Sunday, June 23, 2024

AEW Collision 6/22/2024

AEW Collision 6/22/2024

Last week's show is here:

Samoa Joe, Hook and Katsuyori Shibata vs The Premier Athletes

Nese side headlocks Joe and Joe shoulders him over. Joe hits a stiff back elbow. Hook pounds on Nese. Nese escapes a release german and then Hook is double teamed in the corner. KS and Woods go at it. I'm pretty sure they feuded on ROH a while back. They trade forearms and then go for armbars. Nese hits chops on KS.

Nese misses a moonsault off the top as KS walks away. Joe then points KS and smiles. Joe hits punches on Nese. Mark Sterling distracts Joe then Woods pulls Joe's throat down over the top. Nese pulls Joe's throat down over the top. Joe takes a stiff double shoulderblock for 2.

Woods clubs on Joe. Ari and Joe trade shots. Ari eye rakes him then Joe rolling legsweeps him. Joe sentons him. Hook belly to belly suplexes Nese then head and arm suplexes him. Hook hits crossface shots then Nese throws Hook on a release german.

KS STO's Woods then flying facekicks Nese. KS corner dropkicks Nese then suplexes him for 2. KS taps out Nese with an armbar.

It was basically an extended squash. The Athletes were never pushed as a real threat here and really only got cheap offense in before being put down easily.

Juice Robinson and The Gunn's are interviewed. Juice says AEW won't recognize that he's one of the trios champs. Austin complains about Pac. Juice says Jay is training and says Pac better hope he doesn't see him in the Owen Hart Tournament.

The Learning Tree (Chris Jericho and Big Bill) vs Private Party

Bill has "Too Much Man" written on his trunks and looks ridiculous. Bill shoulders Quen over then does a big beale throw on him. Bill corner splashes Quen then throws him again. Quen 2nd rope dropkicks Bill and hits corner punches. Bill drops him with a punch.  Quen kind of takes a double gorilla press.

Quen 2nd rope shoulderblocks Jericho. Zay flurries on Jericho. PP does the silly string and Zay tornado ddt's Jericho. Bryan Keith trips Quen then Jericho lariats Zay.

We go to PiP break and return. Quen top rope crossbodies Jericho for 2. Zay springboard crossbodies Jericho. Zay dropkicks Jericho the nspringboard dropkicsk Bill on the apron. Zay stunners Jericho then stunners Bill over the top rope. Zay code red's Jericho for 2.

Quen splashes and spin kicks Jericho. Jericho double throat thrusts him then Quen gets his knees up on Jericho's lion sault. Zay jumps off Jericho's back and dives on Bill outside. Zay top rope swantons Jericho then Quen 450's Jericho for 2. Zay springboards and takes a boot from Bill.

Zay hits forearms on Jericho then Jericho turns his hurricanrana attempt into a boston crab. Bill black hole slams Zay for 2. Quen is chokeslammed onto Zay's back for 2. Quen jumps off of Zay's back and dropkicks Bill. Jericho is hurricanrana'd into a codebreaker from Zay.

Zay forearms and lariats Jericho. Bryan Keith hits Zay on a springboard with something. Jericho then pins Zay.

Thoughts: It was okay first but then it kept going and felt like it wouldn't end. I couldn't wait for this to be over.

Jericho's crew beats up on Party after then Joe, Hook and Shibata make the save. Bryan's arm is stomped into the mat.  

Joe mocks Jericho on the mic after. He says every idea that comes from Jericho's tree sucks. He challenges them to Forbidden Door and Doc Sampson works on Bryan's arm.

Kazuchika Okada vs Ultimo Guerrero

UG is wearing his mask for some reason even though he lost it. He takes down Okada and Okada snapmares him down. They stand off and get cheers from the crowd. UG shoulders Okada over then flying lariats him.

UG hits chops then slams him. UG hits knees in the corner then chinlocks him. Okada over the back neckbreakers him on the knee. We go to PiP break and return. UG hits corner lariats then UG baseball slides him off the apron.

Okada is sent into the rails and chopped. Okada is sent into the post. Okada dropkicks him. UG ducks a rainmaker then sitout powerbombs him for 2. They go up top and Okada grabs the mask. UG rolls him up for 2 then pulls down UG's mask. UG tries to hide his face as if we hadn't seen it a million times then Okada rainmakers him to win.

Not all dream matches are great ones. It had a slower pace to it and they didn't do anything too wild here. It's not like it was awful but it was just a match. Ultimo oddly wore his mask here and I would not he really worked face against the heel Okada.

Action Andretti and Top Flight are interviewed.  Dante said he broke his leg the last time he was in a ladder match. He said it took a lot of hard work to be back where he is today. He said he had to learn how to walk, jump and he inhuman. He says he's going back and people say he's crazy. He says it takes a little bit of crazy to be TNT champ. Lio Rush comes in. He asks Darius if they are cool. Lio said he had Dante's back as he promised. He said he will always have his back but he's in the ladder match too at Forbidden Door. He says he wants the TNT title for himself. Dante says he wants it too and they say they will see each other there.

The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Nick Wayne and Killswitch) vs The Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson

Jacked Jameson calls Christian one of the greatest of all time and says he's better than he has ever been. He said he's been acting like a low-T loser in AEW.

Christian is at the commentary booth as this starts. Bronson drinks some of their drink in the ring. KS shoulders Bronson over. Nic gets in and hits foot slaps to the head. Nick takes a back body drop from Bronson then is sent to titty city.

KS shoulders over Bronson then Jacked and Bolder on the apron. KS hits a superkick on Bronson then throws him over the top. Jacked grabs KS' mask. KS throws him off the top onto Boulder. KS then throws Nick onto boulder and Jacked outside.

Bronson hits punches on KS then hits lariats. KS chokeslams Bronson then Christian heads to the ring. Nick hits a 2nd rope diving cutter. Christian hits an unprettier on Bronson and wins it.

I don't know what you call this. The Iron Savages screwed around, The Patriarchy got the advantage then Christian walked in and picked up the pin without taking a move. It was basically a joke and made The Savages look bad.

We see clips of Mercedes Mone going to Arena Mexico last night. She and Stephanie Vaquer got into it. She does a promo after and says she's the CEO of women's wrestling.

Toni Storm and Mariah May vs Leyla Hirsch and Lady Frost

Leyla and Toni go at it. They lock up and roll on the mat with it. Leyla trips her then takes a boot to the chest. May basment dropkicks Leyla. May and Lady go at it. Lady rolls her into a pin attempt and May hits chops. May spinning side slams her.

We go to PiP break and return. Toni goes up and over then backcrackers Leyla. Toni perfectplexes her for 2. Leyla armbars Toni. May headbutts Lady over then May and Toni spank each other. They miss corner charges. Lady kicks May then forward cartwheel cannonballs her. Leyla pendulum dropkicks Toni in the corner. Lady goes up top. Toni tries to save May and gets on top of her then is hit with a corkscrew moonsault.

May and Toni hit stereo germans then stereo hip attacks. Toni hits a short piledriver on Leyla and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one and it was fine for what it was with Toni and May bringing some personality to this. Frost had a good showing. This match was pretty random though.

Serena Deeb does a promo. She says she was 6-0 and undefeated prior to Double or Nothing. She's had 3 losses since. She says when you are on the down, you gotta stop it and get back up. She says she's shown redemption and grit. She says she will be on Collision next week and begs anyone to get in the ring with her. She says she will remind everyone and herself just who she is.

Malakai Black and Brody King vs LSG and MSG

These names are stupid. MSG wristlocks Black. Black reverses it then shoulders him over. MSG hits a forearm then Black elbows him. Black armdrags LSG, Brody back elbows LSG. MSG takes a knee + forearm combo. LSG is popped up into a Black knee. LSG is then thrown into a Brody screwdriver. Brody gets the win.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here as expected.

Ian Riccaboni interviews House of Black. He asks about Buddy Matthews getting injured. Black laughs it off. Brody says they feel nothing. 

Hechicero vs Matt Menard

Hech rushes Matt, misses and takes shots. Matt lariats him. Matt goes for a leapfrog and Hech throws him down off of it. Hech chokes Matt on the ropes and bites him.

Hech step up knees Matt in the corner then does a dangerous looking back body drop. Hech cranks back on Matt's arm. Hech misses a knee in the corner and takes shots. Matt corner lariats him then hits corner punches.

Matt stunners Hech for 2. Hech slingshot tornillo splashes him. Hech headscissors drops him then Hech rolls him into an armbar. Hech gets the win.

These two didn't work well together at all. Matt looked like he got hurt twice at the start and it was pretty ugly.

Jeff Jarrett talks about being in The Owen Hart Tournament. He says he remembers a lot about him and gets all teared up. He says he never met anyone like Owen. He says the tournament means more to him than anything else. He says Toby Keith passed away and brings up his "I ain't as good as I once was" song. He talks about wanting to get the win in Calgary and says he will do it.

It was a really good promo here by Jeff and easily the best promo on this show in months.

AEW International Title - Will Ospreay (c) vs Brian Cage

I think Cage wore a Tekken King style outfit. Cage rushes him with shots. Will hits corner punches then is shouldered over. Will flying headscissors him but is caught and thrown. Cage fallaway slams him.

Cage is knocked off the apron then Will plancha's him. We go to PiP break and return. Will fights out of a bearhug. Will step up enzugiri's Cage.

Will facekicks Cage then springboard forearms him for 2. Cage back body drops him and hits a corner enzugiri. He release germans Will on his neck in a nasty spot. Cage 2nd rope superplexes him.

Will springboard forearms him in the back of the neck. Will hook kicks him then Cage dropkicks him off of his springboard. Will sitout powerbombs him. Cage hits an F-5 for 2.

We go to PiP break and return. Will hits Kawada kicks then Cage jumping knees him. Will superkicks him then hook kicks him. Cage lariats him then powerbombs him. Cage spinning powerbombs him for 2.

Will handsprings and is caught with a german. Will no sells it and hidden blades him for 2. Will superkicks Cage against the buckles. Cage bits a 2nd rope spinning slam for 2. Cage corner lariats him and Will rolls up to the top on it. Will 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Cage forearms him. Will hits a cutter then poisonrana's him. Will hits an os cutter for 2. Will hidden blades him and wins.

Thoughts: It was an indy style match and I wasn't a big fan of it. They had lots of kickouts and cool moves but little selling.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this show that much. We had your usual random matches, The Iron Savages and The Premier Athletes were made to look like idiots and Cage/Ospreay had an indy style main event.

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