Monday, June 10, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/5/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/5/1991

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and The Honky Tonk Man are our hosts. They make a cigar joke. Piper says we are two weeks away from The Rumble when Warrior puts his title on the line against Sgt. Slaughter. Piper says Sarge is a dark horse for the title match at best. Honky says Sarge is like a dutch master in the ring and says he will come out smoking.

The Texas Tornado vs Tom Stone

Tom gets some shots in then Kerry pounds on him. Kerry lariats him over the top rope. We see an inset promo with the Bodybuilding Lifestyles magazine. Kerry hits Tom on the floor and slams him. Tom begs off and takes punches in the corner. Kerry back body drops him then puts the iron claw on him.

Kerry discus punches him in the gut then discus punches him in the head. Kerry then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. Tom got a little in before being put down. Kerry was rougher with Tom than he usually is. 

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene hypes up Sgt. Slaughter vs The Ultimate Warrior at The Royal Rumble. Macho King Randy Savage and Queen Sherri talk. Macho says he's royal and says he will down to the Royal Rumble as champ. He says Sarge vs Warrior will be a non-title match as he will be champ.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Ultimate Warrior in the locker room. He says he left Macho behind. He says he stands strong with the love of his Warriors that will follow him into battle. He said he expects nothing less from Sarge and the Iraqi's except total surrender.

Thoughts: We're running out of time for this Macho/Warrior match. When is it happening?

The Warlord vs Donny Steel

War boots Don then clubs on him. War elbow drops him then gutwrench suplexes him. Don is choked on the ropes. Warlord and Slick od an inset promo. Slick says The Rumble means every man for himself. War says he likes it that way and says no one will match his strength. He said if it comes down to Power and Glory and him, he has no allegiance to anyone.

War clubs on Don and slams him. War fist drops him then hits a short arm clothesline. War lifting full nelsons him and wins via submission.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here as usual with War. It wasn't one of his better squashes though.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the 1/12/91 Boston Garden show. Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan do an inset promo. Heenan warns Piper not to get involved in Perfect's title match with Tornado as the special ref. Perfect asks why Tornado had to get Piper as a ref. Heenan says Tornado is from Texas and they don't do anything themselves. Perfect says to keep Piper out of his business and Perfect says he's perfect.

Ted Dibiase and Virgil do a promo. Ted swats flies like he did last week. He said Snuka belongs with the other muscleheads in the WWF with big bodies and small brains. He says he will need more than that. I'm pretty sure this was a repeat from last week.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs J.T. Smith

No, it's not that JT Smith. JT grabs Jim's 2x4 then is lariated over the top for it. Jim says we are 2 short weeks away from The Rumble. He says he won't be a hard man to find at it. He says he will stand in the middle of the ring and attack, attack, attack. Jim blocks JT's shots and atomic drops him.

JT's head is banged off the buckle then Jim spinning slams him down hard. Jim hits a stiff running lariat and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a short but decent squash here from Jim. His stuff looked like it really connected here.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the 1/12/91 Boston Garden show. Hulk Hogan and Tugboat do a promo. Hulk says we got trouble in the Persian Gulf but the same trouble in the WWF. He says we will hold our own in the USA. He says once we get done with this business here, we will stop the whole war. Hulk says nobody is gonna jump him or put him in the hospital anymore. He says Tug is the USS Missouri in the WWF and his assignment is to watch Hulk's back. He says they are married together for the 1990's. Tug says Hulkamaniacs rule forever. He says they are coming back to back and shoulder to shoulder. Hulk asks whatcha gonna do when the only natural disaster strikes you, Earthquake.

We see clips of Sarge's interview last week where he unveiled his hook toe boots.

Sgt. Slaughter vs Pat Armstrong

Sarge hits knees to the gut then gutbusters him. The fans talk about Warrior vs Sarge on an inset promo and one of the kids picks Warrior and talks like him. Sarge back elbows Pat in the gut then clubs on Pat's chest. Sarge slams him then elbow drops his back. Sarge then camel clutches him to win it.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here with Pat getting nothing in. Sarge isn't one of my favorite squashers.

The Brother Love Show

Love says it will be every man for themselves at The Royal Rumble. He says it be foe vs foe and friend vs friend and brings out Hulk Hogan. Love talks about last year's Rumble when Warrior and Hulk went at it. Hulk says he won The Rumble last year. He said he got rid of him and said it will be the way it is this time. Love says Hulk will face a lot of enemies and says he has a lot of enemies.

Love says they are predicting an Earthquake in Miami and says he may see him or Dino Bravo. Hulk says he knows what Earthquake and Dino are all about. He says he hopes he draws #1 as he will eliminate all 29 men. He said he welcomes the confrontation. He said he will prove that Hulkamania is the strongest force in the world and the only natural disaster in the WWF. 

Love says Hulk could end up 1v1 vs Tugboat at The Rumble. Hulk said he talked to Tug about this and says if Tug mistakes kindness for weakness, he'll be the first one out of The Rumble. He then does his whatcha gonna do line and Love runs off.

Royal Rumble Report

Mean Gene Okerlund says the Rumble is hours of solid family entertainment. He says anything and everything can happen and we see more clips of Hulk and Warrior squaring off in the 1990 Rumble.

Demolition Smash does a promo. He says The Rumble means every man for himself and says he loves it. He said he faced his partner before. He said it could end up with him vs Crush and he will kick his stinkin' teeth in.

Earthquake does a promo. He says it'll be friend vs friend and foe vs foe at The Rumble. He says when the Quake hits the ring, they are all going out.

Jake Roberts does a promo. He said Rick Martel has 2 weeks to get lucky as he's going to find out how short the trip to hell is and that's the ddt.

The Big Boss Man does a promo. He said Heenan has been running and hiding. He grabs his ball and chain and said he has some extra things planned for him at The Rumble.

Ted Dibiase is wearing a cowboy hat and is with Virgil at horse stalls. Ted says everything is bigger and better in Texas and says his bank account is bigger and better than Texas. He says he has something that's thicker than blood and water and it's his money. He says when the smoke clears at The Rumble, Dusty and his kid will be begging for his mercy. He then stomps the cowboy hat and tells Virgil to clean up his shoe which stepped in something. Ted says he will clean up the biggest mess of all at The Rumble - The Rhodes Family.

Thoughts: They've been slow burning Virgil doing a face turn here and focused more on it here. Piper tells Virgil he doesn't have to do this when the next match starts.

The Orient Express vs The Mulkey Brothers

Kato hits shots on one of Bros then kicks him low. Kato hits a backbreaker. Mulkey is bridged over the top rope and Tanaka jumps over Kato to butt drops his back. The other Mulkey shoulders over Tanaka. Tanaka does his twisting forearm on him. The Rockers do an inset promo. Shawn says The Express has to run with tag team specialists. Marty says they will take care of them at The Rumble.

Kato hits a nice dropkick on Tony Mulkey then gordbusters him. Tony takes superkick + german suplex combo.

Thoughts: Another short squash here. Vince clearly knew who The Mulkey's were and made it clear they weren't normal jobbers.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the 1/12/91 Boston Garden show. Power and Glory do a promo with Slick. Slick says they are so close to achieving the gold they worked for. Slick says they know they are #1 and can beat them. Slick says it will be 1-2-3, Power and Glory #1.

Jake Roberts does a promo on Rick Martel. He says Rick gets the job done if he sneaks up on someone and says he can't do it face to face. He says he will slap him silly and says he doesn't forgive him. He said Brother Love got what he had coming. He says its Rick's turn. He says he's like McDonald's - he'll serve anyone, but you won't like what you are getting.

Vince, Piper and Honky run down next week's show. Honky says ashes to ashes, dust to dust, at The Rumble, Warrior's reign will be a bust. He says if Honky wrestles at The Rumble like he tells poetry, he'll get what he deserves.

Overall thoughts: There was no real news here or big developments. Every match was a short squash. The Rumble is only two weeks away and the show was focused on it. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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