Monday, June 17, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/26/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/26/1991

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon opens the show by himself. He says fans were outraged by The Rumble. He says Sarge beating The Ultimate Warrior was one of the most shocking moments in WWF history. Roddy Piper comes in and is mad. He said he's never seen scum rise to the top like Sarge. He said he respected Macho but says he's puke. He said if Macho King Randy Savage wants a rumble, he will give him one. Honky Tonk Man does not come out.

We see clips from The Rumble. We see Savage saying Sarge will give him a title shot and we see Sherri trying to get a title. We see clips from Sgt. Slaughter vs The Ultimate Warrior with Macho and Sherri intervening. We then see Macho and Sherri talk to Sean Mooney after. We see Macho talk smack to Warrior and we see him run away from the dressing room door.

The Mountie vs Reno Riggins

This is Mountie's Superstars debut. This was recorded before his Rumble debut. Vince says this is Jacques Rougeau, who was part of The Rougeau Brothers. Piper asks when Jacques became a mountie. Vince says soon after they broke up as he wanted a little more control and wanted to throw his weight around more. Piper says mounties say they always get their man. Despite being named Reno, Reno is wearing trunks with "Las Vegas" on them.

Mountie side headlocks then slaps Reno. Reno's head is banged off the buckle and Mountie does a 2nd rope stomp on him. Mountie throws Reno out through the ropes. Mountie does an inset promo with Jimmy Hart and says he's the only law and order and he's the only justice in the WWF.

Mountie does like a double arm chokeslam then chokes Reno and wins it somehow.

Mountie handcuffs Reno after and Piper asks what The Big Boss Man would think of this.  Mountie says he has the right to remain silent and says anything he says will be held against him in his court of law. Mountie then buzzes him with his shock stick.

Thoughts: This wasn't that good. Mountie's finish was dumb here and he didn't excite. They did hint towards a feud with Boss Man though which is a good way to get something going with Mountie.

They announce Sgt. Slaughter will make his first title defense against "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan. That makes no sense whatsoever. Warrior got screwed at Royal Rumble 1991 and deserves a rematch and Macho was promised title shots by two different people now and hasn't gotten one yet.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks about The Mountie, saying he seems to be on the other side of the law. The Hart Foundation do a promo. Jim Neidhart says it's not easy being them. He says there's stress, anxiety, training and women. Bret says everyone is starting to realize they are the best in the world and will be around for a long time. Bret says they are a tag team that is here to stay for a long long time.

Bobby Heenan and The Barbarian do a promo. Barb says he has been trained to destroy his opponents. He says that's the only way it makes him feel like a man. Heenan says money isn't important to Barb. He says Barb is coming for all the big, tough men and says he loves to hunt.

Vince says Jack Tunney will make his announcement on who will be in the main event of Wrestlemania VII after the Duggan/Slaughter title match. 

The Legion of Doom vs Cleo Reed and Doug Vines

Cleo is thrown out to start then Animal powerslams Doug. Hawk chops Doug down and headbutts him. Hawk flying shoulders Doug then fist drops him. Hawk throws Doug then chops Cleo. Cleo takes a gutwrench suplex then Animal standing dropkicks him. Animal clubs on Cleo and we get an ad for Bodybuilding Lifestyles Magazine.

Animal corner lariats Cleo then Cleo takes a doomsday device. Cleo is then pinned.

Thoughts: It was your usual LOD squash with their opponents getting nothing in and them dominating.

WWF Event Center

Sean talks about the LOD and The Undertaker. Brother Love says death is as much apart as human existence as is death. He says it's a subject that is denied and ignored. Love says The Undertaker and death are inevitable. Taker says the disease of The Undertaker can't be conquered, only death.

Tugboat does a promo. He says there's a big new fish in the ocean called The Undertaker. He says his dead eyes reminds him of a shark. He says he's got a big special harpoon to jab in Taker's skin. He says he better be prepared for the toughest, nastiest fight of his life.

We see fans talk about The Gulf War and see Hulk wave the flag around at The Royal Rumble.

We see a Hulk Hogan interview from The Royal Rumble. Hulk says him and his Hulkamaniac's reunited. He said  he was standing behind all the men and women in The Persian Gulf. He said they are the winners of The Royal Rumble. Gene says Sarge said he's the new leader. Hulk says there's no way they would ever follow Sarge and said he's leading a reign of terror in the WWF. He says Sarge's reign will be Saddam's reign over Kuwait - only temporary. 

The British Bulldog vs Joe Turner

Vince says Jack Tunney is considering use of the instant replay and says Sarge might not be champ if they did that.

Bulldog armlocks Joe then shoulders him over. Joe boots Bulldog in the gut and hits some punches. Bulldog headbutts Joe then suplexes him for 2. Bulldog snapmares him. The Warlord and Slick do an inset promo. Warlord says to take a good look at his hands because there is no escape from his full nelson.

Bulldog chinlocks Joe. Joe misses a corner charge then Bulldog powerslams him for the win.

Thoughts: Joe was taller than Davey and got a fair bit of offense in here. Joe also got to kick out of a suplex. That's more than what most jobbers get.

"The Model" Rick Martel vs Alan Reynolds

They spelled Alan as "Allan" but I think it was just a typo. Vince says Hulk Hogan won The Rumble and never got a rematch with Warrior, so he should be in consideration for a title shot. He says maybe someone named RP should as well.

Alan side headlocks Rick then takes a kneebreaker. Alan's leg is banged off the post. Rick Martel does an inset promo. He says he added a new ingredient to Arrogance that makes it more arrogant than ever. He says it's not hypo-allergenic.

Rick elbow drops Alan's leg then knee drops it. Rick then picks up the win with a boston crab.

Thoughts: The focus here was on anything but the match and Rick won quick as expected. 

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks about Jake Roberts vs Rick Martel. Earthquake and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Jimmy says Quake is on a mission to become the next champ. He says the wrestlers have not been the same since he started dropping bombs on them. He said wrestlers won't sign matches with him. He says nobody is safe in The WWF.

The Bushwhackers do a promo. Butch said he called his mom and she asked how they managed all the new tough teams in the WWF. Butch said they have so many mates that there's nothing to worry about. He says they don't care how nasty or big the other teams are, they can take them no worry.

Wow, a Bushwhackers promo I could actually understand.

This Friday, which is The Main Event V, has a Sgt. Slaughter vs "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan match (and I think The LOD vs The Orient Express). Duggan does a promo. He says he doesn't understand and says it's not about fame or money, it's about the US flag. He says people see a traitor in Sgt. Slaughter. He says Sarge will hear a thunder of "USA" chants. He says Sarge will see an American coming after him.

Next week has a Mr. Perfect vs Texas Tornado Intercontinental Title rematch. Tornado says they will meet again next week and he will take back what is rightfully his. He says the IC belt belongs to him.

Overall thoughts: This was basically 42 minutes of non-stop Sgt. Slaughter talk. They really put that one over as a big deal and it came across like a contest to see who was most offended. Duggan getting the next title shot makes no sense booking wise as Macho has now been promised title shots by two people and still isn't getting it. As usual, The Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage were nowhere to be found on this show. The Main Event V was announced for this Friday and they didn't do a real great job in hyping it. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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