Friday, October 11, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 5/18/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 5/18/1991

Last week's show is here:

We're in Omaha, Nebraska.

Vince McMahon, Macho Man Randy Savage and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. Vince says The Ultimate Warrior is taking on Smash tonight. Macho says Smash pounds and pounds on you until you are forced to waive the white flag. He says we're heading for the ultimate surrender. Piper says what better way to render a take useless than to hit them with the ultimate artillery?

IRS debuts today.

The Ultimate Warrior vs Smash

Smash is with Mr. Fuji. We haven't seen much of Demolition since Mania. Warrior runs around during his entrance as usual. Smash pushes Warrior off the lock up. then Warrior does it to him. Warrior hits punches and hits boots in the corner. Smash bangs Warrior's head off the buckle and punches him in the gut.

Smash runs into a boot in the corner then Warrior shoulders him over. Warrior facebusters Smash. Smash lariats him then hits double axe handles. Smash chokes Warrior on the ropes then clubs his chest. Smash boots him out of the ring.

Mr. Fuji hits Warrior with his cane then Smash sends Warrior into the post. Smash hits punches then clubs his back. Warrior starts to shake and hulk up. Warrior hits punches then hits running lariats. Warrior hits a flying shoulderblock then a splash for the win.

Thoughts: It was fine. Smash worked over Warrior and Fuji cheated. Warrior made his usual comeback and won. It was nothing too special but nothing was wrong with it.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund talks about the feud between The Mountie and The Big Boss Man. We see clips of Boss Man getting beaten up by Mountie and The Nasties last week.

The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Mountie says he warned Boss Man, sentenced him and punished him. He said he showed him some mercy and says if there's a next time, he won't be so lucky.

Power and Glory vs Dan Robbins and Buck Zumhoff

No entrance for P&G here. Roma says they will destroy everyone in the WWF and says to take notice. Roma poses then punches Buck. Roma ducks a lariat and hits a nice dropkick. Roma pounds and stomps on Dan. Roma suplexes him then elbow drops him. The bushwhackers doa promo. They say P&G have had it easy in the WWF but they haven't encountered them. Luke says they will be splattered all over the place.

Roma and Herc stomp on Dan. Herc gorilla press slams Dan. Herc back elbows Dan. Dan is held and Roma top rope clubs him. Roma clubs and stomps on Dan as Herc sends Buck into the post. Herc lariats Dan. Herc racks Dan. Roma clubs Dan from the top rope and Herc drops Dan right on his head in a reckless spot. Roma then picks up the win with a foot on the chest.

Thoughts: The finish was super reckless. I hope Dan is alright as that was a terrible bump. P&G really roughed up their opponents here.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney mentions the finish of the last match saying P&G perfected a new move that takes their opponents heads off their shoulders.

Greg Valentine does a promo. He said he changed his mind about a lot of things. He says there's no more Jimmy Hart. He says he's by himself and thinks better this way. He says he's a professional and a wrestling legend in the WWF.

Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan do a promo. Bobby says everyone wants a piece of the IC Title. Perfect says it doesn't matter as when you are the greatest, no one can touch anything you can do. He says he has the greatest and coolest hair and the greatest body. He says come see him if you want a piece of the best and he will show you what perfection is all about.

Irwin R. Schyster vs Red Tyler

This is the Superstars debut of IRS. He is wearing black a suit jacket and a black tie. IRS gets on the mic after. He says the people are a sad group and says when he finds them cheating on their taxes, he will visit their house and they will pay big time.

IRS takes him down and stomps him. Red backs up IRS in the corner then takes punches. IRS suplexes him and elbow drops him. Red is thrown out. IRS punches Red and abdominal stretches him using the ropes.

IRS stomps on Red. IRS hits a samoan drop (the write-off) and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a squash here as expected. It wasn't anything too special with IRS doing a lot of punches and stomps.

WWF Event Center

The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do a promo. Paul says he was in his funeral parlor alone and was listening to the quiet. He says he wondered if that's the sound Ultimate Warrior heard in the casket. He asks Taker what he's thinking of. Taker says he's thinking of holding the now rotting flesh of The Warrior.

Tugboat does a promo. He says the competition is getting wilder. He says The Berzerker is like an out of control torpedo but when he hits, it's a big explosion. He says he wants to show him how big the explosion is. He says he's big and mad and coming for him.

The British Bulldog vs Tony Squire

Winston is with Davey. Tony is thrown off the lock-up. Tony's pretty built for a jobber. Tony knees him in the gut and takes a hiptoss. Davey armdrags him then knee drops Tony's arm. Davey back elbows Tony. Davey snapmares him and chinlocks him.

Tony hits some punches and Davey punches and headbutts back. Davey side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Davey corner lariats him then running powerslams him for the win.

It was a squash here. Tony got some in at least and it wasn't completely lopsided. I wouldn't mind seeing another Tony Squire match.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri on the podium. Gene says they have their hands full with Virgil and Roddy Piper. Ted says he wants Virgil to take a long look at Sherri as she's 100% class from head to toe. He says you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. He says Virgil sealed his fate by listening to Piper instead of him. Ted says Piper stuck his nose in his business at Mania and got a bad knee and a crutch for it.

Ted says Piper is a hot head and is a little crazy. He says he hopes Piper didn't throw his crutch too far as he will need it again. Sherri says Ted has more money than Piper and Virgil will ever have in one lifetime, which makes him more of a man than they can hope to be.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Tom Bennett

Tom wristlocks him. Jake reverses it then Tom reverses it. Jake hiptosses Tom and backs him up in the corner. Jake wristlocks Tom. Earthquake and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Quake says he wanted Roberts not to bring Damien near the ring and said look what happened. He tells him not to bring Lucifer near the ring.

Tom goes over the top to get out of the wristlock but Jake drags him back in. Jake nails Tom from behind in the corner then hits punches. Jake drops him with a punch then slams him. Jake short arm lariats Tom then hits a ddt for the win.

Jake pours Lucifer out on Tom after.

Thoughts: They spent a lot of the time working the wristlock here and it wasn't that interesting of a squash. 

We see WBF star Aaron Baker working out in the gym. Aaron says they will redefine bodybuilding all over the world on June 15th. 

Thoughts: I really don't know who the WBF stuff is for. Maybe it's just my tastes but I can't say these promos are doing anything to make me want to see that event.

The Barbarian vs Sonny Blaze

Barb nodowa otoshi's him and boots him in the ribs. Barb lays him on the top rope and clubs him. Barb slams him then elbow drops him several times. Barb running boots him and wins.

It was a quick one and Barb didn't put a lot of effort into this. Sonny got nothing in.

WWF Event Center

Sean compares getting kicked by Barb to being kicked by a mule. The Rockers do a promo. Marty said they are the best team in the WWF but aren't champs. They said they beat every team that has been champs but can't beat them while they are champs. Marty says they won't quit trying. Shawn tells people to shut up who are talking about them and says they will knock them out.

Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan do a promo. Sarge says they can't wait to get Hulk in the ring and take back what Hulk stole. Sarge says Hulk didn't win the war, just one battle and asks if he really won since his face got put on fire. Sarge says they will get the title back and that's an order.  

We get some ads for hasbro figures, Hulk Hogan vitamins and WWF video games on the Gameboy.

Vince runs down next week's show. Jake will be on The Funeral Parlor.

Overall thoughts: We got a rare star vs star match here and Warrior wrestled his first match on Superstars in what feels like a very long time. IRS debuted and didn't impress. Power and Glory nearly killed a jobber. They continue to push The WBF Championship and I can't really see who would get hyped up about that. There wasn't much else of note here. I wouldn't recommend this one and didn't find it that interesting.

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