Friday, August 9, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 8/9/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 8/9/2024

Last week's show is here:

Blake Howard and Byron Saxton are our commentators. Byron is hyped for Chen's entrance.

Dante Chen vs Keanu Carver

KC did well in the few matches he got but hasn't been around for a while. He's a lot more muscular now and has new shorts.

KC throws him to start. Chen side headlocks him then side headlock takeovers him. KC backdrops him to get out. Chen hits punches to the head then KC hits a big pounce. KC throws him on a suplex.

KC bearhugs him then suplexes him. Chen hits takes a sky high for 2. KC racks him. Chen hits chops. KC goes for another sky high and Chen stops it. Chen hits flying elbows. KC blocks his pump kick. Chen hits some shots and superkicks him. Chen pump kicks him. Chen hits a double chop and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent match. Keanu did well again here as the powerhouse and Chen's got tons of experience as the underdog guy here. Keanu really has looked impressive in the few matches he got and I can't wait to see more. Him vs Oba Femi would be awesome.

Lainey Reed is interviewed. She says it's not her first rodeo but hasn't been in the ring with someone like Wendy Choo. She says she's hungry for a victory and said last time, she was one second away from victory. She says she will turn Wendy's nightmare into a sweet southern dream.

Wendy Choo vs Lainey Reed

Wendy knees her in the gut and throws her backwards by the hair. Choo drops down, Reed cartwheels over her and tries a pin. Reed leapfrogs her then armdrags her off the ropes into a pin attempt. Reed hits a dropkick.

Reed moonsaults over her and backrolls. Wendy spinebusters her then catapults her into the buckles. Wendy then does a low flatliner. Wendy cobra clutches her on the ropes then headbutts her.

Wendy short arm clotheslines her then axe kicks her. Wendy hits mounted forearms. Reed is thrown into the corner and rolls up to sit on the top. Reed is in tree of woe and Wendy dropkicks her for 2.

Reed gets some shots in and headbutts Wendy. Reed shoulders and back elbows her. Reed neckbreakers her. Reed drops her on her chest and stomach. Reed rolls her up form behind for 2. Reed low crossbodies her while she is seated but Wendy backdrolls. Wendy then taps her out with some kind of cobra clutch variation.

Thoughts: Reed showed more athleticism here than she had before. It wasn't your typical match and I thought they did an okay job with it. There were just some different spots and ways of maneuvering that we don't normally see.

Kale Dixon is interviewed. He says it's been too long since he has been seen here. He says when you possess the potential he has, it sucks to be on the bench. He says he knows we all miss him. He calls his match with Edris Enofe, a tune-up match tonight. He says he has a W to go take. 

Edris Enofe vs Kale Dixon

Kale wristlocks him. Enofe kips up and arm throws him. Enofe armlocks him. Kale slams him and gyrates. Kale chops him in the back of the neck and that just gets Enofe angry. Enofe chops him then dropkicks him.

Enofe slams him then elbow drops him for 2. Enofe is on the apron and Kale sweeps his legs with a lariat. Kale backdrops him then hits suplexes. Kale avoids a dropkick and single leg crabs Enofe.

Enofe monkey flips him and hits punches. Enofe running forearms him then slingblade facebusters him. Enofe spinebusters him the single leg crabs him in return. Enofe comes off the top and is caught with a lifting flatliner for 2.

Enofe spinning ddt's him. Enofe top rope elbow drops him and wins. 

Thoughts: This was a decent match. Kale had his best performance yet and was moving well against Enofe. Enofe looked fine as usual and it will never stop amazing me why he and Blade can't get on the main roster.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show though not must see. All three matches were fine and the youngsters had some good showings. I liked this one and thought it was an easy 30 minutes of action.

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