Monday, October 7, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 10/6/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 10/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

Akuma and Los Gemelos Diablos vs Zandokan Jr., Villano III Jr and Hijo de Villano III

V3J = Villano III Jr, Hijo = Hijo de Villano III, Gem = Either Gemelo Diablo since they are identical

1st Fall - Hijo has no tattoos while V3J does. Zand's team is beaten up on the ropes and choked to start. V3J is double hiptossed and dropped. Akuma headbutts V3J then V3J is triple foot choked in the corner. V3J takes a flapjack and legdrop. V3J's team all take corner attacks from their opponents. V3J is tripped then a Gem and Akuma are tripped and pulled out. V3J tilt-a-whirl armdrags a Gem and pins him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Akuma chokes Zand on the ropes. Zand is laid on the top rope and a Gem is popped up onto him. That Gem somehow goes out. Hijo is pushed into a double team  slam. Akuma bites Hijo's hand. Hijo is triple teamed in the corner. Hijo is chopped down.

Hijo is shouldered over then V3J is hiptossed in from the apron. V3J gets triple teamed in the corner. V3J takes corner attacks then a double gorilla press. Akuma goes up top and slips, crotching himself on the ropes. The Gem's and The V's fight it out and a Gem pins V3J with an elbow drop.

3rd Fall - V3J is sent into the post by Akuma. Zand superkicks Akuma and Hijo 2nd rope thesz presses a Gem. V3J goes to springboard but slips and falls. The heels go out and Zand's team do triple stereo dives. Hijo bites Akuma's head. Akuma takes a triple powerbomb for 2. A Gem is held on the ropes and chopped by Zand.

Gem takes a double back elbow then is put on Hijo's knees for a pop-up double stomp from V3J. Zand top rope armdrags a Gem then V3J moonsaults off the top from the ramp onto Akuma. Zand's team triple gorilla presses Akuma in onto his partners then Zand's team pins both Gems to win.

They had 2 bad slips here from the top which made it hard to take this one seriously. Akuma crotching himself on accident was really funny. They tried but it was just not their night.

Euforia, Soberano Jr. & Valiente vs. Esfinge, Flip Gordon & Hechicero

Euf = Euforia, Esf = Esfinge

1st Fall - Hech and Euf meet again in the feud that never ends. Everyone fights to start and Euf chokes Hech with a chain, then punches him with it. Val headbutts Flip down. Esf is tripped and takes a running kick to the head from Sob. Esf takes corner attacks and a facekick from Euf.

Esf is beaten up on the ropes. Hech is triple stomped on.  Val indian deathlocks Hech and taps him out ot win the fall.

2nd Fall - Esf is triple teamed with his mask being ripped up and with Val biting his foot. Flip is popped up and dropped then held for a legdrop over the back of the neck. Hech takes a 3v1 and takes corner attacks. Val dropkicks Hech in the inner thighs in the corner. Euf celebrates and Esf rolls him up out of nowhere. Esf then gets triple stomped on for it.

Flip is held for chops from Val. Flip hits a superkick on Val then topes him outside. Esf comes in and superkicks Sob then chases him to the ramp. Everyone fights outside. Esf throws Sob from the ramp into the ring and Sob rolls out.

Hech and Esf starts to fight and Flip tries to break it up. Hech and Sob square off then Val comes in to trade with Hech. Hech and Euf trade shots. Hech ddt's Euf then hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on Sob.

Esf and Val fight. Esf superkicks him and Euf dropkicks Val on accident. Esf springboard dropkicks Euf. Sob corner lariats Esf then Esf doesthe same to him. Esf superkicks Sob.

Flip and Sob pose. Flip handstands then headscissors Sob off of it. Flip kips down out of a lariat from Euf. Flip moonsaults and superkicks him then does an over the top rope 619. Flip goes up and over Val. Val armdrags him into an armbar and submits him. Hech shotgun dropkicks Val. Euf kicks Val on accident and Hech step up knees Euf.

Sob top rope diving headscissors Hech then fosbury flops him outside. Esf monkey flips Euf and Val. Esf springboard splashes Euf then misses one. Val indian deathlocks Esf and submits him. Val's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: The second fall went on forever and wasn't any good. There was just no structure to it at all for most of it. They kept having the partners have miscommunications and they had Val pick up two falls with an indian deathlock. I didn't like this one. 

CMLL World Tag Team Title Match - Los Hermanos Chavez (Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja) (c) vs. Templario & Volador Jr.

Roja takes down Temp by the leg then bow and arrows him. Temp throws him down by the arm and ties his legs up. Temp surfboards Roja. Roja sharpshooters Temp then does a surfboard variation on him. They go face to face and shake hands. They roll on the mat and Temp spinarooni's. They stand off and tag out.

Vol and Oro go at it doing headcissors from the mat to each other. Vol top rope crossbodies Oro then pops up Temp into a double dropkick on Oro and Roja. Vol and Temp hit stereo topes and Roja ends up in a first row seat next to a fan. 

Temp side headlocks Vol then flying shoulders him. Temp runs the ropes and is kicked in the back. Temp is lifted by Oro into a flying headscissors on Roja then Temp springboard diving armdrags Oro out.

Vol is popped up into a headscissors on Roja. Vol flying headscissors Oro out. Vol and Temp are pulled out together. Oro and Roja then do stereo dives outside with one them hitting a moonsault off the buckles.

Oro triangle moonsaults Vol in the ring for 2. Oro rolls him up for 2. Roja double chickenwing drops Vol then takes a wheelbarrow german from Temp for 2. Oro superkicks Temp then tkaes a codebreaker from Vol. Temp does a flying space tiger drop outside on both opponents.

Vol step up enzugiri's Roja in the corner. Temp takes a double chickenwing drop from the buckles onto Vol. Vol hits a backcracker while Temp hits a sitout powerbomb for 2. Vol code reds Roja and Oro 2nd rope hurricanrana's Temp. Oro and Roja do rocking chairs ot their opponents and get double submissions to win.

Thoughts: It was fine. It wasn't great or memorable, but they tried a bit here and didn't stall a ton. Oro and Roja winning wasn't too surprising. As always with lucha, this was more of a tornado tag than a regular tag.

Overall thoughts: The opener had two really bad botches which brought that down. The second match went too long and the main was okay but not great. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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