Monday, September 30, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 9/29/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 9/29/2024

Last week's show is here:

Drew Abenhaus and Lucky P. Larson welcome us to the show and run down the show.

Sean Santel vs Bobby D

They lock up and Bob wristlocks and headlocks him. Sean wristlocks him and Sean fireman's carry takeovers him. Bob armdrags and armlocks him. Sean side headlock takeovers him. Bob hammerlocks him and Sean reverses it. Bob fireman's carry takeovers him. Bob lifts him up by the arm then Sean does a shoulder throw on him.

Sean does an armlock and Bob side headlocks him. Bob hits a fisherman's suplex out of nowhere and wins.

Thoughts: It was a little slow but they had a technical match with Bobby winning with a surprise move. I did like the finish here and technically it was fine.

Curtis Wylde and Wildfire are interviewed. Curt says Billy McNeil isn't out here as he is getting focused in the back. He says Billy is described as fun loving and crazy but says Billy is violent tonight. He says Billy isn't happy about the haircut. He says he didn't come out with Billy during his hair match as Billy's a man and had a beef to settle. Curt says Glenn Williams couldn't get the job done by himself. He says when you take a man's hair, you take some of his identity and manhood. He says revenge will be sweet as they pick Glenn and Trent apart. He says tonight is personal and says they take their identity and manhood. He says tonight they get good for Billy.

Thoughts: This was a really good promo here by Curt and put over Billy getting his hair cut well.

The Big Texan vs Richard Shaw

Shaw nails Texan as he poses then he pounds on him in the corner. Texan hiptosses him and slams him. Texan stomps on him and throws him out. Kowalski comes out and slaps Shaw to try and hype him up. He asks him what he's doing and Shaw fires up.

Shawn runs in and flurries on Texan, then bites him. Texan boots him out of the corner and hits a big lariat to win.

Thoughts: It was short but fun with Shaw hyping up and then getting stopped right after. Poor Richard Shaw of these days he's gonna get that W.

Promoter's Corner

Herb Simmons interviews The Big Texan. Texan says there's some kind of contract signing on October 5th. He says he feels like he has been doing great things for SICW. He says it's a great company and says he heard Stephen E. is getting his claws into Herb. Texan asks him what he's fighting for and what's going on.

Herb says there will be an agreement. He says E doesn't have his claws in him and Texan asks about the photos online of Herb shaking hands with Stephen E. Herb says his health hasn't been too good and said he missed his first show recently. He says everyone reaches a point where they have to make tough decisions. Herb says he's getting hit from all directions. He says an NDA has been signed. He said sometimes you have to make a deal with the devil to better what you have. Texan asks if him if that's why he gave Herb's wife a bracelet.

Herb says that was a surprise. Herb says he can't disclose everything and said a lot of people are calling him about this. He says he's not giving in but says SICW has to continue and says it will continue on. Texan isn't happy with the response. He says he won't be so proud of SICW if a guy who throws fireballs and injures wrestlers at the helm.

Herb says his attorney will be there and expects Lucky P. Larson to be there for Stephen E. He says to concentrate on his match. Texan says it will be hard to do that until he knows his situation. Texan says many people have Herb's back.

Herb talks about an agreement being signed on 10/5. He says everyone will have time to take it in and says Texan will have time to take it in. Herb tells him to concentrate on his match and said he hopes everyone will understand if it happens the way it is supposed to happen. He says everyone makes wrong choices and if this is one of them, he has to live with it.

Texan tells him to think long and hard before the decision comes out and tells him to think long and hard about this. Herb says SICW needs a champ it can be proud of.

Thoughts: A little lengthy but it definitely made you want to see what's going to happen on 10/5. 

Kowalski, The Professionals and Lucky P. Larson (The Dogtown Underground) are interviewed. Larson says Big Texan has run as far as he could but the big iron man has caught up with him. He says the Classic Title is coming home to The Dogtown Underground. He says Texan tried to escape last time and can't run this time in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Larson says he knows Kowalski is the next SICW Classic champ. Larson says he doesn't want to talk about being handcuffed to the ring during it and tells Herb to extend the belt so it can fit around Kowalski's waist. 

SICW Tag Titles - Curtis Wylde and Billy McNeil (c) vs "Trending" Trent Daniels and Glenn Williams

The faces jump on the heels to start and the four pair off to fight. They all go outside and Glenn/Trent are sent into each other. Billy chokes Trent with his knee and hits forearms. Curt boots Trent in the gut then slams him. Billy elbows Trent off the buckles in the bck of the neck.

Billy goes after Glenn and gets him from behind by Trent. Glenn sliding lariats Billy and Trent pounds on Billy. Trent pulls Billy's arms back. Glenn single arm ddt's Billy. Trent footchokes Billy in the corner and chops him. 

Glenn works on Billy in the corner and Trent chokes Billy there. Billy pumping knees Glenn. Trent suplexes Billy then Billy hits a step up enzugiri. Curt hits punches on Trent then back elbows him. Billy suplexes Trent.

Billy uses the ropes to bulldog Trent for 2. Trent eye rakes him then takes a chinbreaker. Curt spinebusters Trent for 2. Curt spinning backbreakers Trent. Billy ha Glenn tied up in the ropes. The ref tries to stop it and Billy pushes the ref, causing a DQ. Billy beats up Glenn while he's tied up in the ropes then stands on his neck. Glenn is laying on the 2nd rope and Billy elbow drops him off the buckles as another ref comes down to stop this.

Billy attacks Glenn more after.

Thoughts: They got this one right here with Billy going after Glenn and being willing to be DQ'd for it. It made sense and fit the storyline of Billy wanting revenge on Glenn for the haircut. 

The Big Texan is interviewed. He has 2 belts here as he's the SICW Classic champ and the Shriners champ. Texan says he's been the face of SICW for over a year and did it without cheating, stealing or lying. He says anything goes on 10/5. He says when you are the champ, you gotta stay on top of the mountain and he's not falling down. He says he will pin Kowalski like he has done many times. He talks about the contract signing that Herb is doing.

He says he's been kicked out of many companies but Herb let him in. he says he can't imagine working for someone else. He begs Herb not to do anything with Stephen E. Texan says he doesn't want to work for Stephen E. and may be a disgraced champ if that were to happen.

Kowalski vs "Night Train" Gary Jackson

Gary ducks Kowalski to start. Gary hits elbows to the head and headbutts him. Kowalski misses a corner splash and Gary hits more shots to the head. Gary jawbreakers him and hits forearms. Kowalski blocks an irish whip and lariats him. Kowalski misses a big splash then Gary rolls him up for 2.

Kowalski rams him in the corner then Lucky P. Larson chokes Gary from the outside. Kowalski chokes Gary and hits a big slam. Kowalski legdrops Gary's arm then stands on it. Kowalski his double throat thrusts then hiptosses him.

Gary hits shots to the gut. Gary gets his knee up on Kowalski's corner charge then chokes him on the ropes. Gary coconut crushes him then dropkicks him in the corner. Gary knee drops Kowalski. Gary gets his feet up on Kowalski's charge. Kowalski goes back and falls into the ref.

Peyton Ayres and The Professionals come out to beat up Gary and triple stomp him. Big Joe Helms comes out to help Gary. Ron Powers and Danny Boy Hawkins then come out with chairs and the heels leave.

Thoughts: It was a simple, slower paced match and wasn't too interesting. It was pretty much there to lead to the faces chasing off the heels at the end.

Drew interviews Gary, Danny, Ron and Joe. Ron says he doesn't know what he will do at this point but tells Herb to watch what he signs and to watch his back. Danny says we've got unity and says they've got the equalizers in chairs for the heels. Danny says he will be there for Herb. Gary runs down his rules saying they will win, won't lose and will be there for Herb then says "don't forget the rules". Gary says they have Herb's back and will take him to the promised land. Joe agrees and says tells Herb to watch what they are signing. Ron says to line them up as they will knock them down.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. They really hyped up the 10/5 show well and made you want to know what the announcement is going to be. I liked the tag title match best here and the Shaw/Texan match was entertaining.

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