Thursday, June 13, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/13/2024 Episode #68

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/13/2024 Episode #68

Last week's show is here:

Proving Ground Match - Billie Starkz vs Sandra Moone

BS boots her to start. Moone corner crossbodies her and bangs her head off the buckles. BS grabs her by the hair and bangs her face off her knee. BS suplexes her for 2 then hits forearms in the corner. BS kicks her in the back.

BS stomps on her and Moone back elbows her. BS hits mounted forearms then pulls her arms back. Moone back elbows her and hits a forearm. Moone hits clubs then back kicks her. Moone topes her.

BS kicks her off the buckles then Moone slaps her. BS drops her off the 2nd rope. BS teases a top rope move but just drops down to boos. BS does a tazzmission with a fish hook and wins it.

Thoughts: Moone got more in than expected here but I don't see a ton in her. She needs to improve her look. She does seem to be somewhat likeable though. It wasn't that good of a squash and Billie won as expected. 

Nick Comoroto and Jacoby Watts vs Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty

Lee leg kicks Nick. Lee taunts him and hits a step up knee. Nick knocks him down with a headbutt and gorilla press slams him. Watts drops Lee on the apron face first outside. Watts gets on the mic and says "praise be to he and he is me".

Shane and Nick push each other then shoulderblock battle. Shane punches him. Nick goes over the top and skins the cat in. Shane headbutts and uranages him. Shane then splashes Nick's back for 2. Nick hits shots on Lee then spinning slams him. Nick elbow drops him and corner splashes him. Nick hits a running powerslam. Watts pulls Nick off the pin so he can get it. Watts then tags Nick back in.

Lee shotgun dropkicks Watts in the corner. Lee flatliners Nick into the buckles. Shane gets in and hits a big punch on Nick to win. Lee then puts on Watts' cowboy hat.

Thoughts: Watts as usual was letting Nick do all the work and it was a quick one.

Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie do a promo. Taya says she has no respect for Queen Aminata. She says you can't just call yourself the queen. Taya says she has earned the name reina de reinas and the ratings queen. She said it's okay Queen beat her in the TV Title Tournament. She said she will wipe the smug look off her face and kick her @ss.

Red Velvet vs Viva Van

They lock up. Red snapmares her and chinlocks her. Viva rolls out a lariat and shimmies. Red kicks her form behind and 2nd rope crossbodies her. Red leg lariats her. Viva upkicks her and hits knees to the body.

Viva spinning heel kicks her for 2. Viva codebreakers the arm then Red trips her and armbars her. Red walks up the buckles and armdrags Viva. Viva holds on, walks up the buckles and armdrags her off of them.

Red hits shots on Viva then spin kicks her in the head. Red double knees Viva on the ropes then does a forward rolling dragon sleeper driver. Red corkscrew kicks her and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good with both girls executing their moves poorly at times. 

The Righteous and Lance Archer vs Top Flight and Action Andretti vs The Dark Order vs The Infantry and Dalton Castle

Action is taken down by Alex. Alex rolls him up and is armdragged. Action japanese armdrags him and dropkicks him. Darius backslides and armdrags Alex. Darius low dropkicks Alex for 2. Alex back elbows Action then Uno splashes Action. Action is double hiptossed backwards. The Dark Order pose on Action then Uno russian legsweeps him.

Action rolls over Uno's back. Bravo hits punches on Uno. Uno stops him then hits a punch to the face. Bravo crossover faakeouts Uno. Dean knees Uno in the face the Dalton throws down Alex.

Uno is sent into a black hole slam from Dutch as is Darius. Lance side slams Action. Lance chokeslams Dean onto Bravo. Vincent low flatliners Uno.

Dean hits forearms on Vincent then Vincent running back elbows him. Dean boots Dutch out of the corner. Dean tags in Dalton. Dalton back elbows Dutch then suplexes Alex, Dante, Darius, Silver and Action. Bravoscissors kicks Dutch then Dean top rope splashes Dutch. Dalton splashes Dutch for 2.

Alex and Dante trade. They nail Action and Silver. They try to hit Dutch and Lance but are stopped. Dutch takes a double superkick. Action hits kicks on Alex then is superkicked by Silver. Silver spinning torture rack bombs him. Dean spinning lariats Silver then Darius fisherman busters Darius. Dalton short ddt's Dean. Bravo spinning ddt's Vincent. Uno has the ref hold Bravo's leg and neckbreakers him.

Dante takes a sequence from the Dark Order ending in a german and Darius bottom rope springboard flatliners Alex. Alex is thrown back and down by Darius and Action then pinned.

Thoughts: It was your usual multi-man match. Oddly, we didn't get many dives here. It was just people coming in and out until the next guy came in. It was okay for what it was but I doubt it leads to anything.

Marina Shafir, Alex Windsor, Diamante vs Lady Frost, Abadon and Leyla Hirsch

Leyla and MS start us off. Leyla takes her down. MS takes her down and side headlocks her. Leyla rolls her into a sleeper attempt. MS trips her then pats her on the head. Leyla hits mounted forearms.

Ab gets in. MS is tripped and sentoned. Ab hits mounted forearms. Ab pulls her down by the arm. Ab bites her and MS kicks her. Lady armdrags Dia off the casadora then headscissor takeovers her. Ab hits forearms and uppercuts. Dia hits Ab from behind then hits boots on her in the corner.

Alex bangs Ab's head off the buckles. Ab boots her out of the corner. Alex kicks her in the back and nekcbreakers her while she sits on the 2nd rope. MS slams Alex onto Ab. Alex stomps Ab then slams Dia onto her. MS slams Dia onto Ab. Lady running lariats and back elbows Dia. Lady buzzsaw kicks her then step up kicks her in the corner. Lady does a forward cartwheel cannonball on her for 2.

Leyla germans Dia for 2. Lady high kicks MS out. MS then kicks her in the leg, sweeping her on the apron. Leyla knocks Ms off the apron then Alex does a backdrop/olympic slam type of move on Leyla. Dia spears Ab. Leyla backdrops Alex. Leyla is pulled off the ropes then Alex shining wizards her. Alex hits a spinning fisherman buster on Leyla and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay trios match with the girls and at least Alex got the win to give her some credibility. I'm really surprised Leyla took the pin here over Lady.

Harley Cameron vs Trish Adora

HC trips her and side headlocks her. Trish hammerlocks her then cravate snapmares her. Trish pulls both of HC's arms back and splits on her shoulder. HC hits knees to the gut and hits elbows on her. HC licks Trish's face. Trish shoulders her over then does a goliath bird eater submission. HC bangs Trish's head off the mat.

HC hits corner spears and foot chokes her. HC neckbreakers her then straightjacket chokes her. Trish lariats and pump kicks her. Trish hits a corner splash then does hip attacks. Trish northern lights suplexes her. HC running knees her and wins it.

It wasn't anything special but HC did okay here for her skill level.

Proving Ground Match - The Undisputed Kingdom vs Che Cabrera and Bad Dude Tito

Mike side headlocks and punches Tito. They trade chops. Mike dropkicks him in the knee then Matt elbow drops Tito in the back of the head. Tito chops Matt. Che gets in. Matt takes a double pop-up drop. Che goes up and over in the corner and hits a flying shoulder on Taven.

Che pop-up drops Mike outside then Matt dropkicks him through the ropes. Matt misses a corner splash. Che takes a forearm and a springboard kick from Matt. Mike hits shots on Che in the corner then basement dropkicks him in the back of the head for 2. Che hits a big lariat on Mike.

Tito gets in and chops Matt. Tito spinebusters him  then backdrops Mike onto Matt. Tito sky highs Mike. Che is pushed off the buckles by Matt and lands on the apron. Matt running knees Tito then Tito takes a spike piledriver. Mike picks up the win.

It was on the shorter end but it was a decent tag here. Tito and Che looked good and Taven bumped around well for them. 

Overall thoughts: ROH showed some promise over the last few weeks but was back to its old self here with random matches, no real storylines and no build to anything in the future. Combine that with the show not that being that great in-ring and I wouldn't recommend this.

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