Wednesday, October 2, 2024

NWA Powerrr 10/1/2024

NWA Powerrr 10/1/2024

Last week's show is here:

Note - The NWA is off of The CW's website (likely due to NXT) and is now airing on Twitter for 5 weeks.

Billy Corgan and Kyle Davis are in the ring. Billy said he's proud of buying the NWA 7 years ago. He says the NWA is the spiritual successor of various legends. He tells Adam Pearce of WWE to come be in an NWA ring one more time when he is ready.

He talks about Shane Douglas throwing down the NWA Title 30 years ago. He said he offered him the chance to come here tonight but he declined. He said because all great champs don't want to admit they are wrong. He says the ring is open to him anytime and said he should have been here tonight to face the fans. He says the NWA can't be stopped as long as he's here and says anyone who wants to stop the NWA has to pry it out of his cold, dead hands.

The BWO's music hits and The Blue Meanie comes out. KYle asks him what he's doing here. Blue says he was here as a fan the night the NWA Title was thrown down. He thanks Billy.

He says Billy bringing the NWA here calls for a celebration. He says this calls for a good old fashion Blue Meanie dance. Kyle then does it with Blue and Billy does it too.

Thoughts: I don't know what the point of this was other than to bring The Blue Meanie in since they were in Philly.

NWA Tag Titles - Knox and Murdoch (c) vs The Southern Six (Kerry Morton and Alex Taylor)

The Six jump the heels before it starts and have nice new tights. Knox and Murdoch get chaired in front of the ref but nothing happens. Murdoch and Kerry trade. The heels are sent into each other and Alex pushes Kerry out of the way of a high/low.

Murdoch spinebusters Alex. Knox pounds on Alex and hits a big punch. Alex is thrown by both opponents and Kerry takes a high back body drop. Knox suplexes him. Alex chokes Murdoch with a shirt.  Alex pounds on Murdoch.

We go to break and return. Murdoch is choked on the ropes. Murdoch take sa russian legsweep and Alex pounds on Murdoch. Alex is dropped face first on the buckles then gets crotched on the 2nd buckle.

Knox corner splashes Alex then Alex and Kerry. Knox drops Kerry on Alex then knox crossbodies Kerry. Knox takes a drop + pumping knee for 2. Kerry is pulled over the top. Alex is caught in the ring skirt and pounded on. Kerry take a high/low and is pinned.

It didn't get off to a great start and never really got the momentum it should have had. The work was fine just the excitement was not there.

Thom Lattimer is interviewed and he's wearing a shirt with red roses on it. Thom said he has squandered every opportunity he has been given. He said he thought it is what a man does but he was just a scared boy. He said he surrounded himself with wrestling friends who wanted to keep him in the box. He said he's a man now who is begging for the ball. He says the NWA Title is not the finish line but the day he is forgiven and starts anew.

EC3 is interviewed. He says to put him on top of the mountain as he will hold the title for years. He says the company doesn't need a great wrestler. It needs someone more - a hero. He says he has been that hero and says he's up there with the Cesar's and Alexander's and Washington's. He says it has already been written and says, "I'm over man". 

NWA Title - EC3 (c) vs Thom Lattimer

Thom has new USA gear on and EC has some nice new metallic gold gear on. They lock up and let go. Thom side headlocks him and shoulders him over. They shove each other. Thom armdrags and dropkicks him. The ystall more and then trade punches inside.

EC knees him in the gut. Thom atomic drops him and back elbows him. Thom suplexes him in then takes a headlock driver over the middle rope to the apron. We go to break and return.

EC hits another headlock driver inside the ring. EC pounds on him. EC lariats him and corner splashes him. EC TKO's him on the knee then hits a twist of fate. EC is sent into the post then takes a back drop on the apron. Thom flapjacks him and spinning heel kicks him.

EC bangs Thom's head off the mat. EC front facelock shim and drives him down backwards. Thom germans him. EC low blows him then topes him outside. Thom spinning backdrops him then hits a flatliner.

EC's head is banged off the buckles then EC takes a stunner over the bottom rope. Thom misses a 2nd rope crossbody then EC spears him. EC hits another headlock driver.

EC sits a in chair and talks trash, saying heavy is the head that wears the crown. Thom low blows him and hits 2 pop-up powerbombs to win.

Thoughts: I didn't expect anything out of this and it didn't beat expectations. It wasn't good. There was no real story here or even true faces or heels for this, though Thom kind of worked like a face. The crowd wasn't into it either which hurt things. The match wasn't really built that well, though they did try some. It was a very average match and they did too much here with Thom taking multiple headlock drivers on the apron. EC did move around better here than he had been though. Thom's pretty similar to EC3 though worse on the mic and I don't expect anything great out of his reign.

Overall thoughts: As usual, the show wasn't that good. I don't mean it with disrespect or hatred, but it's just the truth. The Blue Meanie came out for no reason and it didn't lead anywhere. The tag title match was fine but nothing more. The main wasn't expected to be that good and it wasn't. I didn't think they did a great job with the build to Thom/EC3 either.

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