Friday, June 14, 2024

WWE Speed 6/14/2024

WWE Speed 6/14/2024

Wednesday's show is here:

WWE Speed Title - Ricochet (c) vs Andrade

This has a 5 minute time limit. Andrade spinning back elbows him to start. Andrade figure fours him. Andrade misses a flying knee in the corner and goes out. Ric then fosbury flops him outside. Ric springboard clotheslines him then asai moonsaults him for 2.

Andrade hits a big facekick. Ric is between the ropes and Andrade slingshot ddt's him onto the apron. Andrade top rope crossbodies him for 2. They trade forearms and chops. Ric spinning high kicks him then enzugiri's him.

Ric goes up and over in the corner then is hiptossed into the buckles. Andrade meteora's Ric in the corner then hits the message to win at 4:02. Andrade is the 2nd WWE Speed champ.

This was taped before Raw but aired 4 days later. It's like Ricochet's last WWE match and that was likely the main reason why Andrade won here. As usual with WWE Speed, it wasn't much. They packed a decent amount of action in here but you just need more time to have a good one.

Nothing else was announced here so we will have to see what they have for us next time.

Overall thoughts: There was only one match as usual and it went 4:02. As usual, it wasn't must see but it was notable for likely being Ricochet's last match with WWE.

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