Sunday, June 30, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 6/29/2024 Season 4, Episode 42

WOW Women of Wrestling 6/29/2024 Season 4, Episode 42

Last week's show is here:

Top Tier vs The Dojo Defenders (Kara Kai and Tara Strike) and Sierra Breeze

Glorita Glitter hits SB from behind. SB does an up and over to nobody then is hit from behind. She does it again and armdrags her. SB lariats her. Kai is in the black and hits kicks and an enzugiri on Coach. Kai headscissors her down, snapmares her and knees her in the face for 2.

Tara is in the white and PK's Coach for 2. SB crossbodies the 2nd rope when Coach moves. Coach corner lariats SB. Kandi sliding forearms SB in the corner. Kandi throws her off the front facelock.

Glitter gordbusters SB then does the stair stepper on her. SB slingshot sunset flips Coach. Coach chokes SB in the corner. SB jumps off the 2nd rope to tag in Tara in a neat moment. Tara hits kicks on Kandi.

Tara high kicks Kandi and is hit in the gut while doing it. SB and Glitter get in. SB spin kicks her then Glitter knees her. Glitter pedigrees her and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that great there with some missed shots and that weird up and over spot when nobody else was there. Tara jumping off the 2nd rope to make a tag was unique.

Top Tier do a promo. Coach says they are the trios tag champs and they have the trophy to prove it. Coach says she knew what she wanted when she started this and her planning was perfect. She says they will take on any trios tag team. Coach says they are coming to the commentary table for the next match. 

Las Bandidas (Sylvia Sanchez and Angel Rose) vs The All American Girls (Santana Garrett and Americana)

Top Tier is on commentary. Coach says David "Davey" and says the last trios trophy "broke a little bit".

SG and Ameri are jumped before the bell rings. They hit stereo thesz presses and mounted punches. Rose maybe gets her mouth busted open. Rose is wristlocked then she reverses it. SG uses the ropes to flip and escape it. SG takes a double shoulder then double armdrags her opponents.

SG armlocks Rose then Ameri low crossbodies Rose. Rose pounds on her then Sanchez hits corner spears on Ameri. Rose foot chokes Ameri then Sanchez running knees Ameri.

Ameri escapes a double suplex and hits a double neckbreaker off of it. SG is tagged in and beats up on Las Bandidas. Rose is thrown into Sanchez then SG handspring back elbows both. Ameri headflips into a forearm on Sanchez.

Coach asks for tag team belts. Sanchez handstand hurricanrana's Sanchez off the buckles and wins.

Thoughts: It was fine and there was nothing wrong with this one. The faces got beaten up and made their comeback to win.

Top Tier get in the ring after and beat up SG and Ameri. Ariel Sky comes in and hits Top Tier with a water bucket.  

Ariel Sky says Coach Campanelli took her under her ring. She said Coach taught her everything she knows. She says she's ready for a rematch with her friends.

Samantha Smart and The Classmaster start to head to the ring.

The Heavy Metal Sisters (Rebel Haze and Fury) vs Holidead and Chantilly Chella

Chella dances her way to the ring. Holi and Rebel lock up. Holi side headlocks her and rams her head into the buckles. Rebel misses a boot in the corner and is kicked in the leg. Holi backbreakers Rebel then Holi drops Chella into a senton on Rebel.

Chella hits kicks on Rebel. Rebel takes corner attacks and a side slam. Holi hits knees to the gut. Chella is lifted into a double boot on Rebel. Fury lariats Chella for 2. Chella cartwheels out of the corner and dropkicks her.

Chella oges up and over then springboard twisting crossbodies her. Chella is backbreakered off her headscissors attempt. Fury chokes Chella on the ropes. Fury twists Chella's neck. Chella takes a double clothesline.

Rebel sentons Chella for 2. Holi swings Rebel into Fury then chest kicks Rebel. Chella high kicks Fury. Rebel takes an electric chair bulldog and is pinned. Chella and Holi get the win.

Thoughts: It was another okay tag here and similar to the last one with the faces coming back and getting the win. I'm curious as to what the long term play is with Holi and Chella as they aren't the most natural tag team together.

Samantha Smart and The Classmaster talk in the back. Sam says she's brought the biggest and baddest competitor Beast has ever faced. Class says it will be so great when she is named the best wrestler in the class of WOW. Class says she can't wait. Beast says she hopes Class is ready as she is ready for her. She says it's about to get ugly.

Next week has Lil' J-Boogie vs Ice Cold and Goldie Collins and Katarina Jinx in action.

WOW Title - The Beast (c) vs The Classmaster

Smart gets on the mic beforehand. She tells everyone to stand up and raise your hands as high as you can. She says to slowly lower them and says that is how you bow to greatness. She says that is what Beast will do when they take her title.

They lock up, stare down and talk trash. They miss corner attacks. Dave tells us Abilene Maverick will be back as soon as her back is healed. Class and Beast do a double knuckle lock and Beast overhead splexes her. Beast hits corner lariats and a corner splash.

Beast's head is banged off the buckles then she is thrown by the hair. Samantha Smart cheapshots Beast while she is on the bottom rope. Class cravates Beast and snapmares her. Class legdrops Beast's legs  then does a grounded cobra twist.

Beast hits forearms to the gut then Class clubs on her. Class does something like a fameasser and legdrops her for 2. They shoulder each other and Beast slams her. Beast backdrops her and pushes her down on it for 2. Class gets her head banged off the apron.

Smart hits Beast with her ruler and breaksit on her. Class back body drops her. Class chokeslams Beast for 2. Beast hits a big spear on Class but lets up on the 2 count for some reason. Beast then hits another spear and wins.

It was an okay match here that was more heavyweight based. Class had a good showing here in a rare singles match and they matched up pretty well together. It was what it needed to be as it gave Beast some credibility and put her over as a force.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent episode of WOW. The main was fine and probably the best thing on here. There were two other decent matches as well. They also teased that the trios trophy would be come trios titles on this one and told us that Abilene Maverick will be back which is good news.

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