Friday, September 27, 2024

TNA Impact 9/26/2024

TNA Impact 9/26/2024

Last week's show is here:

Arianna Grace comes out. She says Jordynne Grace's mystery partner is Sol Ruca.

Sol Ruca and Jordynne Grace vs Rosemary and Wendy Choo

Sol's team gets hit before it starts. The heels and facews both are almost sent into each other then the heels go into each other. JG dropkicks the heels through the ropes then Sol hit a top rope moonsault outside. JG topes the heels outside.

Sol is tripped into the middle rope and the bell rings. Rose headscissors hanging chokes her. Choo cartwheel forearms Sol then twists her neck with her feet. Sol takes a double suplex then Sol 2nd rope crossbodies Rose.

Choo hits corner spears on Sol and Sol is double teamed in the corner. Choo does a cobra clutch variation on Sol. Sol turns a double suplex into a double neckbreaker. JG gets in and knocks over the heels. JG spinebusters Choo then side death valley drivers Rose. She then does the same thing to Choo onto Rose. Sol does a springboard double splash.

Rose takes a gordbuster then Sol hits her sol snatcher on Rose. Tasha Steelz then runs in and beats up Grace and Sol. Choo then joins in. Masha Slamovich then comes out after Tasha.

It was an okay tag with a dirty ending here. At least it furthers the Tasha/Masha feud. I'm hoping it leads to Sol being used more and being used in real storylines.

Frankie Kazarian is interviewed. He talks for Gia and says he doesn't believe in Joe Hendry. He says he will beat him and go challenge for the World Title. Frankie says everyone must bow and acknowledge him as The King of TNA.

Laredo Kid vs Jonathan Gresham

Kid side headlocks him. JG blocks him from yanking him then JG side headlock takeovers him. JG is on his shoulders then armdrags him down. JG does a tilt-a-whirl armdrag. JG shoulders him over and thye stand off soon after.

Kid hits kicks and JG grabs him by the mask. JG is standing on the outside and Kid lays on the mat and headscissors him down to the floor. Kid then topes him. Kid michinoku drivers him then corkscrew moonsaults him off the buckles.

JG standing moonsaults him for 2. JG crabs him. Kid hits a tope rope crossbody. Kid suplexes him twice and hits a brainbuster. JG stomps on Kid's knee then asai moonsaults him. JG bangs Kid's knee off the mat and submits him with it.

Thoughts: The finish was unusual with JG tapping Kid out by banging his knee off the mat several times. I guess it's believeable but it is stretching things a little. It was fine with Kid doing his flying and JG working the knee some before winning with knee work.

Mike Santana runs into The System's locker room and beats them up. He closes the door so we can't see what is happening. 

Zachary Wentz and ABC vs Mike Bailey, KUSHIDA and Leon Slater

Wentz and Mike go head to head. They shoulder each other. All 6 men get in. We go to PiP break and return. Leon rewind kicks Wentz. Kush hits leg kicks on Bey then crossbodies him. Kush hiptosses Ace into a cartwheel basement dropkick.

Kush spinning forearms Bey then Bey corkscrew kicks him. Mike hits kicks on Wentz. Wentz pulls him down off the leapfrog and germans him. Wentz handspring jumping knees Mike for 2. Mike takes attacks from ABC then Mike take s headkick + brainbuster. Wentz top rope swantons Mike for 2.

Leon hits a top rope double crossbody. Leon corner dropkicks Wentz. Mike does a triangle moonsault outside and Leon tope con hilos over the post. Wentz hits a ufo cutter on Leon and wins.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced high-flying match as expected. They got in and out before they overdid it and I was fine with this one. It does not seem like we are done with Mike vs Wentz.

Hammerstone and Jake Something work out in the back. Deaner says he needs to talk to Jake. He says Jake is making all the wrong choices. Jake says he's sick of Deaner and the people. He says he's sick of failure. Deaner says he's not a failure and says Hammerstone is the wrong person to listen to. Hammer asks who he's talking to and says he and Jake are what champions are made of. Hammer tells him to prove it in the ring if he thinks otherwise. Deaner says he doesn't walk away from family or a fight and says Hammer is on.

We get a Mike Santana promo. he's bloody and says The system are locked in a world with him. He says he wants them until there is nothing left and says he will fear no man. He says he's in his own world having fun.

Lei Ying Lee vs Hyan

This is Lee's TNA debut. They lock up and Hyan pushes her. Lee side headlocks her and shoulders her over. Lee jumps over her off the 2nd rope and flying kicks her. Lee suplexes her. Lee PK's Hyan off the apron.

Hyan throws her back by the hair and stomp flurries her. Hyan rolling snapmares her then backdrops her. Lee blocks chops and hits forearms. Lee lariats her over and neckbreakers her. Lee stomps on her then spinning torture rack neckbreakers her. Lee corkscrew kicks her and wins.

Thoughts: Lee may be in a new promotion, but she's still the same wrestler. She wasn't that good in WWE and she wasn't that great here. They just didn't get much flow going on here and the crowd wasn't real familiar with her. Hyan's not really the greatest wrestler either. We'll see where it goes but TNA does a lot of backstage skits and stuff and maybe they can use that to try and get Lee over more.

Leon Slater says he let Mike and the team down. Mike says the sky is the limit and says he's the future of the division.

ABC does a promo. They say they are in all black as they are mourning the loss of their tag titles. They said they lost their titles to a crooked system and something has to be done about it. They say they have a rematch clause then The Hardy's walk in.

Matt says they beat The System the last time they fought them. Matt says they should be in consideration for a title match too. They say they are coming for the TNA Tag Titles. Matt says nothing will stop The Hardy Train. Jeff then makes train noises.

Josh Alexander comes out to talk. He says he has done a lot of questionable things the last few months. he said he didn't believe Joe Hendry believed in Joe Hendy and could become champ. He says Joe got the best Josh Alexander at the PPV. Josh said he went out on his shield.

Josh calls out Eric Young. Eric comes out. He says Josh is the real walking weapon. He says if he is the lifeblood of TNA, Josh is the heartbeat. He says it feels good to have the real Josh Alexander back.

Eric said Josh didn't go down the wrong path and he says he loves him. Josh says he's glad he has Eric in his life and thanks him. They hug. Josh then naturally attacks Eric. Josh says he's who he needs to be and says he will burn the place to the ground with Eric if Eric doesn't see it. Steve Maclin then comes out to save Eric.

Sinner and Saint go after Steve and then a brawl breaks out between the 5 guys. Josh hits a C4 spike on Maclin.

Thoughts: No real surprises here. They need to quite playing around with Maclin. Some weeks he's a face and some he's a heel. I don't love Sinner and Saint but it's at least new people getting to do something. 

Santino and Steph De Lander talk in the back. Santino says she should take time off, focus on her health and not be around here. She asks if he needs a new assistant. Matt Cardona tells her to just leave already. Santino says he's tired of how rude he is and says he will be facing PCO is a Monster's Ball Match. Santino brags about winning after.

Heather Reckless vs Xia Brookside

HR rolls out of a lock-up and Xia makes HR hit herself in the head. Xia slams her and dances. Xia then elbow drops her. Xia dropkicks her off the buckles and is brought down face first on the buckles. Ash By Elegance and George Iceman come out to watch.

HR chokes Xia on the ropes. HR stomps Xia's hands. HR hits chest forearms. HR stomp flurries her then facewash kicks her. Xia hits lariats then russian legsweeps her. HR is tripped into the 2nd buckle then Xia baseball slides her.

There are hair extensions on the floor, likely from HR. Xia holds them up and throws them. Xia suplexes her on the floor. Xia taunts Ash then sends HR into the post. HR pulls Xia into the ropes throat first. HR hits a top rope swanton (Ash's finisher) and wins.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this. Neither of these two are that good and they didn't have a great match. It was slow and wasn't that exciting. Heather also lost some of her hair extensions on the floor which also didn't help her come across well.

Ash By Elegance and George Iceman are in the back. Heather asks if Ash say her do the top rope swanton. Ash says she looked reckless. George says she looks a mess and says she is missing elegance. George throws her hair extensions, says she doesn't need this then brings her along with them. 

#1 Contenders Match - Joe Hendry vs Frankie Kazarian

Nic Nemeth is on commentary. Kaz asks the ring announcer to call him The King of TNA as usual. Joe takes the mic and says he will do in the intro. He calls him the winner of the 2024 Antonio Banderas Lookalike Competition and calls him puss in boots. Joe says he's not the king of TNA then Kaz hits him.

Kaz stomps on him and hits punches. Joe shoulders Kaz over then hiptosses him. Joe slams him. We go to PiP break and return. Kaz chinlocks him and Joe euros him. Kaz slams him then springboard legdrops him for 2.

Kaz grabs the mic and asks if we believe in Joe Hendry. He says he does not and stomps him. Kaz misses a springboard legdrop. Joe hits punches then lariats him. Joe fallaway slams him.

Joe armdrags him and Kaz misses a springboard. Kaz pop-up powerbombs him. Joe ankle locks him. Kaz spin kicks him and lariats him for 2. Joe ankle locks him again. Kaz legdrops Joe over the 2nd rope then slingshot ddt's him. Kaz is sent into the corner and goes out.

Joe suplexes Kaz on the floor. Kaz grabs brass knucks and hits Joe with them. Kaz then pins him.

Nic grabs the brass knucks outside and shows them to the ref. Santino Marella comes out. He says he saw what Kaz did. He says because this match has implications for Bound For Glory, he is ordering the match to restart now. Kaz hits forearms on Joe then Joe rolls him up for 2.

Kaz lariats him twice. Joe then hits a standing ovation and wins.

Thoughts: It was an average match as expected. Joe did some ankle locks that didn't really go anywhere and Kaz cheated, only for the decision to get reversed. I don't mind Santino restarting the match due to cheating, but it does make you wonder where Santino was the other 600 times someone won by blatantly cheating. Nic Nemeth vs Joe Hendry is probably the biggest match they could do right now and I'm curious as to who wins it. I don't know if the program leading up to it or the actual match will be that great though.

Overall thoughts: Like usual, it was an average TNA show. It wasn't bad but it also wasn't great. It made sense but it was just not a classic. The main wasn't anything special. Lei Ying Lee debuted and was the same as she was in WWE. Heather Reckless didn't make a great impression either in one of her first TV matches. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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