Tuesday, October 8, 2024

WWE NXT 10/8/2024

WWE NXT 10/8/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/10/wwe-nxt-1012024.html

We see various wrestlers arrive.

Trick Williams comes out to talk. Trick says NXT is reaching new heights. He says they are in new cities and on a new network. He says he's once against the NXT champ. Wes Lee interrupts from the crowd. He says he can become a triple crown champ by taking the title. Trick calls him "lightskin".

Wes says Trick ain't it and says he will be the one who takes the title from him. He says he will leave him in the dust like his partner did.

Jey Uso comes out and talks in the ring. Trick says they both have gold and look good. Trick says they will both whoop that trick. They shake hands and that's it.

Kelani Jordan, Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair vs Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley and Jazmyn Nyx)

KJ's team is all wearing purple. Fallon hits KJ from behind. Jacy is whipped into a back elbow on KJ then Nyx PK's Fallon for 2. KJ tiger feint armdrags Nyx then dropkicks her. KJ's team then does triple stereo slams together and poses.

We see Oba Femi working out in the back. KJ low crossbodies Nyx for 2. Bianca goes up and over Fallon and taunts her. Bianca corner spears Fallon then hits corner punches. Jacy comes in and gets lariated then Bianca suplexes Fallon.

Bianca handspring moonsaults Fallon. Fallon takes a double hiptoss drop. KJ is gorilla pressed by Jade onto Fallon. KJ is held for a bulldog from Nyx. KJ is thrown out and Jacy cannonballs her off the apron.

We go to break and return. KJ takes boots from Nyx. KJ's head is banged off the apron then she gets booted. Jacy misses a cannonball and takes a heel kick from KJ. Tony D is warming up in the back. KJ jawbreakers Jacy. Jade is tagged in.

She hits big forearms on all 3 opponents. Jade spinebusters Jacy and backbreakers Fallon. Jade fallway slams Nyx. Jade hits corner splashes then chokeslams Nyx. Bianca takes a dominator on Nyx. Jade superkicks Fallon then Jacy neckbreakers Jade. KJ sitout jumping ddt's Jacy. KJ top rope moonsaults two girls and takes a hard fall down. Nyx hits an overhead kicks Bianca. Bianca alley oops Nyx. Nyx takes a ddt into a wheelbarrow german. KJ split-legged moonsaults Nyx and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good tag and was a total success. This couldn't have gone much better than it did. The timing was good. The crowd was into it. It had no dull moments and Nyx had a good showing. I enjoyed this far more than I expected.

Fraxiom talk in the back. NF says he's always ready and says it's business as usual. Randy Orton is next to them  and asks how fast Je'Von Evans is. Ax says he's the fastest guy in NXT. Frazer says he's faster. He apologizes to Orton and says he's a hot head. Orton says there's nothing wrong with being a hot head. Frazer says he's taking it and running with it.

Giulia is interviewed. It gets interrupted by someone knocking at the door and she says we got it. 

Roxanne Perez comes out to talk. She says everyone thought she would get dethroned last week but she says "nope". She says the fans will prop someone else up and she will drink the tears of the next favorite of the month. She says she doesn't have to drink alone as a new friendship is reigniting.

Cora Jade comes out. She said she had to hear everyone talk about how it's the deepest division in WWE. She says her name was left off the list (true). She says that p!ssed her off. She says she wants to make sure everyone pays for forgetting about her.

She says Perez deserves to be women's champ. She says their friendship is mended. Perez says all Cora wanted was for her to look out for herself. She said she learned. She said the NXT Title shattered their friendship but now it's the one thing that will bring them back together.

Giulia comes out. Cora tries to get her to come in alone. Stephanie Vaquer comes out with Giulia and they go after the heels. The heels are beaten up and slide out. Giulia and Steph stare down and both grab the women's title.

Thoughts: I don't really like pairing Giulia and Steph together because both are new and have limited English. They need to get over on their own and it'll be easier to do that on their own.

The No Quarter Catch Crew is in the back. Wren says she will show Vaquer what the women's division is about next week. Dempsey tells Borne and Heights to take notes. Lexis King is watching Oro Mensah steal their match. King says he's looking for a match where Oro can't cheat and asks Dempsey for a suggestion. Dempsey says there's something called an Admiral Award Battle and then a Gentlemen's Duel. King is interested in the latter.

NXT North American Title - Oba Femi (c) vs Tony D'Angelo

Oba makes him flinch and Tony hits a bunch of punches. Oba lariats him then slams him. Oba elbow drops him and side headlocks him. Oba side headlock takeovers him. Tony flying forearms him then lariats him over the top. Tony gets caught coming off the apron and is chokeslammed on the apron edge.

We go to a long break and return. Oba is stretching Tony's back over his knee. Tony back body drops him. Ton declines a crowbar from Stacks. Oba lariats Tony over the top and goes with him. Oba hits Tony on the apron then stares down The Family. Oba shoves Stacks and knocks over Rizzo in the process. Tony sees it, spears him hard down and pounds on him. Tony belly to belly suplexes him on the ramp.

Tony running spears him in the ring for 2. Oba running euros Tony then Tony running lariats him. Oba hits a nice flying single leg dropkick and chokeslams Tony for 2. Oba short arm lariats Tony. Tony germans him. Oba throws Tony on a backdrop then Oba goes down. 

Oba running euros Tony. Tony comes of the 2nd rope and takes a euro. Oba clears the commentary table. Tony spinebusters Oba through the table. Tony hits a spinebuster in the ring for 2. Oba grabs him by the throat, Tony sunset lfips him and pins him.

Thoughts: It was a solid match here with Oba jerking Tony around and Tony getting fired up after Rizzo got pushed over. Tony pretty much had to win here unless they were doing a character change. Oba's over and moving onto better things so this won't be a big deal but it would have been nice to see him go longer with this undefeated streak. They still need to find that great opponent for Oba though.

We see Lola and Jaida fighting in the locker room last week after thier match. We then see various refs break it up.

Lola goes up to Ava and says she wants her. Ava says Jaida wanta Lola too. Nikkita Lyons comes in and says she's grateful to be back. Lola says it needs to wait. Nikkita tells her to touch grass. Lola says don't make her put her on the shelf again. Ava says the ywere going to talk about Nikkita's return opponent and says Lola sounds like the perfect opponents.

Thoughts: The women's division is really getting too big for NXT. They have got to come up with something to get some of the girls doing stuff on TV or they risk not getting the full potential out of some of these girls.

Bianca, Kelani and Jade talk in the back. Kelani thanks them for having her back. They rush into Lash and Jakara. Lash says they want a shot at the tag titles if they keep coming onto their turf. Bianca tells them to come to them and says they will fight them on Smackdown. Jaida randomly walked by during this segment.

NXT Tag Title - Nathan Frazer and Axiom (c) vs A-Town Down Under (Grayson Waller and Austin Theory)

Ax side headlocks Theory. Theory shoulders him over and piefaces him. Ax chops him then hits a dropkick. Ax puts an octopus on Theory and NF kicks Theory while he's in it. NF armdrags Theory then Theory double throat thrusts him.Theory takes a double team ending ina ddt. Then Waller is double teamed, taking a tornado ddt. Ax gets stuck straddling the top rope and Theory lariats him from the top rope.

We go to break and return. Ax headscissors Waller on the floor. NF is pulled down from the apron on a tag. Waller leg lariats Ax.

Ax takes a sandwich forearm for 2. Ax top rope splashes Theory. NF springboard dropkicks Theory. NF flips over him using the buckles then flying forearms him. NF hits a reverse ddt + ddt combo for 2. NF plancha's Waller. Theory gets his knees up on NF's running ssp. Theory superkicks NF then hits ataxia on NF for 2.

Waller takes a top rope dropkick + legsweep for 2. NF plancha's out and takes a forearm from Theory. Waller rolls in and is caught with a sleeper by Ax. Waller is hit on accident and nearly lariats Theory. Ax hits a golden ratio kick on Theory then canadian destroyers Waller. Waller takes a top rope spanish fly and then a phoenix splash. Waller is pinned.

Thoughts: It was an athletic and good tag as expected. They didn't overdo it and it ended at the right time. I had no issue with this and they continued teasing issues between Waller and Theory.

We get words from Ridge Holland. He said NXT will get the man he fourth so hard not to be and says the destruction of Chase U will begin. He says he will love every second of it. We then see him stomping Duke's MVP trophy.

Ridge Holland is interviewed. He said he would run through Chase U and he did. He said that's the price they pay for ruining his dreams. Riley Osborne then hits Ridge from behind and refs break it up.

We get a performance from Sexy Red. Ethan Page interrupts and says the concert is cancelled. He said that's what she gets for interrupting him on Raw. Page says the place fell apart without him just after one week. Page says he should be wrestling Randy Orton, not Je'Von Evans. Page says he's not leaving until he gets his rematch clause.

Je'Von Evans comes out. Page says he doesn't care that Evans is facing Orton next. Page tries to hit him and takes punches. Page then goes out. Evans then dances with Red.

The Halloween Havoc Wheel returns next week. We get a Tony D'Angelo championship celebration, Lola vs Nikkita, Vaquer vs Wren.

Randy Orton vs Je'Von Evans

Orton runs the ropes and side steps a dropkick. Orton yanks on the arm. Evans evades Orton. Orton side headlocks him then Evans reverses it. Evans misses a back springboard and Orton wags his finger at him. Orton pats Evans on the head in the corner. Evans hits a hard superkick and drops him.

Evans hits a nice dropkick and Orton rolls out. We go to break and return. Evans avoids being bakcdropped on the commentary table. He then jumps to the apron from the table. Evans topes Orton. Orton is supposed to catch him but doesn't and backdrops him on the commentary table multiple times.

Evans is thrown hard into the buckles. Evans springboard lariats him then hits lariats.Evans corkscrew kicks him off the ropes. Orton catches a springboard and powerslams Evans for 2. Orton hits a bridging ddt. Evans hits a big superkick and Orton goes down. Evans hits a double jump springboard cutter for 2. Evans tornillos off the top. Orton is supposed to catch him with an RKO but can't. Orton then RKO's him to win.

Thoughts: They messed up the two flying spots they had here with the finish getting messed up and the one dive into the backdrop getting messed up. They had the right idea here with Orton trying to show his experience vs Evans. It could have been done a bit better though and the finish not being botched would have helped things as well.

Ava, Page and Wes talk in the back. Ava says he has to earn a title match if he wants it and so does Wes. Ava says Wes and Page can fight in a #1 contenders match and says she is adding Je'Von Evans to the match as well.

Overall thoughts: I liked the show. The main had the right idea but didn't totally deliver. The opener was good. Tony vs Oba was fine and the tag title match was fine. I had no real issues with this and thought they should have done this show last week instead of the one they did.

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