Monday, October 14, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 10/13/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 10/13/2024

Last wee's show is here:

Drew Abenhaus and Lucky P. Larson welcome us to the show. Larson has the SICW Classic Title and is showing it off as we learn Kowalski beat The Big Texan for it. Larson says Kowalski is a triple crown champ in SICW and says he has won all titles in SICW.

They run down the card.

Joey Vinetti vs Cade Maxen

Cade waistlocks him and Joey throws him off. Joey armlocks him and Cade ropebreaks. Joey side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Cade leapfrogs and Joey hiptosses him. 

Joey armdrags and dropkicks him. Cade ducks a lariat and hits a slingblade. Cade step up knees him in the corner then running neckbreakers him for 2. Cade hammerlocks him then misses a lariat. Joey hits some lariats. Joey top rope dropkicks him and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here with Joey losing as expected. They kept it moving and Cade got some offense in before going down.

Joey offers a handshake after and Cade ignores it.

Drew interviews Herb Simmons. They say Glenn Williams is the new Central States champ, beating Bobby D and Herb congratulates Herb. Herb says Bobby D has nothing to be ashamed of and will be back in the title hunt soon.

Herb implies Big Texan wasn't focused leading up to the Kowalski match. He says if they hadn't had the contract signing, maybe he would have won. Herb says Texan will be chasing the title again though. 

They talk about a contract signing for a match involving Danny Boy Hawkins, Ron Powers and Gary Jackson vs Khan, The Barbarian and Haku at a recent show. They also talk about a coward waves the flag match coming up and say they will discuss it later. Herb says he has put the fate of SICW in the hands on Ron, Danny and Gary.

"Roughcut" Rick Ruby vs J'quan Wright

I've seen Wright's name spelled two different ways so I don't know which is correct. Ruby misses a charge and takes a bunch of forearms. Wright lariats him then hits a nice dropkick. Ruby lariats him over then clubs Wright. Ruby leg lariats him on the ropes. Larson makes fun of Drew for saying Texan held the title for 500 years earlier.

Ruby suplexes Wright then clubs on him. Ruby hits a backdrop into a uranage. Ruby hits a nice legdrop and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent squash here with Wright showing some fire and a dropkick and Ruby bringing some heavy offense.

Travis Cook and Stephen E are interviewed by Destiny Lynch. E says today isn't a good day as the contract signing didn't go the way it was supposed to. He says his investors have more money than anyone in the state. He said Herb had him sign a contract for the Barb/Haku/Khan match. E says they will take the company during the match.

Cook says brings up that it would have been Skandor Akbar's 90th birthday recently if he were still alive. Cook says Akbar formed Devastation Inc in the 80's. He said Akbar mentored E as a wrestler and a businessman and eventually sent it over to him. Cook says expansion is everything in the world of business. He says Devastation Inc is expanding into promotions and says SICW will die if it doesn't expand.

Cook says they weren't prepared for what happened at the contract signing. He rips Gary, Danny Boy and Ron Powers. He says the three of them face Khan/Barb/Haku. Cook says if this is going to be a war then it will be a war. Cook says they gave him a chance to do this the easy way and they turned it down. Cook says they will own SICW and replace Destiny with someone who doesn't show as much skin as she does.

SICW Central States Title - Bobby D (c) vs Glenn Williams

We join this in progress and Glenn hits a big uranage. Glenn hammerlocks Bobby then hammerlock ddt's him. Glenn pump kicks him for 2. Bobby hits gutwrench suplex for 2. Glenn goes out and gets chopped by Bobby. Glenn is backdropped on the apron and Bobby legdrops him there for 2.

Glenn eye rakes him then hits a flying shoulder. Glenn is hit while on the 2nd rope and Bobby hits a 2nd rope belly to belly suplex. Bobby goes for the crab and Sean Vincent distracts the ref on the apron. Bobby nails Sean. Glenn then hits Bobby with Sean's selfie stick and gets the pin.

We only the tail end of this one as it was joined in progress but what we saw didn't look bad. The crowd really liked it.

Glenn Williams and Sean Vincent are interviewed by Drew Abenhaus. Glenn says "what a time to be alive" and shill an energy drink. Glenn says he earned the sponsorship like he earned the title. Glenn says he wasn't shocked he won. He says him and Bobby D have been going back for months. He says it's poetic that he is holding a title that Sean Vincent made so famous.

Glenn said he took Bobby D to his limit and Drew says he took a pedigree on a table. Glenn says he slipped. Glenn said Bobby slipped into their trap in their match. He says he's the rookie of the year and is the SICW Central States champ. Glenn says it's The Big Nasty Era and says he's running The Big Nasty Era's Tour. He says to feed him anyone and says he fears no man. Promoter's Corner

Drew Abenhaus is with Bobby D. They talk about Bobby's upcoming match this Saturday in a rematch against Glenn Williams. Bobby says his foot was in the ropes and Sean Vincent interfered. He says The Shriner's want a cage match and asks to have their match become a cage match. Drew says it'll be up to the booking committee. Bobby says no one can run or interfere and it'll be a clean match.

Drew interviews Glenn Williams. Glenn says he got sponsored last year and says with great power comes great responsibility. He says everything is done on his terms. He says he has never done a cage match. Glenn says "sure" to fighting Bobby in a cage but wants to make it interesting. He says let's go old school with it and make it escape rules only. Glenn says he will be the winner. Drew says they don't usually do cage matches under those rules. Drew says it sounds like Glenn is trying to run from Bobby D. Glenn says he's a trendsetter and wants to do something for the first time in SICW. He says it's the only way Bobby gets a shot at his title.

Drew interviews Herb Simmons about the possible cage match between Glenn Williams and Bobby D. Drew asks what he thinks about making it official. Herb says if Shriner's want a cage match, they will give them one. Herb says if Bobby wants that, he will make the match. H e says Bobby wants to whoop the tail of Glenn Williams and makes the match official.

We go back to the studio/arena and Drew interviews Bobby D. Bobby said he had Glenn tapping out in the sharpshooter then Sean interfered. He said his foot was in the ropes too. He said what is done is done. He says he's been watching and studying Glenn and will beat him. He says he will be on point like a pencil and take his title back. Bobby says he's mad and he doesn't care who he has to take it out on in his match tonight.

Bobby D vs Peyton Ayres

Bobby waistlocks him and Peyton rope breaks. Bobby side headlocks him then works his arm. Peyton forearms him over. Stephen E chokes Bobby on the ropes. Peyton misses a move on the ropes then takes a dragon screw on the ropes.

They fight over a suplex and Peyton suplexes him. Peyton chokes him in the corner and rakes Bobby's back. They say Lillith Khan will make her in-ring debut this weekend. Bobby dropkicks Peyton in the knee and works the foot.

Peyton misses a corner charge then Bobby rolls him up for 2. Bobby clubs on him then ddt's him. Bobby kicks him in the leg and dragon screws him. Bobby sharpshooters him. Stephen E interferes and hits Bobby with the riding crop. Peyton Ayres is DQ'd.

Thoughts: Bobby worked the leg some up until the dirty finish. It made sense but the finish brought it down.

Overall thoughts: They talked a lot about a contract signing that set up stipulations for a later show but we didn't get to see the contract ceremony, which made that tough to follow. They hyped up some stuff for the show this weekend and we got a lot of interviews. There was nothing must see wrestling wise on this one. The commentary was good as usual and while I enjoyed it, I wouldn't recommend it.

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