Thursday, June 13, 2024

AEW Dynamite 6/12/2024

AEW Dynamite 6/12/2024

Last week's show is here:

Swerve Strickland comes out with Prince Nana. Swerve talks about his upcoming match with Will Ospreay. He said Will was an assassin against Omega and Takeshita but said he didn't see that assassin at Double or Nothing. He says he's not a target Will wants to hesitate on. He says he got the nickname killshot for a reason (Has anyone on AEW ever called him that?). He says Will is a fighting champ unlike The EVP's who haven't defended the titles since they won them.

The Elite come out. Okada says "Who's house? It's my house, b!tch". The Bucks put themselves over and say half the roster is gone because of them. The Bucks issue a challenge for Blood and Guts. They say they don't like the things Swerve said but they dig him. They ask if he will be their 5th man for Blood and Guts. They say they also want to see what he looks like in a pair of their new sneakers.

Swerve throws the shoes. The Bucks says there's a bug flying around and it's an injury bug that just landed on Swerve. The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come out then The Elite slide out. Christopher Daniels comes out and tells everyone to stop. He said they have a qualifier for the TNT title set and need everyone but Jack Perry gone. Daniels says Jack is wrestling right now against Dustin Rhodes.

AEW TNT Title Ladder Match Qualifier - Dustin Rhodes vs Jack Perry

DR hits shots on Jack then Jack eye rakes him. DR lariats him then chokes him with a shirt. Jack takes a off a turnbuckle pad and throws DR out. DR is pushed into the post and the steps. Jack is back body dropped on the cement floor.

WE go to PiP break and return. DR is busted open and Jack kneels on him on the ropes. DR powerslams him. DR hits some shots and bulldogs him. DR hits corner punches and kicks Jack in the nuts with shattered dreams. Jack is fine less than a second later and Dr hits punches. DR bionic elbows him.

DR hits cross rhodes for 2. DR is sent into the exposed buckle then ddt's on the cement floor. Jack low blows him then flying knees him to win.

I didn't think they sold enough here with Jack basically no-selling a low blow and I thought they did too much with both guys getting dropped on the cement floor and still being able to go on.

Kyle O'Reilly, Mark Briscoe and Orange Cassidy are interviewed. Kyle says they can team together just fine. OC says one person definitely has his back and Willow Nightingale comes in. Mark says last week is in the part and says you won't get where you need to go looking behind you. Mark says the word of the day is "conglomeration". He says they have one with 3 dangerous individuals. He says Kyle will kick you in the face or snatch your arm and says OC will put his hands in his pocket and rock your jaw. Mark then says he's the most dangerous and unpredictable man in wrestling and there's nothing you can do. Mark definitely got lost there at some point but it was still entertaining.

Rush vs Deonn Rusman

Rush flying forearms him to start and chops him outside. Rush sends Deonn into the rails. Rush chops him and hits stomps in the corner. Rush basement dropkicks him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash and I don't think it accomplished too much.

Rush grabs the mic after. He stands on Deonn's throat and says he's a weak, typical American. Rush beats him up more then MJF's music hits. Rush and MJF fight then they beat up security. They keep fighting and Rush is sent int othe rails. They go into the seats and fight. They go backstage and Rus throws a trash can at him. MJF spinebusters him through a table and hits shots on him. They choke each other and Rus throws a trash can at him.

Thoughts: Hey it was something and one of the better things Rush has ever been involved in.

They announce Rush vs MJF next week and says it will be commercial free.

Kyle O'Reilly, Orange Cassidy and Mark Briscoe vs Konosuke Takeshita, Kyle Fletcher and Roderick Strong

KOR = Kyle O'Reilly, KF = Kyle Fletcher, KT = Konosuke Takeshita

The two Kyle's trade. KF shoulders him over then KOR knees him in the gut. Mark wristlocks KF then Mark 2nd rope forearms him. Mark and KT trade forearms. Mark punches KT in the gut. KT hits doi fives on OC then basement dropkicks him. KT pounds on OC. OC hits a double hurricanrana then KOR flying knees KT off the apron. Mark topes Strong outside then KF forearm topes Mark. OC then springboard swantons outside. KT drops OC with a forearm outside.

We go to PiP break and return. OC backrolls Strong then Kyle hits forearms and knees on Strong. KOR dragon screws KT. KOR legsweeps KF. KF and KT lariat each other on accident then he makes them dragon screw each other.

Mark is tagged in and KF takes facekicks for 2 people. Mark and Strong trade forearms. Mark forearms KF then uppercuts Strong. Mark back enzugiri's Strong. Mark dropkicks Strong through the ropes then headhunters KF on the floor. OC top rope diving ddt's KF. Evveryone comes in and gets a move in.

KF takes offense from OC and KOR then takes a high/low. KF turnbuckle brainbusters OC then Mark top rope elbows KF for 2. KT forearms and pumping knees Mark. KF hits his tombstone on Mark and wins.

It was a decent trios match here with quick action.

The heels beat up on the faces after. Trent sends OC into the steps. Willow Nightingale comes out but is jumped by Kris Statlander. Stokeley Hathaway the next time Willow gets involved in their business, they won't drag her to the stage, they will drag her to the ER.

Renee talks about Rey Fenix while he's behind her. She talks about things he told her but Rey doesn' speak here.

We get a promo from Shingo Takagi. He says he's coming and is ready for The Owen Hart Tournament.

Christopher Daniels says Tony says The Elite will wrestle in eliminator matches next week. Daniels says all seconds will be barred from ringside.

The Premier Athletes vs Samoa Joe and Hook

Joe and Hook beat up The Athletes when they are on the stage. Katsuyori Shibata has a camera. Joe back elbow Nese then hits punches. Nese is sent into a flying clothesline from Hook. Nese and Ari pound on Hook together. 

Hook side steps a dive from Ari then exploders Nese.  Mark Sterling trips Hook and Hook is hit from behind. Shibata then nails Mark. Joe puts Nese in a sleeper then Hook puts Ari in red rum. They then both win by submission.

Thoughts: This was stupid. They had been building The Premier Athletes up and pretty much all undid it with this. There's no reason for it either as they could have used jobbers and got the same result.

Stephanie Vaquer does a taped promo. She says Mone's arrogance is offensive. She says the belt is hers and it's not going anywhere. She says she will become the double champ because she is La Primera.

AEW TBS Title - Mercedes Mone (c) vs Zeuxis

Z backs her up on the ropes. Z snapmares her and chinlocks her. Mone rolls over her while she's down and dances then Z kicks her and dances. Mone does a sloppy headscissors then baseball slides her.

Mone armdrags her then Z rolls her up and bridges. Z high kicks her and Mone uses the commentary table to armdrags her outside. Z eye pokes her then basement dropkicks her off the apron. Z then topes her.

We go to PiP break and return. Mone drops her with a knee then Z sitout powerbombs her for 2. Z goes for another andMone hurricanrana's her. Z rams her into the corner and hits corner spears. Z slaps her. Z rolls through a sunset flip off the 2nd rope and Z meteora's her. Mone hits a bulldog out of the casadora.

Mone meteora's her in the corner then 2nd rope meteora's her for 2. Mone suplexes her then Z double underhook codebreakers her for 2. Z misses a top rope moonsault then Mone rolls over her into a mone maker for the win.

Thoughts: I liked the match but not the booking. Zeuxis lost on her debut here and CMLL loses against against AEW's wrestlers. Zeuxis gave a better effort than usual and I liked the finish.

We get a Mina Shirakawa video. Mariah May helps talk about her. She says they started Club Venus and May says Mina is like a big sister to her.

Mariah May and Toni Storm do a promo. May says she own't let her down in the Owen Hart Tournament. She says Mina is doing a contract signing next week and May says she will host it. Toni is told Alex Windsor is facing her on Rampage and Toni says everyone wants to take a shot at her.

The Learning Tree

Big Bill says it's never too early to start winning and learning. Bill brings Chris Jericho and Bryan Keith out. Jericho says he wants more TV time and says his shirt just came out and is one of the fastest selling shirts in AEW history. Excalibur buries it saying you can say that about any AEW shirt.

Jericho said he ate corn and it was a little ripe here in Iowa. He gives tips on growing corn and said the corn doesn't work for him. Bryan says if you wanna grow good corn, you better respect Chris Jericho.

Jericho brings out Private Party. Their song says "shot" in it and Jericho says if you wanna do shots, have a designated driver. He says they haven't been winning matches and said their basics are not up to snuff. He said he was trained in The Dungeon and knows how to do the basics right. He says they don't even know how to climb the top rope properly. Zay asks Jericho to teach them.

Jericho says he will show them. Jericho climbs the top rope. They say thanks for the lesson then say here's a lesson from them. They trip Jericho on the ropes then tope Bryan and Bill. Zay top rope swantons Jericho then Quen top rope ssp's Jericho.

Thoughts: It was fine for what it as and at least it accomplished something. This is the most Private Party has ever gotten to do in their run in AEW so far.

We get a video on Jon Moxley vs Tetsuya Naito

The Bang Bang Gang do a promo minus Jay White. Austin asks what they do then Colten says lights off, lights on and turns the lights off. They say they call themselves the reapers of the trios titles but they have all the gold. Juice challenges them and says Youngstown, Ohio isn't big enough for both teams. They challenge them for Collision.

Daniel Garcia vs Nick Comorto

Nick misses a splash and DG hits shots on him. DG facekicks him and backdrops him. We see MJF and Will Ospreay watching. DG underhook lifting ddt's him and wins.

Thoughts: The push for Garcia continues here. Nick's angle with Jacoby Watts wasn't mentioned here but Watts was at ringside.

Rene interviews Will Ospreay. He says his body feels fine. He says he needs to focus on the match with Rey Fenix. 

Pac does a promo. He says he returned and it's been loss after loss. He says he's been humiliated and says he's supposed to be a b@started but feels like a b!tch. He says he's angry and he's at his best when he's angry. He says he will win The Owen Hart Cup. He says he wants his Wembley moment and says Death Triangle hasn't forgot what The Bang Bang Gang did to them. 

AEW International Title - Will Ospreay (c) vs Rey Fenix

They trade forearms and Will hits chops. Will handsprings, Rey follows with a handspring and hits a cutter off of it. Rey hurricanrana's him. They trade on the apron and Will facekicks him off the apron. Rey springboards off the bottom rope and hurricanrana's him. Rey springboard splashes him.

We go to PiP break and return. Rey christos him and Will throws him down. Will springboard forearms him. We see Swerve at ringside. Will handspring back corkscrew kicks Rey. Will goes up top and is kicked. Will lands on his feet off a top rope hurricanrana.

Will ddt's him. Will hook kicks him then they high kick each other. Will flips into a cool air raid crash bomb (not the usual air raid crash). We go to PiP break and return.

Rey hits chops and is forearmed. Rey crucifix bombs him then moonsaults into a german on here. Will flips off of him and step up enzugiri's him. Will os cutters him. Rey hurricanrana's him and superkicks him. Rey rolls into an uppercut from WIll. Will goes up top and stares at Swerve. Will then hits a Swerve stomp and a hidden blade to win.

Thoughts: It was fast paced and they matched up well together but they sold nothing and did too much here. I liked them at least trying to build up something here with Will and Swerve. Will's new air raid crash move was interesting.

Swerve and Will get in the ring. Swerve says he's not playing with him and says this title can change his life. Swerve says Will isn't strong enough to hold the title on his shoulders then Will grabs the World Title. Will puts the title on his shoulder and Swerve takes it off while staring at him. Swerve says they are lucky they are still friends as he would put anyone else who did this in the grave.

Overall thoughts: It was a better effort than usual but still had some of the usual issues with people losing on their debuts, people coming in without much explanation and people doing too much. I didn't like The Premier Athletes getting squashed after they put weeks into re-pushing them and I still think they are wasting their time in trying to push Daniel Garcia. I would give it a 5 out of 10.

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