Friday, June 21, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 6/21/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 6/21/2024

Last week's show is here:

Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe vs Cutler James and Dion Lennox

Igwe hammerlocks Dion then Dion does waistlock takedowns on him. Dupont double axe handles Dion's arm then armlocks him. Dupont takes a double armwringer and CJ armlocks him. Dupont hiptosses him.

CJ avoids a double team and Dion shoulders Igwe over. CJ back body drops Igwe. Dion slams Igwe for 2. Dion does a half-nelson slam on Igwe.

Dupont gets in. He shoulders over CJ and does a big dropkick. Dupont side slams him then running euros him. CJ takes Kawada and Taue's back drop + nodowa otoshi combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was okay Dupont and Igwe getting a big comeback and winning it. Dupont is really good. He does great comebacks and all of his offense looks great.

Shiloh Hill is interviewed. He says he was a starting linebacker at Stanford and is from New Hampshire. He said he has had less time than everyone here but says wrestling is about heart and not time. He says he graduated college with a 4.0 GPA and says his opponent Uriah Connors is a 4th generation athlete.

Thoughts: I don't like the name at all. It just doesn't fit him and he comes across as a face yet the name is definitely a heel name.

Shiloh Hill vs Uriah Connors 

They lock up and UC is pushed back. Hill shoulders him over. UC leapfrogs and is caught with an atomic drop. Hill slams him. Hill is between the ropes and UC pulls his head, making him whiplash. UC hits mounted shots then step up sentons Hill.

UC chops him in the back of the neck then sleepers him. UC enzugiri's him from the apron then Hill throws him off the top. Hill hits a neat jumping kick . UC gets him out then is caught on a tope. Hill chokeslams him on the apron. Hill hits Shingo Takagi's stay dream and wins it.

Thoughts: UC had a really good showing here and bumped big for Hill. Hill did a good job firing up and throwing UC around as well. Both guys looked good here so this one was a thumbs up. I didn't like the first half of this one that much though. 

Wren Sinclair vs Karmen Petrovic

Wren side headlock takeovers her and KP headscissors her. KP misses a high kick then side headlocks her. KP snapmares her and they stand off. KP tilt-a-whirl crossbodies her. KP blocks a catapult and his her face off the ropes somehow.

Wren hits shots in the corner then floats over on a suplex. Wren elbow drops her then chin and armlocks her. KP kicks her out of the corner then rolls her up. Wren rolls with it and facelocks her. Wren turns it into a chinlock.

KP hits upkicks and leg kicks from the mat. KP running forearms her then spinning lariats her. KP hits kicks and legsweeps her. KP corkscrew kicks her in the back and wins.

There were some bright points here but there more bad points here. It wasn't that good and Wren didn't look that much more experienced than KP is.

Overall thoughts: It was a developmental show. We same some good and bad in the last two matches but we saw some good things as well. Tyson Dupont had another good showing and continues to look he's going to be a great prospect. Connors had his best showing yet in NXT and Hill had a good singles match debut. I didn't really care for the main and wouldn't recommend this one.

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