Saturday, October 12, 2024

AEW Rampage 10/11/2024

AEW Rampage 10/11/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy and Kyle O'Reilly) vs The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven)

OC is backed up on the ropes. Mike shoulders him over and OC rolls him up. Mike shoulders him over and gets legswept. OC does his weak kicks and flying shoulders him. Mike is double lariated by OC and Taven then Oc back body drops Taven. Taven takes a sequence from his opponents then Mike takes a double basement dropkick.

Matt goes up and over Kyle then dropkicks him. Mike hits chops and boots on Kyle. Matt usplexes Kyle for 2. Matt i s pulled over the top and Mike's head is banged off the buckles. OC hits a double top rope crossbody and is caught. OC ddt's Mike then topes Matt.

Kyle hits mounted shots on Mike. Kyle armbars Mike and Mike ropebreaks. We go to PiP break and return. OC cradles Mike and they double clothesline each other. Matt spin kicks Kyle then backbreakers OC. Matt ddt's OC. Matt spinning neckbreakers Kyle then asai moonsaults him for 2.

Kyle takes corner attacks. OC stunners Taven. Taven takes a high + low kick. Mike forearms Kyle then piledrivers OC. Mike spinning forearms Kyle then spinebusters him for 2. Mike chops up Kyle.

Kyle stops a double team then catapults Mike in an OC beachbreak. Taven running knees OC. Taven superkicks Kyle then is kicked on a springboard. Kyle PK's Taven then taps out Mike with a guillotine.

It was a quick moving tag match and more of a tornado tag than a regular tag. I didn't like some of OC's shtick as usual but it was fine overall.

The faces offer handshakes after. The Kingdom go along with it.

Renee interviews Mercedes Mone and Kamille. Mone complains about not being introduced better. Mone says she doesn't have time for this but says Kamille will watch Kris Statlander close tonight. Mone leaves and Kamille just stares down Rene.

Thoughts: I don't know what the point of this was. 

The Acclaimed come out and get nailed by MxM Collection. Max's jacket is ripped off and Bowens is sent into the entrance area. Mansoor says this is what happesn when Billy Gunn is around to protect them. Mansoor says they took their fashion show from them. They say they will take their spot tomorrow and come out on top. They say they will have a special surprise in their corner tomorrow. Mansoor says they will kill scissory and ban it once and for all.

Kris Statlander does a promo. She said she felt like she lost who she was along the way. She said everything went wrong when Mone showed up. She said Stokeley lead her down the wrong path and she has seen the light and become born again. She says she will come after Mone and her title.

Thoughts: Nobody knows what the deal is with Kris and Stokeley but they ended that over the last few weeks and it looks like Kris is back to being a face for some reason.

The Conglomeration is interviewed. Rocky says he's mad as The Learning Tree called him a lackey. He says he's no man's lackey and will show The Learning tree that. Kyle says he needs a word of the day as Mark isn't here. Rocky says the word of the day is that they stay back here and he handles business.

Kris Statlander vs. Amira

Kris is wearing orange and she corner kicks her to start. Kris hits a delayed suplex. Amira is caught with a package tombstone on a spinning headscissors and is pinned. Kamille is shown this in the back and isn't impressed.

This was a quick squash and the crowd didn't react at all for it.

Chris Jericho is interviewed by Renee. Renee says he made this matck with Mark Briscoe person. Chris says his legacy is personal. He said nobody has had the impact he has had. He says he was "The Ocho" and now it's time for "The Nueve". Chris says the word of the day is humbled and says Mark needs to be humbled. He says Mark cuts corners and gets free rides. He says he will humble him tomorrow and will become ROH champ. Chris says that will be personal.

The Beast Mortos vs The Butcher

Roderick Strong is on commentary. They get off a slow start and Mort slaps him in the corner. Butch wristlocks him. Mort flips off the ropes out of it. They shoulderblock battle. Mort rolls over his back and kicks him. Mort twists Butch's neck with his feet.

Butch lariats Mort for 2. Butch boots him out of the corner. Mort misses a corner charge and goes out. We go to PiP break, full break then return. Mort hits lariats then splashes him on the ropes. Mort headbutts him then they double clothesline each other down.

Mort misses a top rope tornillo. Butch half-nelson backbreakers him then jackhammers him for 2. Strong says he used to backbreaker Mort all the time for fun and trained him for that. Mort backbreakers Butch then does like a top rope corkscrew headbutt and wins.

Jake Roberts is showing approving what he saw on TV in the back.

Thoughts: It was fine with Mort doing some wild flying and them having a heavyweight match.

Harley Cameron is interviewed by Renee in the back. Saraya goofs around here and blames Anna Jay for taking out Saraya out. She says Anna Jay was meant to be Saraya's friend and says now Saraya's mad at her. She says she will kick Anna's @ss.

Thoughts: Harley might as well have done this promo in Chinese because it didn't make much sense. I have no idea what this was about.

Lance Archer vs Matt Brannigan

Matt poses and goes chest to chest with Lance. Lance misses a corner charge and is chopped. Lance lariats him  then back body drops him. Lance hits running back elbows in the corner. Lance does a crackerjack and chops up Matt. Lance hits blackout on Matt and wins.

Thoughts: It was the same Lance squash we have been seeing for like 4 years now. It didn't do anything for him.

Don Callis comes down after and is happy with Lance's work.

Jake Roberts does a promo with rush, Dralistico and The Beast Mortos from Tuesday. He syas he's been all over the world and never cared about rules. He says we have matadores or ninjas maybe but they are hungry. He says  the question should be what they will do next. Jake says rules are meant to be broken like bones. He says they'd be happy to do both. Rush says if you mess with the bull you get the horns.

Anna Jay does a promo. She says her and Harley Cameron have never been friends. She said she takes care of her and wouldn't run out there for them. Anna says she's here and ready for anyone. Anna says her @ss kicks back in reference to Harley saying she wanted to kick it. 

"The Bad Apple" Bryan Keith vs Rocky Romero

BK hits Rocky as he poses on the ropes then foot chokes him. Rocky 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him with his jacket still on and pounds on him. BK goes out and has his head banged off the steps. Rocky jumps off the steps and hurricanrana's BK.

Rocky dropkicks him through the ropes. Rocky comes off the steps and take an exploder on the floor. We go to PiP break and return. BK takes boots and chops. Rocky euros him out of the corner and 2nd rope tornado ddt's him.

BK hits a big forearm then knees him in the face for 2. Rocky rewind kicks him then hits a shiranui for 2. RR is up top and takes a headbutt. BK bites his head. Rocky hits a top rope shiranui. Rocky topes him outside. Big Bill comes out and facekicks Rocky outside. BK corner enzugiri's Rocky then hits a diamond dust to win.

It was just average here with a lame finish. This wasn't anything special.

OC and Kyle then come out to help Rocky.

Overall thoughts:
It was an average episode of Rampage. There were a lot of promos. The wrestling was about average and there was nothing must see on this one.

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