Sunday, June 30, 2024

AEW Collision 6/29/2024

AEW Collision 6/29/2024

Last week's show is here:

Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii vs TMDK (Shane Haste and Robbie Eagles)

Shane wants to check OC's pockets. They shoulder each other. OC then tags in. Ishii and Shane shoulder battle. OC flying shoulders Shane then Shane takes a double shoulderblock. Rob trips OC then uses the ropes to armdrag him. Rob flying headscissors him and hits armdrags. OC snapmres Rob then bangs his head off the buckles.

Rob grabs the ref and Shane backdrops OC on the apron. Rob tope con hilos on OC through the ropes.  We go to PiP break and return. OC knocks Shane and Rob into each other. Ishii comes in and shoulders over Shane and Rob. Ishii backdrops Rob for 2.

OC does weak shots on purpose to Rob in the corner while Ishii hits forearms. Ishii suplexes Rob and OC top rope elbow drops Shane. Shane release falcon arrows OC. OC stunners Rob. Rob throws him down out of the backpack position.

Ishii headbutts Shane and is high kicked. Ishii lariats him. Rob rolls up OC then OC beach breakers him and wins.

Thoughts: I hated this. It was completely random and OC did comedy most of the match.  The spot where they were double teaming one of TMDK in the corner was particularly bad. Ishii's hitting the guy hard and watching OC love tap him yet didn't even seem to be bothered by it.

We get an Adam Page video with him seeing clips of Swerve and The Elite in his head.

The Learning Tree walk around the back. Jericho tells the one guy that his wrist is taped wrong. The wrestler says the trainer did it. Jericho goes up to the trainer and says to loop the tape around three times as it offers more support. Jericho then says to steal a roll of tape from the trainer's room when you go in so you don't have to pay for it later. Bryan Keith steals the whole box of tape.

Stephanie Vaquer vs Lady Frost

Mercedes Mone comes out before it starts and watches from a chair. SV throws Frost down. SV headflips out of a wristlock and armdrags her. SV stf's her. Frost step up kicks SV. Frost diving armdrags her outside off the steps. Frost handstands on the apron and SB superkicks her. Mone then has words for SV.

We go to PiP break and return. SV bangs Frost's head off the mat. Frost lariats SV then high kicks her. Frost forward cartwheel cannonballs her. Frost top rope tornillos her for 2. SV superkicks her and ddt's her.

Frost cartwheels over her back and dropkicks her in the back. SV hits a headbutt flurry on Frost. SV dragon screws her on the ropes then package backbreakers her for the win.

There were some good and bad points to this one. It was okay for the women but nothing too special aside from being a unique matchup.

Mone gets in the ring and holds her title up at SV. Zeuxis comes out to nowhere and nails Mone. Mone backcrackers her then SV superkicks Money. SV package backbreakers Mone. 

The Lucha Bros and Alex have an announcement. Alex says Death Triangle has something we have never seen before at Forbiddne Door. Titan and Hiromu Takahashi walk in. Hiromu says him and Titan should team with Yota and fight Death Triangle at Forbidden Door. Penta saysthey will team up with Mistico. Hiromu acts shocked in some horrible bit of acting and celebrates Mistico will being in there.

Thoughts: This was bad and really hard to understand. I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to have the four non-English speakers talk to each other.

Serena Deeb vs Kelly Madan

Deeb hits boots and other shots in the corner. Deeb neckbreakers her over the 2nd rope. Deeb hits a pepsi twist lariat then hits a detox to win.

Thoughts: They had issues with the corner spot for some reason. Sadly, this didn't go on too long to get a real sense of what Kelly could do.

Deeb gets on the mic after. She said she took a loss lately but refuse to be put in wrestling purgatory. She says AEW is where the best wrestle and she's the best. She asks for someone to wrestle that is on her level. Riho of all people then comes out. They go face to face and Deeb leaves.

The Learning Tree asks someone if they washed their hands going out of the bathroom. Jericho says germs spread easily this time of year.

The Learning Tree walk around the back. Jericho explains what a zamboni is. Jericho says they should make sure the crew knows how to ride the zamboni properly. They open a door and Samoa Joe, Hook and Shibata are there. They then fight backstage and into the ring. Jeff Cobb comes out to help out Jericho's crew for some reason. He suplexes Hook and Shibata. He stares down with Samoa Joe and they hockey fight. Cobb spinebusters him and the heels stand over top the faces.

We get a video on Zack Sabre Jr vs Orange Cassidy.

Lexy interviews Orange Cassidy. OC says things aren't going great and his world is falling apart. He asks where Zack is and says Zack doesn't respect him as he's not here. Zack appears and says he respects him. Zakc says he knows his tricks and didn't need to watch his match. He said he waited a year to beat him. Zack makes a crack about OC putting his hands in his pockets, OC gets mad and Zack says he has already won.

Hechicero vs Kevin Blackwood

KB was supposed to have been signed a while ago but never started appearing regularly. Hech cradles him  and they roll on the mat. Hech chops him and ties his legs up. Kevin hits shots on him then Hech step up knees him in the corner.

Hech flapjacks him, grabs his arm and hits his leg on KB's head. Hech swinging hammerlock backbreakers him. Hech then ties up both of his arms and KB taps out.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here with Hech doing various submissions before getting the win.

Hech doesn't immediately release the hold after.

The Patriarchy are interviewed. Christian says his eyes are solely on the trios titles. He says he's the uncrowned champ and deserved to be treated as such. Christian says the 9 trios titles will look good on them.

Bullet Club Gold walk in. Jay asks if Christian apologized to his family for setting a bad example by saying, "I Quit". Christian says it's hard to tell Mama Wayne and Killswitch apart and says it's a shame Mama Wayne drank so much during her pregnancy. Killswitch growls at The Club after and one of them mocks him. This was funny. 

The Battle of Buffalo - The Butcher vs Daniel Garcia

Butch is wearing blue and red trunks and kind of looks funny in them. Butch backs DG up in the corner. Butch hits boots on DG then DG flurries on him. DG dropkicks him twice. Butch crossbodies him and throws him out.

DG's back is rammed into the rails. DG dropkicks him against the rails then Butch backdrops him on the rails. We go to PiP break and return. Butch slaps him then half-nelson backbreakers him. Butch lariats him for 2. Butch corner splashes DG.

DG flying facekicks him then spinning neckbreakers him. DG hits corner punches and lariats. Butch facekicks him then DG lariats him. DG piledrivers him on his head and wins it.

Thoughts: I didn't like DG hitting lariats and Butch selling them like they were hard hits. I was okay with the structure of it otherwise but I didn't think it was great or anything.

Will Ospreay is interviewed. He says things have gotten personal with Swerve but he can wait 24 hours to cave his head in. The Don Callis Family goes up to Will. Will says he can do this on his own. Don tells him to enjoy himself and do his thing. Will asks if someone will watch his back from the crew and Kyle agrees. Trent and Takeshita don't seem to like it. Rush grabs Don from behind and they stare down.
Lexy interviews Jack Perry. Jack says he never agreed to be part of the trios match tonight. Christopher Daniels comes in. He says Jack can back out but there will be repercussions. He says if he chooses not to compete tonight, he will be taken out of the ladder match.

Women's Owen Hart Tournament Quarterfinals - Hikaru Shida vs Deonna Purrazzo

This is kind of a lose-lose here as neither girl needs to lose this. DP wristlocks her. Shida rolls out and DP side headlock takeovers her. Shida headscissors her.

DP boots her off the break. DP slides between her legs then they trade forearms. Shida step up enzugiri's her then hits corner punches. Shida is crossbodies her off the 2nd rope outside. DP pump kicks her outside and we go to PiP break then full break. We return and Shida hits forearms. Shida running knees her then short arm lariats her.

Shida jumping knees her for 2. DP russian legsweeps her then armbars her. Shida enzugiri's her off the buckles then falcon arrows her. Shida hits a katana spinning knee and wins.

Thoughts: It was okay wrestling wise but as I said, it was a lose-lose. Neither really needed to lose this and I don't know how much winning this one helped either girl either. 

Shida poses on the buckles and DP pulls her down. DP stomps on her arm. Thunder Rosa then comes and makes the save in the feud that never ends.

We see a video on Jeff Jarrett promising to win The Owen Hart Tournament. His stablemates wish him luck and Sonjay says Jeff has got this on his own.

Toni Storm does a video talking about Mina Shirakawa. She talks nonsense and says she will hold her title inside the forbidden door.

Mark Briscoe, Lio Rush and Dante Martin vs El Phantasmo, Konosuke Takeshita and Jack Perry

Lio is caught by KT on a crossbody and he rolls him up off of it. Lio dropkicks ELP. ELP takes corner attacks then a double basement dropkicks for 2. Lio suplexes ELP for 2. Lio's team is in control. ELP step up enzugiri's Dante. ELP suplexes Lio into Dante and goes to tag Jack, but Jack jumps away. Mark dropkicks Jack through the ropes. We go to PiP break and return.

ELP and KT shove each other. Dante hits a double hurricanrana on them. Mark hits shots on ELP and KT. Mark back enzugiri's KT and hits chops. Mark corner lariats him then fisherman busters him. ELP superkicks Mark then Lio superkicks ELP. Lio handspring kicks KT then topes him. ELP topes Lio then Dante topes ELP. Lio and Dante top rope frogsplash ELP.

Mark misses a cannonball off the apron. KT release germans Lio then Dante 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. 

Jack pushes Dante off the top rope then Dante step up enzugiri's him off the apron. KT spinning blue thunders him then KT pumping knees him to win.

Thoughts: The story of this one was that Jack didn't really want to do tag in or do anything. While they did put that over, it doesn't make for the most exciting match. It was about what you would expect from these gets with lots of dives and fast paced offense.

Jack hits KT in the head with the title after. He then poses with the title. ELP superkicks Jack out of the ring and grabs the title then Lio seated springboard stunners him. Lio and Dante play tug of war over the title then Briscoe nails both with the ladder in an odd heelish move. Mark throws the title off the ladder then jumps off the ladder onto everyone.  

Forbidden Door Weigh In

Prince Nana has the scale out on the ramp and two guards. He says it's brought you by (it's a real site too).

Will comes out in his underwear and is weighed. He comes out at 220lbs. I don't buy that. Swerve comes out with a bunch of rappers. Swerve weighs in at 230lbs.

Swerve and Will go face to face. Will says he's got 24 hours until he knocks the dirty grills out of his mouth. He says we have a new era where the best wrestle. He says he will find out why his name is Will Ospreay.

Swerve says the pressure is on Will. He says he's the champ and has been there and Will hasn't. Swerve says he's on another level. Swerve says Will is dressed like a bum while he's dressed up like a business man....while he's wearing his underwear and shoes only. He says he will offer Will's wife a contract and Will goes after him. Security then breaks it up. Will hidden blades him on the ramp and lays him out.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual completely random episode of Collision. And on a night when they have some foreigners around already, they still found ways to make it even more random with people like Kevin Blackwood. It wasn't that bad since it was in-ring focused and they had a lot of people who can go, but I don't think this was the best go home show for the PPV.

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