Sunday, October 6, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 10/6/2024 Season 5, Episode 4

WOW Women of Wrestling 10/6/2024 Season 5, Episode 4

Last week's show is here:

David McLane and Nigel Zane welcome us to the show. Dave says The Beast is safe but needed more time to assess her injuries.

Jessie Jones comes out. She says she remembers something of the bottle of bourbon that The Beast got hit with it. She said it was missing from her locker room and said she saw someone suspicious in the hallway with it. She says if Dave gives her the reward money, she will get her the details. They shake on it.

WOW Trios Titles - Top Tier (Coach Campanelli, Kandi Krush and Gloria Glitter) (c) vs Keta Rush and The Mighty Mights (Sugar and Spice)

Kandi boots Spice and shoves her in the corner. Spice hurricanrana's her then pulls her down by the hair. Spice running knees her.

Kandi is double tripped and The Mights cartwheel splash her. Sugar flying headscissors Coach then armdrags her into an armlock. Keta and Gloria go at it. Keta dropkicks her and does a headscissors. Keta monkey flips her.

Keta 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Spice gets in and takes a stiff lariat from Gloria. Gloria does the stair stepper on her. Gloria running knees Spice in the corner. Coach basement dropkicks Spice. Spice cradles Coach for 2.

Spice is held for a chop and Kandi arm throws her down. Kandi misses an elbow drop. Sugar gets in and hits chops on the heels then she double axe handles Gloria. Sugar uses the buckles to headlock takeover Gloria then bangs her head off the mat.

Sugar takes a codebreaker then is lifted into a double pendulum drop on her face and chest. Sugar is then pinned by Kandi.

It was average for the most part. There was a lot of sloppiness here and Top Tier won as expected. I liked Spice's jumping hurricanrana.

Top Tier talks on the mic after. Coach says each of them exemplifies being superior athletes. Kandi agrees and Gloria says they are the greatest team in wrestling.

Reina del Rey vs Pep Reily

Adriana Gambino is with Reina. They say Pep is the sole remaining member of Team Spirit and to me that means Sasha Sparks is gone from WOW.

Reina backs up Pep in the corner. Pep pushes her from behind. Reina catches a crossbody and curls Pep. Pep is placed on the top rope then takes a chop. Reina blocks a kick and throws her backwards. Reina forearms her and stands on her. Pep's head is banged off the buckles and pushes Reina into the buckles. Pep goes for a cartwheel back elbow but is caught and swung into the buckles.

Reina lariats Pep from behind then wins.

This was all squash with Pep doing a good job of making Reina look like a force.

Adriana Gambino comes in the ring after. She gets on the mic and says she knows the importance of family and keeping her circle small. She says she's always looking for people who will do anything she says with no questions asked. She says loyalty makes you family. She says Reina has proven herself as loyal to her and says she wants to expand. She then brings out the newest members of The Alliance - The Brat Pack of Gigi Gianni and BK Rhythm. Adrian says they are strong individually but unstoppable together. She says they are putting the locker room on notice and confirms the group is called The Alliance.

Well, I didn't see this one coming. Reina, Gigi, BK and Gambino are a mix of people you wouldn't really expect to see together. I always did want to see a Gigi and Gambino team though.

Fury vs Kalaki The Island Girl

Fury tries to do Kal's dance. They lock up and Kal wristlocks her. Kal side headlocks her then takes her over. Kal armdrags her then flying shoulders her over. Fury backhands her then hits a flatliner.

Fury camel clutches her. Kal get on Fury's back and surfs on her. Fury knees her on the ropes then poses on her there. Fury chinlocks her. Kal hits dropkicks then gutwrench suplexes her for 2.

Kal misses a flipping legdrop then fury rolls her up and wins.

Thoughts: The ending was a bit sudden. It was average otherwise and I'm not sure if Fury was the heel here or not. Kal hit her offense clean at least.

Pep Riley kicks a chair in the back. Chainsaw and her sister walk past her and Chainsaw stares her down.

Jessie Jones is in the back and Abilene Maverick goes up to her. Ab asks what she is doing talking to Dave McLane. Jones says she needs the money and says Ab should mind her own business unless she can double the money for her. Ab says she didn't hit Beast from behind. Jones says she knows everything Ab did and knows. Jones confirms she is mad about Ab's actions last week in her match. Ab said she got her a match with Penelope Pink next week.

The Mother Truckers go to Lana Starr's mansion. Holly said she thought it would be bigger and Betty says it's going to take a while to clean that. They go in the house. Lana asks them what they are wearing and asked if anyone saw them.

Next week has Chainsaw and Siren The Voodoo Doll vs The Mother Truckers.

Princess Aussie says she hopes Miami's Sweet Heat is ready as they are facing her and Tormenta. She says her and Tormenta are international powerhouses. Tormenta says they know how to compliment each other and it's time to finish MSH off.

WOW Tag Titles - Miami's Sweet Heat (Lindsay and Lori Carlson (c) vs Princess Aussie and Tormenta

Lori (black hair) gets a full nelson and a wristlock from Tor. Tor trips her then rolls her into a pin attempt for 2. Tor shoulders her over for 2. Lori trips her, Tor rolls and gets up then backs her up in the corner.

Lindsay takes a kick to the gut from Aussie. Aussie flying headscissors her. Lindsay takes a double team then Tor double knee drops her. Lindsay takes a double boot then Aussie is thrown by Tor into a legdrop on Lindsay.

MSH are thrown out at the same time then Tor and Aussie hit baseball slides on them. Lori takes a superkick from Aussie. Lana Starr tries to attack Aussie, Aussie stops her then Lindsay pushes Aussie into the post.

Aussie's shoulder is rammed into the buckles then it is pulled around the ropes. Lori dropkicks the arm then armlocks her. Aussie gets double teamed and takes a double basement dropkick for 2. Aussie takes a double suplex.

Aussie counters a double suplex with a double ddt. Tor comes in and hits basement dropkicks and meteora's on MSH in the corners. Tor catches Lori's leg and does a botched half-nelson bomb off of it for 2. Tor hits forearms on Lindsay then is lariated over.

Tor flying lariats Lindsay then Aussie top rope crossbodies Lori for 2. Aussie cutters Lori then goes up top. Lana pushes Aussie off the top, sending her into the ropes then Lori picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It was an acceptable main Aussie got her arm worked on, Tor came in and hit some offense and the faced looked like they had it won before the heels cheated to win. MSH didn't go all out here and they won as expected. 

Overall thoughts: There was nothing great here but I thought they put together a decent show. We got some storylines brewing like Pep Riley being frustrated about losing, The Alliance forming, Ice Cold going MIA, The Truckers having to clean Lana's house and the mystery of who attacked The Beast. The main was okay and the other matches were average.

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