Saturday, August 3, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/3/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 9

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/3/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 9

Day 8 is here:

Hirooki Goto, Katsuya Murashima, Shoma Kato & Tomoaki Honma vs. Konosuke Takeshita & United Empire (Francesco Akira, HENARE & Jeff Cobb)

Goto and KT stare down. They lock up. KT side headlocks him and thye shoulder battle. KT facekicks him then flying lariats him. Cobb hits headbutts on Goto then Goto dropkicks him in the knee. Kato is tagged in and he forearms Cobb. Kato flying forearms Cobb.

Cobb slams Kato down and stands on him. Cobb slams him. Akira gets on Cobb's shoulders and is dropped down into a senton on Kato. KT back elbows Kato. Kato hits chest chops on him and KT drops him with a forearm. Kato hits forearms on Henare and Henare forearms him down. Kato hits dropkicks on Henare.

Honma gets in and shoulders Henare. Honma bulldogs Henare then misses a falling headbutt drop. Henare hits kicks to the chest then sentons him. Honma suplexes him.

Akira and KM go at it. KM flying forearms him. akira takes corner attacks. KM slams Akira then Honma falling headbutt drops Akira for 2. KT and Goto trade forearms and they knock each other down. KM rolls up Akira and Akira superkicks him. Akira sitout gordbusters him and meteora's him in the back of the head to win.

Thoughts: It was a short and okay opener. Everyone got their section in and then got out for good. We got a nice preview of KT vs Goto here which should be a good one.

Oleg Boltin & Toru Yano vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (David Finlay & Gedo)

DF side headlocks Oleg. They shoulder each other and DF is knocked over. DF rolls him up then Oleg suplexes him. Yano gets in and grabs a turnbuckle pad. The ref gets distracted and DF hits Yano from behind. DF throws the pad out. Gedo boots Yano and eye rakes him.

Yano pulls DF down by the hair. Oleg shoulders DF over then splashes him for 2. Oleg karelin's lifts DF. Oleg back body drops DF. Oleg corner splashes him then they trade forearms. DF uranage backbreakers him on the knee.

Gedo hits punches on Yano then Yano hits him in the back of the head. Gedo grabs Yano by the hair and Yano grabs him by the beard. Yano pulls down on the beard and rolls him up. Yano rolls up Gedo and wins.

Thoughts: This was just filler and a total joke of a match. It was almost all goofing around and was super short.

Guerrillas Of Destiny (El Phantasmo & Jado) vs. Just 5 Guys (TAKA Michinoku & Yuya Uemura)

Yuya snapmares ELP and armlocks him. ELP shoulders him over. Yuya hiptosses ELP then armdrags him. Taka gets in and trade shots with ELP. ELP blocks an eye poke and tries to make Taka poke himself in the eyes. Taka is shouldered over then ELP/Jado pose.

Jado forearms Taka in the spine then stand son him. ELP tags in. ELP forearms Taka in the corner. ELP goofs off, Taka makes a comeback and tags out. Yuya top rope chops ELP as he gets in. Yuya hits chops then armdrags him. Yuya dropkicks him and kips up.

Yuya forearms ELP then ELP suplexes him. Yuya takes kicks and Jado lariats him. Jado 2nd rope bridging ddt's Yuya. ELP topes Taka outside. Jado crossfaces Yuya then Yuya taps him out with an armbar.

It was a short and nothing match that was a total waste of time. 

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI & Yota Tsuji) vs. House Of Torture (Ren Narita & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

Yota wears a mask to the ring and is called a different name. Ren nails him while he poses on the ropes and unties his mask. Yota hits forearms on Ren outside and is sent into the rails.

Bushi pulls YK out. Bushi goes for the dive but Ren pulls Bushi out and throws him into the rails. YK ddt's Bushi. Ren eye takes Bushi on the ropes. Bushi facekicks him then flying headscissors him.

Yota gets in and knocks over Ren. Ren eye rakes him then Yota tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Ren pulls on Yota's hair then chokes him. Ren rolling leglocks Yota. YK dropkicks Yota in the knee then bangs it off the mat. YK figure fours Yota. YK is pushed into a codebreaker from Bushi. Bushi then topes Ren outside. Yota spears YK and wins.

Thoughts: It went a little over 5 minutes and was another short waste of time.

G1 Climax 2024 Block A Match - Jake Lee vs. Callum Newman

Jake snapmares him and they both dodge kicks. Jake slides out and stalls. CN side headlocks him. CN running facekicks him then facekicks him off the apron. CN is choked on the rails. Jake throws CN into the post.

Jake legdrops him for 2 then chinlocks him. Jake eye pokes him. CN trips him and double stomps his back. CN hits kicks, PK's him and standing moonsaults him.

CN blocks a PK from the apron and 2nd rope moonsaults him outside. CN corkscrew kicks him. Jake knees him in the gut. Jake chinlocks him. CN is chopped down, he kips up and enzugiri's Jake. Jake pushes him down on his os cutter attempt.

CN hurricanrana's him for 2 and hits high kicks. Jake knees him in the gut then facekicks him in the corner. Jake then wins.

It didn't get enough time and the match ended right as it felt like it was maybe breaking through to the better half of it.  

G1 Climax 2024 Block A Match - EVIL vs. Great-O-Khan

Evil attacks Khan from behind. He throws him out and sehimds into the announcer. Evil puts the mic in Khan's mouth and sends him into the rails. Evil chokes him with chairs.

Back in the ring, Evil chokes him with a shirt. Evil half-crabs him then works the leg. Evil stands on Khan's face. Khan hits forearms and belly to belly suplexes him. Khan hits mongolian chops and a shot to the throat.

Khan sits on Evil's neck in the corner. Khan fireman's carry takeovers him then ties up the arm. Evil bites Khan's leg to break it. Evil footpresses him down from the 2nd rope. Evil fisherman suplexes him.

Khan shoulder throws him. Khan is on top of Evil, who is grabbing the ref and Togo comes in. Togo ends up hitting Khan with a chair outside then Evil sharpshooters Khan. Evil hits darkness falls for 2. Khan pushes him down face first into the mat.

Khantakes off Evil's arm tape and AT locks him. Khan armbars Evil and Togo pulls the ref out. Togo beats up on Khan and uses a weapon on him. Khan takes a magic killer. Togo trips up Khan from the outside. Khan plancha's Togo outside.Khan goes into the exposed buckle then Evil lariats him for 2. Khan chokeslams him and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was the usual HoT BS and this was nothing special.

G1 Climax 2024 Block A Match - Tetsuya Naito vs. Gabe Kidd

Gabe hits a big chop. Gabe clubs, stomps and foot chokes him in the corner. Gabe pushes the ref away and spits at him. Naito is sent into the rails. Naito atomic drops him then neckbreakers him.

Naito running back elbows him the Gabe slams him. Naito is sent into the rails and seats outside. They fight in the crowd and Gabe is sent into the chairs.  Gabe backdrops him on the apron.

Gabe hits mounted shots and spits on him. Gabe lion tamers him. Naito kind of hits destino out of a suplex attempt. Naito legsweeps him into the buckles and does a basement dropkick into the buckles. Naito hits a diamond dust.

Gabe release backdrops him for 2. They trade shots and Naito headscissors him. Naito hits back elbows then step up enzugiri's him. Naito wraps around him and cradles him to win.

It was nothing of note though the finish was done well. They are trying to make a story out of Naito not being able to do his usual offense, but the problem is he can't do his trademark offense. And without his trademark offense, there's not a lot left. This was not a G1 quality match and shouldn't have been booked.

Gabe beats up the young boys after and throws rails. Naito then eye rakes the ref

G1 Climax 2024 Block A Match - SANADA vs. Shota Umino

They trade armholds. Sanada blocks a boot and goes for a paradise lock. Shota drops him on his chest and basement dropkicks him. Shota is pulled over the top then sent into the rails. Sanada chinlocks him. Shota hits a nice dropkick.

Shota suplexes him for 2. Shota slingshot ddt's him on the apron over the middle rope. Shota top rope dropkicks him then exploders him. Sanada dropkicks him then plancha's him outside. Sanada backdrops him for 2.

Sanada moonsaults into skull end. Shota hits a twist and shout. Sanada dropkicks Shota in the knee then Shota elevated reverse ddt's him. Shota ducks a shining wizard and stf's him.  

Shota hits euros then Sanada hits magic screw. Sanada hits a shining wizard. Sanada moonsaults and Shota gets his knees up. Shota tornado ddt's him then hits ignition for 2. Shota pop-up knees him and spinning forearms him. Shota hits an enzugiri and Sanada shining wizards him.

Shota la magistrals him for 2 then picks him up and ddt's him. Shota euros him in the back of the neck. Sanada backrolls him into a bridge and wins.

Thoughts: Like a lot of G1 matches, it ended too soon and was just a taste, not really the whole thing. They moved well together and matched up well together, but we only saw half the match. The second half never came. I'd like to see this one again only with more time to see what they can really do. I liked what we got though.

G1 Climax 2024 Block A Match - Shingo Takagi vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

Zack facekicks him and Shingo hiptosses him. They evade and block each other. Zack suplexes him out of the double knuckle lock and Shingo knocks him over. Shingo suplexes him and elbow drops him. Shingo then facelocks him.

Shingo goes for a dragon screw but gets his neck twisted. Zack snapmares him and headscissors him. Shingo hits a northern lights suplex. Shingo hits chops, then slams and sentons him. Shingo hits suplex.

Shingo goes for a sliding lariat and gets his arm twisted. Shingo twisting suplexes him. Shingo superplexes him. Shinog hits a sliding lariat. Zack puts him in an octopus. Zack PK's him and Shingo lariats him. They trade euros then Shingo hits a made in Japan for 2.

Shingo lariats him on the ropes then Zack hits a quick michinoku driver for 2. Zack hits a slap flurry and Shingo headbutts him in the chest. They lariat each other and Shingo lariats him over.

Zack triangles him. Shingo deadlifts him and hits last of the dragon to win.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced and fun match.  It was mostly all quick spurts of offense here and there wasn't a lot of downtime in this one. Zack mostly stuck to armwork which helped things. They filled the time up well but they didn't get a ton of it.

Shingo gets on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: The top two matches were good and nothing else was. The top two matches didn't get enough time though, but they did end while they were still good. The undercard was a total joke here. I wouldn't recommend this.

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