Saturday, June 8, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/30/1989

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/30/1989

Last week's show is here:

Next week's show is here: 

Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the show. Jesse is wearing military gear. He wants to know how Huntsville, Alabama is the hockey capital of the south when they don't have Gretzky or Orr.

Demolition vs The Colossal Connection for the tag titles is the big match tonight.

Dusty Rhodes vs Mark Davis

Sapphire officially comes out with Dusty to be his manager here. The Big Boss Man and Slick do an inset promo. Boss says his new manager won't help him. Slick says this is no man's land and asked if she thought about what happens when she has to deal with him at ringside?

Mark hits shots on Dusty then takes an elbow to the head. Dusty hiptosses him then hits a double punch. Dusty hits corner punches. Mark flops down but goes head first into the map. Dusty hits a big elbow drop and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here with Mark getting a few shots in only. His headfirst bump into the mat was something else.

Dusty and Sapphire dance after.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene talks about the upcoming WWF Royal Rumble 1991. He says folks are always asking him about it. We see clips from last year's Rumble. Andre eliminates himself to get away from Jake's snake and Warlord gets eliminated by Hulk in record time. Ron Bass is double dropkicked out by The Rockers. Gene accuses Ted Dibiase of buying his #30 entry in the Rumble last year and says extra security will be on hand for this year's drawing. 

Dino Bravo vs Reno Riggins

Reno is shouldered over. Dino blocks Reno's hiptoss. Reno flips then is lariated. The Ultimate Warrior does an inset promo on Dino but it's hard to hear due to audio issues. He says his intensity comes from the eyes of The Warrior's. Reno takes an atomic drop, a backdrop and a slam.

Dino elbow drops him then side slams him twice. Dino picks him up on the pin attempt. Dino back elbows Reno and picks him up off the pin again. Dino hits another side slam then picks him up off the pin again. Dino stomps Reno then The Ultimate Warrior comes in. Warrior lariats Dino then lariats him in the back of the head to send him out. Earthquake gets in the ring then Dino chairs Warrior. Dino then stomps Warrior.

Thoughts: They didn't announce it but I would assume Dino got the win here via DQ. This was something different with Dino refusing to pin Reno then Warrior coming down to hit Dino for it. I thought it kind of made Dino look bad for his opponent to be able to survive so many side slams. Earthquake was no help here for Dino as he let Warrior get in.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

No house show hype here as they hype The Rumble instead. Mr. Perfect and The Genius do a promo. Perfect says it's an opportunity to get Hogan. He said he and Genius might just blindside Hulk. Koko B. Ware asks who can survive and says he could go early or late. Honky Tonk Man says The Rumble will be the biggest hit of his career and will have 29 hits. The Hart Foundation says it's luck of the draw and says they can wrestle in singles matches.

Hercules vs Conquistador #1

1 tries to hit Herc from behind but is caught. Herc does an inset promo. He says The Rumble comes out with him on top no matter how many times he thinks about it.

Herc pushes 1 into the corner then hiptosses him. Herc slams him then lariats him out of the ring. Herc atomic drops 1 then running elbows him. 1 bangs Herc's head off the buckles then Herc bangs 1's head off the buckles. Herc lariats him then torture racks him to win.

I was surprised to see 1 get to bang Herc's head off the buckles and show some resistance here against him before being put down. Vince brought up people maybe not being able to get The Rumble like he did at No Holds Barred: The Movie/The Match.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

More Rumble talk. The Macho King Randy Savage and Queen Sherri do a promo. Macho says there's nobody more suited for The Rumble than him. He says The Royal Rumble means royalty and he is royalty. He says he is royalty and will survive The Royal Rumble. He says he will win it.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan does a promo on The Big Boss Man. He says he isn't in The Rumble but is facing Boss. He says Americans don't like Boss handcuffing people and says he will do something about it.

Rick Rude vs Mario Mancini

Rude does his usual pre-match mic work. He nails Mario then suplexes him. Rowdy Roddy Piper does an inset promo. He says something to the affect that by the time he gets in, Rude could have already be hurt. Rude camel clutches his opponent then knee drops him. Rude neckbreakers Mario and wins it.

It was just a quick squash. I have no idea what Piper was talking about.

Bobby Heenan gets on the mic after. He says Rude is the winner and asks if Rude is ready to make some lovely lady from Alabama happy. Rude says he's not as there is not a female in Alabama who is woman enough to lace his boots.

The Brother Love Show

Jake Roberts is the guest this week and he comes out with Damien. Love says Ted Dibiase put him out of the WWF and says he may do it again. Jake says time is man's worst enemy and it can turn skin into dust. Love says Jake could draw #1 in The Rumble and Jake says the other 29 men could be miserable then.

Love says Jake has many enemies in there like Andre, Earthquake or other she may not know about. He says maybe Hulk will hit him from behind or Duggan will hit him with a 2v4. Jake says all the scientists in the world can't cure cancer and politicians can't stop wars and says Love can't walk on water so back away. Jake says he doesn't like him for the man that he is or pretends to be.

Royal Rumble Report

Mean Gene hypes up The Rumble. Gene runs down the card and The Bushwhackers do a promo on The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers. Butch says it's party time and says they will take cage of The Rougeau's. He said they will show them what they are made of. Ronnie Garvin is facing Greg Valentine in a submission match.

Jimmy Hart and Greg Valentine do a promo. They say they set the trap and Garvin took the bait. Greg says all that's left to do is put the figure four on Ronnie and he will be out of wrestling.

The Macho Man and Sherri do another promo. He says he plans to stand alone in victory at The Rumble. Bad News Brown does a promo. He said it'll be 29 spineless cockroaches against him and says to bet the Empire State Building on him. Tito Santana says he will hope for a high number but won't count on it. He says you can't slow down for one second and he won't.

Hulk Hogan does a promo. He said he proved he is the lone survivor and can survive No Holds Barred. He said him and his Hulkamaniac's can beat 29 people at once. He says he doesn't care what number he gets and just wants to be the last man in the ring.

WWF Tag Titles - Demolition (c) vs The Colossal Connection

Jesse says it's unbelievable that we get a title match on TV like this. All 4 men fight to start. Andre headbutts Ax down then Haku nails Ax in the throat. Haku chops him and chokes him on the ropes.

Haku chops and back elbows Ax. Haku bangs Ax's head off of Andre. Andre chokes Ax while the ref is distracted. Ax goes down due to the choke. Haku then chokes Ax. Haku backbreakers Ax for 2.

Andre chokes Ax then hits corner spears. Haku misses a corner charge. Ax back elbows Haku out of the corner then atomic drops him. Andre hits headbutts to the back of Ax's head then chokes him more. Smash pounds on Haku and the ref backs him up. Haku superkicks Ax as Andre holds him. Andre then elbow drops Ax and wins it.

Thoughts: This was a pretty lame match here. Ax getting choked was the only thing that really happened here and the ref was powerless to stop it. It only went a few minutes and really was a farce. It really doesn't get much less exciting than this one.

Smash grabs a chair after and nails Andre with it.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

More Royal Rumble hype. The Fabulous Rougeau's and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Jacques says they just finished rocking and rolling on The Rockers and now they got The Bushwhackers. Raymond says The Bushwhackers will tumble at The Rumble.

Rick Martel says the best of the WWF will be in The Rumble. He says the world will see he is the fittest of them all. Jimmy Snuka says they like to train and get ready for any kind of action on the island. Ted says he can't think of a better way to start the decade than to win here. Ted says he's not worried about the money at stake, he's there for the prestige.

Vince runs down next week's show to close the show.

Overall thoughts: The tag title match was the big selling point here and it stunk. It was nothing but Andre choking Ax and was about as lame as it gets. Aside from that, there was nothing but Royal Rumble plugs here. It's only about 3 weeks ago and they couldn't build up to it so much due to No Holds Barred, so they really focused in on it here. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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