Saturday, October 5, 2024

AEW Collision 10/5/2024

AEW Collision 10/5/2024

Last week's show is here:

Johnny TV vs Darby Allin

They throw their jackets at each other as JTV enters. They lock up and JTV waistlocks him. JTV cartwheels out of a wristlock. Darby rolls out of a wristlocks and puts his own on. Darby side headlocks him.

Darby does a headlock takeover and JTV headscissors him. The repeat the spot with the roles switched and Darby side headlocks him. Darby sits on the 2nd rope and takes a sliding german. JTV eye pokes him.  

Darby hits a top rope superplex then JTV russian legsweeps him off the apron to the floor. JTV knees him off the steps then misses a corkscrew dive off the steps, landing on the floor. Darby top rope coffin drops JTV outside.

Darby is in tree of woe and JTV corkscrew kicks him. Darby rolls him up for 2. JTV does a wild spinning razor's edge uranage for 2. JTV misses starship pain and takes a code red for 2. Darby top rope coffin drops him and wins.

Thoughts: They did way too much here with a spinning razor's edge and a russian legweep off the apron not meaning anything. It's a shame too as they were an interesting match up for each other and Darby could actually take some of JTV's wilder moves.

Darby said he issued a challenge for WrestleDream and tells anyone who wants to come make a name for themselves to come do it now. No one comes and he says we have a locker room full of complacent people.

Darby goes up the ramp and is pounced by Brody King by surprise.  Darby takes a razor's edge on the apron edge. Brody chokes him against the post and says he accepts.

We get an FTR and Outrunners video. We see them working out together and goofing off. We then see them sun tan when it's not sunny out. We see Dax get his bear dyed and we see FTR get Outrunners style sunglasses and outfits. Cash asks if they have the stuff and The Runners say they do.

This was a fun video. I wish we got more of these from other wrestlers. I wish we had more gimmicks too. 

The Outrunners vs The Grizzled Young Veterans

This is a lose-lose here as neither of these teams should take the L here. Truth and Drake go at it. Truth armdrags him and poses. Turbo and Gibson go at it. Gibson takes him over with the lock-up and Turbo shoves him off. Turbo chops him up  and Drake stops Gibson from getting sent into the buckles. Turbo takes corner attacks and a spinning heel kick.

Turbo back body drops Gibson. The Runners hit a double dropkick then a double hiptoss. Gibson is double clotheslined over the top then Drake takes a double atomic drop. The Runners then pose.

We go to PiP break and return. Drake indian deathlocks Truth's leg. Gibson hits kicks on Truth's leg. Gibson is thrown out and Drake blocks Truth's tag. Truth boots Gibson out of the corner and tags in Turbo. Turbo hits shots on The Vets. Turbo slams Gibson and Drake several times. Truth is then slammed on Gibson and Turbo is slamed on Drake.

Drake takes a double elbow drop. Truth is pushed off the top then Drake step up enzugiri's Turbo. Drake pounds on Truth. Truth reverses a move from Drake and rolls him up to win.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag here. The Runners hammed it up a lot with various poses. I liked Turbo running the apron prior to getting tagged in. It was nice to see The Runners win but it sucked to see The Vets lose.

Britt Braker talks over clips. She says she belongs in the AEW Women's Title picture. She says she hasn't had a shot at it since he lost it. She says Mariah May has something she wants and she's done sitting at home waiting to be called upon. She says she'll be there Title Tuesday and says the road to redemption starts now.

The Conglomeration and Willow Nightingale are interviewed. Willow says she wants the women's title and says Britt has to wait her turn. She says she has a match with Trish Adora right now and needs to go. Mark Briscoe says he feels sorry for Trish and says it's time to go for Willow. Mark says they will give a premier @ss whooping to The Premier Athletes. He says he will address Jericho soon and says diversification is the word of the day. Mark says there is no stopping them.

Willow Nightingale vs Trish Adora

They shoulder each other and Willow side headlocks her. Trish reverses it then Willow shoulders her over. Willow hits a low crossbody and suplexes her. Trish suplexes her back and throws her down by the arm.

Trish pulls both arms back then sits on her back to drive her down. Willow pounces her. Mariah May is in the front row and makes face after that.

We go to PiP break and return. Trish does a standing submissions with Willow upside down then neckbreakers her on the knee. Willow flips out of an irish whip Willow 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2.

Trish hits forearms then crossbodies her. Trish hits a chop and suplexes her for 2. Trish germans her for 2. Willow hits a stiff doctor bomb and wins.

Thoughts: This was pretty much The AEW Special here. It  was a random match with an obvious outcome that went on too long when it should have just been a squash. It was just an average match and Trish lost as expected.

Willow goes outside. May shoves her title in Willow's face. Willow pulls her over the rail and then throws her into that and the steps. May slaps her and runs.

Alicia Atout interviews Wheeler Yuta. Not sure if Alicia has been on here before. Yuta goes to talk then CC, Pac and Shafir surround him. They kick Alicia out. CC tells Yuta to let it out. Yuta said he did everything CC asked and said he gave up years of his career for him. He asked who CC is and said he left him in the dark by betraying Bryan. Yuta says CC acts like he is supposed to trust him. CC asks if he ever steered him wrong and said he wishes he still trusted him. CC says he always has Yuta's back and asks him what Bryan did for him.

Thoughts: This adds some new life to the this angle and we will have to see where things go from here.

Mariah May is interviewed by Lexy Nair. May says everyone is drooling for a shot at her. She says Britt won a match and thinks she deserves a shot. She tells her to go to her office and floss. She says Willow knows she is lucky to be here. Christopher Daniels comes in. He says he sees May starting fights and says the winner of Britt Baker vs Willow Nightingale on Dynamite faces her at WrestleDream. May tells him to blow it up his @ss.

Wheeler Yuta vs Beef

Anthony Henry is out there with Beef. Yuta running forearms Beef and hits forearms and chops in the corner. Beef cartwheels off the ropes and hits a nice dropkick. Beef hits a corner lariat then hits some nice punches which get "Beef" chants. Beef winds up then Yuta spinning forearms him. Mox, Pac and Shafir are watching in the crowd. Yuta does a drop on Beef.

Yuta hits a stomp flurry in the corner. Yuta hits downward elbows then does cattle mutilation. Beef is out and the match is stopped.

Thoughts: It was nice to see Beef get over some here. It was a quick squash as expected.

Hook is interviewed by Lexy Nair in the back. Hook says he's calling out whoever attacked his father. He says there's no more hiding and says come to say it to his face.

We get clips of the Ospreay/Ricochet match with Takeshita attacking them after. 

Mark Sterling and The Premier Athletes talk before the match. Mark says they gave various cities a chance to be part of the winning team but they failed. Mark says when they say "Athletes" the fans say "Rule". 

The Premier Athletes (Tony Nese and Ari Daivari) vs The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy and Kyle O'Reilly)

OC is hit from behind by Ari while Nese forearms Kyle down. Kyle and OC take double punches in the corner. OC hits a double hurricanrana. Ari takes some offense including a shoulder drop. Nese hits a double basement dropkick. Nese planchas Kyle outside then OC topes him.

OC has the ring skirt put over his head then he is dropkicked. Ari stomps on OC and Kyle outside. We go to PiP break and return. Ari blocks OC from making a tag. Kyle hits chest kicks, knees and slaps on Ari when he gets in. Kyle slaps Nese then pulls him over the top.

Kyle backdrops Ari into a legbar. Nese pulls Kyle's neck over the top then 450's Kyle for 2. Nese lariats Ari on accident. OC top rope crossbodies Ari then stunners Nese off the suplex. Ari pepsi twists OC then Kyle knees Ari.

Nese fire thunders Kyle. Nese pump handles OC but takes a ddt off of it. Mark Sterling distracts OC then josh Woods pulls OC out and into the rail. Woods and Rocky Romero fight in the ring. Mark low blows Rocky. Rocky gets stomped on by both then Mark Briscoe comes out. Woods and Briscoe fight on the ramp.

Sterling threatens Rocky then gets punched by OC. Nese rolls up OC for 2. Nese takes an orange punch and a beachbreak by OC. OC then pins him.

It got knocked a little off course with all the shenanigans but it was an okay tag here. 

We go to the back. Lance Archer is beating random people up. He sends one of them into a port-a-potty then rams the other into the side of a truck. Don Callis interrupts and asks him if he's still represented by Jake Roberts. Lance says he is.

Mercedes Mone and Kamille are interviewed. Mone puts herself over and says money has gone up since she joined AEW. She says she's unstoppable with Kamille by her side. Kris Statlander walks in and interrupts. She says to watch her match tonight.

Hologram vs Nick Wayne vs Action Andretti vs Komander

Kom = Komander, AA = Action Andretti

Holo flips over Nick's leg into a hurricanrana. Holo does a headscissors. Nick and AA push each other. AA flying headscissors him then dropkicks him. AA hits a springboard corkscrew splash.

Kom rope walks and bounces into the ropes. Kom double springboards, gets caught and does a headscissors on Holo. Holo satellite headscissors Kom out. Nick pulls Holo out and sends him into the rails. AA rolls outside into a rolling senton on the floor on Kom. 

AA 619's under the bottom rope onto Nick then hits a seated moonsault outside. We go to PiP break and return. Holo goes up and over Nick in the corner. Holo does a reverse suplex + ddt combo then hits a great tope on Kom.

Holo top rope 450's Nick for 2. Kom does a springboard double hurricanrana. Kom walks up the buckles and does a dragonrana. AA enzugiri's Kom. AA standing spanish flies Kom for 2. Nic goes for a crossbody and Holo spanish flies him. Kom hits a canadian destroyer on Holo and all 4 men are down.

Kom springboard poisonrana's Holo. Kom rope walk ssp's Holo. Nick gets a 2 count on Holo. Nick hits a wayne's world on Kom then AA suplexes Nick. Holo evades AA on the ropes. AA forearms Holo then takes a kick on a handspring back elbow. Holo spinning torture rack bombs AA and wins.

I swear Nigel and Tony were having a contest here to see who could get more move names wrong during this match. It was a flippy spotfest here as expected and they overdid it like they always do. They did have some cool spots though at least. 

Lexy tries into interview The Beast Mortos. She says it seems like he joined forces iwth LFI. The Undisputed Kingdom come in. Strong says he's supposed to be with them. Taven said he thought they had something special. Bennett says he can trust them and Strong says not to make the wrong decision. Mortos just yells.

Kris Statlander vs Zoey Lynn

Zoey hits her from behind then is forearmed down. Kris gorilla press throws her then hits a single leg cradle tombstone to win.

It was just a quick squash as expected here.

Mercondes Mone and Kamille come out after. Mone says she's the face of the women's division and the CEO of AEW. She says nobody will disrespect her. She says Kris will find out what happens when you mess with Mone. Kamille gets on the apron and goes in. Kris hits forearms on her then Kamille pump kicks her. Kamille hits a twisting reverse ddt and drops Kris. 

Darby Allin does a promo in the back. He says Brody only had to ask if he wanted to accept the challenge. He says there's a lot he wants to say to him. He said he never pinned Brody put did put him in a coffin. He says he wants to see him face to face on Dynamite and wants to tell people a story. He says everything Brody has here is because of him. He says he's the one who told Tony he needed to hire him. Darby says Brody will have to work hard to take everything from him.

We get a video on Emi Sakura. They talk about her competing in TJPW against Shoko Nakajima (which I covered here). They say she wants to become a champ here in AEW and says she will be fighting Mone for two titles on Dynamite.

Thoughts: Emi hasn't done anything lately and her getting a title shot is random. 

AEW World Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Three Way Match - Top Flight vs Private Party vs House of Black (Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black)

Zay front facelocks Dante. Dante throws him down by the arm and side headlock takeovers him. They repeat the spot switching the roles then they both kip up and stare down. PP and TF trade shots. TF takes a double dropkick out. PP then tope them both. HoB then slide out and hit PP.

Quen tries to tope HoB but runs into a double kick. Zay tope con hilos, gets caught and powerbombed on the apron edge. We go to PiP break and return. Quen cradles Buddy then takes a euro. Dante springboard crossbodies Quen. Dante flying headscissors Buddy. Dante jumping meteora's Black then frogsplashes Quen for 2.

Quen back pele kicks Dante. Darius chops Zay. Zay enzugiri's him. Darius is pushd through the ropes and takes a springboard stunner over the top rope. Darius then springboard flatliners Zay. PP do silly string and Zay ddt's Darius off of it.

Zay is surrounded by HoB and is elbowed in the head. Zay is thrown into a knee from Black. Darius takes a double knee to the head. Zay hits a back springboard facebuster on Dante then Darius suplexes Zay. Black spinning high kicks Darius then takes a corkscrew kick from Quen.

HoB block gin n juice and Buddy 2nd rope meteora's Zay. Buddy jackhammers Zay then Black top rope double stomps Zay for 2. Action Andretti comes out and throws a drink at Buddy. HoB go after Action. Dante double topes HoB. Zay jumps off of Quen's back and tope con hilos outside.

Dante takes gin n juice and PP get the win.

Thoughts: It was odd that this was in the main event. It was a flippy match as expected but they didn't overdo it and I was fine with it. Private Party had trouble hitting gin n juice twice here and Action Andretti coming out to start trouble wasn't exactly a face move.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual Collision that had a lot of random matches but mostly was watchable due to the matches being okay. There was nothing must see here but it was a decent show.

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