Thursday, October 17, 2024

NWA Powerrr 10/15/2024

NWA Powerrr 10/15/2024

Last week's show is here:

Kyle Davis interviews Jazz and Simon Diamond. He asks what it's lik to be back here in the ECW Arena. Simon says it's an honor and a privilege to be back. He then does his pose. He calls Jazz a pioneer and said she started it all for the women.

Simon says she can kick @ss. Jazz says it's good to be back. She says we have 13 of the most talented women in a gauntlet today. Kyle says that's happening here in Philly.

NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Match - Alex Misery vs. Jack Cartwheel

Jack cartwheels off a lock-up then cartwheels as he wristlocks him. Alex headflips and cartwheels out of a wristlock. Alex backrolls him then Jack rolls him up. Jack cartwheels into another roll-up. Alex side headlocks him then Jack cartwheels over him.

Jack japanese armdrags him then cartwheels into a knee. Jack hits a standing moonsault for 2. Alex dropkicks Jack off the apron and misses a moonsault off the top to the outside, landing feet first on a hard floor. Jack then flying space tiger drops him.

Jack hits forearms then Alex flips over him using the ropes. Alex rolls over Jack's back and enzuigiri's him. Alex hits a standing moonsault for 2. We go to break and return. Alex lariats Jack for 2. Alex figure fours him.

Jack hits an upkick and cartwheels out of a charge. Jack rolls him up and hits a cartwheel into a flatliner. Jack flying lariats him then backflips and hits a neckbreaker. Jack crucifix bombs him. Alex hits a neat flatliner out of the powerslam position for 2.
Alex vader bomb elbow drops him for 2. Alex kips down out of an attack. Alex is leaning over the 2nd rope and takes a codebreaker. Jack cartwheels off the top into a double stomp. Jack hits a corkscrew ssp and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was indy and flippy as expected. Jack's cartwheels bordered on being annoying as usual and he definitely overdid it though some of the spots were creative. I didn't really enjoy this that much.

Kenzie Paige is interviewed about the gauntlet. She doesn't say much of note but says to watch out for Kylie Paige in it. She says she's beautiful and almost as smart as her. She says if sweats anyone in the gauntlet, it's the one she produced herself. 

Rolando Freeman is interviewed and he's excited. She said Smalls' mama taught her a lot but not how to be a main. He says he's coming after Smalls' family jewels in a weird promo.

NWA World Women's Title #1 Contendership Burke Invitational Gauntlet Match

Ruthie Jay and Kylie Paige are first in.Jay wristlocks her then shoulders her over. They botch a spot with Jay having to tell her to come on then she dropkicks her. Lil Pescadita is next in. Lili hits punches on KP, dances and enzugiri's her. Lili spinebusters her. Jay flips out of an F-U and hits a superkick.

Big Mama is next in. Mama hits corner splashes and she hits a sky high on Jay. She then pins Jay. Haley J is next in. We go to break and return. Mama pushes J over then Mama gets ganged up on. Mama is then thrown out by 3 people. La Rosa Negra comes out.

Rosa hits shots on KP and J. She springboard back elbows Lili then airplane spin drops KP onto Lili. Natalia Markova comes out. Markova hits a bad spinning headscissors on Rosa. Markova hits a spinning heel kick i nthe corner and a double clothesline.

Lili and Markova trade chops. Tiffany Nieves is out and walks slow to the ring. Tiff pulls Rosa's throat over the top rope and she piefaces Markova. Mystii Marks is next out. J takes a side slam from Tiff. Marks hiptosses Tiff and monkey flips her.

Marks flapjacks Tiff onto Rosa. Kayla Rossi comes out. She slingshots and rolls into a lariat. Rossi slams and standing moonsaults KP for 2. "Big Daddy" Adrianna Mosley. Rossi piefaces Mosley. Mosley headbutts her J and Tiff fight outside and Mosley hits fallaway slams. Mosley ddt's Rossi for 2.

Kelly Madan comes out. She hits shots on KP then la silla's KP in the corner. Kelly dropkicks Rosa in the knee. Rossi stares down Kelly then throws her over the top. Kelly holds on and Marks ends up on the apron with her. Rossi clotheslines both for the elimination. KP then rolls up Rossia.

Santana Garrett comes out with a cape on. She hits a handspring back elbow on two people in the corner. Santana headflips and forearms Mosley over. J comes off the top and takes a spinebuster from Tiff on the landing.

Santana sends Mosley over the top. Santana push kicks Rosa on the apron and eliminates her. KP basement dropkicks Santana off the apron. Tiff grabs a chair. Markova spin kicks KP off the apron and eliminates her. Tiff hits Markova with a chair for 2.

Tiff grabs a kendo stick and hits Markova with it. Tiff chokes her. They duel kendo stick shots outside and Markova hits her with it. Tiff chokes Markova with a kendo stick. Markova suplexes her on the hard floor.

Tiff headbutts Markova then spears her for 2. Tiff sets a table up in the ring. Markova rock bottoms Tiff through a table off the buckles and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was like a dragon scramble with people getting eliminated by being thrown over the top, by being pinned or by being submitted. They had a lot of random girls here and they had some weird stuff like Big Mama getting multiple eliminations when she doesn't even wrestle on the show. It had some sloppiness and botches as usual. It was watchable but wasn't that great.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual episode of Powerrr with totally random matches and wrestlers while regular roster members were nowhere to be found. It wasn't awful but I wouldn't recommend this.

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