Sunday, June 16, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 6/15/2024 Season 4, Episode 40

WOW Women of Wrestling 6/15/2024 Season 4, Episode 40

Last week's show is here:

We see The Brat Pack turn on Lil' J-Boogie from last week. 

Lil' J-Boogie and Stephy Slays vs The Brat Pack (BK Rhythm and Gigi Gianni)

BK says it's personal and does her rap. She said J danced up a storm but failed to perform. She said she didn't listen to a word and had to be send to the curb. She says they will beat them both down and everyone will witness.

Stephy blocks a boot and hiptosses BK. Stephy hits a sunset flip out of the corner then crossbodies her. BK takes a double back elbow and a double elbow drop. Gigi gets in and takes a headscissors from J. J armdrags her then hits a stroke on her.

Stephy misses a corner charge and is headscissored in the corner. Gigi hits kicks to Stephy's chest between the ropes. Stephy takes shots in the corner from Gigi then Gigi pulls her down backwards for 2. BK boots and clubs on Stephy then cobra twists her.

Stephy hiptosses her then Gigi walks on Stephy. Stephy is tripped into a rolling senton from Gigi. Gigi chinlocks her. J and BK get in.

J dropkicks BK then step up enzugiri's her. J crossbodies BK for 2. J rolls up BK and gets the pin on her.

I would have liked a little more aggression here with J having just been turned on. She didn't seem to care that much here and just did her usual bit. At least her and Stephy won though it really does kind of end the feud here. Gigi Gianni had a good showing here as she looked more confident than usual and the match was okay.

Las Bandidas (Sylvia Sanchez and Angel Rose) vs Chantilly Chella and Holidead

Chella dances all around for her entrance and tries to put her cape onto Holi but Holi rejects it.

Chella and SS start us off. Chella side headlocks her then armddrags her twice. SS armdrags her then Chella spin kicks her in the gut. Chella 2nd rope twisting armdrags her. Chella armdrags and dropkicks Rose. Chella snapmares Rose, meteora's her and Holi legdrops Rose for 2.

Holi front facelocks Rose. Holi hits a corner spear and corner lariat. Holi corner lariats her then uranage backbreakers her for 2. Holi corner lariats Rose and pops up Chella into a weak chop on Rose.

Chella hits leg kicks on Rose. Rose forearms her then bangs her head off the buckles. SS lariats Chella from the apron. SS corner spears Chella then rakes her foot on her eyes.

Rose flatliners Chella. Chella is double pounded on. SS spinning sideslams Chella. SS chinlocks Chella. Chella hists a spinning high kick on SS. Holi gets in and lariats SS. The ref stops Holi though as he didn't see the tag.

Rose pulls Holi down off the apron then SS powerslams Chella to win.

Thoughts: It was a basic tag but it was okay with the heels double teaming the faces and winning off of cheap tactics. I'm not real high on the Chella/Holi team right now and they really need to do start doing skits with them as an odd couple style team. That's how you get these two over.

We see clips of The Beast beating Abilene Maverick for the WOW Title.

Team IQ Superior (The Disciplinarian and The Classmaster) vs The Dojo Defenders (Kara Kai and Tara Strike)

We haven't seen The Defenders for a while. They lost in their debut match and I don't know if we have seen them since. Dis mocks Tara then takes her down. Tara hits leg kicks. Dis takes kicks from both and is legswept by Tara. Kara rolls Dis on the mat then guillotine chokes her.

Dis rams Kara into the corner then lariats her. Class foot chokes Kara in the corner and chokes her on the ropes. Samantha smart hits Kara with her ruler.

Kara takes a double gordbuster for 2. Class double leg drops the inside of Kara's legs then does a grounded cobra twist. Class backbreakers Kara then hits snake eyes on her. Dis chinlocks Kara then Kara high kicks her.

Tara hits forearms on Class then step up enzugiri's her. Tara running forearms her and running kicks her in the corner. Tara hits a tornado ddt for 2 as Class' foot is on the ropes. Class hits a mean chokeslam on Tara and wins.

Thoughts: The Dojo Defenders remain winless in WOW. I thought The Disciplinarian was pretty good here. The Defenders pretty much stuck to kicks here which looked good.

Samantha Smart gets on the mic after. She said those girls were no match for them. She said they didn't come for them, they wanted the tag champs. Smart says you have to be either dumb, stupid or slow to overlook them. Smart says they could win any title if McClane wasn't in their way. Smart says The Defenders are "extinct" and said his team did excellent work here tonight.

We see clips of Princess Aussie and Tormenta picking up the win over Las Bandidas on a previous episode.

We get a video on Lil' J-Boogie. She says she's from north Carolina and was a dancer at 10 years old. She said she started traveling and competing in dance contests. She says dance is everything to her and part of who she is. She said she never thought she would be a pro wrestler as she came to LA to become a dancer. She said she had no car, 2 suitcases and no job. She said nothing is going to stop her and says she takes the bus to WOW. She says she will do what it takes to get the WOW Title around her waist. She says she lets loose when she is dancing and wrestling. She says she wants to inspire others and be kind.

Reina del Rey vs Tormenta

Sofia Lopez is with Tormenta. Tor and Reina bump chests then pieface each other. They trade leg kicks and Tor step up enzuguri's her. Reina stalls outside then blocks Tor's baseball slide. Reina clubs on Tor then kneelifts her as she hangs over the apron.

Reina chops Tor against the post then hits the post when Tor moves. Reina is pulled into the post. Tor diving armdrags her off the top. Tor is sent into the buckles face first. Reina double knees her in the back against the buckles.

Tor dropkicks her in the knee and kneedrops her for 2. Tor crossfaces her. Reina short arm lariats her. Reina and Tor lariat each other down. Reina corner lariats her and hits corner forearms. Tor pulls Reina's throat down over the top rope. Tor top rope meteora's Reina and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't too interesting. I liked Tor's top rope meteora finish but I thought they should have leaned more into the heavyweight vs heavyweight aspect here. There just weren't a lot of exciting moments in this one.

Overall thoughts: This wasn't one of WOW's better episodes. Nothing was bad but nothing of note really happened here and none of the matches were that great.

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