Saturday, October 5, 2024

AEW Rampage 10/4/2024

AEW Rampage 10/4/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Elite (The Young Bucks and Jack Perry) vs Katsuyori Shibata and Private Party

KS = Katsuyori Shibata

Jack and KS go at it. KS does a nice takedown then goes for an armbar. KS takes stomps from 2 opponents then spears Jack. He hits mounted punches and ignores Matt's stomps. Jack hits KS from behind and chokes him.

Quen gets in and flying headscissors a Nick. Quen spin kicks him in the gut then Nick takes an atomic drop + step up enzugiri. Matt takes a double stomp while in the camel clutch. Matt takes a double flapjack for 2. KS facekicks Jack off the apron. PP do stereo plancha's out.

Zay hit corner punches on a Buck. We see Stokeley Hathaway watching in the back. Zay hits forearms on Nick. Zay is tripped from the outside and pulled out. He fights off his opponents outside then takes a kick from the apron. Everyone fights outside and KS is sent into the rail. Zay is and Quen are bridged. Zay takes a top rope swanton and Quen is brdiging ddt'd on the floor by Jack.

We go to PiP break and return. Zay is in a sleeper and takes a punch. Zay is double hiptossed int othe ropes then double armdrags on the rebound. Zay fights off a 3v1 and KS is pulled down by Jack when he goes for the tag. KS is sent into the steps. Zay takes an assisted shiranui and a running knee for 2.

Jack is hurricanrana'd into a double enzugiri in the corner. Zay hits a ddt + flatliner combo on The Bucks. Quen gets in and beats up The Bucks. Quen corner splashes one of them and neckbreakers him. Quen hits a powerslam and a double hurricanrana.

Quen walks up the buckles and does a top rope swanton outside onto The Bucks. Quen springboard crossbodies a Buck. Jack crotches Quen up top. Nick hits a top rope falcon arrow on Quen for 2. 

Quen pele kicks Jack. KS hits forearms on Jack then Jack dropkicks KS. KS pump kicks Jack then hits forearms in the corner on him. Zay jumps off of Quen's back and leg lariats Jack in the corner.

KS snapmares Jack and is tripped by a Buck. Zay topes that Buck. KS back rolls Jack then PK's him for 2. KS hits forearms on Jack. KS takes a double superkick, as does Zay. Quen misses a double pele kick and takes a triple superkick. Quen is bridged on the top rope and double stomped into a sitout powerbomb.

Zay jumps off of Quen's back and canadian destroyers Jack. KS delay dropkicks Jack in the corner. Jack takes gin n juice. KS is thrown out. PP does silly string but Matt hits a northern lights suplex out of it. Matt then holds on for a double northern lights suplex. Zay takes a BTE trigger. Quen rolls up a Buck on the Meltzer driver attempt and wins.

Thoughts: They did a little too much here but I'll forgive it this time. It was a fast paced and entertaining tag. They got a lot of time and both sides got a lot in. KS should have been the odd man out in this one but he picked his spots well and Private Party looked good. I liked this one.

Renee interviews Kris Statlander. Kris said she thought the street fight would be in the past. She says she's born again. She says she's the toughest and strongest. Kamille walks in and questions her then runs into her. Mone tells her she better watch out.

Harley Cameron is interviews. She is asked about Saraya then says no further questions. She says Queen Aminata is in a lot of trouble and leaves.

Kamille vs Zoey Lynn

Kam spears her to start then does a twisting neckbreaker and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. Kamille's finisher looked good.

Renee interviews Anna Jay. They talk about Will Ospreay putting over Anna on twitter. Anna thanks him and says he's not so bad himself. She says if Will is seeing it then the rest of the women's locker room is seeing it. She says to try her if you won't take her word for it.

Deonna Purrazzo and Taya Valkyrie talk. Deonna says those who want respect, give respect. Taya says it's elegance. She says she showed Taya generosity and remains committed to this thing of theirs. Taya says there's a lot to learn for "I to become we". Deonna says they must teach people they are bound together by the code. Deonna says those who refuse to give respect get respect beaten into them.

Harley Cameron vs Queen Aminata

HC knes her in the gut and side headlocks her. Queen throws her down off the waistlock. Queen wristlocks her then twerks on her arm. HC hits kicks and a step up enzugiri. HC rubs Queen's head into her chest. Queen snapmares her then PK's her.

Queen facewash kicks her through the ropes.HC stalls outside. Queen goes after her and is thrown backwards onto the floor. HC chokes her. HC puts her in a sleeper in the ring. HC boots and footchokes her. HC bites her then hits a leg lariat for 2. HC axe kicks her over the 2nd rope then is swept down on the apron.

Queen double chops her then hits a suplex. HC hits corner spears. HC rolls her up off an air raid crash attempt. Queen backbreakers her then headbutts her for the win.

Thoughts: It was average. Harley showed some personality here and it wasn't that bad at all. Harley's not great but she's improving a lot.

Seren Deeb attacks Queen after and bangs her leg off the apron. Britt Baker makes the save.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are interviewed. Max is wearing the madeover jacket. Billy syas his name is Hans gunn (referencing the MXM Fashion Show). Max puts over the jacket MxM gave him and says he looks as handsome as ever. Bowens said they shut up MxM and will give them the makeover of a lifetime when they are done with them.

The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy and Kyle O'Reilly) vs The Learning Tree (Big Bill and Bryan Keith)

Bill mocks OC's pockets thing. OC teases doing it. Bill picks OC up by the throat and OC goes out to stall. Bill mocks him and holds the ropes open for him. OC stalls more. Bill shoulders Kyle over then Kyle goes out to stall.  

Kyle and BK go at it. Kyle gets his back on the mat and BK slaps him. BK then goes out and Kyle chases him. Kyle ducks a shot from Bill. OC saves Kyle from getting chokeslammed. Kyle knees BK off the apron and OC topes Bill.

Bill and BK get stacked up and kicked by both opponents outside. BK takes a double team sequence with Kyle hitting a knee drop and OC going for the pin. OC suplexes BK for 2. BK chops Kyle. Kyle takes him down and hits mounted forearms. Kyle does an armbar and BK ropebreaks.

OC corner dropkicks BK for 2 then slams him. Kyle knee drops BK off the buckles and Jericho says the faces are "getting the heat". Kyle puts a cobra twist variation on BK and OC poses while Kyle does it.

Kyle legsweeps BK. The heels are pushed into each other. BK is sent into Bill for a shot then takes a german. Bill hits corner splashes on both opponents then black hole slams OC.

Kyle is sent into BK's knee. BK knees OC in the face. Bill misses a corner charge and blocks OC's ddt. Kyle dropkicks Bill in the knee as he holds OC and whips OC around for a ddt onto Bill. BK running forearms Kyle then takes a spinning ddt from OC.

BK enzugiri's Kyle then 2nd rope exploders OC. Kyle PK's BK and they trade forearms. Kyle ankle locks BK. Jericho leaves commentary to distract the ref. Rocky Romero throws Jericho into the steps then Big Bill hits a big facekick on Rocky. Kyle knees Bill off the apron then OC topes Bill. BK takes a high/low forearm and leg kick and is pinned.

Thoughts: The faces won here as expected. It had a weird opening here with the faces stalling and Big Bill's team getting the hot tag. Jericho even called it a reverse match on commentary. It went longer than it needed to. OC did a lot of goofing around here but not the kind of goofing around where he's basically throwing matches. It was about average due to the weird stuff in the opening part of the match.

Overall thoughts: It was about average overall. The opener was better than expected. Queen/Harley was acceptable and the main had some good and bad parts to it. There was nothing really must see here though.

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