Monday, June 10, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 6/10/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 6/10/2024

Last week's show is here:

 We see Bron Breakker arrive and push someone. We also see Ilja Dragunov and Damage Ctrl arrive.

Drew McIntyre comes out.He says he's going to be champ in 5 days and says he knows Judgment Day will be with Damien Priest at Clash at the Castle. Judgment Day then comes out. Priest talked about Drew making this personal. He said he will put him down in front of his own people. He says he's champ because he's Damien Priest, not because he needs Judgment Day.

Drew said he hopes he enjoyed his time with the title as he is coming to take it. Priest says if Drew can beat Finn Balor tonight, Judgment Day won't be at ringside during their match. He says they will be there if Finn wins. Drew says he will embarrass him and humiliate him and stand as world champ next week.

 Liv Morgan is in Judgment Day's hang out. Dom says he doesn't want anything to do with her. Liv says she doesn't think a gorgeous man like him should be with someone like Rhea. She says if he changes his mind, she'll be in the hotel room waiting.

Lyra Valkyria vs Iyo Sky

Lyra pounds on Iyo then Iyo throws her backwards. Iyo steps on her hair then stomps on her. Lyra legsweps her and basement dropkicks her. Lyra northern lights suplexes her then Iyo slaps her. Lyra hits knees to the gut then rocking chairs her. Lyra step up enzugiri's her then Iyo asai moonsaults her outside.

We go to break and return. Lyra springboard twisting crossbodies her then hits lariats. Lyra hits kicks and spinning high kicks her. Lyra top rope dropkicks her then fisherman suplexes her. Iyo double underhook backbreakers her.

Iyo goes for a sunset flip and Lyra kneels on her to block it. Iyo rolls her into a double stomp. Lyra waistlocks her and Iyo slides through the ropes to send Lyra into them. Lyra hits a cradle shock and gets nailed by Dakota Kai on the pin attempt but the ref doesn't see it. Lyra dropkicks Kai and Sane through the ropes.

Lyra is knocked off the top then Iyo meteora's her in the corner. Lyra gets her knees up on Iyo's top rope moonsault then Lyra tornado ddt's her. Iyo pulls on Lyra's hair and crucifixes her for the win.

Thoughts: It was one of the more athletic women's matches we've had and was way above the usual women's match. The two matched up well together and did a lot of flying here. I liked this one.

Kai and Sane jump Lyra after. Iyo boots and pounds on Lyra. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter come out to help Lyra.

Judgment Day are in their handout. They ask Dom if he's ok. Dom says Liv left her the hotel key. Carlito says that's cool.

Miz talks to Sami Zayn in the back. Neither one of them have seen Truth. Miz says "not good things" happen when Truth is on his own.

Sami walks up to Maxxine Duprii and Akira Tozawa. He asks if they are okay. Max says she's been better. Sami says he's sorry they are caught in the middle of this and asks if they saw what happened. Max says she saw it. Sami says they don't have to take this. Otis walks in and stares Sami. Otis said he lost it and it shouldn't happen again. Sami said he shouldn't have to explain. He said he's been through this stuff too. He said he can't figure out why he's putting up with Chad Gable. Otis said at one time he had it all then he lost it all. He said Chad Gable was there and this is his family. He says he is nothing without him. Sami says that's not true and says that's Chad's words. Sami asks him if he knows how special he is and could be. Sami said he hopes he can see it for himself.

Judgment Day talk in the back. Priest asks Dom what's up and said he wasn't there with them. He asks about the hotel card. Finn says not to worry about the hotel card, it's Liv trying to plant seeds. Carlito says he has to go.

Ludwig Kaiser talks. He says he's called a sidekick. He said he didn't beat Sheamus by talking or with anyone else's help. He did it with A+ talent and ruthlessness. He said he won't be taken lightly and anyone who steps in his way will be eliminated. He says the rise of The Kaiser has become and soon you will call him Mr. Money in the Bank.

Judgment Day (Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonaugh) and Carlito vs Braun Strowman and The LWO (Rey Mysterio and Dragon Lee

JD runs out to avoid Braun. Carlito hits Braun from behind then is thrown across the ring. Rey and JD get in. Rey hits forearms. Rey walks up the ropes and headscissors JD over. Lee suplexes JD. Lee rebound germans Dom then Rey top rope la sillas Dom. Rey headscissors Dom with Lee helping him. Lee hits an assisted headscissors on JD. Rey is caught on the outside and JD/Dom use him to clothesline Lee. 

We go to break and return. Carlito is tripped into the 2nd buckle. JD hits shots on Rey then backdrops him for 2. Rey hits shots on Carlito then Carlito lariats him. Rey is thrown into the buckles chest first. Rey spinning heel kicks Carlito. Rey throws JD out.

Rey goes for the tag but Braun is pulled down and sent into the rails. Carlito spears the post when Rey moves. JD elbow drops Rey. Rey is caught on an asai moonsault then ddt's JD off of it. Lee and Carlito get in. Lee flying headscissors him. They fight up top and Lee top rope double stomps him while he's in tree of woe.

Rey headscissors JD over the top. Dom dropkicks Rey off the apron. Liv Morgan gets on the apron and talks to Dom. Dom tells her to go. Liv is knocked off the apron onto Dom by Zelina Vega. Vega then attacks Liv.

Lee tags Braun in. Braun runs around the ring and shoulders over his opponents. Braun powerslams Carlito. Lee gets on Braun's shoulders and drop down splashes Carlito to win.

Thoughts: Vega was an idiot here for getting involved with the Dom and Liv stuff, then getting involved again when Liv had Dom pinned down. It was a fun little tag here but it could have been a little cleaner.

We get a video on Bron vs Ilja.

Ilja Dragunov talks to Ricochet in the back. Ric says he knows what he is capable of. He says he will show Bron what he's all about. Ilja says there's dangerous people and then there's Bron. He says he will slay that monster and says him and Ric have another round to go after.

Damage Ctrl is in the back. Kai asks what that was about out there. Iyo says she took care of it. Iyo then screams and runs off.

Sami Zayn gets on the mic. He thanks the crowd for cheering for him and says it's been a messed up couple of weeks. Sami said it started our personal with Chad and now he doesn't know what it is. He says he will beat Chad and put an end to all of this. Sami says it's time to go back to work and work is being the IC champ.

Alpha Academy come out. Chad says this is typical Sami Zayn and it's pathetic. He says he's always interjecting himself into someone else's business. Sami says The Academy trusts their method and his methods. Chad says they are happy and says wait to see how happy they are when he takes the IC Title from Sami.

Sami asks if he's out of his mind. Sami asks The Academy if they are happy. Sami says Chad don't care if they are happy but the people do. Sami says they won't be happy until they leave Chad. Chad says they are a family and family sticks together. He says he will unleash his version of Otis on Sami right now.

Sami Zayn vs Otis

We join this in progress. Otis hits bolo punches then splashes him. Chad coaches him and Otis hits another splash. Chad gets on the apron and Otis stares at him. Sami helluva kicks Otis when he is distracted and wins it.

Chad beats up Sami after. Chad holds up Sami and tells Otis to hit him. Chad slaps him then Otis corner lariats Sami. Otis hits a world's strongest slam on Sami. Otis stares down and backs up Chad then teases punching him.

Thoughts: The match was a waste of time but the angle after was good.

The Miz is still looking for R-Truth. Truth finds him and says they have a tag title match tonight against APA. Miz says they can't fight APA and Truth tells him not to be scared. Truth says he has a vision and says he sees unicorn. Scarlett then comes up to him and says it was a pleasure reading his fortune. She tells Miz she's looking forward to AOP seeing them in the ring tonight. Miz's tarot card says "death" on it and they look scared.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre are interviewed. Alba says they will be in front of their home crowd in Scotland. She says on Saturday they will show everyone why they should have been in the match from the start. Isla says they will take care of Zoey and Shayna tonight. Isla says it's just a taste for Saturday and says they will walk out Saturday as women's tag champs.

Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler vs Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn

Zoey and Isla go at it. Isla dropkicks SB in her injured knee. Isla pulls Zoey into the ropes then hip attacks her there. Alba gordbusters Zoey then Isla meteora's Zoey. Zoey rolls up Isla then lariats her. Isla backdrops Zoey.

Zoey takes a backcracker into a top rope swanton. SB pulls Alba out. SB tends Alba into the steps then stomps her hand on the steps. SB hanging armmlocks Alba. Alba rolls her up for 2. SB stomps Alba's arm and Alba kicks her in the knee. SB then chokes out Alba. Jade and Bianca watched this and weren't impressed.

Thoughts: I didn't really get this one. They put over Alba and Isla big in the pre-match interview then had them lose. It was too short and they didn't get enough time here.

Jade and Bianca hold their belts up at SB and Zoey after.

Ilja Dragunov vs Bron Breakker

Ilja escapes a suplex early and hits an enzugiri. Bron takes him down and hits mounted shots. Ilja spinning chops him. Ilja facewash kicks him then Bron throws Ilja into the ropes throat first.

We go to break and return. Bron chinlocks Ilja. Bron powerslams him then hits mounted forearms to the back of the head. Bron chinlocks him. Ilja jumping front kicks him then Ilja hits lariats. Bron jumping knees him. Ilja tiger feints into a lariat.

Ilja slams him then 2nd rope kneedrops him. Ilja hits germans. Bron back body drops him. Ilja jumping front kicks him then corner death valley drivers him. Ilja coast to coast dropkicks him then top rope sentons him for 2. 

Bron hits a big lariat and runs into a jumping knee. Ilja h-bombs him. Ilja push kicks him outside over the commentary table. Bron drops Ilja gut first on the table and the rail. Ilja's back is rammed into the post. Bron hits a big spear inside and Ilja rolls out.

Bron spears Ilja on the floor then spears him in the ring to win it.

Thoughts: It was a good match with Bron looking strong. The crowd didn't care that much until the near the end of it but it still didn't get the reaction it would have in NXT. It was a stiff match that got tons of time.

Bron runs at Ilja outside. Ricochet jumps at him off the rail then dropkicks him over the rails.  

Judgment Day talk in the back. Priest said they gotta fix what happened here. Dom finds the key card and doesn't know how it got there. JD says the card is evil and needs to go. Finn says they run this place and need to show the world that. Carlito then gets to join in the all hands in at the end.

Sheamus and Drew McIntyre talk in the back. Sheamus tells him he's on the cusp of greatness Saturday and says to take it home. Drew tells him he better be there because they will smash pints all night. Sheamus says he will win MITB and smash Kaiser's face in. Drew tells him to give him a heads up on the MITB cash-in. Sheamus says it will be like old times - banger after banger after banger.

The Final Testament are interviewed. Kross says they have everything you would need to take over a brand and says AOP are taking the tag titles home. He says maybe Woods will realize he belongs here with them after. Scarlett says they would never abandon Woods the way Kofi did last week and says he can't trust Kofi.

World Tag Titles - Awesome Truth (c) vs The Authors of Pain

Miz hits shots on Razar. Miz side headlocks him then Miz runs into an Akam lariat. We go to break and return. Razar goes into the post shoulder first. Akam takes a step up enzugiri from Miz. Truth dropkicks Razar on the apron then flying shoulders Akam. Truth blue thunders Akam then pulls Razar over the top.

Akam takes a double backdrop. Scarlett gets on the apron then Kross trips Miz and Truth together. New Day come out and beat up Krss. Razar chases them off. Truth hits Akam with the tag title. Akam no sells it. Truth gives Akam the title and Miz rolls up Akam to win.

Thoughts: We got little of this which is a shame. This loss made AOP look bad here but at least they are going somewhere with it.

Ricochet helps out Ilja in the back then Bron Breakker spears Ilja into boxes. Ric hits shots on Bron then Ric is thrown back first into the truck hard. Bron pounds on Ric then law darts him into the truck. Ric lands hard and Ric makes interesting sounds. They get on steps going up to the truck and Bron powerslams Ric through a car windshield int a wild spot.

Ric is taken out in the ambulance and Samantha Irvin cries as they are a couple. 

Drew McIntyre vs Finn Balor

If Drew wins, Judgment Day is banned from ringside in his title match with Priest. If Drew loses, Judgment Day will be there.

Finn side headlocks him then Drew shoulders him over. Drew lariats Finn on the apron. Drew is pushed into the post then has his arm banged off the post. Drew is legswept on the apron and Finn stomps him. Finn is swept on the apron. Drew does a wild overhead belly to belly on Finn, making him bounce off the commentary table.

We go to break and return. Finn russian legsweeps Drew then goes for the armbar. Finn hits chops and punches on Drew. Finn wraps Drew's arm around the rope. Finn elbow slices Drew for 2 then armbars him.

Drew deadlift sitout powerbombs Finn. Drew belly to belly suplexes Finn. Drew neckbreakers him and kips up. Drew shakes the ropes. Drew goes for a claymore kick and takes a slingblade. Finn tope con hilos him. Finn shotgun dropkicks him. Drew superplexes him for 2. Drew hits a future shock ddt.

Damien Priest comes down. Carlito and JD get on the apron. Drew claymore kicks JD and Finn rolls up Drew. Finn slingblades Drew then shotgun dropkicks him in the corner. Drew claymore kicks Finn and wins it as Priest stares Drew down.

Thoughts: Finn's bump on the table off the suplex was great. It was an okay match here that lost some of its steam with the shenanigans at the end. Drew won as expected and I don't really see how they can get away with him losing the title at Clash at the Castle at this point.

Priest stares down Drew after.

Overall thoughts: It was a good Raw. The women's singles match was good. Bron vs Ilja was good. I liked the six man and the main was okay enough. Sami vs Alpha Academy is going well and Bron is being put over strong. I can't really recommend it due to it being three hours but I liked it.

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