Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Marigold 6/15/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 5

Marigold 6/15/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 5

The last show is here:

Giulia spoke before the show and they had a geisha do her dance/ceremony thing.

Bozilla vs. Minami Komomo

Boz kicks away MK's handshake. MK hits chest forearms on her and Boz laughs. Boz forearms her over then MK dropkicks her. Boz spinning drops her then throws her down. Boz does a nasty looking snapmare then suplexes her. MK gets on her back for a sleeper and is rammed into the buckles. Boz hiptosses her then hits a big powerbomb for the win.

Thoughts: It was a predictable squash and just filler. 

Marigold Superfly Title Tournament First Round Match - Misa Matsui vs Myla Grace

Myla splits to get out of a shot and legsweeps her. Myla flying single leg dropkicks her. MM corner knees her and dropkicks her. MM slams her and armbars her. MM suplexes her and basement dropkicks her. Myla hits forearms and knocks her down. Myla lariats her.

Myla spinning neckbreakers her. MM is on the 2nd rope and takes a 619 to the legs. Myla top rope la silla's her for 2. Myla backdrops her for 2. MM crossbodies her against the bottom rope then top rope crossbodies her for 2.

Myla superkicks her then MM flying knees her. MM cut-throat perfect plexes her for 2 then Myla sunset flips her out of the corner. MM rolls her up and is rolled up for 2. MM backslides her then crucifixes her. MM rolls her up again and bridge pins her to win.

Thoughts: Myla had a bad start here with some sloppiness. They kept this one fast paced and stuck to a lot of pin attempts which stopped any botches for most of the match. It was somewhat watchable due to that.

Marigold Superfly Title Tournament First Round Match - Natsumi Showzuki vs. Zayda Steel

Zay kicks away NS' handshake. Zay teases a handshake then slaps her. Zay goes for a lock-up and NS slaps her. Zay says, "okay, let's go, no slaps". NS wristlocks her then Zay reverses it. NS wristlocks her. Zay tries to roll out of it and NS holds on. Zay basement dropkicks her and hits mounted forearms.

Zay step up knees her and basement dropkicks her. Zay hits chest forearms then NS fujiwara armbars her. NS stomps her then double knee drops her back. Zay low topes her outside. They stop each other from getting back in then NS is dropped face first on the apron.

Zay codebreakers her between the ropes then running neckbreakers her. NS running knees her then they high kick each other at the same time. Zay hip attacks her then is rolled up for 2. They trade pin attempts.

Zay goes over her side and drivers her then hits a TKO for 2. NS rolls her into a pin attempt. NS high kicks her and perfectplexes her for 2. NS top rope double knee drops her and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a match. There was nothing special about it. Nobody really botched anything and there was maybe some light heel work from Zay without much else going on.

Misa Matsui comes out after and talks to NS.

Nagisa Nozaki & Sareee vs. Mai Sakurai & Miku Aono

Miku and NN start us off. They test strength and trade wristlocks. NN headlock takeovers her and is headscissored. NN double chops her and Miku kips up. Sare dropkicks Mai then Mai armdrags her. Mai basement dropkicks her then Sare hits a low dropkick.

Mai hits chest forearms on Sare then Sare fires back. Sare hair throws her then slams her. NN bangs Mai's head off the buckles then hits a double chop flurry. NN curbstomps her then Mai hits a nice facekick. Miku gets in and dropkicks NN.

Miku kicks NN in the back. NN chinlocks her then shotgun dropkicks her. NN running facekicks her then does her reverse pendulum kick on her. Sare dropkicks Miku and NN running facekicks Miku. Miku hits kicks on NN then cuty specials her.

Mai basement dropkicks NN then running facekicks her.  Mai 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Mai running facekicks NN then NN barely hits a kick. NN meteora's her for 2. NN pedulum kicks Mai.

Mai and NN trade facekicks. Mai facekicks Miku off the apron on accident then NN facekicks Mai for 2. Sare top rope dropkicks Mai for 2. Mai stunners her, basement dropkicks her and double stomps her. Mai STF's Sare then facekicks her through the ropes. Sare suplexes her then Mai slaps her. Sare dropkicks Mai against the ropes. Sare perfectplexes her.

Sare slaps Mai then takes a flying knee. Mai northern lights suplexes her. Mikue is tagged in. Mai PK's Sare then high kicks her. Sare takes a suplex + top rope dropkick combo then takes a sandwich sliding forearm. Sare pulls Miku off the top then 2nd rope double stomps her.

Miku and Sare trade chest forearms. Sare hits a headbutt then Miku swinging spinning slams her for 2. Miku buffalo sleepers her and NN breaks it up. Sare dropkicks Miku through the ropes. Miku running lariats Sare for 2 then Sare rolls her into a double stomp. Sare hits a top rope double stomp and the time runs out before she can get the pin.

Thoughts: It became clear near the end that they were likely going to a draw here as they started counting down how much time was left. I was surprised Sare agreed to that. It was an okay but not great tag. Sare did her usual good looking but basic offense and everyone carried their weight here. Miku vs Sareee was the main focus on this one.

I think Mai challenged Sareee after to a singles match.

Kouki Amarei, MIRAI & Utami Hayashishita vs. Chika Goto, Nao Ishikawa & Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz and Utami start us off. Yuz side headlocks her. Utami shoulders her over then Yuz dropkicks her on the ropes. Nao lariats Utami on the ropes then cartwheels out of a lariat. Utami slams her down. Mirai leglocks Nao.

Kouki gets in and stomps on Nao. She foot chokes her on the ropes then slams her. Kouki falling splashes her for 2. Utami bangs Nao's leg off the mat and Nao falls in pain off the irish whip. Nao and Utami trade forearms. Nao flying neckbreakers her.

Chika tags in and does a bad hip attack on Utami. Chika spanks herself and Mirai stops her. Chika corner hip attacks both opponents then double hip attacks them on the ropes. Chika giant swings Utami. Utami torture rack drops Chika then Kouki gets in.

Kouki boots Chika in the head then facekicks her. Chika atomic drops her. Chika and Kouki trade chest forearms. Kouki dominators her for 2. Nao lariats Kouki on the ropes then double underhook suplexes her. Chika reverse giant swings Kouki.

Chika fireman's carry throws Kouki then Kouki flying kicks her. Yuz and Mirai get in. Yuz dropkicks her and hits chest forearms. Yuz flying headscissors her and dropkicks her. Mirai fujiwara armbars Yuz. Mirai gets stuck on the 2nd rope and takes a double team powerbomb down. Yuz runs up the buckles and facebusters Mirai.

Utami germans Yuz then Mirai corner lariats Yuz. Yuz takes a sandwich lariat for 2. Mirai kimuras Yuz while Kouki and Utmai do submissions. Yuz rolls up Mirai for 2. Chika and and Kouki do stereo moves off the top then Mirai wheel barrow half-nelson suplexes Yuz for 2. Mirai hits a nasty running lariat on Yuz and wins.

It was an okay but not great main. You can basically give any 6 wrestlers enough time and a main event spot and the match will mostly be okay. Yuzuki got beat up for a lot of this and we didn't see a lot of Nao here. Yuzuki did a good job here but Chika probably isn't going to be much more thna she is.

The winning team talks on the mic after. Yuzuki and Chika hit bad looking shots on each other after in the press conference.

Overall thoughts: The last two matches were okay but this was a house show through and through and I wouldn't recommend it.

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