Saturday, June 15, 2024

TNA Against All Odds 2024 6/14/2024

TNA Against All Odds 2024 6/14/2024 

Mike Santana and Steve Maclin vs The Rascalz

Mike and Wentz start us off. They shoulder battle. Wentz is knocked over then Mike armdrags him off a hiptoss. They armdrag each other and stand off. Trey and Steve go at it. Steve running back elbows him then Wentz crossbodies Steve over the top. Trey double stomps Mike.

Mike takes a double elbow drop > leg split > double basement dropkick. Mike and Wentz chop each other. Mike takes another double team and hits a nice double clothesline. Steve gets in and uranage backbreakers Trey. Steve olympic slams Wentz.

Steve hits corner attacks then blindside lariats Trey. Steve goes to dive and is stunnered over the the middle rope. Trey neckbreakers Steve and Wentz hits a running ssp. 

Wentz baseball slides Steve off the apron. Steve has his arm 619'd against the post. Steve fights out of the corner. Trey goes for a standing meteora but Steve knocks him off. Mike gets in and beats up The Rascalz. Mike hits doi fives then does some stupid double team move on The Rascalz. Mike backrolls into a cutter on Wentz then Steve flying double knees him for 2.

Mike is superkicked outside. Steve takes a step up knee on the buckles. Steve is bridged on the middle rope and takes a top rope senton + bridging pedigree combo.

Wentz is thrown into a dropkick on Steve. Steve takes a spinebuster then a 2nd rope double stomp for 2. Trey is pushed into an ssp but Steve gets his feet up. Steve takes double superkicks. Mike buckshot lariats Trey. Trey grabs spray paint and is hit.

Trey is put in tree of woe and Mike tells Steve to hit his spear. Mike spinning lariats Wentz and wins.

Thoughts: It went a little longer than it needed to be as the opener but it was an okay match. They didn't sell a ton here but it beat expectations.  

Matt Hardy does a promo. He says he becomes the champ tonight. He says he will make The System obsolete. He says he will break Moose and delete his TNA Title reign. He says the match will have broken rules, which means anything goes. He said tonight ends with him holding the title.

Rich Swann vs PCO

AJ Francis gets on the mic beforehand. He says they are reporting live from the worst city in the US, Chicago, Illinois. He says he's wearing a Scottie Pippen jersey as he feels like the Scottie Pippen of this business. He says he believes TNA never reached its full potential until it became TNAJ Francis. He says if you ain't first class, you're last.

Rich tries to evade him then PCO facekicks him. PCO lariats him then dropkicks him in the back of the head. Swann pulls PCO out. Swann 450's PCO while he's on the floor. AJ cheapshots PCO then Swann stomps PCO.

Swann misses a 450 off the 2nd rope. PCO lariats him then corner lariats him. PCO ddt's him. Swann's legs are on the 2nd rope and PCO legdrops him from the 2nd rope. AJ trips PCO on the apron.

Swann is on the 2nd rope and PCO codebreakers him. AJ gets on the apron and is nailed then tope con hilo'd through the ropes. PCO top rope moonsaults him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short waste of time they had no chance of being more than what it was. It was just a match here with a lot of shenanigans.

Steph De Lander comes out after. She says she was given a love letter and she says everyone wants to know what her answer is. Steph agrees to go on a date on PCO.

TNA Tag Titles - The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) vs Nic Nemeth and Ryan Nemeth

Ryan fireman's carry takedowns Brian. He fist drops him and corner spears him. The Nemeth's wring Brian's arms around and hit a double clothesline. Nic hits dropkicks on both opponents. Alisha Edwards gets involved then Dirty Dango comes down. The ref throws Alisha out and they say Dango told the ref about it.

Nic takes corner attacks then takes a jumping knee from Brian. Brian pulls Nic's throat down over ropes then Brian backdrops Nic for 2. Eddie corner lariats Nic then lariats him for 2.  

Ryan is tagged in and hits lariats on Brian. Ryan flying lariats Brian then neckbreakers him for 2. Ryan takes a shoulder and a spear. Eddie chops Ryan. Ryan sunset flips Brian but Eddie is tagged in and breaks the pin attempt.

Eddie chops, stomps and headbutts Ryan. Brian throws down Ryan backwards. Ryan backcrackers Brian then Moose comes out. Nic hot tags in and gets offense in Eddie including a splash and neckbreaker. Nick elbow drops Eddie. Nic hits a fameasser for 2. Nic takes a backpack stunner with an elbow drop.

Brian is thrown shoulder first into the post by The Nemeth's. Nic superkicks Eddie then Ryan jumping flatliners Eddie. Nic hits a danger zone on Eddie. Ryan goes for the pin and Moose pulls the ref out. Moose and Dango blame each other for it then Nic top rope plancha's Moose. Dango punches Ryan then Eddie shining wizards Ryan to win.

I have no idea what the Dango stuff was about but it hurt the logic of the match. Why would he get Alisha ejected and why would the ref eject Alisha but not him when he didn't really see what happened? Then Dango just turns on The Nemeth's for no real reason. The match was a decent tag though I though some of the offense from The Nemeth's came across a little heelish.

ABC are interviewed. Gia asks if they are worried the odds are against them. Ace says they make their own odds and luck. They say The Nemeth's are blood brothers and have built-in chemistry. Ace says they swing the momentum back in their favor and focus on the tag title rematch that is waiting. Bey says it began 2 years ago and says it all begins tonight with three letters A-B-C. Ace says it's as easy as 1-2-Sweet.

Joe Hendry comes out and gets on the mic. He said there was speculation about where he would be tonight but he chose to be here in TNA. He says Kazarian is the Antonio Banderas of TNA. He said sure he had a classic, but he's hanging on too long. He said he has to ask himself whether he's the king of TNA or the dad from Spy Kids. He says the crwod believes in Joe Hendry.

Joe Hendry vs Frankie Kazarian

They shoulder each other and Joe shoulder throws him. Kaz flips out of the armlock using the ropes. Joe boots him and slams him. Joe then hits a delayed suplex. Kaz guillotine legdrops him over the 2nd rope. Kaz russian legsweps him for 2.

Kaz slams him then springboard 2nd rope legdrops him for 2. Kaz 2nd rope crossbodies him but is caught and fallaway slammed. Joe then kips up. Joe hits chops then takes a backslide for 2. Kaz cradles him and spin kicks him. KAz lariats him down. Kaz gets his beach break stopped then Kaz backcrackers him. Joe pope-up powerbombs him.

Joe backdrops him for 2 and somehow Kaz pins Joe off of it. They the replay that Kaz hit Joe with knucks or a weapon before he pinned him.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good as expected and the finish was really dumb. I don't get the logic in jobbing Joe out at all right now, especially to Frankie Kazarian.

Ac Steel comes out to stop Kaz from beating up Joe. Kaz pushes him from behind then Ace drops him with a punch.

X-Division Title - Mustafa Ali (c) vs Trent Seven

Trent says this is Ali's hometown. He says Chicago will want to see this. Joe said Ali did an interview yesterday and thought it had finished but the camera's kept rolling. We see Ali yell at his staff. The audio is all messed up though and we can't hear what happened.

Ali runs at him and gets sent into the buckles. Trent hits a seven star lariat for 2. They fight outside. Ali gpoes after the commentators, blaming them for the hidden camera segment and Trent chops on Ali.

Trent ddt's him then chops him. Ali tornado ddt's him then topes him. Trent dragon suplexes him on the floor. Trent misses a move off the ropes then Ali flying dropkicks him. Trent corner lariats him and takes another flying flying dropkick. Ali is caught in the corner and running powerbombed. Ali rolls into a neckbreaker for 2.

Ali pounds on him then Trent hits a side emerald flowsion for 2. They trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade. Ali spin kicks him and flips over him. Trent puches him then Ali drives Trent's leg into the mat. Ali rolls and is caught with a suplex. Trent sitout powerbombs him for 2.

Trent splits the fingers, is nearly pushed into the ref then takes a lowblow. Ali hits a seven star lariat for 2. Ali superkicks Trent on the buckles then Ali takes a 2nd rope scoop slam emerald flowsion for 2. Trent's leg is banged off the apron.

They fight on the buckles and both go down to the apron and floor. Trent gets in and take a 450 to the back for 2. Ali grabs his title belt. Trent low blows and burning hammers Ali for 2.

Trent hits chops and is eye raked up top. Ali 450's Trent's leg then wins with a sharpshooter.

It was your usual garbage Trent Seven match where he does way too much. I didn't think they worked the leg enough here to justify it being the reason Trent tapped out.

Frankie Kazarian said he was getting himself on the title path then Ace Steel took a shot on him. Santino Marella asks if he wants a match. Kaz said he would probably ring a weapon to the ring if they fought and said he last wrestled in the 70's. Santino then says they can have a Chicago Street Fight.

Eric Young and Josh Alexander vs ABC

Bey dropkicks EY early. Bey shoulders him then EY hits a dropkick. Josh and Ace fight. Ace chops him and la magistrals him for 2. Josh flips him with his feet then Bey gets in. Bey flips out of a german then slingshots over Josh. Bey springboard headscissors him and double stomps his back. Josh knees him in the gut then Bey armdrags EY.

Ace chops EY. Ace dropkicks him in the knee here. EY takes a double japanese armdrag and a double basement dropkick. Bey hits corner spears on EY. Ace snapmares and headscissors EY. Bey jumps off Ace's back with a euro on EY.

Bey back elbows Josh when Josh gets in and Josh release germans him. Bey is on Josh's knee gut first and EY clubs him off the 2nd rope. Bey grabs Josh by the crotch then Josh does it back to him while the ref is distracted. Bey stops a backdrop from EY.

Josh and Ace go at it. They trde lariats and trade forearms. Ace russian legsweeps and legdrops him. Ace 2nd rope bulldogs EY. Josh misses a crossbody on Ace while Ace is on the apron. Josh ankle locks Ace then Bey tope con hilos Josh to stop it. EY then topes ABC.

Josh and Ace trade. Ace headscissors Josh off the buckles then Josh blocks his corkscrew kicks with an ankle lock. Josh germans Ace then Josh takes a lariat + backdrop combo. Ace sleepers Josh then Josh drops him back while hitting a suplex on Bey.

EY death valley bombs Ace. EY puts ABC on his shoulders but they slip out. EY takes a double spin kick from them for 2. Josh hits shots on Bey then Ace helicopter kicks Josh. EY powerslams Ace then is enzugiri's by Bey. Josh powerbombs Bey on his knee for 2.

EY top rope elbow drops Bey for 2. EY nails Josh on accident then Ace hits the fold on EY and Bey pins EY.

Thoughts: It was a random tag match but it was fine. They got a lot of time for this and put some effort in. This seems to maybe be the start of some kind of EY vs Josh feud. I have no idea what the spot was about where they grabbed each other's crotches.

TNA Knockouts Title - Jordynne Grace (c) vs Tatum Paxley

This was an open challenge and Tatum accepted it. Tatum grabbed Grace's title at the last NXT PLE so it's not too surprising. This is Tatum's first non-WWE match. George Iceman comes out and says they won't press charges on Grace and but says Ash By Elegance will come out and watch. He says they found a safe space for Ash as Grace is violent and unpredictable.

Grace and Tatum lock up. Grace pushes her into the corner. Grace armlocks her and side headlocks her. Grace shoulders Tatum over. Tatum gets on the mat and makes provocative gestures at her. Grace chops her and slams her backwards out of the side slam. Grace pounds on her and Tatum bites her way out of the camel clutch.

Grace goes for a dive and Tatum goes under the ring. Grace finds her and is pulled into the ring beams. Grace is sent into the post. Tatum single leg crabs Grace. They miss moves on each other and Grace backrolls her into a slam. Grace hits a vader bomb for 2.

Grace back elbows Tatum and hits a muscle buster for 2. They try pin attempts and Grace slaps her. Grace misses a corner charge. Tatum 2nd rope spinning neckbreakers her for 2. They trade slaps and Grace hits mounted forearms. Tatum guillotine chokes her. Grace jackhammers her for 2.

Tatum step up enzugiri's her for 2. Grace urakens her and rolling death valley drivers her. Grace hits a juggernaut driver and wins.

Thoughts: I would have had Tatum win. TNA needs something different and WWE would have approved it. Instead, Grace wins in predictable fashion to build to her vs Ash, which is one of the few new matches they have left in the division. It wasn't that great match of a match and didn't have a lot of real exciting moments.

Ash attacks Grace after. Grace spinebusters her then throws her out. Grace pours champagne on Ash after and drinks from it.

TNA Title - Broken Rules Match - Moose (c) vs Matt Hardy

Moose had a throne on the ramp for his entrance. The Nemeth's come down and beat up Eddie and Brian to the back. Moose and Matt hockey right then Matt lariats him.  Matt ddt's him then hits a side effect on the apron. Matt then hits a twist of fate on the floor.

Moose hits Matt with a trash can lid. Matt is slammed on a trash can. Moose hits Matt with a chair several times. Matt low blows him then chairs him.

They go into the crowd but we can't really see it due to the camera's not being there. Matt is rammed into a wall. Moose puts a chair around Matt's neck and sends him into the wall. Moose is sent into the post.

Matt suplexes him into the ring then 2nd rope elbow drops him for 2. Moose uranages him. A table is sent up in the corner. Moose throws a chair at Matt's head. Moose hits Matt with a cookie sheet then superplexes him onto chairs. Moose is powerbombed onto a 2x2 row of chairs. 

Max grabs a cardboard box. Moose opens it up and pulls out his old football helmet. Moose runs at Matt then is back body dropped onto a ladder that is leaning on the apron. Matt sets up a ladder and a table outside. Matt then grabs a football helmet and hits Moose with it (Moose still has the helmet on).

Matt hits Moose with the helmet more then legdrops him off the ladder through a table. Matt hits a twist of fate on a chair then Alisha Edwards comes in. Alisha hits Matt wit ha kendo stick then Reby Hardy comes out. Reby hits mounted shots on her then Alisha hits her with the kendo stick. Reby hits a twist of fate. Matt goes to spear Moose through the table but Moose moves Reby in the way. Matt spears Reby through the table. Moose rolling spears Matt to win it.

Thoughts: It was pretty much all hardcore stuff here with little wrestling. It was entertaining though and they had some creative spots here. With Matt's limitations, this was definitely a big win but not great. The camera's not being able to film the fighting in the crowd was a big issue that should not happen in 2024.

The System beat up Matt after. Matt protects Reby. Nic Nemeth and Ryan Nemeth come out to try and help. Joe Hendry then comes out and helps. Joe is beaten up. Jeff Hardy comes out and beats up The System. Moose takes twists of fate from The Hardy's. Jeff top rope swantons Moose. The faces then all pose together.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual okay TNA show. Not great or super memorable, but not awful either. We had two big surprises here in Tatum Paxley and Jeff Hardy. I would have had Tatum beat Grace, but they didn't go that route. We've seen Jeff in and out TNA for over a decade now. Jeff is older and a lot more limited and we'll have to see what happens. It will open up more matches though and that's a good thing. The main was the best thing on here. I wouldn't recommend this one

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