Tuesday, October 1, 2024

TNA Xplosion 9/27/2024

TNA Xplosion 9/27/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/tna-xplosion-9202024.html

Around The Ring with Gia Miller

Xia Brookside is the guest this week. Gia says Xia's her best friend and Xia says they are becoming the same person. Gia says they swap accents. Xia said she wore her cowboy boots and hat to San Antonio. Gia says they both stream on twitch but Xia says she can't figure out anything technology wise.

They show off their outfits and they have the same white cowboy boots on. They say they are going to ride a bull and learn how to do dance.  

Hammerstone vs Cody Deaner

Jake Something is on commentary. Deaner asks the fans for suggestions for moves as he enters. The results are a ddt, an armbar and two requests for stunners.

Hammer clubs him and Deaner goes out. Deaner grabs his clipboard and asks if he should give Hammer a stunner. Deaner boots him and Hammer blocks his sunset flip. Deaner slaps him then hits forearms and corner punches.

Hammer lifts him up by the neck. Deaner boots him and
goes for the stunner. Hammer pump kicks him. Hammer hits boots and double foot chokes him. Hammer hits a belly to belly suplex and chokes him on the ropes. Hammer bearhugs him and Deaner hits punches.

Deaner hits corner punches and Hammer misses a corner charge, sending himself shoulder first into the post. Deaner hits punches and atomic drops him. Deaner hits a corner lariat and is thrown off a bulldog attempt. Deaner hits a stunner for 2.

Hammer back elbows him then does a spinning drop on Deaner's chest. Deaner surprisingly kicks out at 2 on the pin. Hammer is pulled over the top rope and Deaner topes him. Hammer gets pushed into the post and Jake Something gets in Deaner's face. Deaner hits a top rope crossbody on Hammer. Hammer rolls through and hits a nightmare pendulum for the win.

Thoughts: I was surprised to see Deaner go even with Hammer but Hammer's booking hasn't been good since he started here and it shouldn't be that shocking. I didn't think they did a good job of putting over Hammer but at least Deaner was a likeable face. This also got a bunch of time which surprised me.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match and one interview segment as often is the chase. The one match they had got enough time but wasn't that good logically. I wouldn't recommend this.

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