Thursday, October 31, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 1/22/1996

WCW Monday Nitro 1/22/1996

Last week's show is here:

We are in Las Vegas. Steve "Mongo" McMichael, Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan are on commentary. They hype up tonight's show.

Konnan comes to the commentary booth. He says he's the Mexican National champ and says he's going to beat Psychosis tomorrow.

Macho Man Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan come out with a bunch of girls. One of them is Woman. Mean Gene puts a mic in Macho's face and Macho asks if there's any doubt that he will be steaming hot tonight. Hulk wishes Macho good luck tonight and says he wants the first shot at the title when Macho wins the title.  Eric Bischoff also tells us that Miss Elizabeth is reunited with Hulk and Macho.

WCW Title - Ric Flair (c) vs "Macho Man" Randy Savage

This is a rematch from 12/25 where Ric won the title.

Various women are with Macho and Jimmy Hart is with Flair. Ric tries to dance with Woman outside and Woman slaps him. Macho bangs Ric's head off the rail. Macho is sent into the rails. Macho lariats Ric for 2. Macho bangs Ric's head off the buckles and eye rakes him. Ric back elbows Macho.

Ric stomps on Macho. Bischoff tells us The Roadwarriors are back together and will be on Clash of the Champions tomorrow. Ric hits punches on Macho and throws him over the top. Hart boots Macho outside. Ric sends Macho into and over the rail.

Macho eye rakes Ric and Ric returned the favor. Ric takes a back body drop on the floor. Macho goes up top and lands on the rail with a double axe handle. We go to break and return. Ric pounds on Macho.

Macho hits punches then hits corner punches. Ric is sent into the buckles and goes out. Macho bangs Ric's head off the rails. Macho hits punches on Ric. Ric maybe hits him low as the ref distracts Macho. Ric does a flair flop for no reason.

Macho blocks a hiptoss and backslides Ric. Macho takes a kneebreaker on Ric's knee. Ric figure fours him. The ref pulls Ric's hair to make him break it when he is caught holding onto the ropes. Ric chops down Macho then knee drops him. Ric goes up top and is thrown down. Macho top rope double axe handles Ric.

Hart gets on the apron and Macho grabs him. Arn Anderson gets on the apron. Ric holds Macho for a knucks shot but Arn hits Ric on accident. Hulk Hogan comes down and clears off Arn. The bell rings for some reason and Macho hits a top rope elbow drop on Ric and wins. Macho Man Randy Savage is the new WCW champ.

Thoughts: I don't know what went on here with the bell but it's fairly important since that signifies the beginning and end of the match. The bell rang before the pin was even attempted yet the match went on. Ric did a lot of cheap shots here and Macho stuck with various punches. Ric worked the knee some near the end but it was too late in the match for it to mean anything. I feel like the two title changes between Ric and Macho were hotshots to please people behind the scenes. The match was average for the most part.

Mean Gene, Macho and Hulk talk in the ring. Macho says Hulk is celebrating like he won the match but Macho says he won the match. Hulk congratulates him but said he won with help from his best friend. Hulk says he'd love to have the first shot at the title. Macho says him and Hulk have been watching each others backs. Macho says he's not the WCW Committee, just the champ. He tells him he'll give him a shot if he's the #1 contender and will do it in the same building. Hulk asks Macho to watch his back tonight and says he will do whatever it takes to get in the #1 position. He says it has to happen when he does. Macho says this match has to happen. He says he will shake his hand at the end of it and says Hulk has to as well. They then shake hands and yell "oh yeah".

Hulk was such a crappy babyface during this time period and ruined Macho's big win celebration here to ask for a title shot. 

Brian Pillman vs. Dean Malenko

Dean hammerlocks BP and takes an elbow to the face. BP chops and forearms him. Dean hiptosses him and hits a dropkick. BP slides out to stall. BP is backed up in the corner and hits Dean off the break. BP bangs Dean's head off the mat and rubs his face in it.

BP suplexes him for 2. BP slaps him then Dean pounds on him. Dean corner lariats him then brainbusters him. Dean neckbreakers him for 2. Dean stomps on him in the corner. BP tornado ddt's him.

BP hits chops. Dean hits a tiger driver for 2. Dean dropkicks him and BP goes out. BP bangs Dean's head off the rails. BP goes up top and is stopped.

BP headbutts him on the buckles. BP is thrown off a tornado ddt attempt. Dean gutbusters BP. Dean trips BP and ankle locks him. BP is on the apron and hits Dean. Dean gets his foot stuck in the ropes. The ref knows this and counts the pin for BP anyway. BP wins.

Thoughts: It was an average match with a bad finish. I couldn't buy that the ref didn't see Dean's foot was in the ropes since it happened right in front of him. I'm not too surprised Pillman got the win here. 

WCW World Tag Team Title Match - Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) (c) vs. Lex Luger & Sting

Heenan flips out as he goes to talk and gets interrupted. He says he's not talking anymore and says he has had it. Sherri is not with Harlem Heat here.

Lex eye rakes Stevie then takes boots out of the corner. Stevie clubs on him and chokes him. Lex running elbows him off the ropes then nails Booker. Stevie boots Lex in the face. Lex hits a double clothesline. Sting gets in and stinger splashes both opponents.

Sting scorpion deathlocks Stevie but Booker breaks it up with an axe kick. Stevie hits a stiff lariat on Sting. Booker flying side kicks Sting then hits punches on him. Booker armlocks Sting. Sting hits shots on Booker's gut.

Booker boots him out of the corner. Booker then drives Sting's face into the mat. Sting takes a double team. Sting fights back but is pulled throat first over the top rope. Stevie trapezus holds Sting. Booker slams Sting and knee drops him.

Sting takes a double gordbuster and Heat celebrate. Booker misses a top rope harlem hangover. Jimmy Hart comes out. Hart gives Lex a weapon. Sting is double teamed while this happens. Sting flying crossbodies Booker. Lex hits a loaded punch on Booker with silver dollars in his hand and Lex pins Booker. Lex is thrilled and Sting doesn't know what happened. Lex says, "I told you we could do it".

Thoughts: The ending wasn't that exciting, naturally. The title change would have worked better here if there was more build or an angle behind it which there was not. The match was okay with Harlem Heat getting most of the offense in on Sting until Lex tagged in and won it quick.

Hulk Hogan vs. The One Man Gang

Gang walks into this as the US champ though the title isn't on the line. Hulk hits some punches and Gang avoids the big boot. Hulk knocks Gang down from the apron. Gang clubs on him then Gang is sent into the steps.

Hulk pounds on Gang. Gang's head is banged off the rails. Hulk eye pokes Gang then bites him. Hulk lariats Gang over. Gang clubs Hulk's back then slams him. Gang hits a big splash. Hulk hits shots on Gang then corner lariats him. Hulk big boots Gang then slams him. Hulk hits a big leg drop and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like this at all. Gang was a champ here and was treated like a total chump. He got nothing in and got whooped.

The Zodiac and Chris Benoit come in after. Hulk fights them and Gang off. Macho, Arn, Sullivan and Pillman then join the fight. The Giant is held back and Flair comes out there but never gets in. Zodiac holds Giant back. Giant says Hulk is his tomorrow.

Macho and Hulk talk on the mic about the match they might have. Hulk says Gang was the first step to getting there. Hulk says thank God for Kevin Greene and Miss Elizabeth being in their corner on Clash of the Champions tomorrow. Macho says history will be made tomorrow and says Giant and Ric Flair are meat tomorrow. Hulk says he feels sorry for his opponents tomorrow and asks what they will do when Macho and Hulk run wild on them.

The announcers talk about The Clash tomorrow and Heenan complains about Mongo interrupting him.

Overall thoughts: It's like someone thought this show was Clash of the Champions instead of tomorrow night's show. They had two title changes here. Neither were particularly built up that great though Macho and Flair had a lot of history with each other. Still, they could have done better. Both matches were okay but not classics. Hulk squashed the US champ One Man Gang in the main which sucked. They also announced The Roadwarriors and Miss Elizabeth would be on tomorrow's show on this event. There was a lot happening on this one and it was must see from that perspective but quality wise, it was about average. It is nice to get title matches on TV though. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10, mostly for having a stacked card.

WCW Clash of the Champions XXXII 1/23/1996

WCW Clash of the Champions XXXII 1/23/1996

We are in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan are on commentary. This show is on a Tuesday.

Mean Gene Okerlund is in front of a wedding chapel. He says Col. Rob Parker and Sherri will exchange their vowels here.

The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs) vs Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge)

They all fight to start. Saggs and Rock roll out. Knobbs lariats Johnny over and Rock is sent into the rails. Saggs is sent into the rails. Johnny's head is banged off the buckles and Knobbs misses a splash. Johnny backdrops Knobbs. Rock is crotched on the rails. 

Johnny dances and Saggs goes to the back for something. Johnny goes over the top and Saggs brings out a table. Knobbs splashes the rail when Johnny moves. Saggs hits punches on Rock and Rock bulldogs him. A table is set up in the corner. Rock hits a flying headbutt on Knobbs. Rock moonsaults onto Knobbs for 2. Johnny takes a back body drop on the floor.

Knobbs elbows Rock out then knocks him off the apron. Rock lands hard on the apron on that. Saggs hits a big piledriver on Johnny. Knobbs pulls a table out and the ref calls the match off. Knobbs is laid on the table and Rock moonsaults him. The table doesn't really break but Saggs hits Johnny with a side piece of it. Saggs then throws a table at Johnny's head while he's leaving in a nasty spot. Sabbs then hits Johnny with a table piece.

This was brutal. That was not a gimmicked table and there's no way Johnny wasn't concussed after it got thrown at his head. This was all brawling here and both teams are lucky to still be alive after this one.

Ric Flair, The Giant and Jimmy Hart are interviewed. Flair says the man who is wearing his title will have to get in the ring with him and The Giant. Flair talks about some girl. Giant says tonight is the night where Hulk and Macho get wiped off the face of the planet forever. Giant says it's all over but the crying if Flair tags him in. Flair says Hulk can't hide behind Baywatch and has to fight a real life giant.

Dean Malenko vs. Alex Wright

We see clips of Malenko putting Alex in a texas cloverleaf on WCW Saturday Night and not letting go.

They lock up. Alex side headlock takeovers him. Dean headscissors him. Alex headflips out. Dean side headlock takeovers him. Alex hammerlocks him and Dean legsweeps him. Alex kips up and they stand off. Alex flips out of a backdrop and hits a dropkick and headscissors.

Alex snapmares him and Dean elbow drops him. Dean bangs Alex's leg off the post. Dean hits a nasty dragon screw and leg locks him. Dean works the knee more and Alex top rope twisting crossbodies him.

Dean backdrops him and goes up top. Alex dropkicks him while he's up top. Alex superplexes him. Alex germans him. Dean lariats him. Alex flips off of Dean in the corner, takes a shot to the knee and Dean jack knife pins him.

Thoughts: The finish was sudden and pretty weak with Dean just winning with a kick to the knee. It was tough as they did a work the knee match with someone who relies mostly on flying around. Alex did sell the knee though. It was fine but the crowd didn't care.

Disco Inferno vs "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan

Someone is dressed up like fat Elvis and is eating on his way to the ring. Fat Elvis has a singing telegram for Kevin. Kevin nails him as he finishes singing. He stomps on him and hits a double stomp. Jimmy Hart says Task hates Elvis impersonators, baby.

We go back to Mean Gene at the chapel. He sees Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck arrive. Buck asks where the colonel is and says he doesn't care if he's here or not. Dick Slater says when he last saw Parker, he gave him money and Parker was a craps table. 

Eric Bischoff interviews Lex Luger and Sting on the stage. Sting and Lex recently became tag champs. Lex says they are the tag team of the 90's and are the world tag champs. Lex says everyone wants to say they are hte best but the best are the guys who wear the belts.

The Legion of Doom/Roadwarriors come in. Sting is happy to see them. Animal says to be the best, you gotta beat the most powerful team in wrestling. Animal says they want the belts anywhere and anytime. Sting wants to set the match up. Lex interrupts. Lex says they got rematches with Harlem Heat, The American Males, The Nasty Boys and even State Patrol. Lex says The LOD have been on the shelf. Lex says The LOD were a great tag team but Animal is coming back from a hurt back. He says he doesn't want hurt his back in his first match.

Hawk says Animal's back is too big for Lex's rack. Hawk says they have an annual beating quota and are behind. Hawk says Lex could be the first on their beating quota. Sting says he wants to sign the match but Lex clearly isn't for it.

We catch up with Paul Orndorff. He says he has a neck injury and his arm is going numb. He says he was told he has to have surgery and says this could be a career ending injury. He says Gary Spivey got his confidence up and he was on a roll. He said it was just a matter of time before he had a belt on his waist.

He says he's from the old school where you earn respect. He says he got sucker punched but got back up and was going to stomp the guy's head in who did it. He says that's how you get respect and says The Horsemen don't know what respect it. Paul says Pillman's role in The Horsemen is to provoke. Paul says he was recruited to a be a horseman a long time ago and says Pillman would not be a horseman if he had chosen to be one. Paul says The Horsemen are a gang and says Flair and Arn orchestrated the whole thing. Paul says this wasn't an accident and says The Horsemen meant to end his career. He says body is crippled but not his heart. He says he's proud of who and what he is. He says The Horsemen haven't seen the last of him. We then cut to Gary Spivey in the crowd.

Gene is still at the chapel and Rob Parker arrives. Rob says he's late for his own wedding and needs to borrow $50 for the taxi. He asks Gene for it. He says he gambled his money away in Vegas. Rob's cell phone rings. He tells the person on the other line not to worry about it as the taxi honks at Rob.

Brian Pillman vs Eddie Guerrero

Pillman stalls. They put their hands in each others faces and Eddie pushes him over. Pillman stalls outside. Eddie side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Eddie dropkicks him out. Pillman hides behind Heenan outside, grabbing his jacket and Heenan says, "what the f**k are you doing?". Heenan then gets mad and almost leaves. Eddie chops him and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Pillman bites him. Pillman slaps him and steps on his face. Pillman chinlocks him. Eddie dropkicks him. Eddie popped up and hits a dropkick off of it. Eddie tornado ddt's him. Pillman tries to pin him with his feet on the ropes. Pillman argues with the ref and is rolled up for 2. Pillman crossbodies him and pins him while holding the tights. Pillman rolls out of the ring near Heenan and Heenan gets up and out of the way.

This match became all about the Heenan/Pillman incident. It was hard to focus on anything else and while the fans at the arena maybe didn't notice, it a major distraction. The match wasn't as good as it could have been and didn't really have the time it should have had.

Eric Bischoff interviews Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage and Kevin Greene. Hulk says him and Macho have a lot of positive momentum after Macho won the title. Hulk says he wants to see The Horsemen or Dungeon of Doom try to sneak up on them with Greene at their side. Greene is asked what he'd do if the heels were in his face. He says he'd run through them like he will at the Superbowl.

Hulk says the wrestling world is on fire. Hulk says Miss Elizabeth will be in their corner. Hulk says they got a problem though - which one gets to take Miss Elizabeth out on the town. Greene says Hulk will have to go through him. Macho says Greene might have an easier time with the Dallas Cowboys and Hulk says she's more than Macho can handle.

Greene was fine but the stuff about Liz was weird.

WCW World Tag Team Title Match - Lex Luger & Sting (c) vs. The Blue Bloods (Earl Robert Eaton & Lord Steven Regal)

Sting bows at Regal and Regal is bewildered. Sting wristlocks Regal. Regal reverses it. Sting shoulders him over. Sting hits a nice dropkick on Regal then claps his ears. Sting mocks Regal's selling.

Lex and Eaton go at it. Eaton throws him out. Eaton takes a back body drop on the floor then is lariated over. They bring up Lex owning a gym with Sting. Lex backs up Regal in the corner and Regal eye pokes him. Regal hits euros. Lex fights off Regal and Eaton then takes an eye poke from Regal and a neckbreaker from Regal. Regal elbow drops him for 2. Regal knee drops Lex's head.

Eaton snapmares Lex. Eaton hits a top rope knee drop. Regal puts Lex in the regal stretch and Sting breaks it up. Eaton comes off the top, Lex tries to powerslam him but can't really get him over. Lex and Eaton collide. 

Sting is tagged in and beats up on the heels. Regal eye pokes Sting and nails Lex from behind, knocking him out of the ring. Eaton is knocked off the top and crashes into Regal. Sting then scorpion deathlocks Eaton and submits him. Sting and Lex win.

Thoughts: I didn't buy that the heels had a shot here which brought some of this down. The work was fine but they weren't going for a great one here.

Mean Gene is at the chapel with Parker and Harlem Heat. Stevie Ray complains about the champagne. Sherri arrives in a limo. Rob tells Sherri he has bad news and says he's down to his last dollar. He says he's been losing all day and it's the unluckiest day of his life. Sherri says he didn't tell her she's been gambling and Sherri says she's going to get dressed. They argue more and Sherri said Rob promised her a spectacular wedding. Sherri is supposed to change a trailer but Buck and Slater say the door is locked. Sherri throws a fit and Tony Schiavone says they may have to settle for a drive-by wedding.

Eric Bischoff interviews Brian Pillman. Brian asks if Eric is nervous. Eric says no and Brian says he should be. Brian says he wants to say the 7 words not allowed on TV. He says Paul Orndorff made tonight's subject "respect". Brian says it's something you can't buy or sell, it's something you gotta earn.

Brian says he's not Hulk or Savage or Sting but says he's Brian Pillman and not to forget it. He says it's his dream to each everyone respect and says he will hack your cell phone to do it.

Mexican Heavyweight Title Match - Konnan (c) vs. Psychosis

Kon armdrags him out. Kon goes after him and Psy gets back in. Kon armdrags him off the buckles. Kon rolls him into a grounded octopus. Kon germans him. Kon catapults him and does a regal stretch variation. Psy spinning heel kicks him then Kon ties up his legs.

Kon walks up the buckles and armdrags Psy. Kon then goes up and over with a headscissors. Kon hits armdrags and dropkicks Psy in the knee. Kon then ddt's him. Psy top rope dropkicks him then suicide dives him.

Kon spider germans him. Kon does a standing figure four and taps out Psy.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided match that nobody in the crowd cared about. It was clear Psy had no chance in this one. It was a total squash here. 

Sherri's in the back of the limo with her feet hanging out of it. Parker asks Gene for $30. Gene ends up offering to give Sherri away to Parker during the marriage ceremony and Sherri agrees.

We go to break and return. Sherri is in a red dress and Gene walks with her. Gene brings up the call Parker was on earlier. Sherri says she wasn't on the call. The Disco Inferno walks in front of them and says he told them he was going to dance at the wedding. Sherri and Gene then arrive at the drive-thru wedding window. Dick Slater is crying as Parker and Sherri are about to get married.

The drive-thru window lady asks if anyone wants to object to their marriage. Nobody does. Meduasa then comes out of the trailer and slaps Sherri. Medusa then throws Sherri onto a table and they fight. They make a mess and Sherri rolls into cake. Booker T gets knocked over and Medusa hits Sherri with stuff.

Thoughts: Well this was out of nowhere. Tony says Medusa was Parker's secret girlfriend that he was talking to on the phone to try and explain this. This wasn't done well.

Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair & The Giant

Hulk's team has Kevin Greene and Miss Elizabeth with them. There's also some other women including Woman with them.

Macho has red and yellow gear on. Hart gets on the apron and Greene gets in the ring. Ric backs off. Flair gets on the mic and tells him another time.

Ric chops Macho. Macho back body drops him and hits lariats. Macho hits punches. Ric is sent into the corner and knocks the camera man over in the process. Hulk hits a big boot on Ric on the apron. Macho slaps Flair and Flair begs off.

Ric hits Macho low then chops him. Macho back slides Ric and blocks a punch. Macho hits punches on Ric. Ric backs off and tags in Giant. Giant shoves Hulk into the corner on the lock up twice. Hulk side headlocks Giant. Giant hits a weak shoulder and knocks him over. Hulk rakes the eyes and goes for the slam but gets clubbed.

Giant slams Hulk. Giant elbows Hulk in the neck and boots him. Giant headbutt drops Hulk in the gut. Giant backbreakers him. Giant misses an elbow drop. Hulk eye rakes him. Hulk then slams Giant and sells his back after.

Ric comes in and suplexes Hulk. Hulk back body drops Ric then lariats him over. Ric eye pokes him. Hart distracts the ref. Giant pulls Hulk out and bearhugs him. Giant sends him into the rails. Ric chops and forearms Hulk. Ric back elbows him. Hulk throws Ric off the top onto the mat.

macho gets in and drops Ric with punches. Macho top rope double axe handles Ric. Macho slams him. Hulk and Giant fight outside. Macho top rope elbow drops Ric. Hart gets on the apron again and Ric gets hold of knucks. Ric punches on Macho and pins him.

Thoughts: It wasn't too good. They just didn't have a lot of time here which ensured it would not be great. Greene and Liz also played no role in this one defeating the whole purpose of them being out there.

The Zodiac and Brian Pillman come in the ring after. Hulk gets the edge on them. Him and Greene then throw both out. Green and Elizabeth hold up Macho's and Hulk's arms after.

Heenan said something is going down in the back and he has to go as the show ends.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this show. They had more matches than they had time for the matches. The main didn't get enough time and wasn't that great. They didn't do that much with Greene and Liz either in it. The Parker/Sherri wedding thing could have been good but they did a poor job of explaining and making sense of it when they had a lot of fun gags to work with. Pillman/Eddie was a disaster with Pillman making Heenan shoot on air. The opening tag match was brutal as well with The Nasties being reckless with Public Enemy. There was just nothing that good on this one and it's a shame because the pieces were there, they just weren't put together properly. I'd give this a 3 out of 10.

Marigold 10/27/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 8

Marigold 10/27/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 8

The last show is here:

Chika Goto came out with the usual MC to start the show.

Victoria Yuzuki vs. Komomo Minami

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki, KM = Komomo Minami

KM armdrags and basement dropkicks her. Yuz slams her for 2. KM camel clutches her. KM ddt's her and hits a basement dropkick. KM slams her then dropkicks her. Yuz dropkicks her back. Yuz walks up the buckles and facebusters her. Yuz then hits a springboard dropkick for 2.

KM flatliners her off the ropes then does a botched tornado ddt for 2. KM rolls her into a single leg crab then Yuz ropebreaks. KM hits chest forearms then Yuz hiptosses her. Yuz hits a lightning spiral then a northern lights suplex for 2.

KM cradles her for 2 and rolls her up again. KM botches her roll over the back ddt for 2. Yuz superkicks KM twice. KM does her version of the tequila shot and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. KM had multiple botches here and Yuzuki looked a lot better. They might both be rookies but Yuzuki is so much further along.

Myla Grace & Nao Ishikawa vs. Minami Yuuki & Rea Seto

Nao has new green and orange gear that I don't like. Myla side headlocks Yuuki then chinlocks her. Nao and Myla take chest forearms in the corner then they do attacks on their opponents at the same time. Myla dropkicks Yuuki through the ropes.

Yuuki throws Myla over by the arms. Myla forearms her over and basement dropkicks her for 2. Nao comes in and shoulders Yuuki over. Nao crabs Yuuki. Yuuki hits a decent dropkick on Nao. Yuuki russian legsweeps her for 2.

Yuuki does a hammerlock + guillotine choke. Nao hits chests shots on Yuuki then shoulders her over. Yuuki rolls her into a pin attempt. Rea comes in and dropkicks Nao several times. Rea bodyscissors Nao then does a headscissors + leg lock on her.

Rea pulls Nao's arm around the ropes and kicks the rope. Myla holds Rea from the outside and Nao forearms Myla on accident. Nao slams Rea then hits a cartwheel splash for 2. Myla superkicks Nao on a failed double team and Rea gets a 2 count on Nao. Nao flying neckbreakers her.

Nao double underhook suplexes Rea. Myla twisting suplexes Rea then does a border city stretch on her. Myla hits corner spears on Rea. Rea basement dropkicks her. Rea does cattle mutilation to Myla and it gets broken up.

Nao and Myla hit stereo lariats. Rea takes a double suplex for 2. Myla sitout slams Rea. Myla then top rope corkscrew splashes her for the win.

Thoughts: Yuuki Minami had a good showing and Rea is also making some improvements. This was kind of a waste of Nao though and a step back from how she's been used lately. I hope she's not going back to doing opening matches. It wasn't that good and was definitely a lowercard match. 

Naho Yamada vs. Kizuna Tanaka

I'm interested in this one. Naho sang during her entrance. Naho hits a chest forearm and multiple dropkicks. Kiz dropkicks her back for 2. They trade chest forearms. Kiz armbars Naho then pulls her arm around the ropes. Naho stunners Kiz over the top rope and dropkicks her. Naho stomps and dropkicks Kiz's knee.

Naho figure fours her and bridges. Naho rolls up Kiz for 2. Kiz hits a hard chest forearm and flying lariats her for 2. Kiz hits mounted forearms then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Kiz top rope dropkicks Naho.

Naho sunset flips Kiz for 1 then they trade pin attempts.  Naho dropkicks her then Kiz hits a hard dropkick. Kiz armbars her. Naho headhunters Kiz. Naho 2nd rope forearms Kiz for 2. Kiz spinkicks her and sliding knees her for 2.  Naho hits a re:dream and wins.

Thoughts: The selling was horrible here. Someone would do a move and then be put in a pin attempt by the time you blinked. Naho worked the knee early then completely forgot about it after. These two aren't that different from each other in the ring. I wanted to like it but I didn't.

Mai Sakurai, MIRAI & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Kouki Amarei, Misa Matsui & Utami Hayashishita

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Everyone fights to start and Nat's team hits triple corner attacks. They all end up running each other. Mirai takes a flapjack and a basement dropkick. Mirai then takes a double shoulder block and elbow drop. Misa top rope dropkicks Mirai.

Misa and Nat trade chest forearms. Nat kicks Misa in the back then Misa basement dropkicks her. Nat armbars Misa. Nat double knee drops Misa's back then hits knees to the body. Misa release fisherman suplexes her.

Nat hits mounted forearms then kicks to the chest. They knee each other against the ropes then Misa crossbodies Nat against the bottom rope. Utami comes in and shoulders Nat over. Utami then hits a dropkick. Nat running knees Utami.

Mirai gets in and hits corner attacks on Utami. She hits a big lariat in the corner for 2. We get a 6 girl suplex spot with Mirai's team getting suplexed. Utami sliding lariats Mirai. Utami and Mirai shoulder battle and Utmai knocks her over.

Mirai ties up Utami's arms and stretch mufflers her leg. Mirai half-crabs Utami. Utami lariats Mirai over. Mirai backdrops Utami and Utami backdrops her in return. Mai and Kouki get in. Mai basement dropkicks her for 2. They trade facekicks. Mai boots her in the chest then 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Mai overhead suplexes her for 2.

Mai goes up top and is knocked off. Misa then top rope plancha's her outside. Kouki backdrops Mai. Kouki takes an attitude adjustment. Mai top rope elbow drops Kouki for 2. Everyone starts coming in and hits moves. Mai backdrops Kouki then Kouki flying facekicks her. Mai pump kicks her. Kouki facekicks Mai for 2 then Mai facekicks Kouki. Mai stf's Kouki and the time runs out.

Thoughts: They went to a 15 minute draw for this one. They didn't make the best use of their time and wasted a lot of it early on. It just wasn't that good of a match with sloppy execution. The finish didn't help things either.

Mai and Kouki talk on the mic after. Utami/Kouki and Mai/Mirai go head to head after.

Miku Aono & Nanae Takahashi vs. Bozilla & CHIAKI

NT = Nanae Takahashi

Miku and Chi go at it. Chu chokes her on the ropes and pulls her hair. Miku throws Chi over then side headlock takeovers her. Chi shoulders Miku over. Miku dropkicks her.

The four fight outside and Miku's head is banged off the apron. Miku is sent into the seats. Chi's head is banged off the seats then NT and Miku are sent into each other. Boz and NT trade forearms outside. Chi facewash kicks Miku on the ropes. Chi slams her then gets on Boz's back for a double splash. Boz splashes Miku for 2.

Miku's head is banged off the buckles and Boz hair throws her. NT and Boz shoulder battle. They trade chest forearms and NT flurries her. Boz shoulders her over then NT takes boots from both opponents. NT does a double dragon screw on her opponents. Miku and NT then put stereo submissions on with NT putting a figure four on Boz.

Boz suplexes NT then NT rebound germans her. Miku hits kicks on Boz. Boz slams and sentons Miku. Boz corner splashes Miku then hits a pendulum slam on her. Boz double lariats her opponents on the ropes and germans Miku. Miku hits leg kicks then russian leg sweeps Miku.

Boz powerslams Miku. Chi cartwheel knee drops Miku and rakes the eyes. Miku hits her swinging twisting slam. NT hits shots on Chi on the ropes. Chi spears Boz on accident and takes a backdrop for it.

Boz chairs NT. NT is put in the chair and take a double boot over. Chi is thrown feet first into NT for 2. NT lariats Chi over then Chi powerslams her for 2. Miku high kicks NT on accident and Chi cradles NT for 2. Chi fisherman suplexes NT for 2.

Boz lariats Miku over and splashes her partner on accident. Miku suplexes Boz while NT blue thunders Chi for 2. NT northern lights bombs Chi for the win.

The four girls fight after. Miku and NT talk on the mic after.

Thoughts: It was an okay main but nothing too great. I thought it needed more time for the match they were doing and didn't get close to being anything great. Chi losing was the expected outcome here.

Overall thoughts: They had another show following this so no one was going to do anything too crazy since they had to work twice. As always, it's notable when Sareee is not on the card and she was not on this one. This was not their best work or effort here and I'd give it about a 4 out of 10. I would not recommend this one.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

AEW Dynamite 10/30/2024 Fright Night Dynamite

AEW Dynamite 10/30/2024 Fright Night Dynamite

Last week's show is here:

They show a BCC video and OC comes out and says to turn it off. The ring has orange ropes. OC says he isn't a leader. He said he saw Chuck Taylor get his neck crushed by a chair. He said he was surrounded by the future of AEW. He said they have no idea about the danger they are in and how dangerous Mox is.

He says those wrestlers have no place to go if Mox gets his way. He says Mox doesn't need AEW but he does. He says he doesn't exist without AEW. He says he needs to stop this and cut the head off the snake. He says he will do it alone to protect everyone. He then challenges Mox for the AEW title. He says he will wake the title off Mox's waist and put it in his backpack. He says he's here every week. He says he's OC and he's the next AEW champ. He then says he still doesn't need a catch phrase.

Mercedes Mone and Kamille are interviewed. They don't say much much of interest. Mone says Kamille doesn't need luck tonight because she's with the CEO.

Adam Cole vs Buddy Matthews

This is part of the thing where Cole has to win 3 matches to face MJF. Cole looks even smaller than before and seems to have put on some fat Cole side headlocks him. They shoulder each other. Buddy shoulders him over.

They shoulder battle. Cole headscissors him and teases a superkick. Cole ducks a punch on the apron, goes dow nto the floor and limps. Kyle O'Reilly is watching this on TV in the back. Buddy kicks him from the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Buddy superplexes him. Cole holds on and hits oblivion on him. They trade shots on the apron and Cole ddt's him there. Both fall to the floor. Cole hits a heatseeker piledriver over the 2nd rope.

Buddy ddt's the leg. Buddy stomps the leg into the steps. Doc Sampson checks on Cole. Doc says Cole can't go and starts walking him to the back. Buddy gets on the mic and accuses Cole of running away. He says this Cole is fragile and says he's a little b!tch. Cole limps to the ring. 

They hockey fight. Buddy hits kicks and stomps the foot. Cole tells him to take the leg and hits 2 superkicks. Cole falls down due to leg pain and is hit with a knee and a curb stomp for 2. Buddy grabs a towel and tells Cole to throw it in. Cole throws it at Buddy and hits a bunch of superkicks. Cole running knees him for 2.

Cole comes off the buckles and is hit wit ha knee. Cole takes a buckle bomb and a curb stomp for 1. Cole then hulks up. We see MJF watching from his house. Cole superkicks Buddy and hits a panama sunrise. Buddy rolls out. Cole hits a panama sunrise on the floor. Cole hits the knee to the back of the head.

Thoughts: I was okay with this. Cole had an injured ankle. Buddy worked it and Cole sold it. It was hard to buy Cole beating Buddy though as he looks so weak and flabby. Buddy was an idiot here for having the match won and giving it away as a heel nonetheless.

Cole says Buddy reminded him of who the real Adam Cole is. He says he thanks him for that. They shake hands. The lights go out. Malakai Black appears in the ring in a suit, shaking Cole's hand. They stare down but nothing else happens.

Christopher Daniels and Private Party are interviewed. Daniels said him and Kaz were in the same spot a few years ago. He said he let him down and Kaz isn't here in the company anymore. He says The Bucks will do anything to keep what they have and tells them to think about it. Quen says they are okay and Zay says they will leave Cleveland as the tag champs.

Adam Cole is being worked on in the back with The Undisputed Kingdom there. Cole says he's good. He says Buddy Matthews gave him one of the toughest matches of his career and says Malakai Black is now on his tail. He says his ankle isn't the same and says he doesn't blame MJF for it. He said he blames him for pretending their partnership would ever work. He says they are meant to be enemies and not friends. He says MJF needs to be taught a hard lesson. Cole says what him and Undisputed Kingdom did needed to happen because he cares about AEW and it's fans. He says MJF will never be part of that team. He says they will get their hands on MJF at Full Gear. Cole says there's one down and 2 to go.

Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher come out to talk on the stage. Kyle says he wants to stand face to face with Will Ospreay and cals for Will to come out. Will does not come out. Mark Davis comes out instead. Kyle says he wasn't expecting him and says it's good to see him. He goes to hug him. Mark says he knows Will is laid out at home. He says he doesn't know who he is looking at with Kyle. Kyle says the only thing that has changed is that he has opened his eyes to the truth.

Kyle says Will forgot about Mark but he didn't. Kyle said he made sure Mark would always have a spot in The Don Callis Family. Mark says they had a United Empire and Kyle destroyed it. Mark then goes to walk away. Kyle says the day is coming when Mark has to make a hard decision. He says he has proven he has no problem cutting the past loose.

Thoughts: Mark Davis is finally back. It's hard to see where he's going to fit in right now.

Renee interviews Adam Page. Page says he knocked Jay White out of the title tournament. Page says there's no such thing as redemption and says there's only wins and losses. He says Jay doesn't know if he'll hit him in the head with a chair, light his house or fire or do other things. He says at the end of Full Gear, he will stand over him with his hand raised, leaving him hurt with less than he had before. He says he will leave him behind.

We see the BCC walks in the back. They head to the ring to talk.

The BCC is in the ring. Mox says one day we will all understand what he is trying to do. He says he challenged OC when he broke Chuck's neck. He said he freed him from some distractions so he could pursue his goals. He said everyone thought of OC as the leader and that guy, but OC doesn't want to lead his people. Mox say he doesn't OC to just collect a pay check. Mox says he's willing to die in this valley and OC better be ready to fight him in it.

Mox says let's see if OC is pulling the strings. Mox then motions for his crew to beat up Wheeler Yuta. CC puts a chair around Yuta's neck as Yuta is held. OC then comes down fro msone reason and goes after Mox. OC is taken down and stomped on. Yuta then stomps on OC. The Dark Order then come out to join the fight.

The Dark Order get beaten up and Pac drops OC. Yuta chairs uno. Pac drags OC. Darby then comes down from the rafters on a rope. Darby falls through the commentary table when CC puts him there. Darby bites CC. CC throws Darby onto the table remains. Darby throws CC into the rails. Top Flight, Private Party and Danie Garcia then come out to help. The BCC leave and The Bucks' music hits.

It was a weird angle with OC being declared the leader of OC and caring if Yuta get pillmanized even though they had issues with each other and even though Yuta helped beat him up. 

AEW Tag Titles - Private Party splits up if they lose - The Young Bucks (c) vs Private Party

Zay and a Buck lock up. Zay is shouldered over. Zay hit an armdrag and they try pins on each other. Zay piefaces Nick (he has the more floral outfit). Nick is popped up into a dropkick on Zay. Matt foot chokes Zay.

Zay walks up the ropes and hits an armdrag + headscisosrs takeover. Quen does a double hurricanrana. Zay jumps off of Quen's back into a dive on The Bucks outside. Matt is sent over the rails. Quen takes a back body drop out. Zay's head is banged off the apron. Quen grabs the ring bell from Matt and hits Zay with it on accident when Matt moves. Matt sends Quen int othe steps and Quen takes a PK from the apron.

Zay is sent into the steps then has his head banged off of them. Zay gets busted open. Nick enzugiri's Matt on accident then superkicks Zay. Zay takes a falcon arrow off the steps to the floor and Quen takes a superplex.

We go to PiP break and return. Zya is hot tgaged in. He hits lariats on The Bucks. Zay is popped up and hits a double dropkick. PP hit stereo superkicks then do stereo 450's for 2. Zay takes a canadian destroyer and Quen takes a shiranui. Zay is laid on the top rope and is double stomped int oa sitout powerbomb.

Zay takes punches to the head and is bitten. Zay takes a risky business for 2. Quen asai moonsaults onto Matt then topes Nick. Quen then tope con hilos onto Matt. Quen is held for a step up knee. Quen is in the electric chair and is kicked, then flipped to the floor. 

Quen is dragged near the entrance tunnel. Okada comes out and tombstones Quen on the stage. Zay takes a buckle bombo + enzugiri combo. Zay takes a gin n juice for 2. Zay takes superkicks form both and a double superkick. Zay avoids an EVP trigger and rolls up Matt. Zay takes an EVP trigger for 2.

Nick hits a one-winged angel on Zay for 2 when Quen breaks it up. Nick hits a tope outside. Nick gets crotched. Matt takes a poisonrana. Nick takes a gin n juice and is pinned.

Thoughts: I was really surprised to see Private Party win. They did maybe overdo it some but it was a big match with Party's team potentially on the line so I'll forgive it. I liked the match. The win was not built up well at all and felt like someone remembered that it had been 5 years and PP had done nothing. PP didn't get a ton of big wins or programs or have a lot of momentum building up to this and they just didn't make the most out of the story they had. They got like 20% of it right, but not the rest. It probably also would have been better served on a PPV or if it had happened like 3 years ago.

The Bucks shockingly give PP the titles after. PP celebrates with the fans. 

Jamie Hayter and Penelope Ford are interviewed. Ford says she's been here since Day 1 and thinks everyone forgot who she was. She says she will take what Hayter took from her. Hayter says Ford took an opportunity from her. She says she will mop the floor with her next week.

The Learning tree do a promo. Bill says team work makes the dream work but not if the team doesn't work together. Jericho talks about The Wrestling Observer and Dave Meltzer, saying the match last week with Briscoe was 4 stars and one that would be remembered. Jericho says he is now a 9x world champ, fulfilling his prophecy as "The Nueve".

He brings up the movie he was in recently and said AEW became a powerhouse because of him. He says he will do the same thing for ROH and take it to the highest success it has ever seen.

We get the same Anna Jay vs Mariah May video we saw.

Alex Marvez goes up to Jack Perry to talk to The Young Bucks. Jack tells him to go away. Daniel Garcia goes up to Jack and says he's next to lose his title. He calls him an entitled piece of trash and they each say they think they are so special. Jack says they used to dance for him too. Jack goes in The Elite's locker room. The Bucks say they are going and gotta talk. We see Brandon Cutler shredding documents.

Kamille vs Kris Statlander

They lock up. Kris has red eye paint on and some hair dye on maybe. They pull each other by the hair and Kam shoulders her over. Kris dropkicks her. Kam pulls Kris' throat down over the top rope then lariats her.

We go to PiP break then full break. They lariat battle as we return. Kris powerslams her. Kris F-5's her for 2. Kris misses a 450. Kam leg lariats Kris for 2. Kam torture rack bombs Kris for 2. Kris hits a one legged package piledriver and wins.

Thoughts: What the heck was this and why? Kamille lost here for no real reason which hurts her. Kris didn't exactly have the greatest build up here to do this either. This was a shocking outcome.

Kris poses. Mone nails her with the title then tells Kamille to get to the back now. Mone says when you want something done right, you do it yourself.

The Patriarchy talk. Kip Sabian is with them. Christian says him and Hook had a misunderstanding. He says he wants to meet Hook in the middle of the ring next week and let him explain himself.

The Conglomeration do a promo. Mark says ROH and the ROH Title mean a lot to him. He wonders when Chris Jericho stopped caring about his health. He says Jericho let his brother's name come out of his mouth again and says he will pay. He says Jericho only won because he had his boys with him. Kyle asks for a Fight Without Honor next week.

We see The Young Bucks hurry out to the building. Alex Marvez asks them if they are leaving then Daniels does as well. The Bucks say they wanted to make this place a better place but Daniels wouldn't listen. Matt says they will be working from home. Daniels says they need them here and gets mad for some reason. Brandon Cutler is late and is left here alone with a box of their shoes. The BCC come and beat up Cutler. Daniels tries to stop it. Mox grabs Daniels. CC hammers Cutler's fingers. Mox asks where The Bucks went and says things are just getting good.

Thoughts: Why would Daniels care if The Bucks leave? They've done nothing but cause him trouble.

Swerve Strickland vs Shelton Benjamin

They stare down and talk trash. Shelton has MVP with him and Swerve has Nana with him. Swerve side headlocks Shelton and they shoulder battle. Swerve headscissors Shelton. Swerve hits a punch and is belly to belly suplexed over the top rope. Shelton is armbarred around the post and Swerve splits the fingers.

Swerve is swept on the apron and sent into the rails and apron. Shelton overhead suplexes Swerve. Swerve 619's Shelton in the gut. Swerve goes to springboard and Shelton step up knees him.

We go to PiP break and return. Shelton release germans Swerve. Swerve corkscrew kicks Shelton. Swerve 2nd rope euros Shelton in the neck and then poses and dances. Swerve kicks him from the apron. Swerve dropkicks Shelton in the back of the neck. 

Shelton kimuras Swerve. Swerve hiptosses Shelton then Shelton suplexes him. They stare down and trade shots. They then try to superkick each other at the same time. Swerve hits a house call kick. Swerve 450's Shelton for 2.

Shelton germans him and step up knees him. Swerve rolls into a flatliner on him. Swerve goes up top. Shelton walks up the buckles. Swerve then sitout powerbombs him while standing on the mat. Swerve hits a top rope double stomp and wins.

Thoughts: It didn't really feel like a main event level match and it wasn't that great. I expected Shelton to lose here but him winning would have extended this story some.

MVP gets on the phone after and calls someone. The lights go out for a second and come back on. The lights then go off except for the ring and stage lights. Bobby Lashley then comes out with music similar to his WWE music. Bobby has a red leather suit on and poses.

Bobby hugs MVP then stares down Swerve. Swerve gets beat up on while MVP chokes Nana with a cane. Bobby spinebusters Swerve. Bobby puts Swerve in the full nelson. Security and refs come out. Bobby's crew beats them up. MVP gets on the mic and says "guess whose back in business".

Thoughts: We knew Bobby was coming and he arrived. It was fine and all but nothing that would blow you away or surprise you. I don't think AEW really needs Bobby and I don't think he fits in, but it's kind of hard to pass on him if he's available.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't perfect but I liked the show overall.  It felt like a different show than usual with a lot of recaps and a lot of different things going on. Bobby Lashley arrived, Private Party won the tag titles and Kamille lost in a surprise. Cole/Buddy was okay and I liked The Bucks/Private Party. I didn't think the main was that great and there were logic issues with Daniels/The Bucks, Kamille losing and OC being worried about Wheeler Yuta. I would give this a 6 out of 10.

NWA Powerrr 10/29/2024

NWA Powerrr 10/29/2024

Last week's show is here:

Gaagz The Gymp vs. Alexander Lev

They say Lev's partner abandoned him and he's gone. Lev holds up an NWA shirt and givs it to Gymp. Gymp takes it then gets nailed. Lev clubs on Gymp then hits a shot to the throat. Lev neckbreakers him. Gymp hits chops then grabs him by the nose. Gymp misses a crossbody. Lev clubs on Gymp then rips at his mask. Gymp hits shots to the gut then Lev sto's him.

Gymp hits chops and Lev eye rakes him. Lev lariats him and goes for the mask again. Gymp hits a flying shot. Gymp is pushed into the ropes and bangs his face off of them. Lev goes for the mask and takes it off. Gymp slides under the ring. Gymp comes form the other side of the ring with another mask. Gymp reverse ddt's him and wins.

Thoughts: This was random and not that good. Lev didn't do a lot but rip at the mask here and no DQ was called when he finally got the mask ripped off for unknown reason.

Austin Idol, Zyon and Jake Dumas are interviewed by May Valentine. Idol says we got magic, mystery and mania here. He asks what Jax Dane has done lately and mocks the idea of it being a big match. He says he beat the original Baron and mocks being afraid of Baron von Storm.  He said Billy Corgan made a big mistake and they are coming for him.

Zyon and "Magic" Jake Dumas vs Baron Von Storm and Jax Dane

Austin Idol is with Zyon and Jake. They stall to start. Jake and Jax lock up. Jake is backed up in the corner. Jake slaps him and Jax hits headbutts to the chest. Jax belly to belly suplexes Jake. Jax samoan drops Jake. Zyon side headlocks Jax and Jax suplexes him overhead. Zyon takes a double shoulderblock. Storm goes for the claw but Zyon and Jake slide out to avoid him.

We go to break and return. Jake bangs Storm's hand off the apron. Jake low blows Baron. Storm gets his arm stomped on by Zyon. Storm and Zyon trade forearms. Jake bites Storm's hand from the outside. Zyon wraps Storm's hand around the ropes. Storm is beat down by Jake and Zyon.

Jake hits a top rope moonsault on Storm for 2. Storm puts the claw on Jake from the mat. Jake hten ropebreaks. Storm claws Idol outside. Jax and Jake fight. Jax lariats Jake then Zyon rolls up Jax and wins.

Thoughts: I'm not sure how much we missed here during the break but it felt like it was something important. It was a short one that was nothing special. I liked them working Storm's hand/arm but nothing came out of it.

We get a tribute video on some of the wrestlers who died this year.

Colby Corino vs Silas Mason

CC hits Silas as he tries to get in then topes him. CC clubs on him outside. Silas is tripped into the rails. CC tope con hilos him outside. CC boots him from the apron. CC tries to headscissors him off the apron but gets powerbombed onto it. Silas hits some punches on CC.

Silas running back elbows him. CC hits punches and kicks. CC slams him then hits a single arm ddt. Silas tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. We go to break and return. CC escapes a crab.

CC enzugiri's him. Silas catches him in the air and backbreakers him. Silas side headlocks him. Silas pop-up drops him for 2. CC is chinlocked on the ropes. CC gets on his back with a sleeper and Silas backs him up in the corner.

CC dropkicks Silas' knee in the corner then imploding sentons him. CC misses a top rope moonsault and Silas lariats him for 2. They trade chops. CC piefaces him then Silas chops him down. Silas is pulled down over the top. CC is caught on a tope then superkicks him. CC rode reds him on the ramp.

Silas tries to get in an takes a flying kick. CC top rope diving lariats him for 2. CC tries it again but is caught. CC sunset flips him out of it for 2. Silas hits a black hole slam/thrill ride and wins.

Thoughts: It was random but a good match here with Colby trying to get the upset before being put down. It made sense and I had no issues with it but I doubt it is leading anywhere.

Overall thoughts: All 3 matches were random with no build as often is the case here. 2 of the matches were okay and the main was the best thing on this show. The second match was to oshort. The show didn't really build to anything for next time unfortunately and it was just average for NWA standards. I'd give this a 4 out of 10.

STARDOM 10/27/2024 Goddesses of Stardom Tag League 2024 Day 2

STARDOM 10/27/2024 Goddesses of Stardom Tag League 2024 Day 2

Day 1 is here:

Dump Matsumoto, HATE (Momo Watanabe, Natsuko Tora & Ruaka) & Zap vs. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura, Natsupoi, Saori Anou, Sayaka Kurara & Tam Nakano)

Dump hits the ring announcer with her kendo stick. The heels attack before intros are done as usual. Momo hits people with bats and Dump uses her kendo stick on people. Poi and Sayaka are sent into the seats. Sayaka is double teamed in the ring. Tora shoulders Sayaka over and Zap hits short arm lariats on Sayaka. Dump then sits on Sayaka's gut for 2. Sayaka hits chest forearms on Dump then Dump lariats her over. 

Sayaka tries to german Dump and Dump falls on her as she is too heavy to lift. Dump hits Sayaka with a trash can then Tora does as well. Zap suplexes Sayaka. Ruaka shoulders Sayaka over then sentons her. Sayaka dropkicks her and Ruaka pounds on her. Poi and Tam come in, do cartwheels and double dropkick Ruaka. Anou then hits a top rope double dropkick. 3 of the heels are on the ropes and take running knees.

Poi goes up top and Dump hits her with the kendo stick. Tora shoulders over Sayaka then sentons her for 2. Tora gets stuck up top. Aya high kicks her and throws her over. Tora takes kicks from 3 opponents then Sayaka rolls her up for 2.

Dump hair throws Aya. Sayaka dropkicks Dump over then Aya dropkicks Dump while she is down. Dump then takes a double dropkick for 2. Zap 2nd rope falling splashes Sayaka for 2. Tora red mists Zap on accident and Sayaka spears Zap for 2. Dump red mists Sayaka then lariats her. Dump hit a big splash and pins Sayaka to win.

Thoughts: Look, Dump can't really move and lots of rules were broken here in front of the ref. I didn't like the rules being broken, but I think they did an okay job with this and did what they needed to do here. The heels were heels, the faces tried to be faces and it was a basic match for the most part.

Dump hits the ref and the faces with her kendo stick after. Dump gets on the mic after and has words for the faces and one of the Stardom heads after. Tora then gets on the mic and the heels pose together.

Goddess of Stardom Tag League 2024 Red Goddess Block - STARS (Hazuki & Koguma) vs. God's Eye (Saki Kashima & Syuri)

Kog and Saki start us off. Kog back rolls her and Saki crucifixes her to win.

Everyone is shocked after.

Thoughts: This went about 5 seconds and had a surprise finish. There's not much more to say about this one.

Goddess of Stardom Tag League 2024 Blue Goddess Block - Azusa Inaba & Rina vs. Empress Nexus Venus (Rian & Waka Tsukiyama)

AI and Rian trade wristlocks. Rian basement dropkicks her and hits regular dropkicks. Rian hits a chest forearm flurry then AI forearms her over. Rian running dropkicks her for 2. AI slams Rian then foot chokes her.

Rina hair throws Rian then foot chokes her. Rian crossbodies her. Waka hip attacks Rina on the ropes. Waka and Rina fight. Waka hip attacks her in the corner then dropkicks her for 2. Waka is tripped into the 2nd rope and Rina headkicks her on the ropes. Rina basement dropkicks her for 2.

Rina takes a double attack in the corner, a shotei and a crossbody. Waka butt drops Rina for 2. Waka hits chest forearms on Rina then Rina hip throws her. Rina northern lights suplexes her for 2. 

AI pump kicks Waka then hits knees to the head. AI pump kicks her for 2. Waka takes corner attacks. Rina facekicks Waka then Waka takes a shotei. Rina 2nd rope double knee drops Waka then AI suplexes Waka for 2.

Rian cutters AI. AI takes a double steam straightjacket bomb. Rina facekicks Waka then Rian crossbodies Rina. AI backslides Waka for 2 then Waka dropkicks her. Waka hits a straightjacket bomb on AI for 2. Waka wrist-clutch suplexes AI and pins her.

Rian not taking the fall was surprising here. It was an average match and nobody doing anything that great. Waka's wrist-clutch suplex is something new though it didn't look good here.

Mina Shirakawa, Saya Iida & Starlight Kid vs. God's Eye (Hina, Lady C & Ranna Yagami)

I think this was originally supposed to be Lady C vs Mina vs Saya. Kid and Saya dance with Mina as she enters. Kid and Ran start us off. Ran hits a bunch of chest forearms. Ran hits kicks to the chest and drops Kid. Kid takes a double dropkick. Kid dropkicks Ran in the knee then hits a big chop in the corner. Saya chop flurries Ran.

Mina kicks Ran in the back. Mina ducks a shot and then poses. Mina trips Ran then bangs her knee off the mat. Mina works Ran's leg then figure fours her. Ran gets both of her knees banged off the mat at the same time. Ran running kicks Kid in the corner then kicks her in the back.

Rina flying knees Kid then dropkicks her for 2. Kid and Saya run into each other. They then shove each other nd Saya shoulders her over. Mina tries to stop the fight but Hina hip throws her and her 2 partners. Kid springboard crossbodies Rina then basement dropkicks her.

Kid standing moonsaults Hina for 2. Mina russian legsweeps Hina. Mina kicks Hina off the ropes for 2. Hina running neckbreakers her. C shoulderblocks Mina then flapjacks her for 2. Mina indiian deathlocks C's legs and ddt's C at the same time.

Saya comes in. She shoulderblocks and back elbows C. C facekicks her then does a cobra twist on her. C's partners also put submissions on Kid and Mina at the same time. Saya and Mina take corner attacks then C flying neckbreakers Saya.

Kid dropkicks C, pushing Saya out of the way of a running attack. C is lifted and takes a flying double clothesline for 2. Mina 2nd rope enzugiri's Ran then Saya suplexes C. Saya diving shoulderblocks C for 2. C chokeslams Saya for 2. Saya lariats C over twice then pins her.

Thoughts: It was an average tag. Nothing was wrong with it but nothing was great either. The main point of note was Kid and Saya fighting at one point after a missed move.

Saya and Kid talk on the mic after and start arguing. Mina tries to break it up. Mina then talks on the mic and they pose together.

Goddess of Stardom Tag League 2024 Red Goddess Block - STARS (Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo) vs. HATE (Konami & Saya Kamitani)

Mayu gets nailed during her entrance and Momo is thrown out. Mayu is thrown into the seats. Momo grabs Mayu's title and taunts her with it. The heels take stereo dropkicks outside. Saya takes a double team sequence that ends in a baseball slide and a double elbow drop. Mayu kicks Saya in the back then camel clutches her. Kon breaks it up.

Mayu takes boots from both opponents and a double basement dropkick. Saya stands on Mayu. Mayu 2nd rope dropkicks Kon then Momo springboard dropkicks Kon. Momo 2nd rope double crossbodies her opponents then hits a double basement dropkick. Momo ties up both of Kon's arms like an octopus then Kon armbars her.

Kon sliding kicks Momo against the bottom rope then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Momo and Kon trade chest forearms. Momo flurries her with it then Kon eye rakes her. Momo dropkicks her.

Mayu kicks Kon on the ropes then Momo twisting drops Kon sideways. Mayu comes in and dropkicks Kon. Kon spin kicks her then step up enzugiri's her. Kon PK's her. Saya flying knees Mayu in the corner then basement dropkicks her for 2.

Mayu and Saya trade then Mayu dragon screws her. Mayu dropkicks Saya against the bottom rope. Mayu's team misses a oduble 619 then Saya pump kicks Mayu.

Mayu basement dropkicks Saya. Saya hits forearms on Mayu. Saya hits a nasty spinning high kick on Mayu then Momo dropkicks Saya. Kon chest kicks Mayu then Saya pump kicks Mayu for 2. Saya corkscrew kicks Mayu's back and Momo basement dropkicks Mayu. Mayu cradles Saya for 2. Mayu superkicks Saya then germans her for 2.

Mayu hits forearms on Saya. Saya puts the ref in front of Mayu then holds the ref there. Kon sprays Mayu in the eyes with black spray paint as the ref watches and Saya pins Mayu.

Thoughts: It was a decent match with a really bad finish. There's no way the ref didn't see Mayu get sprayed or know he wasn't being held yet he openly let it happen during the finish. That's absolute garbage. This did make me want to see Mayu vs Saya though as the two went at it fast and worked well together.

Goddess of Stardom Tag League 2024 Red Goddess Block - Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO & Maika) vs. Neo Genesis (AZM & Miyu Amasaki)

Hana and Maika pose with beer during their entrance.

AZM offers Maika a handshake. AZM rolls up Maika. Maika is tripped and takes a double basement dropkick. Maika shoulders Miyu over then slams her. Hana slams Miyu for 2 then stomps on her. Hana slams her for 2. Maika slams Miyu then crabs her. Hana slams Miyu. They trade chest forearms. Miyu ddt's Hana.

AZM fights off a double team and basement dropkicks Hana. Hana blocks AZM's headscissors and side slams her. Maika fallaway slams AZM. They trade forearms. AZM boots her away then does a christo on Maika. Miyu then christo's Hana at the same time. Miyu tornado ddt's Maika with help from AZM. AZM head kicks Maika for 2.

Maika 2nd rope superplexes AZM. AZM la mistica drops Maika and gets a 2 count on a pin attempt. AZM high kicks Maika. AZM high kicks Maika then takes a powerbomb from her.

Hana and Miyu fight. Miyu dropkicks her and Hana shoulders her over. Miyu backrolls her into a basement dropkick. Miyu flying back elbows Hana. Maika and Hana hit stereo shoulderblocks. Hana corner splashes Miyu then knee drops her for 2. Miyu hammerlock ddt's Hana for 2. Hana suplexes Miyu for 2.

AZM hits a top rope double dropkick and Miyu gets a 2 count on Hana. Miyu takes a double backdrop then Hana sitout burning hammers Miyu for 2. Hana hanging head and arm chokes Miyu and taps her out.

Thoughts: Hana's finish still sucks here but it was a decent tag otherwise. Miyu had a good showing and looked like she belonged there. It was a fast paced tag as expected.

Hana and Maika drink beer after.

High Speed Title Match - Mei Seira (c) vs. Yuna Mizumori

They start off fast. Yuna boots her and Mei trips her. They try to dropkick each other at the same time then kip up together. Yuna armdrags Mei off the ropes and they try pins on each other. Mei dropkicks her then hits a running headhunter. Mei runs the apron and Yuna legsweeps her. Yuna runs around the ring and Mei rolls her. Mei then dropkicks her off the apron.

Yuna forearms Mei in the chest. Mei facekicks her. They attack each other on the ropes and Mei dropkicks her several times. Mei chinlocks Yuna and Yuna ropebreaks. Mei trips her and rolls her. Mei takes an armdrag from the 2nd rope and Yuna shoulders her over several times.

Yuna hits knees to the gut and hair throws Mei. Yuna tries to tope Mei but gets caught in the ropes. Yuna diving shoulderblocks Mei off the top and tries pins. Yuna step up sentons Mei's back. Yuna rolls Mei by the head and leg into a grounded octopus submission.

Mei rolls up Yuna for 2. Mei is dropped down face first and Mei la magistrals her for 2. Mei 2nd rope dropkicks Yuna. Yuna puts her head under Mei's leg and drops her backwards.

They trade forearms on their knees then slap each other. Mei superkicks her and takes a big lariat. Yuna goes for a pin and gets it reversed. Yuna does an attitude adjustment on Mei for 2. They try pins on each other and Mei crucifixes her. Yuna backslides her and rolls her into a pin attempt for 2.

Mei dropkicks Yuna then Yuna drops her on her neck with a lariat for 2. Mei hits her flipping tequila shot move and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good match as expected. It was real fast paced and was a total spring here. There were lots of pin attempts here and Yuna did her lariats while Mei did her dropkicks. It was what you would expect and want out of these two and I enjoyed it. 

Mei and Yuna then talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: The main was the best thing on here by far and was the fast paced match you would expect. The opener had issues but I think they did what they could with it. The Mayu Iwatani tag had a bad finish but was okay and the Maika tag was better but also had a lesser finish. We had one 5 second match here and two average tags. It was about an average show overall and I'd give it a 5 out of 10.

CMLL 10/25/2024 International Women's Grand Prix 2024

CMLL 10/25/2024 International Women's Grand Prix 2024

Lightning Match - Difunto vs Dulce Gardenia

They lock up. Dif grabs the hammerlock. DG takes him down. They go to the mat and get back up. DG ends up on Dif's lap and looks at him, Dif then gets him off. Dif trips him and lariats him over. DG springboard armdrags him. DG 2nd rope diving headscissors him. DG topes him outside.

DG goes for another and Dif swats it away. DG is sent into the rails. Dif powerslams him for 2. Dif hits a ki krusher for 2. Dif chops him on the ramp then DG is back body dropped from the ramp to the ring. DG runs up the ropes and springboard dropkicks him for 2. Dif gets the mascot Mije to dive onto DG.

Dif runs into DG's butt in the corner and DG tries to kiss him. DG flying headscissors him out then tope con hilos him. DG 2nd rope moonsaults him outside. DG falling splashes him from the top for 2. DG rolls him up for 2 then hurricanrana's him off the pop-up. Dif walks up the ropes and hits a springboard armdrag.

Dif stomps on him in the corner. Dif then runs the top rope and dropkicks him for the win.

Thoughts: It didn't start off well with the opening hold exchange and mat work segment not having any flow to it. They did put some effort in and it got better, but it just wasn't that great.

Los Hermanos Chavez (Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja) vs. Los Depredadores (Magnus & Rugido)

Mag = Magnus, Rug = Rugido

1st Fall - Rug and Oro go at it. Rug front facelocks him and thye trade wristlocks. Rug goes for the armbar. Oro goes for a pin and they stand off. Oro armbars him. They hip throw each other. Roja and Mag go at it. Mag side headlock takeovers him. Roja kicks him in the leg.

Rug flying elbows Oro then Oro gets beat up on the in the corner. Oro hits a top rope double crossbody then Roja hits a double splash. Oro stunners and michioku drivers Mag to pin him and Roja picks up a pin as well. Neibla Roja's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Rug basement dropkicks Roha then he and Mag stomp on him. Roja takes a double elbow drop then a double boot. Roja is tripped into the ropes for a 619. Roja is popped up into a double dropkick then Oro and Roja hit stereo topes outside. Rug is popped up into a kick then Oro jumps off of Roja's back with a headscissors. Roja and Mag trade corner attacks then Mag corner meteora's him.

Roja double throat thrusts Mag and gets kicked when he tries a rocking chair. Roja powerslams Mag. Rug hits a 2nd rope jade end on Rug, dropping him on Mag. Roja then pins Mag. Roja slams Rug then Rug 2nd rope overhead belly to belly suplexes him. We're down to Rug and Oro. Oro triangle asai moonsaults him inside for 2.

Rug armdrags Oro then Rug hits kicks on Oro. Oro rolls him up into a surfboard and Mag breaks it. Mag pounds on Oro and the ref awards Oro the fall. Oro and Roja then get kicked in the crotch and stomped on.

Thoughts: It was about average. I would have liked a better finish than someone getting DQ'd for coming in after they got pinned though. They put in more of an effort than they had to and it seems like this is leading to something.

CMLL World Light Heavyweight Title Match - Averno (c) vs. Zandokan Jr.

Av belly to belly suplexes him. Zand legsweeps him and sentons him. Zand armdrags him and does something like a powerslam. Av back elbows him and they stand off. Zand shoulders him over then flying headscissors him. They go out and Zand is tripped into the rails.

Av chops up Zand then Av tries to crotch Zand on the rails but he falls. Av snapmares him then Zand back body drops him into a sitout bomb. Zand lariats him over the top then topes him outside.

Zand hits armdrags and a powerslam. Zand rolls up Av for 2. Av takes a hiptoss over the top then Zand kicks him from the apron. Zand asai moonsaults him. Zacarias the Parrot comes in and 619's Av. Zand is crotched up top.

Zand blocks a running knee from Av then crabs him. Zand alabama slams him for 2. They botch a sitout powerbomb spot and Zand almost pulls Av's pants off during it. Av is sent into the rails.

Av is laid on the top of the rail and Zand dives at him there. Zand is knocked out after doing it and Av gets a 2 count. I think Zand was not supposed to kick out as they show a replay and when we return, Av has won the match.

Thoughts: It got off to a good start then ended in disaster when Zand did a dive to the outside while Av was on a rail and didn't really get back up. I don't know if Zand was knocked out legit or not but the finish got messed up and we didn't even see it in full due to a replay. Too many people are getting injured in this promotion lately.

Zand is stretchered out after. 

El Barbaro Cavernario, Euforia & Soberano Jr. vs. Mascara Dorada, Mistico & Templario

Barb = Barbaro Cavernario, Euf = Euforia, Sob = Soberano, MD = Mascara Dorada

1st Fall - Sob and Mist go at it. Sob is armdragged. Sob trips him and Mist headscissors him. Mist flips over him then they trade armdrags. They try to dropkick each other at the same time and stand off. Mist armdrags Sob then takes a face kick from Euf. MD springboards in to headscissors Euf. Temp springboard armdrags Bar then Sob superkicks Barb.

Sob superkicks Mist. Euf facekicks Mist then Mist is double stomped on. Barb beats up on MD then chest clubs him. Euf kicks MD in the leg. Temp takes a triple team. Barb springboards off the ropes, splashes Temp and pins him. MD is held in the rocking chair and Sob legdrops his neck. MD is pinned. Soberano's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Mist is stomped on the ramp. Temp is lariated over the top rope onto the ramp and MD is triple teamed. MD hits a headscissors on Barb then Mis is popped up over the top rope and headscissors Euf. MD slams Barb down. Mist dives to the outsid eand MD hits a top rope ssp. Temp and MD pick up pins at the same time and win the fall.

3rd Fall - Temp and Barb go at it. Temp boots Barb out of the corner and Barb does the worm. Temp springboard dropkicks Barb. Sob is tripped into the 2nd buckle and Temp wheelbarrow germans Sob. Temp armdrags Euf then tilt-a-whirl armdrags him.

Sob and MD fight. MD is back body dropped into the ropes, he bounces off of them and hits an armdrag. MD corkscrew headscissors Euf. Mist flying headscissors Temp. Barb is tripped into the buckles and Mist 619's him. Mist springboard headscissors Barb. Mist then springboard headscissors Euf.

Mist walks up the buckles and armdrags Sob. Mistico's team then does triple stereo dives. Mist is popped up and hurricanrana's Euf. Mist spinning headscissors Euf out. MD and Temp are sent out by Barb. Barb and Sob do flips off the ramp onto them. Mist springboard crossbodies Euf then la mistica's him. Mistico taps him out. Mistico's team wins the fall and match.

It was fine. Nobody put out their best effort for this but they gave enough to satisfy. Euforia didn't really fit much here into this one and I thought it was obvious the faces were going to win here. 

CMLL International Women's Grand Prix 2024 Torneo Cibernetico Match - Team Mexico (Amapola, Dark Silueta, Hera, Kira, Lluvia, Princesa Sugehit, Reyna Isis, Sanely, Skadi & Zeuxis) vs. Team World (Alex Windsor, La Catalina, Persephone, Red Velvet, Samantha Black, Sumika Yanagawa, Tessa Blanchard, Unagi Sayaka, Viva Van & Willow Nightingale)

Hera has a dark pink outfit on. Kira has black with yellow and orange on. Dark has red and black on. Reyna has red boots and kneepads but a purple floral design on her trunks. Zeuxis (will be know as Z here) has black and white on. Lluvia (will be known as L here) has black, yellow and some red on.

They do a big ceremony with the national anthem being played. Aubrey Edwards is the in-ring ref here.

Dark and Viva go at it and get off to a cold start. They trade wristlocks and Vivan armbars her. Dark tries to pin Viva down and gets on top of her bridge. Viva wristlocks her then Dark armdrags and armlocks her. Viva armdrags her and they leg sweep each other before standing off.

Suge and Sam go at it. They armdrag each other and try pin attempts. They miss some moves and Suge kicks her. They tease punching each other and bump chests. Skadi and Willow go at it (we were supposed to get a match with them but Willow got injured here). Skadi boots Willow in the corner then Willow step up enzugiri's her after a cartwheel. Skadi euros her down. Unagi and Kira go at it. Kira superkicks her then flips over. Unagi running facekicks her. Unagi stomps Kira's hands into the mat.

Unagi stunners Kira over the top rope and they trade forearms. Kira sunset bombs her into the rails outside. Sane and Sam go at it. Sane messes with Sam's hair. Sam goes up the buckles then armdrags her down. Sam rolls her up for 2. Sane hanging dragon sleepers her on the ropes and kneedrops her in the back.

Sam flying headscissors Sane and the girls all fight outside. Alex and Z go at it. Alex takes a hard dropkick. Alex ddt's her over the 2nd rope and dropkicks her while she's between the ropes. They do corner attacks on each other. Z then stomps on her in the corner. Z corner meteora's Alex then hits a hard tope on her. All the girls then fight outside again.

Pers and Hera go at it. Pers backrolls her. Pers slingshots in and Hera sunst flips her. Pers rolls through it and Hera step up enzugiri's her. Pers pounds on Hera. Hera runs up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags her. Reyna and Sumika go at it. Sumika spinning headscissors her. Sumika sunset flips her then they try pin attempts on each other. Sumika takes a nasty looking botched suplex that ends up being a neckbreaker. Sumika 2nd rope la silla's her then dropkicks her.

Ama and Tess go at it. Ama lariats her over and stomps on her. Tess superkicks her then cutters her. Tess dropkicks her out and poses. L and Red get in. Red leg lariats her for 2. L bangs Red's head off the buckles then L armdrags her. Red double knees the back of her head on the ropes. Red then does a top rope moonsault outside and seems to hit her face off the apron on it. The girls all then fight again outside and Willow cannonballs off the apron. 

Dark bangs Willow's head off the buckles and Willow corner hip attacks her. Dark headscissors her and kicks the rope in her face. Dark dropkicks her through the ropes. Dark takes an electric chair into a german for 2. Dark spinning heel kicks her.

Sam and Suge get in. Suge shoulders her over then Sam armdrags her. Sam armdrags her from her shoulders and corner dropkicks her for 2. Suge falcon arrows her and sits on her neck with a nudo. Sumika breaks it up then fights with Kira.

Kira springboard armdrag rolls Sumika into a pin attempt. Kira superkicks her. Kira 619's Sumika in the corner then misses a 450. Sumika backcrackers her for 2. Sumika overhead suplexes Kira, pulls her arms back and bridges. Kira taps out and Kira is eliminated.

Viva and Skadi fight. Skadi shoulders her over. Skadi double underhook backbreakers her for 2. Viva bangs Skadi's head off the buckles. Viva springboard crossbodies her for 2. Hera gets in, breaks up a pin and swantons off the top rope onto Pers outside.

Hera dropkicks Cat off the buckles then 180 splashes her for 2. Hera takes a gori bomb into the buckles then Cat spinning electric chair drops her. Cat hits a top rope splash on Hera and pins her. Hera is eliminated.

Alex and Skadi shoulder battle. Skadi lariats her over then basement dropkicks her for 2. Alex crucifix bombs her for 2. Pers and Sane go at it. Pers hits a top rope dropkick as Sane poses. Sane does the tarantula on her. Sane 2nd rope code reds her for 2. Pers does a reverse cloverleaf on her and Sane rope breaks. Pers hits forearms on Sane then Pers is thrown out. Sane corkscrews off the 2nd rope onto opponents outside.

Aam and Sam go at it. Ama fisherman suplexes her for 2. Ama's head is banged off the buckles and Sam to prope crossbodies her. Sam spinning fisherman's neckbreakers her then basement dropkicks her. Sam double knees Ama's back on the ropes. Ama hits an angel's wings and pins her. Samantha Black is eliminated.

 Tess side headlocks Suge. Suge's head is banged off the buckles. Tess backrolls and is kicked in the butt. Tess bangs Suge's head off the buckles then slaps her. Suge slaps her back and throws her over by the head. Suge apron plancha's her. Sumika and Dark go at it. Sumika does a back kicks on her then Dark takes a double suplex.

Unagi sliding forearms Dark in the back. Sumika spinning high kicks Dark for 2. Dark spinning spinebusters sumika then Sumika cradles her. Sumika spinning facebusters her for 2. Dark does a ki krusher on Sumika and pins her. Sumika Yanagawa is eliminated.

Red and Skadi fight. Skadi hiptosses her in and walks on her. Red cradles her and pins her. Skadi is eliminated.

Sane takes a double team from Alex and Red. Sane lariats Red over and crossbodies her and Alex in the corner against the bottom buckle. Sane hits a neckbreaker + ddt combo on them. Alex hangs from the 2nd rope and Sane double knee drops her from the buckles for 2. Ale superkicks her then powerbombs her. Alex pins her. Sanely is eliminated.

Unagi and Ama go at it. Unagi facebusters her then takes a spear. They trade forearms. Ama corner spears her then pulls her down backwards while she's on the 2nd rope. Ama backdrops her then basement dropkicks her. Unagi spinning flatliners Ama. Unagi hits a top rope frogsplash on Ama and pins her. Amapola is eliminated.

Tess and Dark go at it. Dark basement dropkicks her and stands on her in the corner. Tess boots her out of the corner. Dark 2nd rope backcrackers her. Tess ddt's Dark then Dark 2nd rope superplexes her for 2. Tess trips Dark  then taps her out with a grounded double underhook submission. Dark Silueta is eliminated.

Vivan and Z go at it. Viva spinning heel kicks her for 2. Z dropkicks her in the knee then meteora's her for 2. Z's head is banged off the buckles and Viva springboard dropkicks her. Z dropkicks her back then meteora's her in the corner. Viva is pinned. Viva Van is eliminated.

Alex blue thunders Z for 2. L corner dropkicks Alex then Z death valley drivers L into Alex. Alex is pinned. Alex Windsor is eliminated.

Reyna running euros Unagi in the corner and hits headbutts. Reyna dropkicks her in the crotch for 2. Unagi codebreakers her then hits a legdrop for 2. Reyna flying lariats her in the corner. Reyna hits a flying double knee in the corner on Unagi's back. Reyna top rope splashes Unagi and pins her. Sayaka Unagi is eliminated.

Pers and Z trade forearms then kick each other at the same time. Pers pop-up powerbombs Z. Z hits a top rope spanish fly on Pers and pins her. Persephone is eliminated.

Cat hip attacks Z on the ropes and Suge gets in. Cat boots her over then bulldogs her. Suge bodyscissors rolls her around the ring. Cat hip attacks Suge against the 2nd buckle for 2. Suge sitout slams Cat for 2. Suge kicks Cat in the head then Cat dropkicks her. Cat hits a pedigree and pins her. Princesa Sugehit is eliminated.

Cat 2nd rope diving facebusters L for 2. Cat takes a double spinebuster. Cat is held in the air for an L codebreaker. L pins La Catalina. La Catalina is eliminated.

Tess comes in and is rolled up. Tess fights off a 2v1 and makes L ddt Z. Tess cutters Z then sitout powerbombs Z for 2. Z rolls up Tess. Tess takes a double pendulum facebuster from Z and L. Z double underhook codebreakers her and pins her. Tessa Blanchard is eliminated.

Willow superkicks Z. Willow pounces her. Willow knocks Z off the 2nd rope then misses a top rope moonsault. Willow boots her then pins her with a doctor bomb. Zeuxis is eliminated.

Willow catches L's top rope crossbody then stomps on her in the corner. Willow corner cannonballs her for 2. They trade corner attacks. Willow gets concussed off a running corner lariat and falls over. Willow is tied p in the ropes and takes a dropkick from L. Willow is then pinned. Willow Nightingale is eliminated.

Red rolls up L twice. Red takes a dropkick in the butt for 2. L crucifixes Red then Red does a forward rolling dragon sleeper driver and pins her. Lluvia is eliminated. Reyna top rope crossbodies Red then running knees her. Reyna tries to tope her outside but is tripped by the ropes and splats on the ground. Reyna then hits the tope correctly.

Red bodyscissors rolling drops Reyna off the top for 2. Red hits an overdrive for 2. Red spin kicks her for 2. Red foot chokes Reyna. Reyna top rope hurricanrana's Red for 2. Reyna hits a jade end variation on Red for 2. Reyna then pins her into a figure four variation but Red ropebreaks.

They trade chest forearms and Reyna germans her for 2. Reyna is tripped into the 2nd rope and Red misses an attack there. Red is stuck on the 2nd rope and Reyna guillotine legdrops her off the buckles. Reyna does an unusual double arm torture rack and pins Red. Reyna Isis is the winner.

Thoughts: This went 58:25 and felt every part of it. I have no idea why they had this go so long. They did a decent job compared to the one we saw last time but it wasn't great. It was not on the level of even some of the weaker men's ciberneticos though. They didn't embassy themselves and they did far better here than I expected. I would not recommend this one though and thought it was a long one that just went long for the sake of it.

Overall thoughts: It was a one match show and the one match was average. The semi main was okay and the Zandokan/Averno match was a disaster with Zandokan likely getting injured. The main went 58:25 and was a very long and very average match. It was much better than the last women's cibernetico but still not great. No one embarrassed themselves though and there weren't a ton of botches. I wouldn't recommend this show and had a hard time getting through it. I would just give it a 5 out of 10.