Wednesday, October 9, 2024

AEW Dynamite 10/8/2024

AEW Dynamite 10/8/2024

Last week's show is here:

This is airing on a Tuesday at 9PM, partially against NXT. Jeff Jarrett is on commentary with Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

Jon Moxley talks about wanting to take out Bryan Danielson and says it has to be him. He says it'll be a wake-up call for AEW and says nothing lasts forever. He says we will see the truth at Wrestledream. He says Bryan will embrace his dark side. He says there's not enough people in Washington to stop him. He says he and who he comes with are too powerful. He says he will run into the mouth of war and says to run while you can. Mox says the stakes are high.

Bryan Danielson talks about Claudio. He says this won't be his last match on Dynamite and says he will run though Pac and Claudio. He says Mox doesn't know what he has coming to him. He says they have been friends for 20 years but there be no support tonight, just him kicking his head in.

Darby Allin comes out. He tells Brody King to get down here. King comes down. Darby talks about them being friends on the indies. He talks about Brody being nervous and having a kid. Darby says Brody was signed to ROH when AEW started and said Brody was later out of a job when it shut down. Darby said he got him a job here.  Darby says Brody wants his spot but says he's the face of the company.

Darby says he only made it due to AEW. Brody says Darby is a daredevil that climbs Everest. He says what happens when he can't make it back down? He says Darby needs someone to save him from himself. Darby says to do it right now and does his barking in the corner. Darby then sits in the corner and tells him to do a cannonball. Darby slaps him thn gets forearmed down. Darby then hits him with a rock. Brody gets busted open (I think it's fake blood) and security breaks it up.

As usual, AEW tells us but doesn't really show us. We've never really seen Darby and Brody be friendly on TV, so them going back a long time doesn't work like it's supposed to. I didn't like them talking about Brody's kids here. He's supposed to be this cult monster, not some family man.

Jake Roberts and Lance Archer are interviewed. Don Callis walks in. He said they made a manager talent exchange and says Lance is now with Don Callis. Don says they have indoctrination to do and has big plan with Lance Archer. Renee asks who Jake got in exchange. Jake asks if she likes surprises and he says he does too.

We see Daniel Garcia arrive. He says he owes it to everyone to tell them what's been going on. (There was a lot of rumors online about him maybe going to WWE, but I never bought it).

Hologram vs Komander

I think this is Holo's first Dynamite match. They take each othe rdown. Kom armdrags him then flips him. Kom flips off of his back then Holo armdrags him. Holo sunset flips him and Kom takesa monkey flip. They then stand off. Holo flips off of Kom and armdrags him. Holo topes Kom into the rails.

Kom is popped up and dropped then kicked in the head. Holo indian deathlocks him. Holo suplexes him and we go to PiP break. We return and Holo has him in a gori special. Kom bounces off the ropes and dragonrana's him. Kom then springboard inside 2nd rope tope con hilos him. Holo 2nd rope flipping russian legsweeps him.

Holo 450's onto Kom's knees. Kom walks the top rope, Holo jumps at him and Holo is powerbombed. They trade forearms. Holo high kicks him and spin kicks him. Kom hits a poisonrana then Holo hits one. Kom is caught on a springboard and takes a spinning torture rack bomb. Holo wins.

Thoughts: It was too cute for its own good here. They did a lot of fancy spots but didn't hit them clean and the spots didn't look that realistic. They also did too much here.

Jake Roberts comes out after. He brings Rush, Mortos and Dralistico. They beat up both guys. Jake then does the fist salute with them.

Jake managing these guys is a weird combo. I don't really see this being a huge success.

Mark Briscoe is interviewed by Lexy. Mark says Jericho messed up and didn't have to take it there bringing up Jay. Mark says this isn't a place you want him to be at and says it's not about the title. He says he's gonna hurt him.

Daniel Garcia comes out. DG says he missed this. He says you have to think about what's best for you and your life. He says he can do what he wants as he's one of the best wrestlers in the world. He says it's only right that he stays in AEW. He says this is the DG that carries the company on his back and changes everything in AEW. He says it starts with gold around his waist and says he's coming for the champions.

Thoughts: This was another one of those things where AEW told us but didn't show us. Basically, the rumor online has been that WWE wanted Garcia. I don't know how much I buy it, but if you didn't know that, you wouldn't know it here as it wasn't mentioned. I've never seen what AEW sees in Garcia. I think he's okay in the ring but he's small, he doesn't have a good look, he's not much of a promo and not much of character. AEW has a million of those guys and I don't see this super stardom in Garcia that Tony sees.

We get a Swerve Strickland workout video with EJ Nduka helping him and Nana/MVP talking about him. They say he returned at Wrestledream. We then see MVP and Shelton Benjamin and MVP watching.

Mercedes Mone and Kamille are interviewed. Mone says everyone wants to jump on her and the money train. She says' Emi has been wrestling longer than she has been alive and says it's not the first time she dethroned a queen. She says money changes everything.

Daniel Garcia hugs and handshakes people in the back including Colt Cabana. Shibata says he's happy he's staying in EW and says the TNT title will be around his waist at Wrestledream.

There's a 4-way for the #1 contendership for the AEW Women's Title that I won't be covering. This was to replace a Britt Baker vs Willow match that got cancelled due to Britt being sick. Willow Nightingale won. Mariah May was on commentary and got on the ramp. Willow blocked a shot from May. May then dropped her with a headbutt and whipped her with the title belt.

The Learning Tree are in the back. They say the people that need the lessons the most want them the least. Jericho says let's go talk to one of them now. They run into Rocky Romero. He asks if they want to throw fists. Jericho says it's time for learning, not fighting. he says he's trying to help Rocky learn his self worth and self esteem. He says his friends invited him into The Conglomeration months after it started. He said they are putting him on Mark Sterling, which is as low as it gets. He says Rocky ended up on his back a while OC and Kyle were celebrating in the ring. Jericho asks if he wants to be a lackey for the rest of his life. Bill says sometimes when you are in the picture, you can't see what's going on in the picture. Bryan Keith then says that's a future ROH champ and tells him to respect Chris Jericho or else.

Jay White vs Cody Chhun

Jay shoulders him over and hits chops. DG hits corner spears. Cody dropkicks him, goes up and over him then ddt's him. Jay lariats him. Jay hits punches and chops in the corner. Jay underhook suplexes him into the buckles. Jay uranages him then hits a blade runner to win.

Thoughts: Jay wasn't doing well in AEW pre-injury and this didn't help him. Cody got a lot more in than he should have on Jay and Jay didn't really impress here.

Juice pretends to pee on Cody after. Jay says Adam Page is one of two men that knocked him off the path to the AEW Title. He says he's lucky and said he made that clear ot him last week. He asks what he will do about it. He says he imagines Page will come down seething. He says he wants him in a match once more. He says he will beat him then move onto the gold. He says his run to the AEW starts with Page at Wrestledream.

Hook says whoever jumped his father to reveal himself. Kip Sabian runs into him, Hook grabs him and Kip says he knows nothing about it. Christian Cage, Nick and Mother Wayne come in. He says he lost Killswitch to a serious medical situation and sympathizes with him on the loss of his father.

Mariah May is interviewed and Willow pounces her.She said she beat 3 champs tonight and will make Mariah May a former champ.

AEW TBS Title and NJPW Women's Strong Title - Mercedes Mone (c) vs Emi Sakura

This is complete out of nowhere with Emi not having been  on TV at all for a while. Mone armdrags her. Emi grabs her by the head and throws her. Emi is thrown into the buckles and booted. Emi hits chops and takes a jawbreaker. They shoulder battle. Mone walks up the buckles and armdrags her. Emi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her.

Emi misses a corner spear and is stunned overed the middle buckle. Mone meteora's her off the apron. We go to PiP break and return. Emi chopes Mone. Mone goes up and over then codebreakers her for 2. Mone corner meteora's her then misses one. Emi puts her over the rail and splashes her.

Kamille's head is banged off the rails then Emi crossbodies both Mone and Kamille against the rails. Emi double underhook backbreakers her. Mone then taps her out with a crossface.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this. I just didn't buy that Emi had any shot here since she never makes TV.

Kris Statlander comes out to save Emi from a beating after despite just being a heel. It seems like she is now a face. It was also revealed online that her and Stokeley Hathaway have been split up for some reason.  

Private Party are interviewed by Renee. Stokeley Hathaway comes in. He says PP knock every opportunity they have out of the park. He says PP has all the tools but is missing him. He asks to manage them at Wrestledream. Quen asks where he has been for the last 5 years when they were struggling and says they don't need him. Zay says for the first time in 5 year, they are doing it for themselves and need this. Zay says they will beat The Bucks and take their spot.

Will Ospreay s interviewed by Tony Schiavone in the ring. Will says he's looking forward to moving on from Ricochet. He says they are equal and it's because of Takeshita. He says Takeshita doesn't do anything without Don Callis telling him to. He calls Don Callis out.

Don comes out. He says last week was difficult for him and he hates to see him unhappy. Don talks about Will beating Jericho at Wembley. Will asks if Don sent Takeshita out to attack him. Don says he doesn't need to know that but eventually admits he sent him. Don said he sent him as Will wouldn't listen. He said he had to show him who makes the decisions in The Family. Don says he was this close to winning the tag titles but Will dropped the ball due to being mentally weak.

Will says he brought him the International Title and said he would have brought him the World Title as well if he didn't stick his nose in his business. He tells Don he doesn't know sh!t. Don says he had the best wrestler in the world and threw him in the garbage for Will. He says maybe he needs to do it one more time. Will says he can't believe he respects him and says he's scum. Will says they are done. Don slaps him. Will grabs him and throws him.

Takeshita comes out and fights with Will. Kyle Fletcher gets involved and Will almost hits Kyle. Takeshita release germans Will. Kyle is conflicted. Don tells Kyle to stick a screwdriver in Will's head. Kyle tries to walk away. Don grabs him. Will fights back on Takeshita. Don grabs Will then Takeshita forearms Will down. Ricochet then comes down and springboard lariats Takeshita. Takeshita then runs off.

Thoughts: I liked the angle here and they covered all the bases they needed to. They also finally got Will out of The Don Callis Family which is good.

Top Flight do a promo. Darius says they are p!ssed off about losing the #1 Contender's match. Dante said they beat The Bucks and there is no reason they shouldn't fight them. Action says they aren't fired up. Leila Grey says Action is messing everyone up and says he screwed them last week. Action says they just don't get it. Dante says Action will cost them if they don't fix it.

Jack Perry talks. He says Shibata has a turkey leg in his trunks. He says he wants to speak the language Shibata speaks - violence. He says he wants to meet the Shibata who almost killed himself in the ring. He says Shibata deserves to be the TNT champ, but it's not what you deserve it's what you take. Jack says to come and take it from him.

Bryan Danielson and Wheeler Yuta vs Pac and Claudio Castagnoli

Everyone in this is a champ of some sort and that's the hook for this.

Bryan dropkicks CC off the apron the Pac boots him in the corner. Bryan flips over Pac using the ropes then topes CC. Yuta top rope dropkicks Pac. Bryan dives off the apron with a knee while Yuta does a tope. Pac is held for a basement dropkick.

Bryan's head is banged off the buckles. CC hits a euro flurry on Bryan. Pac foot chokes Bryan. CC stomps on Bryan. Yuta atomic drops and step up enzugiri's Pac. Yuta flurries on Pac with forearms and chops. Yuta germans Pac for 2. Bryan dropkicks CC out then is caught ona tope and dropped on the rail. CC netralizers Bryan on the floor. Pac superkicks Yuta.

We go to PiP break and return. CC sleepers Yuta. CC blocks a sunset flip then germans Yuta. Pac springboards and runs into a Yuta superkick. Yuta fights off a 2v1 out of the corner. Yuta tornado ddt's CC. Bryan top rope dropkicks CC then hits coner dropkicks. Bryan top rope hurricanrana's CC. 

Bryan hits chest kicks on CC. He headkicks him. Bryan hits reverse curb stomps. Pac breaks it up and is armwhipped down. Bryan reverse curb stomps Pac. Bryan backslides CC for 2 then headkicks him. Jon Moxley and Shafir come to ringside and Bryan is distracted. Bryan takes a pop-up euro and a 450 from Pac.

Pac grabs a ring bell hammer. Yuta takes it away. Bryan crossfaces Pac and submits him to win.

Thoughts: The finish was too sudden here and it made Pac look bad. The match was good otherwise though with them keeping it moving and being stiff with each other.

Bryan dropkicks Mox through the ropes after and pounds on him. Mox's head is banged off the lighting rig. Shafir hits knees to Yuta's gut. Bryan and Mox fight to the back. Mox gets his head banged off a rollaway door. Yuta is triple teamed then hit in the gut with a hammer. Bryan comes back to help out Yuta and flying knees CC out and stands tall as Mox goes up the ramp with Shafir.

Overall thoughts: It was a different show than usual and was lacking starpower with so many people being out. The show was up against NXT on a different night and time than usual and they knew it wouldn't draw well, so they didn't give out the normal show they would have given. The lucha match wasn't good. They didn't really explain where Garcia went or what was going on if you didn't follow the situation online. Jay White had a match that did little for him. Emi Sakura got a title shot for some reason and lost as expected. Kris Statlander is back to being a face for some reason and they had a good angle with Will/Takeshita/Callis/Ricochet. I liked the main event. I thought this show was average overall and the show being on at a different day and time the week of a PPV is unlucky.

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