Friday, October 11, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 10/11/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 10/11/2024

Last week's show is here:

Blake Howard and Byron Saxton are on commentary.

Tatum Paxley vs Kali Armstrong

Tatum gives her mom her dolls in the seats. Kali grabs the dolls and throws them down.

Kali pushes her back on the lock up and Tatum does weird poses. Kali waistlocks her. Tatum flips over her back and then front facelocks her. Tatum sunset flips her then bodyscissors her. Tatum rolls her around off the bodyscissors.

Tatum dropkicks her and Kali powerslams her. Kali chokes her on the ropes with her legs. Kali hits elbows on Tatum's neck then suplexes her for 2. Kali hits mounted punches. Kali runs the ropes fast and running shoulder blocks her for 2.

Kali cranks Tatum's neck. Kali lifts her by the neck on her back. Tatum rolls out of a shot and step up enzugiri's her. Tatum hits a corner crossbody on her. Tatum puts her across her back/shoulders and drops her backwards.

Tatum is caught on a crossbody then she hits her psycho trap and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here. Kali had a good showing. She's not the flashiest but she wrestles as a tougher heel and is solid at it. Tatum was fine here as well.

Gallus talk in the back. Stevie Turner walks in and says she's been keeping an eye on their feud with Shiloh Hill and Cutler James. Stevie says it's time they fight and said she made the official for Level Up. Wolf says they have potential but not against them. Gallus says the result will be the same and shoes her off.

Cutler James and Shiloh Hill talk in the back. Mr. Stone goes up to them and tells them they fight Gallus this week. Cutler says it's huge and says they have been trying to make improvements. Cutler says they will mow Gallus' lawn and knock out some of their teeth. Hill shows off his missing tooth after Mark Coffey knocked it out a few weeks ago.

Gallus (Mark Coffey and Wolfgang) vs Shiloh Hill and Cutler James

Hill lariats Mark over and hits various shots. Hill corner spears Mark. Cutler hits some euros then lariats Mark over. Cutler trips him then wheelbarrow drops him for 2.

Hill shoulders Mark over and does corner spears. Hill runs into a Wolf lariat then Wolf hits mounted punches. Wolf corner splashes him and slams him. Wolf armlocks him.

Mark 2nd rope shoulderblocks Hill. Hill hits forearms then Mark knees him in the gut. Wolf sentons Hill for 2. Wolf abdominal stretches him. Hill fights back then Wolf eye rakes him. Hill is double teamed in the corner and Wolf knee drops him. Wolf does a chin and armlock on him.

Hill hits a running shoulders on Mark. Cutler is tagged in. He hits forearms on Mark then corner spears both Gallus members in the corner. Cutler hits a double clothesline and slams Mark for 2. Cutler suplexes him for 2.

Hill is pulled over the top then Wolf is thrown over the top. Joe Coffey distracts Cutler. Mark hits a big forearm on Cutler then Cutler takes a flying knee + drop and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was fine. Hill and Cuter had a decent showing here. It was mostly bigger guys doing strikes and doing slams, shoulders and splashes. There was nothing wrong with this one.

Overall thoughts: There were 2 new matches here. Neither were must see but both were acceptable. 
You don't need to go see this one but it was an okay way to spend 20 minutes.

1 comment :

  1. Took me a while to realize Cutler James’s gimmick is based on Mr. Rogers. He started wearing the sweater vest and saying “neighborhood” related puns in his promos and it suddenly clicked for me.
