The Ultimate Ellsworth vs Ominous Ramirez and Chris Maludo

Maludo is super small. Ellsworth is still doing his Ultimate Warrior impression here. Joe says Ellsworth could be mentally handicapped in some situations. Maludo knees his partner on accident then gets lariated. Ellsworth flying shoulders Ramirez. Ellsworth shakes the ropes and Maludo hits him from behind.

Ells worth blocks punches and hits his own. Ellsworth gorilla press drops Maludo on his partner then splashes both opponents to win.

Thoughts: Like I said when we saw this the first time - it was going to lose some of its charm each time we see it. And it's losing it's charm as a comedy gimmick. This was just a squash.

The Ultimate Ellsworth does a promo. He says he just served an appetizer and not the full course meal of destruction. He says the full course meal will be delivered and says the undefeated streak will keep going for a long time.

Kongo Kong and The Redwood Giants (Painful Paul and Hurtful Kurt) vs The Backseat Boys (Johnny Kashmere, JP and Tommy)

John E. Bravo introduces his men in the ring. Paul is Talos from NWA Powerr. Tommy has the long hair and JP has the short hair. The Boys get hit before the bell. One of The Boys is down outside. Kurt hits back elbows on Tommy then side slams him for 2.

Paul thows Tommy down hard on a backdrop. Johnny top rope dropkicks Paul. Paul facekicks Johnny. The ref gets knocked down and Johnny hits a double low blow. He hits punches on the giants and slaps both with one shot. The Giants are pulled over the top. Johnny tries to slam Kong but can't and takes a fire thunder driver. Kong then pins Johnny.

I don't really get the point of this one. The Boys just won the titles and you'd think they'd want to put them over strong. Instead, they got squashed here.

Simon Gotch does a promo. He said he has honed his skills as a wrestler for 23 years. He says people are obsessed with aura, charisma and marketability. He says he's obsessed with being the best wrestler there is. He says if you give him a limb, he will break it and if you give him an opportunity, you will feel pain like never before. He says he can do it any time he feels like it and doesn't need a special hold or finisher to do it.

We get a ring girl in a thong.

Simon Gotch vs AJ Riddle

Gotch comes out to "I Love It Loud". Gotch offers AJ amateur wrestling headgear. AJ puts it on. Gotch takes him down then hits crossface shots. Gotch knee drops him. AJ tries to crossbody him but is caught with a fallaway slam.

Gotch euros him then hits a bunch of slaps. Gotch then taps him out with a choke sleeper.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here with them putting Gotch over strong. 

Breyer Wellington does a promo. He says JCW put him with subpar partners 3 times. He says he has a partner this time and it's his servant Geeves. Geeves says they will beat The Brothers of Funstruction tonight and dominate the whole tag division. Geeves says he will make it rain. Breyer says they will make it rain forever and says your time is up.

The Brothers of Funstruction (Yabo and Ruffo) vs "Richie Boy" Breyer Wellington and Geeves

Ruffo has the blue hair and Yabo has the green hair. Yabo beats up on Breyer. Breyer double axe handles him. Yabo slaps him with a tie then dropkicks him for 2.

Breyer wristlocks Ruffo and armwringers him. Breyer pulls on the arm and pulls out a fake sleeve. Ruffo slams him and Geeves. Breyer is punished on the ropes and has popcorn put in his face. Ruffo slides out and punches Breyer. Yabo spins Breyer into Ruffo's boots.

The Clowns hit a double legdrop. Ruffo blows up a ballon and then is hit from Breyer. Geeves punches Ruffo in the ribs and Cardona calls Geeves "NWO Jeff Jarrett". Ruffo is given a rubber chicken. He hits Geeves with it. Yabo lariats Geeves with it. Yabo boots Geeves then Geeves taks a double stomp off the top + side slam and is pinned.

Thoughts: The Clowns had a lot of their gimmicks out for this one. It was quick with the heels getting beat. I suppose it was acceptable.

Shaggy's Spotlight

Shaggy 2 Dope shows clips of Mad Man Pondo. He says he's been with JCW since Day 1. 

Officer Colt Cabana vs 2 Tuff Tony


Deputy Dickhead is with Colt. Colt threatens the DJ and has to pull Deputy out. A fan has a sign that says "F**k CM Puke".

Tony pours beers in fans mouths as he enters. Colt misses a charge on Tony then takes punches. Colt goes out to take a break. Tony is pulled out and Colt hits punches. Colt tries to hit him near the post but just hits the post. Tony lets fans chop Colt and the kids slap Colt in the face. 

Tony chops Colt in the ring then hits corner punches. Colt misses a charge and takes a pele kick from Tony for 2. Tony gets stuck on the 2nd rope and is pulled down backwards. Fans throw drinks at Colt and the ref. Colt comes off the 2nd rope and takes a boot to the face. Tony basement dropkicks him. Tony hits an asai moonsault for 2.

Tony grabs a drink and pours it on his hand. Tony goes to light his fist on fire and Colt rolls him up for 2. The ref takes the drink and Colt hits Tony in the head with a nightstick. Colt then picks up the win.

Thoughts: I was surprised that Tony busted out a moonsault here. Tony did a nice sell for the nightstick shot. It was a short one here. It was fine and got Colt the cheap heel win here.

Overall thoughts: Ellsworth's Warrior tribute is starting to get old. The trios tag with The Backseat Boys was not good with the new tag champs getting destroyed in quick fashion in a trios match. Simon Gotch won in a dominating squash. The Brothers of Funstruction had some fun and beat up Breyer Wellington's team. The main wasn't too bad with Colt Cabana cheating to win against Tony and Tony busting out a moonsault. Almost all of the matches were short and nothing was really set up for next time here. I wouldn't recommend it but it went by pretty fast and was watchable.

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