Monday, June 10, 2024

WWE NXT Battleground 2024 6/9/2024

WWE NXT Battleground 2024 6/9/2024

NXT Women's North American Title Ladder Match - Sol Ruca vs Fallon Henley vs Lash Legend vs Jaida Parker vs Michin vs Kelani Jordan

Lash blocks KJ's armdrag through the ropes. JP is knocked off the commentary table with a ladder by Michin. KJ hits a top rope dropkick then Lash bangs KJ's and Sol's heads together. Lash is double clotheslined over the top. A ladder is kicked into Fallon then KJ tornillo plancha's outside. Sol moonsaults off the 2nd rope onto Lash outside. Fallon wraps around the post to kick Sol.

Lash pump kicks Fallon. KJ splits out of a ladder shot and dropkicks the ladder into Lash. KJ is put on a ladder on the 2nd rope. Sol release germans Michin then JP buttdrops KJ while she's on the ladder. Michin release germans Sol. Lash throws Michin into the ladder. Lash sleepers Michin then Fallon and KJ get on Lash's back with sleepers on each other. KJ has her arms and legs pulled while she is on the top of the ladder. KJ jumps off the ladder and hurricanrana's Lash over the top rope. Sol facebusters Michin on a ladder. Fallon is dropped on a ladder and dropkicks KJ off of it.

2 ladders are set up. Sol and Lash fight on them. Sol takes a 5 girl gorilla press outside onto a bridged ladder. Michin does a tornado ddt on KJ off JP. Michin is knocked off a ladder onto the ropes. Sol hits a sol snatcher on JP then does one off the ladder onto Fallon.

KJ split legged moonsaults Michin, who is on a ladder. KJ then grabs the belt off the ladder and wins.

It was a very average ladder match. We didn't get a ton of spots or mayhem here and it was rather forgettable. I like Kelani winning as she has a lot of potential, but they didn't build up to this well at all and she's been one of the least pushed girls lately in this one.

We see Ethan Page arrive yesterday. He gets jumped by Oro Mensah. We then see Trick Williams and Ethan Page arrive today. We see Lola get taped up for her match and she looks like someone else with her hair braided. Shayna warms up with Jamahal Hill, a UFC fighter. 

WWE NXT Tag Titles - Axiom and Nathan Frazer (c) vs Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows

Karl and Ax go at it. Karl hits shots on him. Ax dropkicks Karl. NF flying kicks Karl while Ax holds him. Karl takes a double team with him taking a baseball slide. NF goes up and over and flips away then Ax top rope crossbodies Karl. Ax goes to springboard and has the rope kicked out from under him.

Luke stomps on Ax then fallaway slams him. Ax is dropped with shots from Luke and Karl. Karl hits mounted shots on Ax. Luke armlocks Ax then Ax ddt's him. Ax tags out and NF springboard dropkicks Karl. NF sling blades Karl then 2nd rope moonsaults into a reverse ddt. Karl TKO's NF then Luke splashes NF. NF takes a reverse ddt for 2. Luke sitout powerbombs NF.

Karl spinebusters Ax. Ax sleepers Luke on his back. Ax takes a facekick + drop for 2. NF enzugiri's Luke then Ax cradles Karl. Ax pumping knees Karl then topes Luke. NF's tope is caught and he is chokeslammed on the apron.

Karl 2nd rope TKO's Ax for 2. Luke is double clotheslines over the top then NF topes him. Ax top rope spanish flies Karl then NF hits a phoenix splash on Karl to win it.

Thoughts: It was okay but just nothing special. I've never been a big fan of Luke and Karl. We've just seen some wild stuff from Ax and NF and The OC was not the team that was going to keep up with them in that way. 

We see the "Who is Josh Briggs?" video again.

We get a video on Carlee Bright.

We get a video on Dante Chen. He's all about discipline and his work effort. He says he's hungry for more victories and says he's ready for whatever and whomever.

NXT Underground Match - Shayna Baszler vs Lola Vice

It's really dark for this one. They try punches and SB slams her down. SB hammer fists her and stomps her. SB bangs Lola's head off the wall then germans her in the ring. SB hip throws her then backdrops her. SB ankle locks her and Lola rolls her into the post head first. 

Lola puts her in a choke then SB rolls her off the ring to people on the outside. They trade shots and Lola is pushed into the commentary table. They fight on the commentary table. SB takes her down and hits shots.

SB rams her knee into the commentary table when Lola moves. SB's leg is banged off the post then Lola hits leg kicks. Lola leglocks her. Lola leg kicks SB then drops her with a punch. SB stomps Lola then high kicks her. SB hip throws her then hits mounted shots. SB puts her in a choke. SB kneelifts her.

Lola urakens her off the ring. SB starts beating up some of the people around the ring and gutwrench drops a girl on the floor. Lola axe kicks her. SB armbars her and kicks her away.

SB is thrown into the steps and Lola urakens her. Lola hits a hammerfist shot flurry and the ref stops it. SB then tries to take down the ref as Lola dances.

Thoughts: This one mostly took place outside of the ring and wasn't that much of an MMA style match. I found it really hard to watch due to how dark it was. There was some good stuff here as they did make it look like a real fight at times but the shenanigans with the post, table and people surrounding the ring was too much.

We get a video on Eddy Thorpe.

Kelani Jordan talks to Sexyy Red's crew in the back. They celebrate her winning. I think they set up plans for later. 

NXT North American Title - Oba Femi (c) vs Wes Lee vs Joe Coffey

Oba is double teamed to start. Oba is double dropkicked out. Wes rolls and upkicks Joe. Joe has his head banged off the buckles. Wes hits kicks on Joe then double stomps his back. Wes stomps Oba. Wes spiral taps Joe off the top. Wes spin kicks Oba then is flipped with a lariat. Oba htis a double suplex.

Oba hits running euros in the corner on both opponents. Oba throws Wes into Joe. Oba holds Wes up for a suplex and Joe hits punches on Oba while he does it. Oba back body drops Wes over the top. Joe shotgun dropkicks Oba. Oba catches Wes while on top and ogriall press throws him onto Joe.

Joe knocks Oba out of the ring. Joe tornado ddt's Wes then release germans him. Joe side slams Oba then vader bomb elbow drops him for 2. Joe puts Oba on his shoulders. Wes double stomps Oba while he's up there and Joe hits a death valley driver on Oba. Joe uppercuts Wes then topes Oba. Oba powerbombs Joe on the apron edge. Wes tope con hilos Oba, gets caught then is thrown into Joe.

Oba and Joe forearm each other. Wes is caught on a handspring then headscissors Oba. Wes handspring pele kicks Oba for 2. Joe spinebusters Oba. Oba lariats Joe over the top and goes with him. Gallus comes out and jumps Oba. Oba takes a flying knee + a drop. Joe double jump moonsaults Wes then flying battering rams him for 2.

Oba knocks down Gallus then forearms Joe as Joe topes him. Oba sends Gallus into the steps. Wes superkicks Joe. Joe pops up Wes and takes a double knee press down. Wes superkicks and enzugiri's Joe. Wes handspring pele kicks Joe for 2. Wes tope con hilos Gallus. Wes jumps at Oba off the ropes and is powerbombed. Oba pop-up powerbombs Joe and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a three way and has the usual limitations that a three way has. It was fine and had some highlights but it was nothing memorable. Everyone tried here and we saw some different things out of Wes and Joe than usual.

We see Wendy Choo wake up and get ready then look into the mirror. It says she is coming Tuesday.

NXT Women's Title - Roxanne Perez (c) vs Jordynne Grace

RP stomps JG's foot. RP slaps her and JG shoulders her over. JG slams her backwards on the gutwrench. RP thumbs her in the eye. JG is thrown down off the ropes then RP kneedrops her arm. RP gets her back and cranks JG's arm back.

RP boots JG in the corner and wraps her arm around the ropes. RP russian legsweeps her for 1. RP clips JG then works her arm. RP is caught and slammed on a 2nd rope crossbody. JG misses a vader bomb.

JG racks her on the 2nd rope and does something like torture rack slam off the 2nd rope. RP forearms her in the back and is chopped. JG slams her then RP pump kicks her. RP hits forearms then JG spinning back elbows her and spinning forearms her. 

JG spinebusters RP for 2. RP ddt's her off the wheelbarrow and short spike hurricanrana's her. RP armbars JG. RP triangles her and ends up doing it over the top rope. JG hits headbutts then running muscle busters her for 2. JG is pushed into the post on the apron then RP topes her into a tornado ddt.

RP double jump asai moonsaults her for 2. RP then crossfaces her. JG pop-up spinning back elbows her. RP spin kicks her. Tatum Paxley comes out and takes the TNA Knockouts Title. Ash By Elegance comes out. They purposely call her Dana Brooke then switch to Ash. Ash tries to take the title. JG hits Ash and Tatum with the title.

JG rolling death valley drivers RP then RP cutters her out of the juggernaut driver. RP hits pop rocks and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a just a match. I really didn't think there was anything too special about it and the dynamics were kind of odd with RP doing more underdog face stuff and Grace not being overtly heel or face. The finish made it seem like there's going to be more with TNA and WWE partnership and sets up Ash vs Grace in TNA. 

Sexyy Red is interviewed. She says she's running for president and going on tour soon. Lola Vice walks in. She congratulates her. Lola said she would knock out Shayna and dance on her and she did. Red then makes Lola and the interviewer twerk with her in a low class segment.

Gallus jumps Wes Lee in the back and throws him into boxes. Officials then break it up.

WWE NXT Title - Trick Williams (c) vs Ethan Page

Page nails him at the bell and pounds on him. Trick hits shots on Page in fast fashion. Trick slams Page then throws him down. Trick hits mounted punches then jumping back neckbreakers him. Trick misses a scissors kick. He gets crotched on the top rope and falls out. Trick is thrown into the steps.

Page pounds on Trick then stomps on him in the corner. Trick is kicked while he's between the ropes then Page twisting bridging backbreakers him. Page backdrops Trick for 2. Page twisting suplexes Trick.

Page bearhugs Trick and hits corner spears. Trick is sat on the top rope and punched. Page iconoclasm's Trick and powerslams him for 2. Trick ddt's Page then his side kicks. Trick flapjacks him. They go out and Page is thrown over the rail. Trick jumps off the steps over the rail onto Page.

Trick takes a bad looking fall off the top and takes a running knee. They trade shots. Page high kicks Trick then Trick uranages him for 2. They go outside and Page powerslams Trick through the commentary table. Page hits a razor's edge for 2.

Page argues with the ref and Trick flying pumping knees him to win.

Thoughts: It was an average main event and nothing special at all. This was probably more suited for NXT TV than a PLE. I'm not a huge Ethan Page fan and I don't advocate for him winning the NXT title, but it's a bad look for him to lose in his first match here.

Trick dances with Sexyy Red after.

Overall thoughts: It didn't look like a great card on paper and it wasn't. Don't get me wrong, everyone tried and nothing was awful but this show had a ceiling on it that it wasn't getting past. NXT has a bunch of younger wrestlers and so-so vets right now and while that's good for developing new wrestlers, it doesn't make for five star matches. I would probably say the North American Title 3-Way was the best thing on here and that should tell you what the quality of this show was like. I wouldn't recommend this.

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