Saturday, October 12, 2024

Stardom 10/11/2024 STARDOM in OSAKA 2024 Oct.

Stardom 10/11/2024 STARDOM in OSAKA 2024 Oct.

STARS (Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO & Waka Tsukiyama)

Waka and Momo go at it. They trade wristlocks. Waka side headlocks her then takes an armdrag and dropkick. Waka hits chest forearms and Mayu kicks her on the ropes. Waka takes a facebuster > basement dropkick > double elbow drop sequence. Hana splashes Momo on the ropes. Momo is tripped into a facekick. Waka is lifted and butt drops Momo.

Waka hits hip attacks on Momo. Hana slams Momo then stomps her. Waka running hip attacks and butt drops Momo. Momo dropkicks her. Mayu takes a dropkick from Waka. Mayu rolls her up into a basement dropkick. Mayu flying headscissors Hana then her and Momo do stereo basement dropkicks.

Waka pulls one of the tails off of Mayu's costume, stomps her foot and stomps her with the tail. Waka lariats her on the ropes and flatliners her off of it. Hana shoulders over Mayu and corner splashes her. Hana knee drops her for 2.

Mayu sling blades Hana and kicks her in the back for 2. Momo dropkicks Hana then is shouldered over. They trade chest forearms. Hana hits a corner bodylock then a slam. Waka running crossbodies Momo then Hana splashes Momo for 2.

Hana misses a corner splash and takes a Mayu dropkick. Mayu superkicks Hana then Momo crossbodies Hana off the ropes. Hana takes a double 619 on the ropes. Momo does a bad single underhook twisting drop on Hana. Momo hammerlocks Hana and Hana ropebreaks.

Hana facekicks Momo then suplexes her for 2. Hana slams Mayu onto Momo then drops Waka onto them. Momo rolls Hana up then Hana facekicks her. Hana does a head and arm submission lift on Momo and submits her.

Thoughts: It was an average opener. There was nothing great or bad here. Momo busting the hammerlock out as a serious submission near the end of this was unusual and I'm not liking Hana's head and arm choke lift submission.

Momo and Hana go at it after and Hana backs her down in the corner. Hana and Waka talk on the mic after.

Ruaka vs. Hanan vs. Rian

Ruaka bows, goes out and lets them fight. Rian stomps on Han's foot. Han hits a nice dropkick. Ruaka trips Han and pulls her out. Ruaka shoulders Rian over. Rian dropkjicks her several times. Ruaka hair throws Rian then leg chokes her on the ropes. Ruaka hair throws her.

Ruaka slams Rian then shoulders her over for 2. Rian hits chest forearms. Ruaka chokes her. Rian trips her and low dropkicks her. Rian is caught on a crossbody and dropkicked over. Ruaka splashes both opponents in the corner then takes a double back elbow.

Rian low dropkicks Han. Han slams Rian then crabs her. Han half crabs her. Rian headscissors her out of the corner and hits a low dropkick. Ruaka sentons Han and throws Rian out. Ruaka shoulders Han over. They trade forearms and Han hip throws her.

Ruaka fisherman suplexes her for 2. Hana rolls her up for 2 when Rian stops it. Rian rolls Ruaka up and Han stops it. Rian cutters Ruaka then Rian cradles Han for 2. Han cuty specials Rian and wins.

It was a short and average three way. They didn't do any big spots or anything too special. But, nobody botched anything and it was acceptable. Han won and Rian lost as expected.

God's Eye (Lady C, Ranna Yagami & Syuri) vs. HATE (Momo Watanabe, Natsuko Tora & Saya Kamitani)

Syu's team is attacked before the bell and thrown out. The heels work on them outside. C is sent into the seats as is Ranna and Syu. Momo foot chokes Syu in the seats. Momo chokes Syu with a bat.

Saya snapmares Ranna then chinlocks her. Tora slams Ranna then crabs and single leg crabs her. Tora pulls on the hair. Ranna is abused on the ropes by the heels. Momo snapmares and back kicks Ranna. Rana takes a shoulder > double stomp > PK. Momo then stands on Ranna.

Ranna hits chest forearms on Momo then is forearmed over. Ranna dropkicks her. Syu gets in. They trade chest kicks. Syu tries to run the ropes but is hit from outside by Saya. Syu hits a double dropkick and knees Momo through the ropes. Syu guillotine legdrops Momo off the 2nd rope.

Momo PK's Syu for 2. Saya hits two running knees on Syu. Saya and Syu miss high kicks then Syu armbars her. The heels break that up and the faces get the heels out. Syu underhook suplexes Saya for 2. C shoulders Saya over when she gets in.

C flapjacks Saya for 2. C hits forearms on Saya. Saya stomps her foot then takes a facekick from C. Saya pushes the ref in the way and dropkicks C. Tora comes in and sentons C. C facekicks Tora on the ropes then shoulders her over. Ranna comes in and hits dropkicks on Tora. Ranna hits chest kicks then another dropkick. Tora takes a flying neckbreaker from Ranna then Ranna armbars Tora.

Tora ropebreaks on the armbar. Ranna misses a corner charge then takes corner attacks from the heels including a corner cannonball. Tora gets caught up top by Syu and Ranna throws Tora down. Ranna running high kicks Tora then kicks her in the back for 2. Ranna armbars Tora and Momo breaks it up. Everyone comes in for a move. Tora running lariats Ranna. Ranna no sells it and leg lariats her. Ranna slams Tora for 2. Ranna is hit from a box on the outside by Ruaka then Tora death valley drivers her for the win.

Momo and Syu continue to go at it after.

Thoughts: It was an okay and mostly average tag here. Ranna got to do a bit more than usual. It didn't get a ton of time. There was nothing wrong with it but nothing memorable about it either. 

STARS (Hazuki, Koguma & Saya Iida) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (Maika, Mina Shirakawa & Xena)

Mina talks on the mic beforehand and does her own intros for her team.

Kog does her taunt as usual. Mina and Xena mimic it and Maika thinks it is hilarious. Xena boots Kog. Xena rolls over her dropdown then Kog dropkicks her. Xena no sells it and kips up. Kog is shouldered over and tries to kip up but can't get up. Xena then helps Kog up.

Xena takes a baseball slide from behind outside. They fight on the floor and Kog runs to the other side of the arena for some reason. Xena chases Kog around the ring. 3 girls then get their heads banged off the apron edge.

Xena messes around with Kog's hair. Mina flying neckbreakers Kog then surfboards Kog. Mina kicks Kog in the back. Maika gets in. Kog gets stuck on the buckles and hangs upside down. Maika presses her against the buckles.

Kog tries forearms on Maika and gets on her back. Maika rams her backwards into the buckles. Kog 2nd rope crossbodies her. Haz 2nd rope dropkicks Maika for 2. Haz crossfaces her and is broken up. Haz then hits a double codebreaker. Haz facewash kicks Maika on the ropes.

Maika and Haz trade forearms. Haz frearm flurries her in the back of the head. Maika powerslmas Haz. Mina gets in and is dropped from Maika's shoulders onto Haz for 2. Mina takes a double basement dropkick then an elbow drop from Saya. Saya machine gun chops Mina for a while.

Mina kneebreakers Saya over her knee. Mina then figure fours her. That gets broken up. Mina walks up the buckles and walks the ropes with Saya's arm then knee drops it. Saya is swung by Maika and Xena then dropped on her face. Mina impaler ddt's Saya for 2.

Mina knee breakers Saya. Mina then takes a codebreaker and backcracker. Saya top rope flying shoulderblocks Mina for 2. Mina stomps on Saya's knee then Saya lariats Mina. Saya suplexes Mina for 2.

Mina takes corner attacks from her opponents. Saya's muscle buster is blocked. Saya legsweeps Mina then gets a 2 count on a pin. Haz and Kog are lariats on the ropes then Haz and Kog hit stereo ddt's. Mina dropkicks Saya in the knee and goes for the figure four but Saya rolls her up. Mina does a seatbelt pin on Saya and pins her.

Thoughts: Mina's knee work on Saya didn't really go anywhere here. We didn't really see Maika at all in this one. It was pretty average overall though it got a lot of time.

They continue fighting outside after.

Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi, Saori Anou, Sayaka Kurara, Tam Nakano & Yuna Mizumori) vs. Neo Genesis (AZM, Mei Seira, Miyu Amasaki, Starlight Kid & Suzu Suzuki)

Yuna and Mei start us off. Mei boots her. Yuna blocks an armdrag and hits one of her own. Mei dropkicks her on the ropes. Yuna trips her, they try to dropkick each other at the same time then headflip up together. Sayaka hits dropkicks on Suzu then is kicked in the ribs.

Suzu takes kicks and boots from her opponents and her opponents miss a 4 person basement dropkick. Suzu drive by kicks Sayaka on the ropes outside. Sayaka is then held for a Kid 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Sayaka takes a sandwich kick to the front and back and Kid is popped up into a splash on Sayaka.

Kid standing moonsaults Sayaka for 2. Miyu orner back elbows Sayaka then basement dropkicks her in the back. Miyu slams Sayaka for 2. AZM gets in and kicks Sayaka in the back. AZM double stomps her for 2.

Sayaka hits chest forearms on AZM then AZM slams her for 2. Sayaka dropkicks AZM. Anou is tagged in and top rope dropkicks AZM. AZM counters a oduble team then Szu and Miyu take stereo headhunters. Anou suplexes Kid while doing an indian deathlock on AZM.

Anou goes up and over AZM in the corner then AZM flying kicks her. Anou is tripped into the ropes and takes double dropkicks. Anou takes a short ddt from Miyu then is dropkicked in the back.

Miyu and Anou trade chest forearms. Anou step up enzugiri's her and fisherman suplexes her. Tam comes in and rolls Miyu into kicks then axe kicks her. Miyu hits a pendulum ddt on Tam then Kid cartwheels into a spinning headscissors on Tam.

Poi and Tam do stereo cartwheels into a double dropkick then do a double superkick. Kid trips Poi and misses a 619. Kid then stretch mufflers Poi. Poi gets out and dropkicks Kid through the ropes. Poi hits a top rope crossbody on Kid for 2.

Poi gets tripped and takes a double basement dropkick. Suzu and Kid are pushed into each other then take a superkick and enzugiri. Suzu and Kid then hit stereo superkicks. Kid hits a stiff meteora to the back of Poi's neck then Kid 180 splashes Poi for 2.

Tam spinning high kicks Miyu then takes a top rope dropkick. Everyone starts hitting a move. Poi release germans Kid then superkicks her. Kid cross-legged release suplexes Poi.

Yuna corner lariats Mei when they get in. Mei does it back to her then springboard dropkicks her for 2.  Mei legsweeps Yuna then takes a hard forearm for it. Yuna knees her in the gut then rolls her up for 2. Yuna rolls her with her legs into a grounded octopus. 

Yuna takes a bunch of corner attacks and a 5 girl basement dropkick. Yuna is held for a codebreaker. Mei dropkicks Yuna then Sayaka top rope dropkicks Mei. Suzu and AZM take superkicks and everyone except Tam goes out. Tam jumps off the top and Sayaka jumps off the apron onto everyone.

Yuna lariats Mei for 2. Yuna and Mei go for pin's. Mei takes a release tiger suplex from Tam. Yuna electric chair drops Mei on her chest and picks up the win.

Thoughts: Yuna getting the win here was a surprise. Sayaka got beat up by everyone during the first part of this and it was a lot of high speed action with people coming in and out during the rest of this. It wasn't great but certainly was more than enough than keep your interest and there weren't a lot of dull moments. They didn't go all out but it was a solid house show main.

Yuna and Mei talk to each other on the mic after and seem to set something up. Tam talks some and Yuna closes the show on the mic.

Overall thoughts: It was a shorter house show with only 5 matches. The main was the only thing that was above average on this one with the girls putting out a bit more effort. The rest of the show was just average for the most part and nothing you really need to see. I wouldn't really recommend this one and just thought it was average overall.

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