Thursday, September 26, 2024

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 9/22/2024 Wrestle Princess 5

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 9/22/2024 Wrestle Princess 5

I skipped two matches here:

Haru Kazashiro vs. Runa Okubo

Runa is in the pink, Haru is in the blue. Runa gets out of a lock up and sticks her tongue out at her. Haru back rolls and does a double knuckle lock. Runa headlock takeovers her. Runa hooks the leg. Haru ropebreaks and takes chest forearms. Haru dropkicks her for 2.

Runa back body drops her. Haru slams her then dropkicks her in the corner. Haru armbars her. Runa shoulders her over and back body drops her for 2. Runa single leg crabs her. Runa flying forearms her. Haru rolls her up then low crossbodies her.

They trade chest forearms. Haru misses a spingboard kick then kicks her. Haru fisherman suplexes her, having trouble lifting her and wins.

Thoughts: It was not good. There were too many botches here for how much experience these girls have at this point. It didn't go long but it felt like it.

HIMAWARI, Kaya Toribami & Yoshiko Hasegawa vs. Chika Nanase, Kira Summer & Uta Takami

Hima and Chika go at it. Chika side headlocks her and works the arm. Hima rolls her up for 2 then shoulders her over. Hima whips her with her hair. Kaya boots Chika and kicks her in the back. Kaya stomps Chika then Chika slams her.

Uta gets in and chest forearms Kaya. She dropkicks her then jumps over her back and rolls her up for 2. Uta dropkicks Kaya. Kaya running knees her in the corner. Yoshi slams Uta then handstand double knee dropps her for 2. Uta back elbows Yosh then dropkicks her.

Kira and Yosh trade chest forearms. Kira shoulders her over then powerslams her for 2. Yosh crossbodies her against the bottom rope and rolling sentons her for 2. Hima hits chest forearms on Kira then arm throws her.

Hima pulls Kira's neck forward then single leg crabs her. Kira dropkicks her. Chika running back elbows her then running forearms her. Kaya gets in and spin kicks Chika. She then backflip kicks her.

Kaya misses a springboard dive off the ropes. Uta then comes in and springboard dropkicks Kaya. Kira samoan drops Kaya. Chika elbow drops. Chika tries to full nelson Kaya and Kaya ties up her arms Hima swinging backdrops Uta.

Chika and Kaya fight. Kaya does a japanese armdrag/one armed suplex that looks bad then 2nd rope twisting sentons her to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. The match dipped in quality near the end and it was hard to get any momentum going with so many people involved.

Kakeru Sekiguchi & Mahiro Kiryu vs. Toga & Wakana Uehara

Mahiro got the win with a spinebuster on Toga. I lost my review on this one. Waka ahd some weird wet look going on here which didn't really do her justice. The match was just average and they tried to put the Mahiro and Kakeru team over here.

Raku vs. Ram Kaicho

Raku came out with a cake. Raku hugs her and the ref makes her break it. Everyone boos the ref for this. They lock up and dance together. Raku grabs her pillow outside nd tries to get Ram to follow her. Ram then trips over the pillow.

There's a party table set up with the cake Raku had. They drink from the same drink and Raku feeds Ram cake. Raku feeds her more and more and Ram has trouble chewing it. The 20 count is near and Ram tries to eat more cake before coming in. 

Ram rolls in and Raku steps on her gut. Raku does the oyasumi express then tries to pin her by sitting on her. Ram hits Raku with a pillow and facebusters her for 2. Ram to prope crossbodies Raku for 2. Raku chops Ram then Raku slingblades her. Raku puts her to sleep on a pillow but puts herself to sleep during the process. Ram falls on her and pins her.

Thoughts: It was all comedy from start to finish and not much else. This was never serious at any point in time.

I will not be covering the Aja Kong match or the Mizuki match, unfortunately.

Emi Sakura vs. Shoko Nakajima

Emi walks away from a handshake. They do double knuckle locks and Emi headscissors her. Shoko ties her legs up and Emi breaks it with an eye rake. Emi really swings her on a hair throw.

Emi surfboards her and chops her down. Shoko dropkicks her and Emi dropkicks her back. Emi dragon sleepers her. Shoko flying forearms her. Shoko springboard headscissors her htne dropkicks her.

Shoko does an arm submission on her and Emi chops her down. Emi hits chops then croner crossbodies her. Emi tries to running powerbomb her but takes a hurricanrana. Shoko does an over the top rope 619 then topes her. Shoko then does a tope con hilo through the ropes.

Emi back body drops her then chops her down. Shoko hits forearms and Emi chops her. Shoko hits forearms then does a spinning bodyscissors her. Shoko flying headscissors her and Emi rolls her up for a pin attempt. Emi does a single arm backslide and Shoko does a crucifix off of it. Emi hits a twisting reverse ddt and la magistral's her for 2.

Emi does a double underhook backbreaker for 2. Shoko northern lights suplexes her for 2. Shoko ddt's her. Shoko goes up top and Emi shakes the ropes. Emi hits a stormbreaker type of move and wins it.

Thoughts: It was the best wrestling match up to this point from a talent perspective but I didn't like how this was done. Emi treated Shoko like a rookie despite Shoko being one of TJPW's more established girls. Emi also isn't really a Meiko, Nanae or Aja type of legend where that should be happening.

International Princess Title Match - Yuki Arai (c) vs. Moka Miyamoto

They trade some basic holds. Moka grounds her and front facelocks her. Moka side headlock takeovers her and Yuki headscissors her. They then stand off.

Moka armdrags her. Yuki's shoulder is banged into the buckles and Moka armlocks her. Yuka dropkicks her and works the leg. Yuki does an indian deathlock on her. Moka slams her then hits forearms. Moka punches her in the gut and throws her down by the arm.

Moka chops her in the stomach for 2. Yuki does a pump kick then hits a corner facekick for 2. Moka hits strikes and slams her. Yuki facekicks her then sharpshooters her. Moka neckbreakers her for 2. Moka flips her over her back then does a grounded cobra twist.

Yuki facekicks Moka then axe kicks her in the back of the head. Moka leg lariats her. Yuki facekicks her then hits a top rope dropkick. Yuki twisting brainbusters her.

They trade forearms on their knees. Yuki does a single leg basement dropkick. Moka blocks an axe kick and hits her own punch. Moka superkicks her in the gut then Yuki full-nelson slams her. Yuki axe kicks her for the win.

Thoughts: It was okay with Moka putting on a better performance than usual and them having styles that worked together. Moka kind of worked the arm some here but didn't focus on it as much as I'd like. Yuki just doesn't do much but kick and this match wasn't much different than any other matches of hers.

Princess Tag Team Title Match - Daisy Monkey (Arisu Endo & Suzume) (c) vs. 121000000 (Maki Itoh & Miyu Yamashita)

Miyu side headlocks Suzu then headlock takeovers her into an armlock. Suzu armdrags her then flying headscissors her. Suzu dropkicks her, takes an upkick and they stand off. Endo and Maki go at it. Maki side headlocks her then Enod headlock akeovers her. Maki headscissors her then they get up. Endo shoulders her over and flying dropkicks her. Maki bounces into the ropes and fallng headbutts her back.

Maki goes on Miyu's shoulders but suzu blocks that move attempt. Maki and Miyu get pushed into each other then Endo and Suzu are pushed out. The girls go outside. Suzu uses the apron to bulldog Miyu on the floor then Endo flying back elbows Maki off the apron.

Suzu plancha's her opponents outside. They get back in and Maki headbutts Endo. Maki bangs her head off the buckles then hits corner punches. Miyu kicks Endo in the back then gutbusters her. Miyu hits kicks to the chest and back of Endo. Maki puts Endo in a sleeper then bangs Endo's neck off her knee.

Maki pulls on Endo's leg. Endo takes offense from her opponents for 2. Maki and Endo trade forearms. Endo dropkicks her. Suzu gets in and dropkicks Maki twice. Suzu rolls up Maki then is blocked on a run up the buckles facebuster. Maki facekicks her off the apron. 

Maki bridging ddt's Suzu on the floor. Maki chest forearms Suzu down then Suzu fights back. Suzu drops her with chest forearms. Maki hits forearms then Suzu headbutts her. Suzu dropkicks Maki. Maki headbutts her then does a lion tamer but Endo breaks it up.

Suzu bulldogs Miyu by dropkicking off of Maki. Endo dropkicks Miyu then leg lariats her on the ropes. Endo tries to splash her but Miyu blocks it and sleepers her. Endo hits a top rope dropkick on Miyu for 2. Miyu is held for a dropkick on the ropes then Suzu top rope crossbodies Miyu.

Miyu hits a 2nd rope attitude adjustment on Endo. Miyu knees Maki in the head on accident. Suzu cutters Miyu and Maki stunners Suzu. Endo release northern lights suplexes Maki. Endo and Miyu trade forearms. 

Miyu hits kicks then triangle enzugiri's her. Endo rolls her up and does a camel clutch. Suzu sleepers Maki at the same time. Miyu hits an attitude adjustment on Endo onto the other two girls.

Miyu and Maki hit corner facewash style kicks. Miyu running knees Endo then Endo cradles her. Endo rolls her up for 2 then Endo and Suzu do double team double pin for 2. Endo and Suzu do stereo dropkicks. Maki hits a diving ddt which leads to a Miyu wheelbarrow german.

Miyu spinning high kicks Endo for 2. Miyu buzzsaw kicks and pumping knees Endo to win.

I thought Maki and Miyu should have bullied around Suzu and Endo more earlier. Then there would have been more heat and Suzu/Endo could have had a better comeback. They still did execute the vets vs younger girls okay here but it could have been a bit better. A little bit of time could have been shaved off of it, but I liked this over.

Princess Of Princess Title Match - Miu Watanabe (c) vs. Ryo Mizunami

They lock up and let go. They do a test of strength and Miu is pushed down. They trade wristlocks and Miu hammerlocks her. Miu side headloks her then Ryo reverses it. Miu armdrags her and headlocks her.

They shoulder battle and Ryo shoulders her over. Ryo hits corner chops. Miu is forearmed while on the apron and is pushed into the post back first. Miu swinging facelocks her outside then Ryo sends Miu into the post and apron. Ryo guillotine legdrops Miu on the apron edge.

Ryo slams her then 2nd rope legdrops her. Ryo then does a head and arm choke. Ryo lariats her against the ropes and legdrops her. Ryo hits forearms and Miu does a slam. Miu giant swings her. Miu swinging backbreakers her and shoulders her over.

Ryo knees her in the gut. Miu double sledgehammer shots her. Ryo hits forearms then lariats her over. Ryo uranages her then hits a spear for 2. Ryo hits a top rope legdrop for 2. Ryo hits a lariat for 2.

Miu hits chest forearms and dropkicks her. Miu powerslams her then does a reverse cloverleaf. Ryo ropebreaks. Ryo hits a headbutt to the chest and Miu 2nd rope flapjacks her. Miu hits sledgehammer shots. miu does a powerbomb from the shoulder then flapjacks her.

Miu hits another flapjack then double sledgehammer shots her in the back of the head. Miu flapjacks her again and wins.

Thoughts: It was not some epic and was pretty straight forward.  It was mostly even all throughout and I suppose some of the story was Miu trying to win with her teardrop flapjack. It was an average match for the most part with Ryo not really being the heel and not really giving Miu the whooping she should have to get her comeback over.

Overall thoughts: The undercard was not good. The main was average. The semi-main was the best thing on here but could have been better and Moka/Yuki was good but could have been better too. I didn't like Emi treating Shoko as a rookie she could jerk around. I thought the show was about average overall and did not live up to the large amount of hype it had.

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