Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Marigold 6/11/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024

Marigold 6/11/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024

The last show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/marigold-622024-marigold-grand-opening.html

MIRAI vs Minami Komomo



This is Minami's debut. She was supposed to debut in Stardom but got hurt and never ended up debuting for them. Mirai clean breaks her and they mat wrestle. MK wristlocks her then Mirai wristlocks her. MK rolls her up then Mirai side headlocks her.

MK side headlocks her then uses the ropes to headlock takeover her. MK takes her down by the arm then Mirai slams her. Mirai stomps on her then hair throws her. Mirai forearms her over then shoulders her over.

Mirai slams her for 2 then chinlocks her. Mirai chops her down then KM slams her. MK dropkicks her and hits chest forearms. MK dropkicks her again then armbars her. Mirai throws her off the top and chinlocks her with her knee in her back.

They trade chest forearms and Mirai knocks her down. MK hits chest forearms then is knocked down with a forearm again. MK rolls her up and basement dropkicks her in the back. MK rolls over her back and ddt's her. MK armbars her then Mirai shoulders her over.

Mirai hits a corner lariat then MK rolls her up for 2. MK backslides her for 2 then rolls her into a pin attempt for a real close 2. Mirai dropkicks her then wheelbarrow half-nelson suplexes her for 2. Mirai sharpshooters her and taps her out.

It was a good debut for Komomo here. She didn't look out of place at all and had no botches or messy moments. She's not super athletic or anything but she doesn't seem like she will have any problems. She's already a good seller and a sympathetic face.

They brought out Rea Marumori who they just signed from Sendai Girls. I don't support it. Sendai put the time in to train her and Rea left within a year. Poaching from people really ruins the whole system of Japanese wrestling.

Nao Ishikawa vs Nagisa Nozaki

Nao tries to move her but is just thrown off. Nao backs her up on the ropes then running shoulders her. NN grabs her by the hair and hair throws her. NN knee chokes her in the corner then bangs her head off the buckles. NN hits double chops, snapmares her and basement dropkicks her. NN facelocks her.

NN curbstomps her. NN hits knees to the gut and sleepers her. NN facekicks her on the ropes and does her reverse pendulum kick on her for 2. NN facekicks her then Nao hits chest forearms.

Nao hits chest forearms then shoulders her over. Nao elbow drops her for 2. NN sleepers her and running boots her. Nao then rolls her up for 2. Nao hits forearms and slaps.

Nao top rope crossbodies her for 2. Nao sitout spinebusters her for 2. NN hits a soul foot then suplexes her. NN boots her in the face then meteora's her for 2. NN basement dropkicks her and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here with Nagisa bullying around Nao and Nao getting a comeback in before but put down. It was one of the better performances Nao has had.

Mai Sakurai & Misa Matsui vs Natsumi Showzuki & CHIAKI

NS = Natsumi Showzuki

Chi and Misa start us off. Chi throws Misa off the double knuckle lock. Misa goes up and over then they trade forearms. Chi running shoulders her then Misa crossbodies her. Mai and NS go at it. Mai ducks a boot then is kicked in the back as she poses.

Mai armdrags and dropkicks her. NS dropkicks her. Chi claws Mai then does facewash kicks. Chi legsweeps her then Mai pulls her down by the hair. Mai shotgun dropkicks her then running facekicks her. Mai bulldogs her for 2 then stf's her. Mai stunners Chi over the 2nd rope then bites her fingers while she is between the ropes.

Mai rolls her into a paradise lock. Mai hen sits on her and poses. Chi powerslams Mai then cartwheel double knees her for 2. Chi racks Mai then sitout burning hammers her for 2. NS bottom rope springboard double knee drops Mai. NS then does an octopus in the ropes on Mai.

Mai running boots a seated NS for 2. Mai 2nd rope dropkicks NS for 2. They trade forearms and botch a spot. NS kneelifts her then Mai flying knees her. Mai northern lights suplexes her. Misa top rope dropkicks NS then crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Ns takes a double fisherman suplex for 2.

Misa backslides and rolls NS into a pin attempt. Chi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Misa. NS lion tamers Misa and it is broken up. Chi rolling spears Mai. NS dropkicks and meteora's Misa in the corner. NS fisherman suplexes her for 2. NS top rope double knee drops Misa for 2. Mai crucifix bombs NS then Misa flying knees MS. Mai leg slices Chi then NS rolls up Misa for 2. NS meteora's Misa for 2.

Misa flying knees NS then bridging ddt's her for 2. Misa falcon arrows NS and wins it.

Thoughts: I liked it but it was the wrong type of match for both Misa and Chiaki. Those girls need to be in matches where they are underdogs going for the win, not equals. The girls all worked well here together and Showzuki did good in the vet role.

Misa says she's coming for the Flyweight Title after. Showzuki calls for a tournament for it and Misa said let's have a singles match to start it.

Miku Aono & Kouki Amarei & Chika Goto vs Bozilla & Myla Grace & Zayda Steel

Zay and Myla fight over who gets in first. Boz just turned on Zay, so I don't know why they are on the same team. Boz interrupts their argument and fights Kouki. Kouki and Boz shoulder battle and Boz knocks her over. Miku dropkicks Boz. Miku lariats her, Boz no sells it and fallway slams her into her partners. Boz triple splashes her opponents in the corner for 2.

Zay and Miku get in. Zay step up knees her in the corner then basement dropkicks her for 2. Miku dropkicks Zay then corner dropkicks her for 2.  Goto hip attacks Zay and spanks herself. Goto hair throws her and Zay blocks a hip attack. Zay short ddt's Goto then hip attacks her.

Goto giant swings Zay. Boz catches Zay, shoulders Goto and drops Zay on Goto. Boz giant swings Goto. Myla 619's Goto while she's on the 2nd rope. Goto puts her on her shoulder and drops her down chest first. Goto reverse giant swings her.

Goto taunts Boz then Kouki facekicks Myla. Myla botches a flying headscissors on Kouki then dropkcks her. Myla top rope la sillas Kouki. Kouki and Miku botch a move on Myla then Kouki bridge pins Myla for 2.

Boz running shoulders Kouki over. Boz side headlocks her. Kouki slips over the back and stunners her. Miku snapmares Boz then hits kicks on her back. Boz shoves Miku over then forearms her over. Boz cradle shocks Miku. Myla and Zay double superkicks Miku. Myla plancha's outside off the 2nd rope. Zay topes Miku and corner euros her. Zay cutters her off the 2nd rope.

Miku swinging slams Zay then buzzsaw kicks her. Boz deadlift germans her. Miku takes a suplex + top rope crossbody and Kouki 180 splashes Boz off the top. Zay codebreakers Miku over the 2nd rope and Boz sends Kouki into the seats. Miku lariats Zay then double underhook suplexes her.

Zay enzugiri's her then Miku does a spinning drop on her. Miku hits a styles clash on Zay and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay and fast paced tag here. Myla had another bad outing here with multiple botched moves. I didn't like Boz being knocked over here as she should rarely go down.

Boz yells at Zay after. Zay shoves her from behind then Boz forearms her. Boz powerbombs her. 

Miku celebrates beating Boz's team after. She says she wants to wear the white belt at the Sumo Hall show. She asks if anyone wants a shot at it. Nobody in the ring seems to care in an odd situation but Mirai comes in and wants it. Boz says if they are going for the belt she's in too. She says she will kill everyone and says size does matter.

Victoria Yuzuki vs Sareee

Yuz knocks away the handshake then hits a dropkick. Sare dropkicks her back and down. Sare slams her then Yuz hits a dropkick for 2. Sare dropkicks her while she's down then stomps and footchokes her. Sare stomps Yuz's leg then single leg crabs her. Sare pulls on her leg then grabs an arm.

Sare double stomps Yuz then slams her. Sare indian deathlocks her and snapmares her. Sare bodyscissors her and they trade mounted shots. Yuz headscissors and dropkicks her. Yuz hip throws her then shoulder throws her.

Yuz slams Sare for 2. Yuz walks up the ropes and bulldogs her. Yuz hits chest forearms then is forearmed down. Sare suplexes her then 2nd rope double stomps her for 2. Sare misses a double stomp off the ropes then Yuz northern lights suplexes her for 2.

Yuz rolls her up for 2 then rolls her up again. Yuz tries chest forearms then Sare dropkicks her on the ropes. Sare dropkicks her against the bottom rope then top rope dropkicks her for 2. Sare perfectplexes her and Yuz tries a pin on her. Sare uranages her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a waste of a Sareee match. There was no chance Sareee was losing here. It was just mostly Yuz getting her butt kicked and trying pins before being put down.

They talk after. Sareee asks her how long she's been wrestling and Yuz says half a year. She says she will get stronger and stronger and become the ace of Marigold. Sareee says let's meet again when she gets stronger. Sareee calls out Giulia and asks why she's on commentary.

Giulia comes down and says she will be waiting for her. Mai Sakurai gets in the ring and asks for a singles match with Sareee. Sareee agrees and Mai says she's coming to break her heart.

Utami Hayashishita vs Nanae Takahashi

NT side headlock takeovers her then Utami headscissors her. NT hits chops then Utami shoulders her over. NT shoulders her over then hair throws her. NT foot chokes her. They fight for holds on the mat and Utami ropebreaks on an armbar.

NT slams her then grounded octopuses her. NT hits forearms and puts her in reverse tree of woe. NT splashes her then kicks her in the back. NT sits down and tells her to kick her. Utami then does it and NT hits more back kicks. NT asks for more then Utami sliding lariats her. They trade lariats while seated.

They lariat battle and NT hits hard forearms. Utami corner lariats her then is lariated. NT stf's her then crossfaces her. NT stomps her then Utami clubs and stomps on her. NT olympic slams her. Utami 2nd rope dropkicks her then they trade lariats.  

Utami suplexes her and is suplexed. NT sliding forearms her then Utami sliding lariats her. NT slaps her and tells her to slap her. They trade slaps and NT lariats her. NT backdrops her for 2.

Utami hits an air raid crash for 2. NT superplexes her then Utami hits a 2nd rope air raid crash. NT hits a nasty b-driver for 2. NT top rope splashes Utami for 2. Utami does a torture rack bomb for 2. Utami falls on a sitout powerbomb.

Utami forearms her then takes a headbutt flurry. NT lariats her. Utami lariats her against the ropes then NT rolls her up for 2. Utami hits lariats to the front and back for 2. Utami spinning razor edge's her and wins it.

Thoughts: They did a little too much here as Utami often does. I'm not a big fan of Nanae losing this one, but I also wouldn't have put this on without a better build to it. It was a heavyweight, hard hitting match otherwise with lots of high impact moves and stiff shots. The two matched up well as I expected. 

Nanae says she will keep bringing the passion until she retires and says she wants Utami to help her with pro wrestling. They shake hands and Nanae slaps her. Utami then slaps her back. Utami says she will keep evolving and growing as a wrestler. Rossy Ogawa gets on the and says she has an opponent for Utami for Ryogoku. We then see Iyo Sky of WWE on the screen. Iyo says let's write history with this match and says see you there. Utami is absolutely shocked.

Utami asks if it's true. She cries and said she always wanted to face her and it's a dream for her. She says she will bring everything to Iyo. Nanae tells Utami to beat her and says she will keep her passion waiting for her.

Nanae asks for everyone to stand and makes Utami yell Passion. They then say "Shine Forever Marigold passion".

Thoughts: Well that's a pretty big get that I'm sure Stardom isn't happy about. Marigold definitely needed a big one like that.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall. The main had more good than bad to it, but they did do too much. Sareee/Yuzuki was a waste. Komomo had a decent debut and the other matches were fine.

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